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Everything posted by SkyMunki

  1. Welcome to the herd! Always good to see another new face. Enjoy your stay here in the city of Canterlot, I'm sure you'll find that Everypony here is welcoming and friendly.
  2. Welcome to the herd! Always good to see another new face. Enjoy your stay here in the city of Canterlot, I'm sure you'll find that Everypony here is welcoming and friendly.
  3. Welcome to the herd! Always good to see another new face. Enjoy your stay here in the city of Canterlot, I'm sure you'll find that Everypony here is welcoming and friendly.
  4. Welcome to the herd! Always good to see another new face. Enjoy your stay here in the city of Canterlot, I'm sure you'll find that Everypony here is welcoming and friendly.
  5. Welcome to the herd! Always good to see another new face. Enjoy your stay here in the city of Canterlot, I'm sure you'll find that Everypony here is welcoming and friendly.
  6. By the most hilarious crocodile in the world who bites balloons and always looks so vacant... I am Gummy fan!!
  7. You'd generally want to hang out with the pony most like you (rainbow, pinkie and rarity - acording to bronyland) but Fluttershy is so sweet and adorable and i do like animals...
  8. General Name: Blossom Bow Nickname/Alias(es): Blossom Race: Unicorn Gender: Female Age: Older Filly (18) Physical Pelt Color: Pale pink (blossom) fading to white lower down her legs Mane/Tail Color: White with brown and pink streaks Mane Style: Her mane is very, very long. She styles it different all the time, but usually has them in big ponytails tied at the top with large bows, a side fringe hiding the base of her horn. Her tail is sometimes plaited with a bow, otherwise tied in a ball at work. Eye Color: Brown Cutie Mark: Cartoon scissors Other Scars/Markings: Constantly blushing cheeks Physique: Average Social Current Residence: Ponyville Job: Mane-dresser Mother: Acailee (Unicorn) Father: Blue (Unicorn) Sibling(s): None Closest Friends: None Personality ~ Likes: As her occupation suggests, Blossom loves to keep Equestria's manes beautiful. Her own mane is always styled to perfection but she isn't at all vane - surprisingly she is incredibly timid. ~ Dislikes: She doesn't like loud noises, anything mildly intimidating, displeased customers or ~ Motivation: To be the best mane-dresser in all of Equestria and to make Everypony happy with beautiful manes and tails. ~ Strengths: She is fairly intelligent and her magic (styling manes) has more possibilities than what she uses it for. ~ Weaknesses/Flaws: She will say yes to anypony, and sometimes this can lead to her own unhappiness. Also Blossom is very shy, scared and intimidated. ~ Fears: Upset, the dark, spiders, insects, loud noises ~ Overall Persona: Blossom is a happy, quiet unicorn. Very hardworking, she loves making other ponies happy, and has a passion for styling hair, including her own. Despite being beautiful and always worrying what people think of her, she isn't vane at all and is very humble in general. Background Blossom had a completely normal, but nice, childhood. She was born to Acailee and Blue Carnival, who raised her to be polite and friendly. She grew up in Ponyville, so she knows all of her customers by name, and still lives in the same house, her parents deciding to move to Canterlot for a bit of adventure. As an older filly, she started a salon, where she used her magic to groom ponies' manes and tails. It grew known about the town, and soon many ponies came to Blossom's mane dressing salon, which was named Sweet Style. Blossom herself takes great care with her mane, carefully using magic to brush perfectly and tie bows in, as she cares greatly for what others think of her. However, she is not vane at all, in fact a very timid filly. She puts great effort into helping others, her weakeness being that she will put everypony else before herself, leading to unhappiness or trouble. Another weakness that Blossom has is that she is very, very shy and scared of most things. Everypony intimidates her, even the nicest of ponies. Blossom Bow received her cutie mark at a young age, when her mother had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to model at a huge fashion show. The mane dresser had cancelled without warning, and her mother's mane was a mess! With no skill in the subject, none of the ponies could do their manes. The show would have been a total disaster if Blossom's horn hadn't started glowing pink. scissors and combs started levitating in front of the models. Their hair was styled using the magic, snipped and brushed to perfection. Pleasantly surprised that she could come in helpful to her mother, who she loved very much. The models thanked her, very happy, and Blossom beamed with pride. She turned back to her mother as a few of the ponies went on stage. Her mother was staring at her, shocked. "Your Cutie Mark!" she cried, pointing with a hoof to Blossom's flank. Ecstatic, she turned round, and to her great delight she saw a pair of cartoon scissors. From that moment, she knew that she was going to start a manedressing business. Magic Ability Her magic is capable of more than she knows, yet she only uses it to style manes. Her mind does the work, designing but using magic to curl, crimp, twist and plait.
