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Everything posted by Rosewind

  1. I think we were talking about Ashleigh not being into her role of RD. She was probably asked to redub and knew how many people she was going to be disappointing, and there was nothing she could do about it. This is all speculation, of course. Hasbro not having a united front with their content? These are the same people that hid G3 pony snacks in a G4 box for Celestia's sake! I think the real issue is that this is the first real evidence we've seen that Hasbro did have a problem with the episode, and future content might suffer because of it -- the worst of it being we don't know what we might lose.
  2. Won't it be kind of odd for her to RP without really understanding the content, characters, and locales of FiM? Have her watch an episode or two to get an idea about it, otherwise it's going to be
  3. Pfft, duh! Gryphilly still sounds cooler, though.
  4. Eh her eyes are still a bit derped. I like how she actually sounds female, but did they need to go with generic valley girl and take her name out? Full story here. This is not the worst case scenario. I'm just glad they didn't yoink out the character, period. I am a bit fearful that her eyes won't be the same in future episodes, but only time will really tell.
  5. Bumping -- replaced B&W with color art in OP. Go look at mah art!
  6. Gilda was way cuter as a...hatchy? Gryphilly?
  7. Hmm...not quite! That's the price of the downloadable content you can get on iTunes. There is a pony DVD set coming soon, but it only has like 5 episodes on it. A season one box set is something that everypony has been asking for! The info on Hasbro's site is pretty misleading.
  8. Aww a bunny! Isn't Easter soonish? Anyway, welcome to Canterlot!
  9. Another Redwaller?! AAAH! *hughughug* It's a shame the author passed away last year, I still can't get myself to read the last book!
  10. Whoa really, can you link this mysterious box set? I haven't heard hide or hair about it, I imagine it would be pretty big news around here! Also you're quite welcome!
  11. Welcome remix: I wish Hasbro would release a Season 1 box set.
  12. Welcome back! I used to have a friend that was way into the Warriors series. Have you read any of the Redwall series? That's a personal favorite of mine.
  13. Welcome to Canterlot! We've been getting a lot of programmers joining up, lately! We're quite glad to have you. Isn't FiM amazing? Since you're new to the herd, obligatory:
  14. I checked IMDb and Wikipedia, as well as the nets in general, and nothing is even suggested about Courage picking up again this year except for the "leaked" video. It would be a nice surprise to see it return; it used to creep me out. It would be great if it changed up the formula a bit, though!
  15. This thread is going to be SO AWESOME!
  16. I really hope they don't. The mare is out of the bag, so to speak! What I would really like to see is another appearance with her, with her voice redone and in completely different situation that reserves everything we love about her. If pulled off right, I think it would help dispel this entire issue.
  17. I didn't really like Gilda as a character, but like the other series antagonists (Trixie), she served her role well enough. If you really dislike Gilda, I should point you to a certain fanfic that's near and dear to me. I shouldn't have to say which one.
  18. So your father is giving you guff for liking FiM? I think your best bet is to ignore it and stay classy about it. If your father calls you gay (which is a pretty deplorable thing for him to say, even in jest), smile and tell him you are straight (if you are). It sounds like the females in your family understand you and accept it, so maybe you should talk to them about your feelings -- maybe if you have a "united front" you all can tell your dad that the way he's treating you isn't fair. Whatever happens, take pride in what you enjoy, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
  19. There are offical pony plushies, but they're not very good looking: Also the dreaded Hasbro alert drone: I don't think there's a brony alive that hasn't been spotted in the "pink aisle" by this thing.
  20. Welcome to Canterlot. I love you, too!
  21. Hay there! Isn't FiM addicting? I was at a cafe not too long ago watching an episode and started to infect attract random viewers. There's just something magical about it that's super glue for attention. You're into journalism? That can apply quite well to pony, there's always some new scoop to dig up about the fandom or culture.
  22. Welcome to Canterlot! You're into game design huh? That sounds exciting. Have you thought about making any pony games?
  23. Wow Whitehawke, that Scootaloo plushie! I want one! That size chart with body shapes was really neat. Celestia looks super imposing! Why do you think alicorns are so big? Is it to reinforce Celestia's role as the motherly/parental figure in the show?
  24. That was sweet. There's one person who actually has the right to find it offensive, and didn't. Derpy has been spotted in several episodes since this thread started; she wasn't hacked out -- and I'm sure Hasbro is well aware of the fan reaction and how close she is to our community.
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