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Everything posted by weesh

  1. Really? The fact that he has no votes means even you didn't vote for him...yet? You can't beat angel in name or cuteness.
  2. Fluttershy is the only pony who successfully resisted Discord's fair attempts to separate the ponies. Four ponies gave up with almost no provocation, and Twilight would eventually give up as well. But Fluttershy had such faith in her friends that even Discord seemed physically pained to see such order in her mind. She is the best listener and if I was struggling with something and just needed an open ear to help me process it, I have doubts that any of the others could consistently be there for me... Oh, and here is the previous poll: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/5-favorite-character/ It was long enough ago that I felt bad resurrecting it the first time I saw it so I appreciate a fresh thread.
  3. I disagree with your mystery is best approach when it comes to Luna. We already know much too much about her, and I am dying for more. In addition, they have already proven that they can successfully pull off a Luna episode. But with Derpy, it is a bit more complicated. I want to see more, but I believe there is a careful way to do it without ruining the character. For example, use of unreliable narrator(s), or providing conflicting stories would add depth and mystery without actually establishing any canon at all. The question I do not have an answer to, is whether or not I actually want to hear her name out loud in the show...
  4. I would write a letter when you figure it out. I want a DVD so much more than iTunes that I am waffling over the purchase of the first season. I've bought the second season on ITunes because I know that would be far too long a wait.
  5. What more Could Celestia possibly do though? Everytime we hear of her, she is encouraging and soft spoken. And she isn't hovering over TS, but she is a letter away. She has given TS the space to grow, but still hasn't taken off the training wheels.
  6. I'm a big nostalgia fan. I love the old movies and books that I enjoyed as a kid. I am charged up by the revelation that a childhood passion actually stands the test of time. For example, "This can't be happening at MacDonald Hall" was at least as funny 10 years after the first reading. And my volumes of Animaniacs DVDs bring me no end of joy. Also, a throw blanket that I used over my sheets as a kid now adorns my recliner. I don't use it as much anymore because of the small size but I love seeing it.
  7. My first thought of the Rarity guitar was that it was the only one without her cutie mark. Then I zoomed in an discovered that her gems are inlaid on the neck as the position markers. Classy!
  8. While perusing redbubble.com, I noticed a large number of shirts with "cal poly" written accross the front: http://www.redbubble.com/explore/cal+poly Anyone know the significance?
  9. In other forums the user has the option of determining how many posts they see on the page of a thread. I would suggest adding that functionality. 20 posts per page means that I am skipping between pages far more often than my normal 50-100 posts per page.
  10. Tales, that explains the unnecessarily harsh response from the faculty when she gives up.
  11. Firstly, a satisfying link to the tumblr post in question: http://miindhoney.tu...117/ponyguitars Now you would think this would stand on its own. That a picture so beautiful is all you need for a thread, but that is not why I bring it to your attention. After you have seen the picture, read the content from the author's next post (hidden only to preserve the order in which you see the two parts) This is actually the most perfect comment! It seems like this person didn’t know that they were supposed to be ponies because the my original text was effaced, but somehow she almost managed to describe each pony just from the guitars. Pinkie WOULD be a tacky odd-ball, and Rarity SHOULD be the beautiful/flashy one (though that’s a Gretsch not a Gibson, says so on the headstock). Actually the rest of them all should be kind of tacky or a little lame. That’s what makes them AWESOME! Also she managed to extract rainbows and apples from the Rainbow Dash and Applejack guitars. This comment officially makes me feel like this was a complete success. Thank you! The highlight is that these guitars look quite strange together, and if you are looking into the personality of each pony in a group shot, they don't look like they belong together either. The bond that connects them in spite of their differences is a huge part of why I watch the show.
  12. I've been out of University since May '08, and have since talked to many people about my experience. I have found a correlation between the people who loved it and those that didn't. The people who developed a family among their fellow students, a home away from home, are much more likely to have enjoyed their time like I did. It is true that university got me the piece of paper that allowed me to get a dream job, and that they even taught me a single skill that I actually use (how to read a pump curve), but the reason it was a life changing experience is because of the social and spiritual growth. Student organizations can go a huge way in getting you started. It certainly doesn't have to be a brony club. Pick anything, and dive in.
  13. Yea... they get an 'A' for the idea of using letter to Celestia format, and an 'F' for execution. The letters are for things you learned, not throwing tantrums. I find myself pitying the author. They have learned nothing.
  14. Perhaps the dragon egg test is given to those who don't already have cutie marks?
  15. Oh I absolutely didn't expect her to be in the same room. But if you are expecting the need to intervene, or to greet the lucky pony who succeeds, wouldn't you be in the building? Except Celestia enjoys the dramatic, for as much as it allows her to escape from the druggery of her duty so maybe she was planning on charging in if something went horribly wrong? If you've got wings AND magic, then a 4th story window is much more complicated an entry than a first story door...
  16. Wow! It is so cute that it doesn't have to make sense!
  17. Wow, I had the right clip in my mind, and I am still confused. If I was Celestia, and I had intervened with the other teachers to give a certain test to a specific individual...Would I be waiting outside for her to blow a hole in the roof so I could enter? Story execution notwithstanding, that is a fascinating find. But to me the most interesting part is the purposeful lack of definition of Celestia. How classy,
  18. I've read that a few times, and I am missing something. What test?
  19. Oooh that site is great! More shirts that I can peruse in a lunch break, but here is an interesting one that might fit your criteria Tales: http://www.redbubble.com/people/strangetalk/works/7241919-friendship-is-magic-minimalism Our criteria seems to be similar...Except that it should include Fluttershy.
  20. Thanks for sharing, that would have derailed my mediation as well.
  21. I'm not sure where you are going with that. Is it a reference to a comic I have forgotten? I did just purchase a nice laminated world map for a blank wall I had, and that is stopping my mind from finding any other references to maps...
  22. I'm jealous of those of you who have someone over the age of 6 to watch the show with...
  23. Magic the gathering designers are not to look at fan created cards for the same reason.
  24. Could someone define MMDW for me? The sites that I looked it up on tell me only that it is a MLP reference.
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