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Everything posted by PIJIN

  1. Seconded! I see what u did thar.
  2. Welcome to Canterlot! Glad to have another Twilight lover on board! Enjoy your stay.
  3. I dunno. It looks really pretty to me. I know there are some people out there that need functionality over a nice UI, so the Metro UI is probably a big turn off for them. They can always go back to their old comp's. I for one am going to see how it is soon. It may only be good for average consumer type things, but I still want it. I still have a desktop running Vista Home to run all my heavy duty programs and such. Its unfortunate, but Microsoft has always put the average consumer first. And apparently...this is what they want now a days. Edit: And if push comes to shove, I can always mod it
  4. There have been a lot of new ponies joining the site lately...

  5. Her cutie mark is awesome And I really like the spiky tail
  6. AK-74 with Grip; Slight of Hand, it is awesome!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. frenzyhero


      Eeew, BLOPS!

      Meh, idc but COD4 mucho beuno.

    3. PIJIN


      Lol! I still play the old games too, but most of my buddies have moved on so I have to hope on the MW3 every once in a while.

    4. frenzyhero


      That sucks... yeah, a lot of my friends don't play MW1 anymore either.

  7. Oof! Shading pixel art is kicking my plot. x.x Hand hurts...

  8. Welcome to Canterlot! Hope you enjoy the site I don't RP much(or at all) , I pretty much lurk around the Gallery section so I can't really comment on the sites RP section, but I'm sure you'll find loads of ponies to RP with. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask! ((Edit: I hope you weren't hoping to grab the fifteenth post spot, if thats the case you got Ninja'd))
  9. Thanks! I'm really all over the place with musical genres so this list is barely scratching the surface. I might edit my list sooner or later.
  10. Oh! I was hoping to stumble upon one of these musical threads But darn, your question is to hard...I guess i can try to narrow it down to six. 1. Philistine [Fukuda Mix] - Nadia Gifford 2. Nine In The Afternoon - Panic! At The Disco 3. Aisle 10 [Hello Allison] - Scapegoat Wax 4. Super Sonic - Bad Religion 5.No Surprise - Aerosmith 6. One Reason - FADE
  11. PIJIN

    Stereo Heart

    Very true, but I guess its just a hair/mane style like any other. How could you deny something so cute from adorning the manes and tails of ponies everywhere. Edit: They probably call it something different than ponytail.
  12. Will probably add it in once I do the animated version of this one. Thanks for the suggestion!
  13. Oh... Sorry I jumped to conclusions. Well there's always the all-mighty hoof!
  14. Edited due to my sucky grammar and various other mistakes.
  15. From the album: LM's Original Characters (And Then Some)

    Quick icon of Folarin. I know I said no more art of him so that I could focus on newer and older characters, but I just can't help it. He's so darn cute. (And it took me forever to get his design right!)
  16. Still epic picture. Yeah I have 360. It become my dominant game system now.
  17. Welcome to the site! Love your profile picture. Twilight is best pony! We should game sometime.
  18. Just an opposing force to my other negative post. A lot of people come to love MLP:FiM because of memes, but people outgrow memes, and no brony has outgrown MLP. These guys really do appreciate the show for its writing, stories, etc. Also a major factor is the fact that bronies are tearing down a sociological barrier between the sexes that could not occur until MLP was cool enough to do it. Because FiM does not wallow in girly cliches, but actually develops characters and creates real emotion, bronies are able to declare that this show is worth watching, despite its predecessors' reputations. Just as girls have gradually been increasingly inclined toward more realistically masculine things than the original MLPs, so guys are realizing that sometimes, its okay to be a friend, and not JUST a bro. That so many dudes support it so vivaciously is because they are a cultural movement that want's to make its voice heard, not just people saying they like it, ironically, when they really don't. No, it's not a bandwagon thing, or even that we think it makes us "cool(Even though we are the most awesome ;])" We watch it because the show has good writing; realistic, three-dimensional, funny and relatable characters; good plots and morals that a lot of adults need to learn, good music, and a good animation style. Now, if you'll notice, these are all subjective things. In the world of art, there's no ultimate authority on whether something is good or bad. As good entertainment is subjective, sometimes someone's going to like a show, a book, a song, or whatever, sometimes someone's going to like something and you'll just never understand why they like it so much.
  19. So this question is constantly asked by some of my friends. I really don't have a response for them because I don't see how somepony can hate a show that promotes love and tolerance. I mean you don't have to like the show, but don't hate it. I used to think that it was because a lot of guys aren't really comfortable with their sexuality. They live under the constant belief that they can't be seen doing anything even the remotest bit girly, and must forever be the manliest man who ever manned. If you look anywhere you can always find a hater or 30 (million) who will toss out an insult and a half at you for even putting the initials of this glorious show. I've been reading many questions and responses on the internet pertaining why people hate My Little Pony. Everyone of the responses I've seen is because they're cold, heartless people who are closet bronies or they didn't give the show a chance. They also go on about how many men think It's not "masculine" to watch a show that has ponies in it, which is partly true. Well, here's a REAL reason that probably a few people don't like MLP: (Courtesy of my Non-Brony friend) "Here's the reason as to why I dislike the show and before you jump and try to claw my face off for dissing Twilight Sparkle I gave it a chance, I watched the first 4 episodes. The reason I don't like MLP along with many other people is because most people don't actually care about it. I have nothing against the show personally, but when fans of the show begin to come into forums and threads and preaching or referencing MLP, people get pissed, especially if their thread had nothing to do with it. The point is, people would rather not hear about it but the fandom forces it down peoples throats. The brony community also thinks they're a special fandom that's unique from all others (which is kind of true with EVERY fandom) but they're not. At the heart of it, It's still just a fandom. For example: people would rather not hear nor care if someone's homosexual, because they think It's stupid or they think they should be treated with more respect because they're homosexual. The bronies have this same mentality. They believe because they watch MLP and preach it, they have to be treated special but in reality, most people really don't care about it." LM~
  20. PIJIN

    Stereo Heart

    From the album: LM's Original Characters (And Then Some)

    One vof my newer OC's to be created. A prospective singer named Stereo Heart. Her app isn't up yet. but look for it when it is!
  21. Haha! He was like "Come at me, Bro(ny)!" and I was like, "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!"

    1. frenzyhero
    2. PIJIN


      Just another pony hater on Xbox. He challenged me to a 1v1 quick scoping.

    3. frenzyhero


      Meh, qckscoping is WAY too easy in MW2 and 3. The real qckscopers are the ones in MW1, W@W, and BLOPS (as much as I hate it.) SoH takes away all skill...

  22. PIJIN

    dream weaver

    She looks so content.
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