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Status Updates posted by SunsetSombra

  1. What's the difference between FIM season 2 and Valve? At least with FIM, we're KNOW when we're getting episode 3 #Burn!

  2. When stuck with a situation you don't know how to handle, just remember this: WWPCD? - What would Princess Celestia do? #MLPFiM #ToTheMoon!

    1. Davroth


      ...Banana bag? :I

  3. Who was best pony again? http://t.co/Cys2BBiK - Just your regular reminder! #ShinelikeRarity

  4. Who's best pony? -http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/391/whiskers.png - WHISKERS the Alicorn of awesome hairstyles, of course!

  5. Who's best pony? http://t.co/LwPsGRYM - That's right, THIS is best pony!

  6. Who's got two thumbs and a keen itch to be kicking Reaper Ass in Mass Effect 3? #thisguy #MassEffect3 #SuckitReapers

  7. Who's my best pony? http://t.co/Q80dDLAx - Brazil Nut, of course! 8D #OCLove #NutFamily

  8. Whoooo wants a new suuuuuit? =D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShadowWalking18


      *Closes the door and checks the cameras and lights so often. Gotta save power till 6*

    3. tacobob


      Oh, you kids and your Sega tapes!

    4. Solfire


      I don't, but I have one for you! *Kicks you into an Iron Maiden* Have fun, and don't let the suitors find you.

  9. Why do we have SO many @MLPProblems, and absolutely no #MLPSolutions? Come on, twitter, sort this out...apply pony to solve problems!

  10. Why does stupid flood in when I'm trying to do ****? ...Oh, right.

  11. WHY THE HELL...is it -3oC? #****thatnoise!

  12. Winter sucks - it slows my tempo the crap down...argleblargle!

  13. Wish to RP with CC's Princess Luna? Sign up via the RP interest Thread in the OOC section and talk about it! :D

    1. stormchaser1991


      i want to just need to have Starwind approved

  14. wishing @Kikiandami a succesful time ahead through this challenging time ahead. Well wishes and love from the UK - We hope all goes well! <3

  15. Wishing @steveaustinBSR well in his knee surgery recovery - Sure, we missed seeing the Rattlesnake on Raw1K, but this was the better choice!

  16. Wonder what's going on to-... *Reads twitter feed* ...DAMMIT, @mlp_Celestia, Y U make me want cake? ;.; #RichDenseChocolatecake #Trollestia

  17. Wooo, Jeepers is in CC - time to have some fun~

    1. Halide


      Can we give him two tag-along fellers called Creepers and Peepers?

    2. Halide


      Can we give him two tag-along fellers called Creepers and Peepers?

    3. SunsetSombra


      It's a she, ya ijit!

  18. Woooo, gonna be a fun two weeks - well, not really. Blarg!

    1. tacobob


      Bring us back stuffs!

  19. WOOOOO, #residentevil6 mercenaries is FUN - hard work and full of hilariously silly mistakes when playing alone, but I'm enjoying it!

  20. Wooooooo, Hello Canterlot crazies! <3

  21. Wooooooooooo, this is a status! 8D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rosewind


      How did you get out of Poundland?

    3. QuickLime


      They threw him out, something about eating all their bbq pizzas

    4. DreamySunday


      Something Relevent!

  22. WooooooOOOoooOOOooo.....!

    1. Dessa



  23. Working on getting some replies done over the next few days. :P

  24. Wow - just the finale left of MLP:FiM Season 2? it's been a wild ride, and I've enjoyed it a helluva lot. Onwards to season 3, everypony!

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