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Everything posted by Legit101

  1. Yo! Seen any movies lately?
  2. Hello! Favourite artist?
  3. Hey, welcome to the site, you coffee drinking crazy.
  4. Hello, might want to work on that spelling.
  5. Hey, Applejack reps all the elements, totally.
  6. Legit101

    Dreams and Hopes

    I wish that everyone could be happy, but that won't happen. I'd like to be an engineer or coder.
  7. I'm not feeling it. It would cause a disruption in the community I feel.
  8. Change the file extension from .mkv to .avi. Yes, it is that simple.
  9. I'll elaborate on that in a bit. It's only an icecream shop, can't be too hard, with the help of magic too. Good point. Word of mouth, I guess I could add in that some famous/popular pony tried it out and liked it? I'll add in some names in a bit. I'm not the best with colours.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o89iKsKw19M Yes, yes I do.
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