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Everything posted by starswirlthebearded

  1. Ah but can it not be said his observances and analysis are relating to looks and appearances, which is a very rarity-esque thing to do. I think Brian choose his avatar wisely. I just want to weigh in and say I recall there being discrepancies in magic color at the beginning of season 1. The initial was either eye or mane color (I can't remember at the moment). Then it switched to cutie mark color. However now it looks like they fluctuate between all three. I think it's an arbitrary decision based on the character and their overall design. The mane cast seem all to be cutie mark though (twilight, Celestia, rarity, Luna). Celestia is gold for her sun, twilight is purple for her main star, rarity is light blue for her diamond and Luna is dark blue/purple for the color around the moon (I assume that is supposed to be the night sky). The rest I'm not so sure.
  2. You mean like that fake season 3 line up? Man that was a good troll. I got a good laugh out of it that's for sure, even if I knew it was fake.
  3. The problem is that generalizations will be all we ever have. The human brain is too complex to make any theory that will suit a general population in the traditional sense of scientific theory. Nothing is ever black and white either, but I like to think the line is clearly visible (which side seems to be most favorable). Naturally this isn't always the case, but sometimes it is. I do however look forward to those articles.
  4. I have read several while I was studying psych, but that was long ago and probably couldn't find them if I tried. If I recall correctly, false bravado is just bravado that can't be backed up when challenged. The confidence and courage is still there though. And when it is knocked down, that confidence tends to return unchanged. This suggests that there is nothing false about it, but rather lends to it being unjustifiable. However if a person is unjustifiably confident or brave, does that make those qualities fake? I'm working off memory, so I'll search and see what I come up with as time permits. If you wish to do the research for me it would be appreciated. I could be misremembering or I could have misunderstood in the first place.
  5. Touche... I didn't notice that... Its only in the last panel though...
  6. Yeah, it was a scenario that I thought up while reading everything between the two threads on it. It seemed to me an interesting scenario as well as a plausible one. So I just brought it up as a point of discussion. Hope you don't mind Well, I figured, that it wasn't so much CHANGING the wings, but using magic to give an illusion of bat wings. Which is why I said theater style magic. I doubt any pony other than the princesses and Twilight (and perhaps a spare other few in Celestia's school that we don't know about) would have the power to actually physically change a pony's appearance. However illusionary magic is probably much easier and still wouldn't add weight. I actually totally agree that transformation magic would be difficult, if not impossible. Creating new wings, which as you may recall were made of Morning Dew and Gossamer (two very light, probably relatively easily conjurable materials) is probably much easier than changing a set of wings from one style to another (and creating new wings was incredibly difficult for a powerful and talented unicorn such as Twilight), especially since you must conjure up or physically change the appearance of the skin and alter the bone structure (birdlike wings are much different in structure than batlike wings). And if it is the former in that scenario, conjuring up would mean also destroying the old wings in the process, which is likely a painful process. In fact, both would be painful regardless because of the differences in bone structure. As I said, I'm not an RPer. Whether or not I become one is still up for me to decide. I'm still on the fence on that one (more towards the negative tbh), so though your considerations are quite valid, they don't really have an impact on my theoretical scenario. Though they are good considerations as to why one wouldn't/shouldn't design their pony with such wings. It would be interesting if the creators delved into why the night guards looked the way they did. Was it Luna magic? Was it a potion they they can brew up (like a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde type thing)? I don't think they are a different breed... It is all very interesting.
  7. Yup. Always happens. No 100% correct way to interpret a character unless the creator spells it out for you. And unfortunately with a myriad of writers handling the characterizations of these ponies, there is probably no correct way to perfectly characterize them. It is entirely possible that their motivations for writing Dash in a certain way varied completely. Which means, that both characterizations may be entirely correct. For Ginger and her question of where it came from? Media. Media is always to blame. They created the fake idea of "false bravado." While every study has shown that it does not exist, media finds it more interesting to make it so that it does (the "oh I act confident but really have a fragile and easily tarnished self-image) to create a more vulnerable and thus relatable character (at least I think so, I have no evidence of this supposition). And honestly, I think MMDW was intended to reinforce that notion, but it was so horribly written whatever it was trying to get across fell very short in every way possible. However, the fact does remain that it does not exist. It only exists in the movies and TV. I'm siding with Ginger Mint just for the fact that she made a HECK of a good argument. When you reference peer reviewed journals, you can almost instantly win me over. (I do so love a well reference argument) I actually always saw Dash as the confident one who is afraid to fail, because it would negatively impact her dream. However, I think she slowly gets over that with time. Now she is just straight up confident. BTW! The fact that we can have such debates, is the reason why I love this show and this community. In the 4 months I have been here, I've seen more debates over character development and characterization (among other topics) than I have seen on an anime forum for a long running mystery series (Detective Conan) in 4 years.