  9. Ah, quite a while, sorry. Some mods start from the bottom up, so it could be a while. Try not to bump because of this reason. Hope it will be soon, you gotta have lots of patience though. Good luck...
  10. The pony on the other end of the bench slid over and helped oasis up. Shivering, he thanked the kind pony for his help as the dragon made himself comfortable on the bench. "Are you lost? Did you come here alone?" asked the unicorn. The amount of times he explained this... "Yes, I did come her alone..." Oasis replied. He paused. Lost. He always was lost, and always would be. Without an owner, his life had no point, a lost soul among the happy ones... no mother, no family... The unicorn then noticed his shiver and unwrapped his soft scarf. With delight, Oasis happily accepted it, the pony wrapping it around him. "There, feel better now?" he asked. "Yes, thank you, much better." Oasis said truthfully, snuggling gratefully into the soft wool. "I'm Oasis, by the way..."
  11. White snowflakes fell from the sky, coating the park grounds. The entire city was enjoying a light snowfall, each flake individually made by the weather ponies. Oasis the baby dragon wandered through the white, the thick white blanket reaching the top of his legs. The cold breeze bit at his wings as he fluttered up an inch, shaking snow from his toes. "Brr..." he muttered, clutching his arms in an attempt to warm up. Today had been a particularly tough day for the sky dragon, ponies to busy to spare him food, being pushed and kicked by the bustling shoppers, and once again, no luck finding an owner. It wasn't a mother, necessarily, that he wished for. He was a majestic creature that could live for years and years and YEARS, but, he wanted a companion. Somepony to play with, and eat with, and share with. A friend for life who would shelter him, and never abandon him for the first ugly dragon that came along... Oasis shivered at the thought of his past. Everyone he met, pony, griffon or otherwise always told him that if he kept searching, then someday, somehow, he would find the perfect pony for him. But they never offered to take him in themselves. Oasis trudged dejectedly through the park, and came across a bench. Taking no notice of the pony sat at the other end, he tried to climb up, using his hands to pull himself up. Ah yes, if only I could fly properly, like a big dragon, with big wings... it seemed so far away, especially if he couldn't find a friend with food in the house. Remembering his quest to perch on the high bench, Oasis began to struggle again, flapping his wings uselessly.
  12. I searched but couldn't find this, and I want to know, so... Rainbow, of course.
  13. Sorry if there is already a topic like this, I spent ages trying to find one but couldn't. So, Who d'you think is best pony out of mane 6? Fluttershy!
  14. I don't know you, but if you like big mac you must be AWESOME!
  15. Comet blasted across the sky, dodging clouds and leaving behind a trail of fire. She arched over the whole of Cloudsdale, then came shooting down to the ground, before swooping back up, all the ponies of Ponyville gazing up at her in awe. She grinned, flying toward the city of Canterlot. As quick as light, she came to the streets, and skidded across, frightening bystanders a little. Sparks flicked from beneath her hooves as she stopped. "And that, my fans, is how to be an awesome flyer." she said, trotting off to the shops. She watched customers trot in and out happily from the flower store, pawing at the ground impatiently, bored, waiting for something interesting to occur. Comet saw a mysterious pony leaving the boutique, with a disappointed expression. Ever shy, Comet bounded up to her, interested. "Hey, haven't much seen ya round these parts! My name's Comet. What's yours?"
  16. An orange-maned pony came out, shouting angrily about being awakened. "And SOME ponies are BORED." she shouted back, galloping in a circle. Predicting the pony's reply, she added, "And I'm not going back to sleep, sleep is boring too..." She blasted off into the sky, sending a fiery trail behind her, flying fast. "BORED, BORED, BORED!" she sang loudly, whiz zing in circles. "Wake up, ponies!!" Sensing the desire to ignore her, Comet began kicking all the clouds, sending thunderous rain splattering down on Ponyville, the noise on their roofs sure to drive them from bed. And then she remembered the ginger pony that had complained, stood out in the open, getting soaked to death. With a splutter of apology, trying not to laugh, Comet kicked away the cloud above her. Forget it. Comet burst into hysterics, rolling around on the clouds, clutching her stomach.
