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Everything posted by Imagination

  1. Ruby was done singing, but only because of the distraction that took place oh-so-conveniently after the ride stopped. Quickly, she mounted her bear on her back and ran after Valen and Remmington! Whatever they were up to, it looked fun! A sudden game of tag she didn't get the memo for? Hide-and-seek? She loved hide-and-seek! "Hey you guys, wait for us!" she called after them, running off through the gate as the lackluster ride attendant wished them a good evening when they passed. "Come on, everypony!" She called after her new group of aquaintances. Now where did they go? The train? Neat-o! Running up and hopping into the car, she saw Remmington asleep. Of course, the filly remembered he said he had some sort of condition, so wasn't quite so worried as she was when he just plummeted from the sky.She fought back giggling, thinking it might be kinda mean... But her attention soon turned to the orange pony, putting her prize bear on the floor. "So who're you hiding from? Are you playing a game?" Though before he could answer, she spotted a collapsed box with some silly looking costume stuffs in it. "Oooo!" Immediately running over to it, she jumped on in, the force causing the box to tilt back right side up. When Pinchy emerged from the box, she had a colorful Jester's hat on her head. Her reaction? Rocking from side to side with a silly grin, listening to the bells jingle.
  2. Reveille just scowled at the Captain, though that wasn't so unusual. It was practically the unspoken job of senior enlisted to babysit officers after all. With Lightning Streak being a Captain, Reveille was somewhat positive he could take care of himself. But, of course, Private Radiant did have a point. Oh yes, he remembered her. He always seems to remember a select few from each training group, and Radiant just happened to be one of those select few. Not that that was a bad thing. After graduation, the instructors always made a note that they were brothers and sisters in arms now. Of course, with all the craziness going on, Reveille had to put down his iron hoof in a situation he normally didn't. This is the fate of Canterlot that was being threatened, after all, as the Captain had mentioned. This was something he actually liked to see, though: A subordinate questioning a superior if they feel they are in the wrong or something needs clarification. The Drill Instructor rolled his eyes, taking an assertive stance on this little meet-and-greet and speaking up. "We're going to get nowhere flapping our lips around, but if you're going to respect REA authority, Destrier, then you're going to answer my question" he told the knight matter-of-factly "I ask again: what are you doing here? Why do you need to get in this building? If it's so important, I'll get this blockhead at the door to move and send you on your way. If you don't want to tell me, I'll assume it's not important". With that he waited, keeping an awaiting gaze on the knight and blocking out everypony else for now. Like Tartarus he was going to be ignored again.
  4. Hi HD Pen! Bye HD Pen! Hi Tyler I am swell :3
  6. Still a little ways away from Friendship City... Can't think of an excuse for Grippoint to be out there, really xD Think I'll sit this one out for now. We'll see.
  7. A decent app, though there's one glaring issue: The alcoholism. It's not something that should be a blatant or huge part of anypony's story, but it's good for something kept in the background. It's fine that she brews and taste tests cider, but we would rather avoid having her be addicted to it. It can be said that she likes a strong cider and is a preferred drink, however. If you could revise this for us, it would be most appreciated
  8. Very interesting! I'm almost tempted to ask if you had considered this for Mane RP, though ultimately I think it probaby would've ended up in crossovers anyway. Interesting concept. Points to you!
  9. Hey my LPW brothers and sisters Happy one years since osama died! Woo!
  10. Only thing of note I feel I need to bring up is how she got her cutie mark. There isn't really any mention of it, however I assume the paragraph describing when she spilled ink on her was around the same moment she got the mark? If you can clarify that the story she wrote then was what she got her cutie mark for (if I'm interpreting this correctly) I'd appreciate it
  11. What ho? I see bacon on the horizon... Sweet greasy justice!

    1. Solaria


      Bacon is over-hyped. Seared ham strips is where it's at.

    2. CrescentBlaze


      I think a certain motto needs to be reworked...FOR GREAT BACON!!!

