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Everything posted by Thoth

  1. ...no one? I seriously need some help with these. I'm completely confused at where to start, xD Any ideas? Revision ideas?
  2. You'd be correct on both points. A synopsis provided helps clarify the difference, xD
  3. I've recently had a TON of story ideas rolling around my head recently. I'm currently working with koolerkid (Author of "My Little Avengers") on a big fic ideas, so I need a secondary project to occupy my free time not writing our fic. However, I have a million ideas prepped and ready to be executed. To give you some ideas of my....ideas, here are the ones I've considered most strongly: 1) "It's Always Sunny in Fillydelphia" Plot: This would be partially-based off one of my favorite shows "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". Essentially, the plot would surround a group of ponies (All based off the characters from said show), all running a fairly unsuccessful bar in South Fillydelphia. However, one day they discover an article in the newspaper regarding the Mane 6 coming to stay in North Fillydelphia, the same group of ponies that were pinned to be the ones who caused the "Parasprite Rampage" of Fillydelphia. Attempting to win the city's love and to gain glory, the gang goes off to get revenge on the Mane 6, all resulting in the expected antics that you'd see in 'Always Sunny'. 2) "Love Stinks" Plot: One night, the Mane 6 minus Twilight go to Sugarcube Corner, where a party is being held for the newest arrivals in Ponyville. This happens to be a "well-known" band of stallions who are simply adored by every mare that sees them. The ponies are quickly entranced with the stallions, leaving Twilight Sparkle to question her own worth, attractiveness and general personality. Seeking answers to her questions of life regarding romance and affection, Twilight seeks the help of "Filly-Killin' Flynn", the greatest bachelor pony in all of Equestria. However, her visit sets a chain of events that reveals more about romance than Twilight could imagine...(Not a HEAVY ship fic throughout. This only picks up later in the story.) 3) "The Nightmare Cometh" Plot: Mayor Mare approaches Twilight Sparkle near the end of the summer season, knowing her as one of the most literate ponies in Ponyville. Apparently, the Mayor has decided to mark the end of summer with a collection of plays and performances on the night before the Fall Equinox. Of course, the stakes seem low until it's made clear that a prize will be offered to the best-rated performance. The Mane 6, along with the rest of Ponyville, begin formulating their own ideas. However, thanks to an infiltration job by Rainbow Dash of Pinkie's room, the rest of the Mane 6 discover Pinkie's idea for a performance, a play called "The Nightmare Cometh", which convinces the 5 that they should band together to put on a big performance...wackiness ensues, both on and off the stage...(Of course, the idea of the play and even the name comes from "The Nightman Cometh" from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia") 4) "To Kill a Blue Jay" (Tenative) Plot: Essentially, a ponified-"To Kill a Mockingbird" plot, with the residents of Ponyville taking the characters roles. I LOVE the story of "Mockingbird", and I've brainstormed so many ideas of how it could correspond with the universe of MLP. However, I'll admit that this is the least-developed idea I currently have... So...please help me make this choice easier!
  4. I would expect no less than Pink Floyd with an awesome name like "MarchingHammers"! Love "The Wall"! I wouldn't pay any attention to whoever this fella is. You have to remember that this guy is one anti-Brony, making a "forum" and a "video" (If you want to call an image from ATHF, with words badly-edited onto it, with rap in the background a "video"). With the fact that the Brony community is about at 800,000, you don't need to fear for the fandom itself. As for him trying to "get you", I wouldn't mind that either. It's talk like that that people use to sound like they're tougher, or try to scare you in general. He's just not-understanding to the concept...or has no interest in it. And if you truly feel like you're in danger, you're always allowed to contact authorities if it truly seems like he's making threats...
  5. Just got my "Problem?" shirt last Friday. Even the guys who don't like me being a Brony LOVE it. Seems as though I know my official attire for Bronycon in June/July...
  6. One of my best friends, since I first told him of the idea of Bronies, has denied ever giving the show a try. I convinced him to watch numerous episodes, and he seems...uninterested, moreso than hateful of the show. It's just not his thing, I suppose. However, with his sister being a big Pegasister and me being a huge Brony, he's surrounded on all sides by Brony influence. Not only that...but I constantly hear him make reference to the show, using "explode twice" and such on occasion. I grin like a goofball, and he insists I stop it. Interesante... ...another curious point is that we quote "Apples.MOV" every day. Sure, it's not THE SHOW, but it's closely-related to it...so I'd be interested to find what he really thinks regarding ponies... Perhaps I should have fun with the idea sometime...
  7. Hope I see you guys there, too! Can thank you profusely for what you did here.
  8. Alright, so.......... ...it turned out better than I could have expected! They were extremely understanding, and it wasn't much of confrontational as it was just a talk. You see, they just wanted to be sure I knew what I was doing, and to be clarified on the subject. Facebook, Bronies, etc. I'm SO happy they understood, I'm VERY happy that I'll be able to go to Bronycon in June/July, and... ...man, I'm so happy to be a part of a fandom like this. I can't thank all you guys in enough shares to justify this situation. I've never seen a fandom so caring for a small, tiny bit of the community. I mean, it takes a lot for one person to be supported by the masses. The way you guys pulled through...I couldn't believe it. You certainly have proven to me (And my mother as well) that this fandom is full of awesome, awesome people. I can't thank you guys enough. You've been so caring, so supportive...and I just can't tell you how incredible this has been. It's certainly proved to me that this fandom I've chosen to be a part of is truly incredible. I can say with 100% certainty that you guys are the best fandom that currently thrives. The talent, the compassion and caring for fellow fans...it's just incredible, and you guys have proven it to me here. Thank you SO MUCH guys. It means so much...Thank you, thank you, thank you....
