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Everything posted by Ashton

  1. There was somone that named all 6 shadowbolts (keep in mind these are NOT the 3 "fake" shadowbolts from Ep 102, they're a rival team to the wonderbolts who used the name) There are no official names but This is what was posted on Equestria Daily (Deviant Art image): http://fav.me/d3i4jq1 There is a story somewhere about them but I dont have the link on me.
  2. O_O *throws money at the screen* I have this wonderful book about making secret hiding places if your interested...
  3. Lol +1! oh gawd I dont need another 'fic to write! lol I'm actively writing 3 and have plans for like 5 more... I really need to get off my tail and finish up chapter 1 of the longest one and post it... (I have chapter 1 finished of one story but since this fic is semi-serialized (the villain plot progresses as an arc but the mane-6 plot is more-or-less episodic like the series) and this is "book two" so to speak, I've not posted it) I feel it could come off as cheesy if not handled perfectly in a story (not that I'm completely innocent of writing cheesy stories...) and also I have major conflicts in ideas of how it should play out with his meeting/reaction to each character... Though I might try doing an "audience participation" spin and offering polls on which story fork to take... when my muse takes another vacation I might just try this method of inspiration and see how it works... Oooo a challenge, I like challenges Off the top of my head the Hydra comes to mind, since (at least 1 head) seemed quite intelligent. (and one might even interpret said head's though as "why are you idiots doing this!? We'll never win, lets just go home!") Also I never considered NMM to be a monster, just an antagonist pony like Trixie cranked up to 11... (i agree the mantacore is in essence a wild animal that could, at best, be a 'pet' (why can I so easily imagine Fluttershy keeping this creature in her home and naming it fluffy? ) Also why would Steven Magnet (gotta love youtube's auto-caption!) be a monster? he's obviously a dragon (eastern water dragon) even if they made his mustache far too short (arguably he should have a Fu-Manchu) though I guess that would have been more difficult for rarity to fix...) I'll post more after I have some time to think about it, I have the feeling there are like 6-10 "monsters" that could be considered intelegent and playable.
  4. I'm liking the two V4s myself... and I find the idea of a 'fake alicorn' amusing (either pegasus with fake horn or unicorn with fake wings)
  5. This. Of the ones listed, I'd have to go with Scratch, she's imo the most unique background character and I'd love to see her pop up more (and I have a soft spot for DJs) Also, just to clarify, WHICH Dr Whooves? We've seen 5 so far! (pay close attention to sweet and elite, multiple incarnation of The Doctor appear in pony form! ED made a nice list of them if you dig back to the time S&E aired)
  6. Once again, Tales, you answer my questions perfectly. I dont think your a Brony, I think your secretly Princess Celestia Herself! Awww... well it's not like I cant fix that! *pulls out necronomicon* (JK! JK!)I'm just a little dissapointed because I think it could make for a very interested semi-redemption story (Discord decides to learn about the world before he destroys it and his views change slightly --- also, taking it to it's logical extreme nobody ELSE can destroy it untill he's done, making him a silent anti-hero, or, rather, turning him from a complete monster to a noble demon) it would have been so amusing to explore his new relationships with the ponies when he appears as one of their own... Well that explains it, I was looking for "Draconiqus" or some variation... And discounting discord I must ask, why are only staff allowed to play monsters? (Is it to avoid turning the RP into a Fantasy Kitchen Sink?) because the she has shown a lot of 'monsters' that were intellegent and could even play off a episode-like moral of "dont judge a book by it's cover" (also for some reason the reply box is acting funny for me, I'm seeing raw HTML and most of the quote tags you used vanished...)
  7. This is what I was expecting, but I surprisingly could find nothing in the posts about him or his species being banned, that's why I asked.
