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Everything posted by weesh

  1. Wow, and we all made the same mistake en mass. I guess I'd lose my ability to balance, especially on ice. You can't throw or sweep in curling without balance.
  2. I even liked it in dreads or whatever that was in "Bridal Gossip". Well, until she tripped. The thing about her hair though, her attitude suffers when a single hair is out of place, or if the humidity is bad and the future calls for a hair to be out of place. Rainbow Dash's hair, in comparison, can look pretty crazy, as in "Fall Weather Friends" and it won't even phase her. My two favorite pictures of manes in the entire series are RD at the end of Fall Weather Friends, and RD wearing an elastic headband while trying to help Apple Bloom get her cutie mark.
  3. weesh

    Intro Love

    Well, it is an idiosyncrasy, but if I were actually annoyed by the process, I could click on the end of the progress bar, it would immediately end the show, bring me back to the menu and increment the view counter. But I haven't done that yet. It is a slightly different (and shorter) version of the theme song with an instrumental solo and this is enough for me.
  4. This one is quite good. Every Zecora moment has been great so far, it is one of the better Apple Bloom stories, and it causes much thought to be put into what each character considers their most important asset. I love that RD loves flying so much, that even when she sucks at it, she would still rather fly than walk! My question is that given the desire to write about characters (in general, not specifically) that you love, what possible benefit is there in taking someone else's characters than creating your own? It feels like walking with crutches when both your legs work great. Why not model your character after one or more others that you admire, and still flex your creative muscles a bit?
  5. You are right, it wouldn't be the same; it would be better. Rewriting is better than revising. And the more often the better. If you want a good story, you need to write a lot of stories. If you rewrite it, don't try to remember it exactly, that would be wasting your time. Start with a favorite passage, and go from there. Then do it again. Then do it again. You have lost work, but you cannot lose the experience you gained in writing that work. You may find that this experience makes you a better writer overall.
  6. weesh

    Intro Love

    I could imagine skipping the end, but I have completionist tendencies; if I skip it, then it will not increment the view count in iTunes, and the next time I open it, it will still be at the end of the episode instead of the beginning. The thread has become a microcosm of itself! How likely are you to click on it when you see it?
  7. weesh

    Intro Love

    Tom Cruise would. And probably many others as well. Starting a thread is much less work than jumping a couch. Heck, I started a thread to discuss, the number of times people watch the intro of my little pony. If I fell in love while I was still part of a forum community, it just might become a thread. After getting confused about all the "favorite ____" polls, I decided to try some more unique thread names.
  8. Any reason you guys aren't giving your own effects? Those would be a lot more interesting to me. My defining physical characteristics are my small size (10lb from underweight) and bushy beard. My defining personality traits are being a reserved listener and contemplative thinker. I could be fat, or hairless, but given that it should more likely be a funny affliction, I would probably have very loose lips, and say anything and everything that pops into my head.
  9. I contest that RD and AJ were asking for it. Yes they were bragging and prideful, but neither one attacked Trixie. They were responding to HER challenge. And it was not just any challenge, it was basically a Goliath versus the Israelites insult to the entire town of Ponyville. It was Trixie who crossed the line though. Had Rainbow Dash tried to prove her supremacy by physically subduing Trixie it would have been a huge scandal. But for some reason, trussing up AJ like a pig did not get her thrown out of the village?
  10. Not to mention the amazing Celestia scene... I totally don't understand boast busters though. Trixie has such a destructive personality that I find it hard to watch. If she were justifiably boastful that would be one thing, but instead of performing feats more amazing than the challengers, she just belittles and humiliates them.
  11. Huh. Not what I was expecting, but what was I expecting?! Maybe that there would be some really good reason for it, except that it is hard to imagine that there is a good reason. Perhaps it is comforting that you can't come up with one? Or maybe it is horrifying that you do it and can't come up with a reason? The confusion has been doubled.
  12. Bwwaaa?! First of all, way to mess with my head on two of my favorite episodes! And secondly, could someone explain the desire to add romantic relationship drama to one of the few shows that focuses on actual friendships? I find the show so refreshing that I am having trouble understanding the perspective of those that care about such things. I think the show would be improved with the removal of Spike's infatuation with Rarity.
  13. Well, it is pretty great: a celebration of RD, lots of history, and it somehow includes the cutie mark crusaders without them being annoying.
  14. Edit: d'oh, my original plan didn't work, it won't accept a vote in only one poll so I added placeholder options to each poll. <sigh> This is not a poll to prove the best writing, the favorite characters, most powerful message or anything. It is a poll because it is an nice way to list the episodes and an easy way to participate. What is the episode that you liked the best and why? Use whatever criteria makes you happy, or no criteria at all and go with your gut! "I don't know, it just is" is as fine an answer as "it changed my life because..." My Contenders are: Friendship is Magic (The episodes that got me hooked) Winter Wrap Up (Best music and nerdiness wins the day) Fall Weather Friends (Action, excitement, competition, with great shots of RD and AJ) Dog and Pony Show (Cute, funny, a surprise from rarity without being out of character) The Best Night Ever (I had high expectations, and they were greatly exceeded, phenomenal conclusion) And the Winner is: Fall Weather Friends: in the end, my spirit of competition, justice, and the nonstop enjoyment from start to finish push this ahead of the pack.
  15. This is an amazingly tight race. Sometimes cupcakes are exactly what you want, sometimes pie hits the spot, but it is always muffin time.
  16. The prefix 'a' changes a word by adding a "no", "absence of", "without" or "lack of". if abort means to stop, then... Bort: to continue "Any questions? No? Let's bort"
  17. A fast one: And an amazing one, complete with original theme song:
  18. I was totally impressed by the holiday dedication of the salvation army bell ringers standing outside at -20F in front of a store whose corporate policies don't allow them inside. What troopers.
  19. Yeah, that would have been nice, but the recommendation from people who understand Seasonal Affective Disorder is 3rd week in January, so I will have to wait until then. I also spent the morning on the phone with parents, sibling, grandparent and an aunt. About to leave for my best friend's place though, and possibly come out of the brony closet depending on how it goes.
  20. I was looking through my pictures to see if I had anything for the picture thread and came across a quote instead: "Why should I listen to you? You're just a pigment of my imagination, like Bleen or Gurple" - Fighter (8-Bit Theater)
  21. weesh

    Intro Love

    At least they added a train for season two. I like the theme song enough that I it has lots of replay value for me.
  22. I am going to go out on a limb here, and say she her coloring is about the ugliest a background pony could be without pulling focus. Gray and Blond? Of course she is cute, they pretty much all are unless they are carefully designed not to be. I wish they had messed up the eyes on a nicer colored pony.
  23. weesh

    Intro Love

    When I was going through the "The West Wing" DVDs, I became proficient at skipping the entire intro because I didn't care. I have gone through My Little Pony 1.15 times (yes, I pulled out a calculator), and I still watch the entire intro and listen to the entire outro. What about you guys?
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