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Everything posted by starswirlthebearded

  1. You know, I'm wondering how my anti-pony friend feels about a pony artist and brony being signed to Kontor... I'm likely not going to bring it up unless he does though. He'll probably be pissed that a Brony will probably get the chance to stand on the same stage as his favorite trance artist before he will XD (ATB). (and if you don't know, I'm referring to Archie who recently got a contact)
  2. I've decided that any remix should distort pony to sound like brony. And remove "best wedding ever" or make two, one with it at the very end and one without.
  3. No one posted it because they were all watching it on repeat wondering when Archie would remix it. At least that is what I was doing....
  4. As suggested in hearth's warming eve, that would be a connection to the land mostly. We have not seen any alicorn display that connection. Perhaps they have "off camera," but we haven't seen it. That is certainly a possibility though.
  5. You have to remember that Faust only worked on it early on, so that is no excuse, because an editor would have easily caught that before going live with the script. Remember, the choice to put derpy's name in the script was last second, so for them to not change it in editing, is no reason to assume that alicorn is the canon name. And as I said, we are taking how the ponies view them, not how we view them. They have the phenotypic traits of two races because the third has no real identifying feature. My question is why would they see them as an embodiment of all three if they can only see two. Hence why I think they are seem as winged unicorns.
  6. But then wouldn't that be the same with Luna at night? Luna Eclipsed occurred at night after all.
  7. Just because you have to tolerate him doesn't mean you have to associate with him. And again, the question is, does it feel like they are making fun of it to hurt you or is it in jest (the kind of making fun that you can laugh at yourself). Also G1 wasn't bad at all. The opener was in a few ways similar to the G4 opener. G4 has a 20% cooler look though. though I doubt it will be a problem since FiM is much easier to find than the other generations right now.
  8. If your friends will make fun of you for what you like in earnest, then they probably weren't your friends to begin with. Of my friends, we all mess with each other to a degree, but its always in jest. However, none of them judge or berate based on interest of something. If your friends are actually your friends, they'll accept you for who you are no matter what. As for parents, you have no choice but to associate them within your circle of interest and they are irreplaceable. I've seen far more parents be less accepting than any friends, and you can ALWAYS make more friends. Remember, your parents grew up in a different time. Kids of this generation tend to be far more accepting, because that is the environment they grew up in. But the environment your parents grew up in was likely in a time of far less acceptance. They grew up in a time of racial segregation (extreme), sexual rights tension (feminist movement), and the time when gays were ostracized for basically no reason (AIDs and the like). Not only that, but the world was seen far more in black and white, where girls played with dolls and guys played sports or something else that was deemed manly. There were actually studies and experiments in the 70s and 80s to "unfeminize" feminine guys, out of fear they would turn gay. Now I'm not saying some kids did not grow up in an environment like that, one of less acceptance and understanding, but it is far more likely than it once was. Of my friends, I'm only actively hiding it from one and ONLY one. Mainly because he grew up in Romania and was in the army. He grew up in a very black and white environment when it comes to what is seen as manly and feminine. He is open minded about everything else except that. I tread lightly with him. (I only do this because I have NO idea how he'll react... It would go one of two ways that I can think of... 1) He'd be off put, but be my friend regardless (he wouldn't mess with me much because he knows I'd turn it on him, though that is a possibility and that exchange could go on for hours ) 2) He'd actually get curious, but not actually watch it, or if he does, it would be due to his GF or so he would claim) Everyone else... they have no problems what so ever. Ok... so one makes jokes about it, but she watches it too... So... yeah... take that as you will.
  9. Allow me to expand on what I meant. The term Alicorn is taken from a modern novel, which is to mean winged unicorn. While it doesn't say that it implies it with Latin etymology as someone else pointed out. We, as a community, can make it to mean an embodiment of all three types of ponies, but in the end, in universe, it seems that they do not have a word for them except for princess. Which means when they refer to the type of pony a princess is, it is a winged unicorn for them. This would explain why twilight referred to cadence as a unicorn instead of an alicorn. Let's face it, "winged earth unicorn pony" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. Within the community, I refer to them as alicorn, because that is the accepted term. But if the question is how other ponies view them? They view them as royalty first and foremost, and as exceptionally powerful unicorns whom happen to have wings. There has been no indication that they are seen as anything different. Think of it how humans view race... A person may have the heritage of white, hispanic and African, but only what people see will be used to describe them. If they have no white features, who would see them as white? They'll see them as a person of hispanic and African decent if those are the visible features.
  10. Until I hear the term Alicorn, I'm going to assume that they are seen as winged unicorns. Though they have all three races within them only two are obvious. And since that term I used technically categorizes them as unicorns, twilight calling her a unicorn is completely natural.
  11. Ginger and I seem to be on the same page with this whole thing. And he can articulate her thoughts so much better than I can! Though I think removing all love from a place that is built on love and harmony would lead to chaos. Though a different sort of chaos than Discord was shown to create.
