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Everything posted by Noedig

  1. HEY! I GOT AN IDEA!! Let's play, Toss the H-Bomb! Doesn't that sound like a good ide--BOOM!!
  2. Just... why can't I make up my mind to make Gale Strom an RPPP?
  3. I hear you make cool animations(Doesn't matter if they're short)! Also you make cool drawings! unlike me, I suck. >.>
  4. Correct! They are really my favorite! TPBM likes you.
  5. Hello guys! Hi Sulvuss! How's everyone doing so far today?
  6. WRONG! They can't be like Derpy Hooves! TPBM likes chocolate pies!
  7. Yes, probably indeed... But I seriously doubt he's thinking of it. It wouldn't go in his mind like a seed, I think I would've eaten it!
  8. Oh dear, what a shame. Does he think it's a game? I wonder what he thinks of... Perhaps he's wondering about meatloaf!
  9. I'm more awesome than you! Ahh, I'm just kidding lol You're very nice
  10. Guilty pleasure: Watching My Little Pony: FiM lol
  11. Toyota is making me laugh. They think they can make a product so ridiculous in the future(Yeah right, they might close down before that year hits up!). Virtual colors takes too much power, even certain colors could damage the screening. Also, those cars should be slow, it uses electricity, doesn't it? And another thing, just who's(I mean a person) idea was it to make that design? It looks ugly! Those poor wasted CGI effects just didn't wanna fit in that "future" because it's a shame! >=O
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