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Everything posted by SunsetSombra

  1. Discord's Everfree Adventure Be sure to keep to the path dimly lit by the luminary bags. If you stay in the light, none of the forest creatures will harm you. On the night when you should most fear the Everfree Forest, a spell will keep you safe—so long as you keep to the path ahead! The forest is starting to look ever increasingly intimidating in the pale luminescence of Luna's perfectly controlled moon...a dusky glow falling upon everything around you, giving an almost ethereal feel to the massively overbearing surroundings, the rustling of the leaves and bushes starting to become more regular, and the howls of unseen creatures are beginning to be more frequent than perhaps they would have been only a short time ago. Still, you go ever onwards...the promised candy must be ahead somewhere, and even the dull echoes of laughter in the wind will not deter the group treading through the woods off of the beaten track. However, the uncertainty of the gloomy shadows ahead are still very much alive and well within everypony, and whispers of soft fear are becoming more common. The potential for danger or reward lies closer to you now than the return journey home does... Determined to reach the promised prize, you all press onward with hope ever present, in your heart!
  2. Nightmare Moon's Monument As you near the edge of the festival grounds, you see a long shadow seeming to seep out of the Everfree Forest. However, upon closer inspection, you see that it is just a statue of Nightmare Moon. You approach, and notice an inscription: You dare to seek out Nightmare Moon? Then prepare to meet your doom! For foals she finds a special treat- unless you leave her something sweet! The evening is wearing ever onward, and the weird atmosphere of this spot is starting to get to everypony, even yourself...so much so that you could almost swear that the Nightmare Moon statue is ready to spring to life any moment and steal all of the delicious candy hoard you've ammassed. the weather out here is getting a little chillier as the hours wear on - perhaps being in this section of the forest isn't such a good idea afterall...but the promise of sweet treats is way too strong to ignore, even despite the fact that you're in the piercing gaze of an eerily accurate statue of Nightmare Moon herself... Still, you're with a group of other ponies, right? So What could possibly go wrong now?
  3. Brazil was actually deep in the everfree, taking care to not get caught offguard by anything - after the events of the last couple of hours, he'd somehow managed to wind up following a group of ponies into the forest. Wherever his plucky pegasus daughter had disappeared to, however, he had no idea...this had been a fairly lousy night for the treats so far but at least the pair of them were sharing a decent family night... " Well, at least the atmosphere's relevent... " muttered the earth pony for a moment. " Dark with an underlying theme of unseen chaos. " And it just so happened that this is the moment where a familiar voice is heard! - "Come on ya pink colored prankster! Ah know yer out there!" " That's Paradise! " His ears perk up at the sound, immediately galloping off in the direction where she would be found...relieved to hear that she was close by. Sure, he knew she could look after herself, but this was meant to have been a family night - he curses himself for having not looked for her sooner ...he'd just have to owe her a decent treat or something later when they were going for eats, right now he just wanted to catch up with her...and besides, from the sound of it she was just as annoyed at the pink party pony as he was right now, and a problem shared was always a problem halved!
  4. Big Mac was currently momentarily occupied with the bucking of trees nearby - his apple collection quota for the morning was almost done, then he could freely move onto sorting and washing them before getting them down to Ponyville in order to sell them on. Once that would be taken care of, he'd be due back to take care of other crops and general farmhouse chores that made up a good portion of his day. Most other ponies would have taken offense to living such an overly monotonous and workaholic lifestyle, but Mac had his own ways of appreciating things he had, and some of the things he valued more than anything was how this afforded him chances to just relax and talk to other ponyfolks living in ponyville. Just as he raised his right hindleg to thump the tree behind him once again for it's red-coated apple wares, his eyes catch ahold of a familiar pegasus...one of Applejacks friends, he remembered - she was a quiet unassuming but painfully shy pony, and he hadn't really spoken to her on many occasions. Seeing as Applejack and Grandma apple weren't immediately on hand to tend to her, and Applebloom was off on one of her mystery romps with those two other young fillies, he figured that going down to meet and greet the mare was probably the most polite thing he could do until somepony else showed up. Stepping away from the overly large apple tree he was currently tending to, he canters slowly down to where their visitor was awaiting reception... " Well howdy, Miss! " Macintosh says, giving a light smile as he approaches. " Is thar anythin' ah can get for ya t'day, or are y'here t'talk with Applejack? " He at least had hoped just to offer a friendly welcome - the last thing he ever needed to do was give the poor pegasus a heart attack with a greeting!