  12. That looks like a custom decal. I'm pretty sure you can find a custom decal maker in Australia, and if not if you send a design with size dimensions to an online one I'm sure they would make it for you. Not sure how cheap it would be though.
  13. If it doesn't make it into the Mane RP (which is possible given my reasons), you can always bend the rules of the character design (make the wolf friendly or what not) and use it in free for all (definately) or crossover (I think). And no offense taken. I'm not actually an RPer, so its very likely that I am wrong. I just read the rules and have been trying to understand them completely because I've been considering joining the RP for some time. If I'm wrong and the app is accepted, then I'm wrong and wolves are cool (in more ways than one).
  14. Here is what I thought... Luna and Celestia wielded them together. It was their mutual friendship that allowed them to be used to their full effect against Discord. When Celestia used them against her sister the friendship was weakened, but since it was still there she was able to use them. However, since her sister wasn't with her and her friendship (remember the 6th element is the MAGIC of FRIENDSHIP) she wasn't able to use the full potential which would have actually restored harmony, which is to say purify Luna. So instead harmony was given a stay by banishing the evil to the Moon. Basically the EoH made it so that new wielders could be found by Celestia that would be able to make the connection and properly wield them. Which is why Celestia said that the reason Discord escaped is because her and Luna's connection to the EoH were broken. So basically to sum up the EoH have requirements for use... 1) Friendship... This is the main one, without it, they are useless. This is proven in Return to Harmony. Discord destroyed the Mane 6 friendship, Twilight still had hope which is why the reaction started, but none of the others did, which is why it ultimately didn't work. Had it been the situation like Celestia and Luna, I could easily see Twilight using them. 2) Representing the elements within yourself. Celestia and Luna represent pretty much all that is good. Either one can represent any of the elements. It is possible that the elements work BETTER when an individual represents the singular element over multiple. 3) ??? (I like the look of 3... I think there is probably something I'm missing) Profit (sorry I had to after 3... >_>) But back on topic. The elements are a MacGuffin. Their intent varies. Likely their power is limitless based on the needs of the show. I kind of hope they don't use them often. I liked that they used a completely different trope in the Season 2 finale. But it does seem the creators dropped hints to as why Celestia could only banish instead of purify, why Twilight before realizing her connection and friendship with the rest of the Mane 6 could not use the elements despite having the magical power to create a "spark", and why Discord was set free. Of course we are dealing with things that are MacGuffins so I'm basically talking nonsense that makes sense to me and I could be entirely and completely wrong about everything. WE MUST CONSULT WITH FAUST ON THE DAY OF JUNE 30!
  15. -Wonders how he confused parallel and convergent evolution- I think midterms fried my brain... Oh well... But yes... That was the other idea for the existence of changelings.
  16. I actually thought the same thing. I convinced myself that AJ and Rarity talked the Princess into it, and Scootaloo got dragged into it by association.
  17. Wikipedia Basically boredom + googling "easter eggs" + wikipedia = day of figuring out which are still active and which are not. Doing so also lead me to a number of sites that used the Konami Code... It was like tvtropes the interactive version!
  18. I'm not clear on the entire situation, but I never believe starting over is a solution. It is a cheap cop-out to me, because no matter what, people will remember. What you need to do is continue on from this point. You made a mistake? Fine, don't try and erase it. Live with it and grow from it. Become better from your mistakes. If you learned from whatever happened, then that is good, allow it to become a part of you. You don't need to reintroduce yourself, rather allow people to get to know the real you.
  19. http://g.co/maps/xh2me Google agrees
  20. I'm not sure, but I'd assume not... Timber Wolves as seen in the show are 1) Only found in the everfree forest, 2) nontalking 3) don't interact with ponies other than to attack them.
  21. WAIT! Your English TEACHER got you curious? I wish to hear more about this mystical teacher! That is kinda awesome. Also welcome to Canterlot! Also I learned how to use a bow and arrow when I was a kid... I wonder if I still remember XD.
  22. Not exactly. I think they have a limit to how far they can maintain balance though. It looks like it can only dispel disharmony in the direct vicinity. I see no reason why it cannot be used outside of Equestria. But using the EoH won't affect any disharmony outside of Equestria because those lands are not within its current range of power.
  23. I'd like to mention that when the Changlings were banished it looks like their kingdom was OUTSIDE of Equestria. If you looked there was a barren wasteland looking thing in the horizon. It kinda reminded me of the elephant graveyard from The Lion King. Remember Equestria is the Kingdom, not the world. There are other areas that are not a part of Equestria. Queen Chrysalis even suggested that her hoard had to travel far to get to Equestria. And even said there was no land with more love than Equestria (suggesting that she had been to other lands to feed).
  24. Professional is definitely the way to go. I have a friend who dyes hair like that, but she had been doing it since she was in high school. According to her it took her a while to figure out how to do it in such a way that looks good. When I met her she had a near rainbow, but now she relegates it to shades of purple and a bit of blue. Looks good of done right though.
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