  8. Had to do this THREE TIMES due to HDD failures... WHY ON WHY DID THEY ALL FAIL IN SEQUENCE LIKE THIS!!! *Drama Couch* I'm trying to remember the last time I was listening to something other than pony... well there was that one PMV song... that's it, nothign but pony since Sept! (and as much as I dislike rarity, her songs are some of my favorites, though top is still "winter wrap-up")
  9. This strikes me as a shock, but I've searched the RP forums in both accepted and pending applications, the rules, approved species, etc, but I've found _NO_ reference to our Favorite Draconaqus! (If I've missed it, please dissregard and lock this topic) Thus, the very simple version of my question: May I play Discord in the Main RP? (pending approved application, of course) Or is there a silent ban on the character? Keep in mind: I know how RPs work, and I know how to play Gods --- namely force their powers into a more limited form (in this case for reasons I'll explain in the application, Though he's escaped again, Discord is NOT at full power and has decided he must learn about the world if he is to conquer it, thus he appears in the form of a pony or griffen (which former limits his powers as he cannot fly as a unicorn and cannot perform magic as a pegasus/earth pony, and the only way he can access his full power is to return to his chimera form, which obviously would get him frozen in stone again if anyone sees him using it --- also his reality-warping power is limited to a 10' radius from his body)
  10. Blitz is an imperfect Dimentional clone of Dash (i.e. clone but male gender) essentially an identical opposide-sex twin. However, how many twins, even same-sex ones, turn out identical? I'd wager less than 50%. Depending on what direction the OP takes the character and how much development he puts in to change it from Dash's past/personality/etc (all with good reasons) I could see it as no different than two unicorn ponies both being brown with a white mane and performing magic. Remember, who we are is based off who we were in the past, and Blitz's past is certianly different from Dash (if only because he's male) so there is infinite possibility to change things. (one might as well argue that RD and Celestia are the same because both are rainbow-ponies, but we know they're NOTHING alike (well except for the princess's prank-loving Trollestia side...)) It amuses me how we basically never see eyebrows on the female ponies but the males seem to always have them, while in most cases it's the *female* characters who have visible 'styled' eyebrows and males are lucky to even have any. That would be Bubble Berry... very amusing... And on that note, I'm idly considering throwing my hat into the ring as Dusk Shine (male Twilight) and possibly even Prince Artimis (male Luna) ...and possibly even Scootaroll (male scootaloo) just because I like the idea of him stalking blitz... lol
  11. Keep in mind I only skimmed the preceeding posts so if I repeat anything, my appologies... By now you all know my take on it: I think Hasbro should have at least part of the series avalible for free streaming on an official youtube stream like companies such as Funimation. (and while I prefer 1080p, of course, I couldn't blame them if they put the episodes up in 480i or even 240i (provided they weren't using subtitles for other countries) but really everyone needs a sample before they buy into a large series like this - 1 DVD, sure a 30-second preview is fine, but a series that will likely have a dozen or more DVDs? atleast 4-6 episodes!) I do understand why the iTunes thing is a problem (and it has to do with international copyright laws, which, to be blunt, rarely sync up with one another) but I do think a company like Hasbro has the $$$ to spare to try to get some way for the international fans to see it! (though again this goes back to the age-old media problem of all that exists is "My country" and "everything else" (and dont hate on hasbro for that one, there are millions of series/movies that are made in various countries and never released internationally (most famous being the majority of Anime) due to these piecemeal laws) I'm going to stand behind the idea that we need season box sets, not "theme packs" due to the international appeal of the show. I have no problem with "theme packs" and when I was a kid I bought several tapes of these from various series. However, looking at it from the non-brony perspective, this is a series with a LOT of episodes, many of which overlap. Hasbro could, in theory, repackage each season in such a way that 3/4 episodes are repeats on each disc (that is to own all 26 episodes, you essentially have to buy close to 26 discs priced @ $19.99 each, so a little over $500, around $550 with shipping likely) and given the rabid nature of the fandom I'm sure a lot of them would do it. This would give the little kids nice "4-part