  5. Sonic Generations OST - once again proving that Sega damn well know how to put music to task, and make it SUPERB! This game will be mine!

  6. The mirrors around you seem to be eminating an odd gleam, and the air around you becomes filled by a dull laughter that grows, becoming louder until it's virtually all around you - after a moment, the laughter dies down and each mirror nearby is 'graced' by a vision of Discords amused eyes! " HELLO, My little ponies - I'm here by order of the princess to make your night a little more FUN! " The eyes pan back, revealing discord - and he's doing the discord shuffle on your reflections head before a piece of candy appears in one of his hands...which he promptly stuffs into his mouth with a devilish grin. Well, this clearly wasn't going to end well for anypony! " None for you I'm afraid - here, have yourselves a few small OTHER tokens of MY appreciation in return for being a MOST wonderful audience! " He clicks his fingers, and dozens of black spiders with red eyes start coming forth from the mirrors...each one squeaking like a dog-chew toy, but still managing to look somewhat menacing regardless...whilst the god of Divine Chaos bursts into hysterical laughter as he watches the event from his vantage pont in the mirror. Unfortunately, it also appears as though a poison joke patch had been 'flashed' into existance along your escape route - Yup, you just had yourselves a discord run-in...and he's subjected everypony here to a dose of poison joke as a result. Time to go find Zecora, eh?
  7. Up ahead amongst the darkness in the trees, you can hear a soft giggling - the group follows it, trying to catch up with the source of the sound but it keeps eluding you all...it's like the voice is goading you on, trying to get you to follow it. It's always seemingly just down the next path, or hidden in the nearest bush...until eventually all goes quiet. It almost feels like you're going around in circles, but there's no way to tell! suddenly a familiar muzzle sticks into your peripheral vision, speaking out loud without warning. " Looking for something? " Immediately, you and the rest of the group drop into a bow... Yes, the princess herself had been having a little playful fun with everypony for a moment, but she graciously awards you all a piece of candy and her well wishes before resuming heading on her way to the next destination for the night, humming a small gentle song as she trots away regally. You'll no doubt all remember this moment fondly for the rest of your lives!
  8. Pinkie Pie's Hilarious Haunted House of Horrors You know that Pinkie Pie always has the best—and also scariest haunted house in Equestria on Nightmare Night. Pinkie loves to pull pranks, ALMOST as much as she likes throwing parties. What better way to combine the two than on Nightmare Night? Against your better judgment, you step inside. Every year, Pinkie's haunted house gets worse, more scary than the year before. It's something Pinkie enjoys immensely, and she goes all out, preparing for weeks on end. Pinkie Pie has even roped some of her friends into dressing up as horrible creatures, ready to jump out and scare anypony who might chance by! This haunted house is well decorated this year - the painted skulls, glowing ghosts and the suspended bats swinging on the ceiling all look as though they could start chattering and making noises at you at any moment...the howling wind through open windows almost seem to be calling out to warn you of the potential troublesome spooks in the dark...waiting to leap out and scare anypony silly enough to cross them. But you're all already far too deep in to turn back now - there's a prize in here someplace, a reward for those brave souls who have ventured into this dark, creepy place with the intent to conquer it this year...but of course, there's still much more in the unknown than you've probably seen, and who knows what other creepy surprises lay in wait for the unwary and the easily scared? Dare you go on in?
  9. Discord's Everfree Adventure Be sure to keep to the path dimly lit by the luminary bags. If you stay in the light, none of the forest creatures will harm you. On the night when you should most fear the Everfree Forest, a spell will keep you safe—so long as you keep to the path ahead! The forest is starting to look ever increasingly intimidating in the pale luminescence of Luna's perfectly controlled moon...a dusky glow falling upon everything around you, giving an almost ethereal feel to the massively overbearing surroundings, the rustling of the leaves and bushes starting to become more regular, and the howls of unseen creatures are beginning to be more frequent than perhaps they would have been only a short time ago. Still, you go ever onwards...the promised candy must be ahead somewhere, and even the dull echoes of laughter in the wind will not deter the group treading through the woods off of the beaten track. However, the uncertainty of the gloomy shadows ahead are still very much alive and well within everypony, and whispers of soft fear are becoming more common. The potential for danger or reward lies closer to you now than the return journey home does... Determined to reach the promised prize, you all press onward with hope ever present, in your heart!