  17. Comet was up bright and early. She flapped her wings and took off, leaving Cloudsdale and heading to the village of Ponyville. As an explorer, Comet knew her way about Canterlot, Solstice Heights, Ponyville, Cloudsdale, Trottingham, and all the places she liked. Every day, she would fly somewhere, hang there for the day, probably pull a prank or two, possibly meet new ponies, and go back to her adopted house in Cloudsdale for supper with her best friend's family. "HELLO, PONYVILLE!" yelled Comet, dashing through the sky. A trail of fire was left behind, staying for a few minutes before evaporating. She could hear ponies groaning as they woke up. She came to the ground, landing with a gentle clop of the hooves. "Anypony wanna play?" The residents of Ponyville knew for well that Comet was the naughtiest prankster in equestria. No parents wanted their foals to mingle with her. With a frown, she trotted through the town, waiting for somepony to come outside. To early for these ponies? Well, then, let's show them... Sliding out of her luggage, Comet grinned, then took out a large horn. Putting her things back on, she used a front hoof and gentle stood on the balloon at the end. HOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNK "That oughta wake you up, lazy Ponyvillians." she shouted happily.
  18. SkyMunki

    Starry Eyed

    I LOVE this! Great work Excellent art!
  19. Aha, much better. The bigger the better. I like the backstory, but I'm not much good at critique, so hoepfully an RP helpstaff with trot along and give you adive. good luck!
  20. Either or both. In one thread, he was there and a new visitor came to town, they had some fun and then he left. that was all. Anything could happen really.
  21. With Colton and Navy, it was what she'd expected, and what all grown ponies say: It will come when you're ready. Same old, same old. She didn't need to be told again. However, Flux's advice surprised her. "I suggest strengthening your currrent talents and interests. It can help you learn what exactly you enjoy in each activity and, if that is not what your cutie mark is for, help you discover other areas that may be the one that earns you your mark." she said. So basically, thought Harmony, I should improve at performing? I enjoy that... if it counts... "So, what you're saying is," Harmony checked with Flux, "if I get better at my favourite things, my cutie mark might appear?" She bounced in her seat in excitement at the thought. All the foals in her new class wouldn't leave her out at all. They would envy the new gal, jealous of the first one to get a cutie mark. They'd be asking of her story, complimenting the design, admiring her special talent. Now... what should she try first...? Suddenly remembering her company, she noticed that the two ponies were stood up. "Anyhow, take a seat Colton. and You, Navy. No fun sat alone, eh?" Harmony said, trotting away then coming back pushing two bales of hay toward the ponies.
  22. TwoTones' mind had told him so: he'd done it, conpletely made a fool of himself and now Dawn was asking him to leave. Trotting to the general direction he entered, he looked down at his hooves, ashamed. "No, of course not. I understand... Goodbye." Although Dawn was being polite, Tones knew when he was not wanted, and sadly opened the front door to the observatory, ready to canter home and get some food. "Goodbye Dawn..." he mumbled, trotting into the fresh air, the happy chattering of the residents filling the sky. The sun beamed on Tones' face as he shut the door. Not sure if he wanted to leave just yet, he sat in front of the observatory and gazed at the exterior for a while, thinking about his actions today, and how he could of prevented them. And then finally, with a mopey sigh, he stood up and trotted back to his house.
  23. Why hello, and what a glorious picture you have! *end of Rarity impression* Welcome to our humble community of Bronies and Pegasisters. I hope you like it here!
  24. Not sure weather to tell the truth to Dawn, Tones trotted around for a while, arguing with himself again. "Forever fighting, me and my mind..." he sighed. "it likes to point out my bad points." Not wanting to be the melancholy pony that repelled new friends, TwoTones put on a perky expression. "I'm fine. So, whatcha wanna do?" That, he thought, was the worst acting eqestria had ever seen. His eyebrows knitting together, he told his mind, very firmly, to be quiet. And thus, Tones' mind obeyed. Enjoying the silence that washed over, TwoTones perched onto an armchair, sending a puff of dust into the air, and consequently beginning to sneeze uncontrollably "so - what - do - you - want - to - do?" he sneezed.
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