stories" as they see it about their favorite pony, theme, etc, and make hte adults shell out tons of cash if they want the full series. (Though keep in mind this is the path MOST LIKELY to dance off the adult fans, so I personally feel it's unlikely they will go this rout as they have acknoledge we exist and no company gennerally will TRY to completely alienate a viable market even if they dont cater to it) Now, the last question is the nature of the Hasbro/Brony relationship. This is the trickiest one to answer and I wish to celestia that hasbro's marketing department would send out a memo! Hasbro knows we exist, they've acknowledged us on the official website and in more than a few promotional materials. The question is wheather they see us as profitable compared to little kids. Upto recently, I said "no" they saw us as just an 'accident' that they wanted no part of and hoped owuld go away when they ignored it. However, with new promotional material and the job posting specifically for MLP is Pop Culture, I'm thinking they do see a viable market. On the other paw, they've handled things VERY clumsily with the episode takedowns both pony archive and the youtube. I do fully understand the legality, but there is a LOT they could do to both legally cover their plot-hole and also allow people to see at least part of the series to decide if it's good (someone mentioned the first episode being free, I'm strongly against it being the first episodes because both give a very different type of story than the other 24 episodes convey. 1+2 of both seasons is very much, as the creator put it "Magical Girl" adventure. While the rest of the series is more-or-less Slice of Life) But, as far as I know, the PMVs, music *loosly based* on the series, and even the remixes have not been touched so I'm seeing that as a more positive response of trying to find a middle-ground. In short, we're squarely seated on the middle of the fence. This could fall either direction (discounting SOPA, which it appears in mandatory to mention here) either to the fans rejoicing and hasbro making tons of cash or the fans horrified and danceed off and MLP being relegated back into the "what were we thinking?!" closet alongside the disco ball and leisure suit... or, a 3rd option is the fans are danceed and declare "Death of the Author", abandoning Canon and sheering off completely from hasbro, possibly even destroying the company's FiM IP rights in the process (Technically, if IP gets spread too thin, even through piracy, then the IP *can* fall into the public domain - this is why we have youtube takedowns - it's not all about the $$$ form selling DVDs) While I hope it doesnt come to this, at the same time, if a company does something bad enough, they deserve whatever consequences they get. (just remember that all the "horseapples" you throw will be bounced back at you, so we will ALL end up covered in... stuff... if it goes down that way...)
  12. While I will agree they can be annoyingly childish, and it does annoy me that EVERYONE can see their talents except them (but haven't we all had some problem where the answer was right there in our face all along?) and, yes, I'm annoyed by Scootaloo's hate of "mushy stuff" but... I Love the CMC! I wouldn't mind at all for there to be a spin-off series about them! I think there's a HUGE potential for back-story on all of them, as well as adventures they could go on that could rival the Mane 6 without ever being "too adult" to make sense for the CMC. (In fact when I think about it, I could seriously see an option for hasbro to spin off CMC as the "kiddy" version of MLP and make FIM the "more mature" version (not that I want to see ponies killing each other, but I mean deal with more mature topics without having to dance around questions like "what happened to X's parents?" "they're dead" (this is implied strongly for 1 pony and minorly for up to 4 others I can think of)) Of course, this being said, I like the main stories much more because they are (questionably) more mature and intalectual than the CMC, and while I'd love to see a CMC spin-off, I wouldnt want to see them take over the main series. So, my vote goes for "a bit low"
  13. I'm putting this here for when the OP gets around to updating the original post: CANON CHARACTERS: AshtonDurkhun - Rainbow Dash BrianBlackBerry - Pinkie Pie PizzaPizza - Twilight Sparkle ??? - Fluttershy (sorry dont remember who it was, I only saw them for like 10 min) "famous" Fanon characters: Darkhaxxor - Rainbow Blitz If I missed somone it means I havn't seen you, post and I'll edit the list (I'll keep this list running till the OP gets it added to the first post)
  14. I just wanted to say I have a new respect for shippings --- in RP setting. In the fanfics it still annoys me but I'm finding some very amusing pairings work out well in an RP based on who's there and how they play the character.