  10. Nightmare Moon's Monument As you near the edge of the festival grounds, you see a long shadow seeming to seep out of the Everfree Forest. However, upon closer inspection, you see that it is just a statue of Nightmare Moon. You approach, and notice an inscription: You dare to seek out Nightmare Moon? Then prepare to meet your doom! For foals she finds a special treat- unless you leave her something sweet! The evening is wearing ever onward, and the weird atmosphere of this spot is starting to get to everypony, even yourself...so much so that you could almost swear that the Nightmare Moon statue is ready to spring to life any moment and steal all of the delicious candy hoard you've ammassed. the weather out here is getting a little chillier as the hours wear on - perhaps being in this section of the forest isn't such a good idea afterall...but the promise of sweet treats is way too strong to ignore, even despite the fact that you're in the piercing gaze of an eerily accurate statue of Nightmare Moon herself... Still, you're with a group of other ponies, right? So What could possibly go wrong now?
  11. Celestia's House of Mirrors You suspect the only reason Celestia volunteered to run the House of Mirrors was so that she could admire her own wings—but you'd never say it aloud. Still, it's a rather fun attraction, even if—oof—you find it difficult not to run into somepony. Or, was that just your reflection you bumped into? At any rate, it's fun for awhile, but you seem to be lost... Some of the mirrors are a little dusted over in places, and it's hard to see your reflections truly clearly...sometimes a trick of the light makes you feel like they're watching you - that it was merely only seconds away from a reflection leaping out and doing...Celestia-knows-what. Sure, it's a crazy thought on a night like this, but sometimes nights like this were where the impossible became real - which makes it all the more reason why you and the others keep your wits about you
  12. Well, after all of the action that had taken place earlier...thanks to one particularly pink pony, Brazil was now at a loss for candy and had decided to take a trek to the Nightmare Moon statue, alongside his daughter. There was a positive air between the two enthusiastic ponies...despite having had their candies given to AND stolen from by one Party pony, there was still hope that there would be better luck in hour three of this Nightmare Night. Besides, Brazil enjoyed a good walk out here now and then - it was fairly relaxing to just share some quality time with his daughter on a night like this... " Well, we haven't had the best luck SO far... " Brazil says, looking back at the eager young pegasus following behind him. " But I have a GOOD feeling about this time....we can't possibly end tonight without SOMETHING, at the very least, and I'm sure we'll find it's here where our luck finally changes! " He was entirely enthusiastic about the chances of something good happening here...there was just a good feeling in the air, and he was going to follow his instincts on this one - thus the explorer puts his best hooves forward and hoped for the best!
  13. " Congratulations, you made it! " An almost singsong voice nearby lets the other ponies know immediately that the speaker wasn't of average pony - that hunch would be immediately correct thanks to the gentle hoofsteps that reveal themselves to be belonging to the Princess of Equestria herself, Princess Celestia. { Of course, all of the group ponies bow before her majesty - t'is courtesy! !} " It seems that you have been lucky here tonight...especially in these ghostly surroundings - I shall hope for your luck to continue, and now reward EACH of you with one piece of candy each for bravely facing down your fears on this, the most mysterious and wonderous of nights. " The candies appear out of nowhere, and land within taking distance...she gestures for everypony to rise again as she spreads her wings. " For now, I shall bid you all farewell and wish you good luck on the rest of this night - may you all reap the rewards of both the real...AND...the emotional sweetness you all seek! " With a strong flap of her wings, she takes off out of the haunted house - you could swear that she had had a mischievous glint in her eye and a smile as she left, but that feels so incredulous that you cannot help but laugh at the thought - surely you're just imagining things! Ah well, whatever that was...you're a candy richer for the experience, and that's what matters most, right? ...Right?
  14. Pinkie Pie's Hilarious Haunted House of Horrors You know that Pinkie Pie always has the best—and also scariest haunted house in Equestria on Nightmare Night. Pinkie loves to pull pranks, ALMOST as much as she likes throwing parties. What better way to combine the two than on Nightmare Night? Against your better judgment, you step inside. Every year, Pinkie's haunted house gets worse, more scary than the year before. It's something Pinkie enjoys immensely, and she goes all out, preparing for weeks on end. Pinkie Pie has even roped some of her friends into dressing up as horrible creatures, ready to jump out and scare anypony who might chance by! This haunted house is well decorated this year - the painted skulls, glowing ghosts and the suspended bats swinging on the ceiling all look as though they could start chattering and making noises at you at any moment...the howling wind through open windows almost seem to be calling out to warn you of the potential troublesome spooks in the dark...waiting to leap out and scare anypony silly enough to cross them. But you're all already far too deep in to turn back now - there's a prize in here someplace, a reward for those brave souls who have ventured into this dark, creepy place with the intent to conquer it this year...but of course, there's still much more in the unknown than you've probably seen, and who knows what other creepy surprises lay in wait for the unwary and the easily scared? Dare you go on in?
