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Everything posted by Noedig

  1. Hey guys, gotta go! See you later, Rose!
  2. Rose CAN make the best Pinkie Pie. Me? I only made a figure scale of her.
  3. That reminds me... Hey Davroth! I wonder if you can make an 8-bit version of me like what you did with Angie, Fawkes, Solaria, and the others.
  4. Noedig


    Looks like Shadow the Pony.
  5. She looks almost like Appliance.
  6. Storm Crow and Gale Strom... I like the name Storm Crow.
  7. May I please have one for Gale Strom!? This is awesome!
  8. Trixe and Twilight having a good time watching stars? This is too unbelievable to be true... Good work!
  9. So this is why people don't make her like this.... the hair, I mean. Very good! =D I bet I can do as well as this if I had a tablet.
  10. Wanna do another round of poems? I'm up for it.
  11. Rollin', rollin', rollin'... Rollin', rollin', rollin'... Rollin', rollin', rollin' raw dice!!!
  12. It's peanut butta jellay tam, it's peanut butta jellay tam! Peanut-butta-jelly, peanut-butta-jelly, peanuh-butta-jelly-on-a-baseball-bat! Peanut-butta je-llay, peanut-butta je-llay! Sing it!
  13. Gotta go exercise today, and I hope it'll be fun and not just painful. Not that I'm fat or anything(Or that there's anything wrong with fat people!), I just want to go do some. See you guys later!
  14. Is this Angie's mare version? She looks a lot like a mare with that long hair.
  15. Noedig


    O)3) <-- Surprised pufferfish face Ui luv whut yoo did wid dis drowing, An-gee Cehkes!
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