  12. I can't believe I didn't see this before! Let me help you, child! See... Snow is like nothing. It's white! Like a blank canvas! Picture a sheet of paper with some dead trees sticking out of it, and you got a winter scene! Yay! Don't eat yellow snow, though. High in calories, you see. And snowING? Well it's like fallout you can eat!
  13. It all started when I was just a little girl, growing up in rural lunar base alpha... Mother always told me I'd be something. That's it really, just something. Kindof a cop-out answer if you ask me. Didn't even give me examples of what I could strive for. So I conferred of my pet rock, whom I named Dusty, my problem. He was quick to respond with 'lolumad'. I, of course, was going to have no more of his abuse. I was only 3! And so I put him in my mouth and promptly spat him back out. He was named Dusty for a reason. But then father saw I didn't have my helmet on and he got into an argument over it with the local creek, which flooded and caused life on the moon for a second time. Therefore, children should not have to wear helmets on bicycles, because it could help them play God. Thank you.
  14. Yes! I have ascended. Tis true. As for chipping in, with whose money? I certainly don't have any
  15. Fawkes, this is unacceptable. I need to be able to keep in constant contact! I blame YOU, Sir, for the chat going down! Hoyes! None of this DDOS gobbltygook. I'll have none of it.
  16. Reveille went off of what the Sergeant had said, continuing the relentless verbal bombardment. "What if some nutball just mimiced what you did and got in? What if anypony had made it to the Princesses?!" He ceased his shouting to list off some things, tapping his hoof as he went through the items. "Absent Without Leave, Tresspassing, Theft, Endangerment of Royalty..." each charge seemed to distress the recruit more and more as the Senior Drill Instructor listed them off. Of course the Instructor knew the recruit likely wouldn't be charged with any of them... Though the rest of his time at boot was going to be hell on wheels. "You know what? I should just leave you in here to rot. I'm sure Sergeant Bonfire wouldn't object, seeing as you made a laughing stock of his guards!" Again, not likely. Nopony was laughing at anypony... Well except the couple of dungeon guards snickering at the door. This incident hadn't, and hopefully wouldn't, become public knowledge yet.
  17. "Cool!" Pinchy struck a valiant pose, picturing herself in a mighty arena and protected by some battle-worn exotic armor. Nothing was going to take this Princess down! She pretended to hold back this fearsome Manticorewith an imaginary spear. "Fear not, Sir Snugglesworth, I'll hold the beast at bay!" the bear, who of course could not respond, she pictured being a young knight who was way out of his league, taking cover and shivering with fear on the carriage. With the imagination, anything was possible! Even a Princess Gladiator fighting off a Manticore while a pirate ship battling a gryffon is attempting to steal her bear friend! But the magical kelpie will hear none of it and comes to the rescue! Imagination Where your dreams come true Imagination It's something anypony can admire Anything that you desire You can walk a dragon breathing fire Or strut about in rich attire Bring your creative level ever higher Imagination
  18. Another day in the eye of the statue, the one-winged pegasus having been roused from bed for advice once again. Gridpoint enjoyed his time in Friendship City. It was safe, prosperous, and the ponies were hospitable and kind. Sure, they were weary around him at first... His attitude on them being 'savages' didn't help him much either. But eventually he learned that most wastelanders were just regular ponies trying to get by with what little they could get. He was so used to a sort of pampered lifestyle in the Enclave that he never had an appreciation for the little things until he got stuck below the cloud cover. He had befriended one of the security ponies who seemed to look up to him and his expertise. This kid was a bit more reserved and jumpy, and didn't like the idea of ever really having to fight. He was more the diplomatic type, rather than the fighting type. Despite this, he was always willing to learn a thing or two. Long-range warfare almost seemed like an ancient art to these ponies, as most preferred short or mid-ranged weapons. "H-Hey, Mister Gridpoint, Sir? I saw a suspicious looking character hangin' around outside the city b-but I don't wanna bother the chief with it..." was his 'good morning', which he responded to with a groan as he rolled out of his bed. Gridpoint wasn't security, but time to time tey went to him for his scouting and spotting experience, having saved them from damage in the past with his assessments. Once he got to the top, he only had his battle saddle. No need to get dressed if he was going to go straight to bed after this. The heavy rifle folded out, moving the scope up to the old Captain's eye as he gazed at this 'suspicious character'. A Gryphon in some scrappy armor was taking cover behind nearby debris. Most likely afraid that if he moved any further he'd get his head blown off. "... Just a raider. Probably from the camp up North. Looks like he's... surveying. Maybe trying to find a way into the city to report back to his buddies." Raiders. He thought every wastelander was a savage until he ran into those punks. They didn't often come up this way, though. "So... what do I do? I-" *K-POW!* The startled security pony just looked out over the ledge and saw a bundle of feathers float down behind the debris. "What the hell?! What did you-?!" The sniper interrupted him, taking a seat with a smile on his face. "One less raider to worry about..." Gridpoint said at last, folding up the rifle as his muzzle stretched in a yawn. "What do you feel?" "Huh?" The young security pony asked again, though this wasn't the first time he had watched Gridpoint do 'dirty work' for him even if these moments were few and far between. Usually the pony's time with Gridpoint was listening to his stories or getting a lesson. "I mean, when you kill something? Don't you feel anything?" he asked, always seeming troubled by how casual the Enclave Captain was about ending life, especially in the wasteland. Gridpoint seemed to think on that for a moment, tapping his chin with his hoof. "... Recoil." The young pony shook his head, but let the Captain go back to his room, which he gladly did. Taking a good long look at that tan and black uniform he kept hung up, like some kind of proud display, he sighed before climbing back in bed. He could remember a time he was happier. When he was with his squad, roaming the wastes and performing a duty, getting into trouble and overcoming great odds. He missed it... It beat taking pot-shots at raiders from the top of a statue. Now that he thought about it, he was probably going to get flak for taking another shot off the statue. "Ugh." he rolled his eyes, knowing that at some point in the day the security chief was going to come in and try to explain to him why 'he shouldn't do that'. Why not? It was a raider. As far as he was concerned, they were only slightly more tolerable than Alicorns of Ghouls, but still a danger.
  19. One thing I'm planning on doing later on is maybe having a 'companion quest' kind of thing, where our respective characters could go to whoever is the main one and... well, start a quest! Either with a request, a story, what have you. Should the companion quest be completed, that character can get additional perks! Just an idea I was toying with.
  20. In the midst of this threat, the REA Recruit Training Depot: Canterlot had been mustered to provide additional security, the recruits being conscripted into Royal Guard squads for the time being. Of course, the Drill Instructors still had to keep these recruits in check, and the dozen or so instructors could be seen wandering the streets, keeping an eye on patrols that had their greenhorn soldiers in them. One such Instructor was of course none other than Master Sergeant Reveille, making sure that everypony, recruit and guard alike, were on their toes and performing properly. But what's this? A few guards standing around and harassing some random knight? That was a few guards that could be doing something productive instead! "We ask that you comply and move along. This situation is under REA control. Your presence is unneeded here!" "I think I'll be the judge of that, Private" he addressed Radiant as he approached the group. Of course, this was not long after the guard had thrown the letter to the ground. Picking it up, he had just started reading it as one of the guards tried to explain: "Master Sergeant, we were just g-" "Shutchermouth, I'm readin'" he interrupted sternly. When he was finished, he just looked up t the knight. "What's your excuse, Sir Gripes-A-Lot? What are you doing here?" He assumed, from the letter, that he was sent to help assist in the crisis, though felt he should hear it from the Destrier himself.
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