  15. Celestia's House of Mirrors You suspect the only reason Celestia volunteered to run the House of Mirrors was so that she could admire her own wings—but you'd never say it aloud. Still, it's a rather fun attraction, even if—oof—you find it difficult not to run into somepony. Or, was that just your reflection you bumped into? At any rate, it's fun for awhile, but you seem to be lost... Looking around you, the mirrors seem to be almost taking a life of their own...deformed shapes of what would normally be pony reflections glaring back at you with distorted visages of smiles - the lack of light now starting to truly make the scene all the more frightning and yet alluring, knowing that sometime, somewhere in this little hall of reflective crazyness is somepony with candy...candy that you can truly claim as a deserved prize once the hour is nigh. However, there is something to be said about the distinct eery sounds and creaky mirrors that almost seem to be turning and watching you...no, it's just a trick of the light, mirrors can't move and the reflections aren't alive - it's all so very unsettling, and thoughts of turning back might even enter minds for but a moment. The only way to know for sure what you're made of is to stare into the mirrored abyss ahead...and to see just what looks back at you!
  16. Discord's Everfree Adventure Be sure to keep to the path dimly lit by the luminary bags. If you stay in the light, none of the forest creatures will harm you. On the night when you should most fear the Everfree Forest, a spell will keep you safe—so long as you keep to the path ahead! The forest is starting to look ever increasingly intimidating in the pale luminescence of Luna's perfectly controlled moon...a dusky glow falling upon everything around you, giving an almost ethereal feel to the massively overbearing surroundings, the rustling of the leaves and bushes starting to become more regular, and the howls of unseen creatures are beginning to be more frequent than perhaps they would have been only a short time ago. Still, you go ever onwards...the promised candy must be ahead somewhere, and even the dull echoes of laughter in the wind will not deter the group treading through the woods off of the beaten track. However, the uncertainty of the gloomy shadows ahead are still very much alive and well within everypony, and whispers of soft fear are becoming more common. The potential for danger or reward lies closer to you now than the return journey home does... Determined to reach the promised prize, you all press onward with hope ever present, in your heart!
  17. Nightmare Moon's Monument As you near the edge of the festival grounds, you see a long shadow seeming to seep out of the Everfree Forest. However, upon closer inspection, you see that it is just a statue of Nightmare Moon. You approach, and notice an inscription: You dare to seek out Nightmare Moon? Then prepare to meet your doom! For foals she finds a special treat- unless you leave her something sweet! The evening is wearing ever onward, and the weird atmosphere of this spot is starting to get to everypony, even yourself...so much so that you could almost swear that the Nightmare Moon statue is ready to spring to life any moment and steal all of the delicious candy hoard you've ammassed. Your breath catches as you stand perfectly still for a moment...nothing happening, it's all just a bad feeling created by your overactive imagination - no, nothing really bad will really happen to you on this most wonderful of nights, a celebration of all that is dark and unseen. But that bad feeling running down your spine - is it nerves, or is there something in the air...is something watching you with hidden eyes from the bushes? Or...is it somePONY?
  18. Well, after his and Paradise's moderate success in the haunted mansion, the intrepid explorer had come to the mirror hall to try his luck - as he enters, a thousand familiar yet distorted reflections of the ponies familiar grin all beamed back at him - it was a little unnerving, but Brazil was far too focused on his eventual goal... " Ha, one piece of candy down, dozens more to go! " he mutters aloud, making his way with the group - he was quite enjoying this rather unusual night...just as he always enjoyed those events that were a touch above the norm. Nightmare Night, although still very much in it's infancy as a holiday, was proving to be just as much fun as any other of the more unique celebrations that he'd taken part in. He keeps his eyes peeled for anything unusual...trick or treat was on it's way, and Brazil Nut refused to be denied his second prize of the night!