  15. I'm *REALLY* wishing we had teleporters now that all these towns and things are being built... Just FYI: The most we've had on the server is 5, usually 2-3, and last night we had 4. I've personally never experianced any major lag even with 4 members online. I think the server can handle it as long as the owner isnt restricting membership. I can get you the bookcases, I have a chest FULL of cane, not to mention I pull 3x stacks every time I harvest. Does it re-spawn? Do I need to avoid hopping in anymore portals?
  16. Oh we're talking about mad-up words too? When somone says something I didnt hear I restand "whadawhadawhoha?" I use "lol" way too much on the 'net, I tend to use it as a punctuation mark to mean "this is funny" or "this is a joke" or "this is not serious" which means it gets used a LOT since I tend to be funny a lot I find myself using "cool" after many years or fighting it. I'm not big on slang, and for the longest time refused to use it. Likewise "Awesome" gets too much use. And as of late I find myself using the words "Rainbow" and "Dash" WAY too often in the same sentance
  17. Yes, some time jump through the portal, and go to The Endlands and fight your way to the Ending (yes there *IS* an ending to minecraft, and it's suprisingly good imo, major props to Notch to do what he did with an ending for a game like that!) I was hoping to use it as a staging ground later to create Skyland (Griffen country) and also I go there a lot to train against the residents of the Endlands...
  18. I hear ya on this one. I know a lot of people like this (including my own father - he sees it as just "something to watch if it's on" (though he finally admits to loving Fluttershy)) Same way with my ex, she is more-or-less indifferent to them. Back on-topic... Hang it from your rear-view mirror! (lol j/k) If you guys have a philosophy of any buying anything, there's not a lot you can do, though you *can* buy it and keep it in your car till you convince her. I wouldnt let it slip through my paws if I were you... (I have no idea which one this is, but at the same time, Twi/Spike in balloon is awesome! I'm gonna get one to hand from the ceiling with flying Dash and Fluttershy)
  19. The catch here is that there is still new source material being released by Pokémon (as questionable as it's quality may be...) same for the StH fandom (and same questionable quality of content...) That's why these havn't really faded out. Look at another fandom similar to ours (a show written for kids that drew adults) Gargoyles - Whats left of that fandom? I still occasionally see a Goliath or Demona at a convention, but overall it's dead and been absorbed by the ever-loving Furry fandom (like 'em or hate 'em, they are where dieing anthropomorphic fandoms all end up) Though that fandom isn't *quite* dead as I think I read somewhere Disney sold a lot of comic rights lately, including Darkwing Duck, Tailspin and Gargoyles) On the other paw, FiM has left a rather noticable mark on pop culture history, far more than most series did (Pokémon, StH, StarTrek - we're in good company) So I dont know what exactly will happen once hasbro orphans us --- if they ever do! Remember the original MLP had 3-and-a-half "gennerations" of essentially the same style/stories, so there may be 3-4 series of FiM. Even if they dont embrace the bronies, the franchise is far from dead and there's a chance that Gen 5 will be as good as gen 4 is. (if they keep the same writers it's quite possible) While we'll all be sorry to see the Mane 6 'retired' I think we can all agree it's a better option than the franchise ending.
  20. I question this. Hasbro recently hired a new marketing manager SPECIFICALLY STATING it was for the "pop culture impact of My LIttle Pony: Friendship is Magic" and they have also suddenly started putting out toys that are series-accurate. There are rumors about more DVDs in the pipeline, and there is still iTunes, much as many of us hate apple (not to mention other 'adult' MLP content such as the billboards, the "bronies" download of the comicon poster, and the mention of "bronies" in the MLP song "equestria Girls"), so I'm not so sure that Hasbro hasnt realized that there is an untapped market, I just wonder if they will be able to tap it before the executives stop authorizing new episodes.