  9. Change of plans. In an hour they're coming... ...I'm quite confident you guys provided enough. Hopefully love and tolerance wins the day,
  10. Well...meeting happens in less than three hours... ...wish me luck...
  11. Everyone...thank you so much for the support you're giving me. It means so much to receive support from this great fandom. I'm hoping that this thread proves how caring, how great, and how truly incredible and good this fandom is to my parents. Feel free to continue posting support here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
  12. What I believe is convincing them most is that they've layed eyes on the BAD side of the fandom...by that, I mean the very 'suggestive' images that have been made by artists. I've told my Mom that I don't DENY the existence of a mature side of the fandom. However, I've assured that it is NOT a majority representation, even LESS than a minor representation. My Dad and Step-Mom seem fixated more on that particular fact, and I don't blame them. It's glaring. However, you CANNOT let a small piece of art symbolize an entire fandom...that's my belief at least. Keep it coming. They're coming tomorrow, so that kind of makes this thread my last line of defense...
  13. Wow Rosewind....that was unbelievable. Anyone who's ready this, PLEASE still feel free to chime in to help my cause. I need all the help I can get here....
  14. Well, I'm certainly in a huff. To explain: Recently, my Dad and stepmom contacted my mom, apparently "concerned" about me being a Brony and being involved with something relating to pedophilia... Now, how this began is quite odd. Apparently, they reached someone related to them who was friends with me on Facebook, who knew of me being a Brony. Not only that, but they believe that the fandom is completely compromised of older fans, 20-50 year olds. Not only this, but they believe that the fandom is related to pedophilia and think that 15-year olds like me should NOT be a part of the Brony fandom... Not only this, but apparently this'll influence the decision of whether or not I can go to Bronycon with my friend or not... ...what they seem to think is that it's connected to pedophiles, and that it's "unsafe" in some way. According to what I'm being told, I only have until tomorrow before they come over to..."discuss" this and likely try to keep me from ever being a part of this fandom again... I showed my mom Equestria Daily, FiMFiction and explained EVERY SINGLE POSITIVE POINT, along with the acknowledgment of the bad side. She's at least understanding...but how I'm going to convince them, I don't know. I need some serious help, guys....HELP ME STAY APART OF THIS FANDOM...I mean, I need the POSITIVES of the fandom. The art, the literature, the way the community helps charities! I know this fandom is good, and only good. If I can't show them that, I need you guys to help me show them that! ...I plan to show them this thread if I get enough support....I just don't know how to react.... ...I could be just two days from exiting this fandom forever...
  15. Hmm...guess I just found the similarity more noticeable. I've observed weirder stuff before, I suppose.
  16. Ya know, I didn't think about this before...but once again the fandom points it out, and now I'll think about it every time I watch it, Just kidding. But seriously, the angle seems off in proportion moreso than anything else. After all, with a real horse, you won't see much of its features. I suppose to make up for it, the animators need to kinda cram things together to make the angle seem identifiable, rather than even more stupid-looking and odd. It's weird, sure, but if we were to have correct proportions, it'd look even stranger. An angle with features is better than an angle that can't be distinguished, really.
  17. Actually, I was aware of it being a Music Man reference. However, I find the similar beginnings too uncanny to be coincidental. So...two references in one? Both aren't that obscure...
  18. Being the classic rock fellow I am, I just made this big connection regarding a song by Paul McCartney and Wings to the Flim Flam Brother song, believe it or not. You see, both the Flim Flam Brothers song and the popular Wings song "Silly Love Songs" begin with a very mechanical & gear churning-like sound. "Silly Love Songs", however, is a lot more rhythm-like and goes along with the music, while the Flim Flam Brothers is the actual music via the Super Cider Squeezy 6000. Just take the two songs and compare them below. It's scary how alike they are in how they begin. Show how much culture the guys behind the music are too....as if we didn't know that, though.
  19. The other day my Brony friend dropped his change while we were heading down the hallway after school, and he shouted out "Buck!". Funny enough, a teacher started yelling at him because it sounded like...the other word. We laughed for a good ten minutes straight.
  20. Chose Numero Tres. I cautiously get MLP stuff when I can, though I'm big on getting Brony shirts. I constantly watch the show, and even have spent 4-5 hours straight watching pony with one of my Brony friends. I've written a TON of fanfiction, and I'm currently working with koolerkid (Writer of "My Little Avengers") on a ton of big ideas for that series. I've made a ton of great friends since becoming Bronies, and I certainly can say that even the messages of the show have affected me personally. In general, I'm as big of a fan as I can be with my insane life,
  21. John should DEFINETLY take a hint from 'Ballad of the Brony'. That's the closest to an official documentary we've had as of yet...
  22. Speaking from a fanboy perspective, that would be AWESOME. I loved Mark Hamill in Batman: The Animated Series. I'm sure he could perfectly pull off a villain. Heck, he could probably pull off Discord if they had asked him before John, xD
  23. Just shelled out $20+ for a shirt from RedBubble. 'Tis awesome,
  24. New member! Excellent! Always good to see new Bronies coming through here! I hope you feel right at home here, and have an awesome time!
  25. No World Series is ever won without bought talent. Neither is a large amount of games. I believe Benjie, Guerrero, Bradley, Cruz, Hamilton and Kinsler and the rest of the gang have proven that.
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