  8. Derpy? You sure bro? Looks like Vinyl Scratch to me.
  9. Doug Walker has specifically said that he isn't a brony. Basically everything he said was found off the internet for that one Ask That Guy question to be funny (kind of his job). Good news is that he doesn't exactly hate bronies, he does make fun of them occasionally though.
  10. I'm not an RPer, but say you make two OCs one is a unicorn and one is a pegasus and they are good friends whom room together. The unicorn's special skill is stage magic. If the unicorn use their magic to manifest batwings without added weight (or other special wing type) would that be permitted in the mane RP? (Naturally the spell would have to be repeated after a set amount of time) This would be similar to Luna's guards. The only reason I ask is pure curiosity.
  11. I can totally see Colbert being into MLP:FiM. He's a cool bloke too. Real nice guy when you meet him.
  12. Might have been changed with magic by Luna herself.
  13. Lack of intelligence? Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar! He is quite intelligent.
  14. See, that is the thing... There is no such thing as an original idea anymore. Everything has been done essentially in one way or another. If they designed the special to play out like a Disney, then that is what they did. I certainly felt like the entirety of the two episodes played out like that to me. However, just because they did that does not mean it wasn't great in its own right, but for animators to give a nod or homage to Disney its nothing new. Disney gave homage to other works too, like the Lion King and Hamlet. Was it still original? Yes. Nothing detracted from it because of that. And no one says its insignificant because it is a homage to Hamlet. You can make a homage to something while still being original. As I said, I don't think that song was exactly an homage to Disney, but I do feel they did the episode in a similar style, including making a Disney-esque song as homage to Disney (as a part of the overall feel of the episodes). In fact... they have done it before... You know... Barbra Streisand's Putting it Together and The Music Man's Ya Got Trouble. MLP:FiM has a history of making homages to famous media, and I actually like that they do that.
  15. I actually think it is a homage, but not to a specific Disney movie, but to Disney movies and style in general. The entire episode felt like a Disney movie IMO. As far as I know, an homage does not need to mimic the source material 100% to be a homage. It just needs to be identifiable to the source material.
  16. Its a joke. Also... A lot of artists live in the suburbs to get away from the insanity of the city. You need some R&R, even if you are a DJ
  17. No need for that. Bronies are like every other group, we are human. Yes, we have a group philosophy of "love and tolerate" but not everyone has to follow that. Different people have different ways of dealing with things. Generalizing a community never works because everyone is different.
  18. OH! Bullies? I had issues with them when I was a kid. And honestly, doing nothing didn't work (they just tried harder), getting angry didn't work, telling teachers about it didn't work.... What did work? Standing up for myself. I believe I was 12 or 13... I finally snapped after about 7 years of being bullied. For the rest of that year and forever more he never messed with me again. I didn't EVEN throw a punch. I basically walked up to him slowly and basically set him straight in the most intimidating manner I could. He ended up turning tail and running. Was quite funny.
  19. I'm a younger brother and felt that the song had no connection between me or my brother what so ever. Still thought it was a nice song, but I never had such a relationship with my brother. Most of what I learned I learned from my father. My brother wasn't much of a role model, let alone friend. Oh, I should note that my brother also lives far away and we don't really talk much if at all. My mother thinks its sad, but again, I never was very close with him to begin with. The most we did together was play sports and the occasional board game, but that was nothing much since we each did our own things.
  20. I saw that yesterday... Had me in stitches the entire way through. I found it much better than their other work.
  21. I have a slightly random observance about Alicorns and their wings... I recall there being debate about the wings in the show, and how Luna's were unique only to her (all of this was in reference to OC's iirc). Candace's wings are the same type... Both Candace and Luna seem younger than Celestia. Is it possible that when they grow into full sized Alicorns (which could be much longer period of time than normal ponies) their wings will grow and look more like Celestia's? And by extension, is it possible that Celestia's wings looked more like Luna'a when she was younger?
  22. Rose is correct... "No" Here is the thing... MLP hit a high point with the current creative team... We KNOW they hired a new writer, and it is possible that there are other new hires too. So new writers, new ideas, new directions to be taken. The possibilities are endless. You cannot say that S3 or S4 (if there is one) will be any less awesome. For all you know it could be more awesome. They have taken a liking to mythology, how many awesome villains can be found in mythology? There are tons. They have Tartarus to work with for pities sake.
  23. I never expected that... Besides... He'd probably sit back and enjoy or add to the chaos. And if he DID come in as the lesser of two evils, it would hardly be a match... A snap of the fingers and they are all gone. I hope the Discord ep that is rumored will be one of history. He is encased in stone, it would be silly of them to just break him out just like that IMO.
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