  21. In time soemthing else will come along. Again I'm going to draw a parralel with the old StH fandom - For many years it was "the next big thing" and everywhere you looked you'd see sprites, rom-hacks, art, stories, etc. Unfortunately, over time as more and more of the source faded away, it crumbled. While it still exists, it's a pale shadow of what it once was. This is what will happen to the bronies unless we invoke Death of the Author and take over production ourselves. One of the failures of the StH fandom was limitation on computer power and lack of animation ability. Today, with some preliminary work, almost anyone can throw together a MLP Episode, provided they can do the voices or get people to VA for them. I can see a group or two might undertake this, and it would prolong the life of the fandom for some time, possibly a few years, but ultimately as people left and fewer and fewer entered, we'd fade into the internet archives and those of use that remain will simply be absorbed by the furry fandom like fans of other non-childrens-kids-programs like Gargoyles. I think that we weill ALWAYS see new artwork show up now and then, and a few cosplayers here and there, but ultimately... Now, that being said, Hasbro is a complete fool if it throws the franchise to the wolves now. Fad or no, right now MLP is BIG. I'm still a little concerned about how long it will last but now that hasbro is starting to recognize they have an audeince of more than kids, I think it will last atleast another (read 4th) season. One of my favorite series from my childhood that was also not 100% childish (Disney's DuckTales) lasted for 200 episodes and even then continued with comics for another year or more. Unless something comes out that overshadows FiM, I dont see it dieing right away (though I wouldnt be suprised if they change the cast for marketing sake - i.e. retire the Mane 6 to background/mentor status and promote a new 'genneration' to main stars (such as the CMC) to sell more toys) In short: Depending on just how dedicated we are, I think we could last a couple years after the series ends, but ultimately we'll fade back and be absorbed into Furry like most other similar fandoms. But I also think that it's unlikely the series will end right away.
  22. I just want to know... Who took over The End Temple? I know someone did because there are private chests and furnaces there...
  23. I think this is the first time I've ever seen the show likened to StarTrek... though I suppose I can see some parallels... *loved TOS and DS9, but not the others* LOL +1
  24. Preach it brother! (lol) I cant stand self-inserts, which is sad because one of the best story series I read back in the old StH Fandom was a self-insert series the author did (but he did it WELL and defined a race/civilization/history surrounding the character, so... I guess a lesser-self-insertion) I dont know why everyone in every fandom has the desire to do one or more of these, it's one in a million that are even readable, and still fewer that are good! I'd like to suggest also the Equestria Daily Fanfiction archive. These are prepread by a dozen people and it's basically the best-of-the-best that gets posted there (as opposed to, for example, FIMfiction, which lets anyone post anything) http://www.equestria...rch/label/Story Keep in mind though there _ARE_ stories of every kind there from episode, to adventure, to grimdark to shipping. (but you can choose to sort the listing by either "sected tags present" or "without selected tags" (i.e. "show all with 'comedy' tag" and "show none with 'grimdark' tag")
  25. I spent WAY too much time last night working on a Fanfic while listening to the late George Carlin. (absolutely brilliant man, EVERYONE should listen to his work, though keep in mind it's PG-13) Anyway one of his rants was about people wanting to sound important, specifically weathermen, for example they'd talk about "Shower Activity" instead of just "showers" and one line I lived was "And I swear to god, one of them even mentioned a 'Rain Event!'" That line followed me to bed. I dreamed I was helping the weather team (as a Pegasus - honestly I think I was Rainbow Dash but I cant be sure) moving clouds around in prepreation for a "Rain Event" which apparently is a major thing in my dream-equestria... and for unexplained reasons I was wearing a Weather Team Vest (from Winter Wrap-Up) Fun dream, but still, more than a little weird...
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