  19. Alright, we're gonna now bite the proverbial bullet and gonna toss this into the pile to see if it sticks!
  20. Berry was beginning to honestly enjoy the evenings developments so far...the atmospheric buzz of the ponies whom had made their way to the bar was truly uplifting, and the fact that there were even some asking for a second helping made the purple pony smile somewhat - they were a very talkative and enjoyable bunch and she couldn't help but feel overjoyed that her small halloween-themed stall had generated something of a crowd. Excusing herself from the stalliangradic discussion momentarily, which she was most enjoying, she tended to the wine order from the one pony in particular who seemed like he was having a good time. Sliding his refilled glass over to him, she offers up a smile and winks playfully at Mojo... " If you like what I got here, maybe ya'all should pop over to Ponyville on market days...I tend to sell bottles of the good stuff there, too! " she says, accepting his payment of bits and tossing them into her saddlebag. " Just remember to enjoy it in moderation, okay? Nopony wants a bad ending to a good night! " If the rest of the night was going to continue in this way, she'd make a decent total in no time at all! She canters back over to her vampire-outfitted customer with an easygoing smile as she settles down again - after clearing her throat gently, she resumes their discussion. " Sorry, Going to be a busy night it seems! " she says apologetically " And no, I'm not really from up this way seeing as I'm based in Ponyville...but since this is one of the biggest and best Nightmare night festivals in equestria, I couldn't help but set myself up here to maybe attract some customers. We sometimes do pegasi deliveries through ponyville post office, so it's not totally uncommon that I'd send a bottle or two to customers from all over...heck, perhaps I can work something out with you! " she says with a small quick coy wink and a hopeful smile on her muzzle. " You seem like the kinda pony who'd enjoy a nice relaxing wine at the end of an evening, after all... "
  21. HEEEEEEEY, Welcome to the forums and such - nice to see new folks turning up! Seeing as how Tales has told ya all about the rules pages and such, I'mma go ahead and state that there's always the Getting Started section for any further enquiry you might have about how to make applications and how to generally get along with everything that takes place here. Also, Skye runs a RP Masterclass now and then for those who migzht need a little assistance with RP Concepts, so whenever you feel like you need a hand, don't be afraid to ask him about it! Mods, admins and General helpstaff are also on hand to help with any other questions and things that you may wanna ask/find out more about that may or may not already be covered by that aforementioned help area - so there's literally nothing to lose by looking around or asking anypony for help here! Now that I've covered that, I'm gonna go right ahead and award you a complimentary Glowstick! ^^; Welcome to the boards, I hope you have yasself a blast up in here!
  22. HEEEEEEEY, Welcome to the forums and such - nice to see new folks turning up! Seeing as how Tales has told ya all about the rules pages and such, I'mma go ahead and state that there's always the Getting Started section for any further enquiry you might have about how to make applications and how to generally get along with everything that takes place here. Also, Skye runs a RP Masterclass now and then for those who migzht need a little assistance with RP Concepts, so whenever you feel like you need a hand, don't be afraid to ask him about it! Mods, admins and General helpstaff are also on hand to help with any other questions and things that you may wanna ask/find out more about that may or may not already be covered by that aforementioned help area - so there's literally nothing to lose by looking around or asking anypony for help here! Now that I've covered that, I'm gonna go right ahead and award you a complimentary Glowstick! ^^; Welcome to the boards, I hope you have yasself a blast up in here!
  23. HEEEEEEEY, Welcome to the forums and such - nice to see new folks turning up! Seeing as how Tales has told ya all about the rules pages and such, I'mma go ahead and state that there's always the Getting Started section for any further enquiry you might have about how to make applications and how to generally get along with everything that takes place here. Also, Skye runs a RP Masterclass now and then for those who migzht need a little assistance with RP Concepts, so whenever you feel like you need a hand, don't be afraid to ask him about it! Mods, admins and General helpstaff are also on hand to help with any other questions and things that you may wanna ask/find out more about that may or may not already be covered by that aforementioned help area - so there's literally nothing to lose by looking around or asking anypony for help here! Now that I've covered that, I'm gonna go right ahead and award you a complimentary Glowstick! ^^; Welcome to the boards, I hope you have yasself a blast up in here! { PS: ANOTHER UK BRONY! 8D *UKHoof* }
  24. AHA - Nightmare Night was a night for fun, hilarity, and plain old ADVENTURE! The pony venturing through the door of the haunted house bore an irrepressable grin, the smile of one who had seen and lived through more than anypony would ever know...the smile of a pony who's biggest enjoyment in life was to live for a life adventurous, and be damned the results! Brazil Nut, Semi-famed adventurer of Canterlots Museum Expeditions had arrived! " AHA, IS ANYPONY HERE? " the pony declared...standing tall and defiant of his surroundings...and no doubt startling the few ponies around. He pauses and glances around apologetically - one pony even hissed at him and told him to quieten down, he was ruining the atmosphere! Well no matter...he was here to get his just desserts - some sweet, sweet candy and maybe a little excitement on this fine Nightmare night!
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