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Posts posted by starswirlthebearded

  1. This is much improved!

    However, your cutie mark story seems to be focused on vengefulness and maliciousness. Let's take everyone's favorite prankster, Pinkie Pie. Everything she does is in good natured fun, not because she is getting back at some pony. She laughs, and the pony whom she pranks get the joke and laugh with her. The one time that did happen, with the CMC, in Bad Seed, it didn't turn out well. It just isn't the flavour of the show. It is fine to be a prankster, but keep it at light hearted fun, rather than acts of vengeance or being outwardly malicious.

  2. Hey there Shenanigan! I'm Star Swirl, your friendly neighborhood help staffer. I'll be assisting you with this app.

    You are off to a great start!

    Your cutie mark story seems too impersonal. What I mean is, something happened her, rather her doing something proactively. From what we have seen, cutie marks occur when the pony does something that makes them realize their special talent, or they realize something they already do is what makes them "super special." Perhaps that prank that was played on her inspired her to play her first prank on somepony else, and that is what lead to her cutie mark. You can even be inventive with it, explaining the prank and the process she used to prepare to do it. This will also make it seem less sudden.

    Your history also seems a bit short. What did Shenanigan do for fun? Did she have friends? Did her friends change when she became a prankster? Go into detail. This is, in essence, the abbreviated life story of your pony up to this point. It currently reads "She was a good studious student until her cutie mark story, and then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked she got her cutie mark. Now she is an employee at a joke shop." Like her Cutie Mark story, its all too sudden.

    Your Character Summary on the other hand is short for all the right reasons. It gives a solid idea of your character. I would go into what she likes to do other than pranking ponies all the time. But otherwise it is quite good.

    I look forward to seeing development on this interesting character! If you have any questions, let me know!

    • Like 2
  3. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

    Name: Harmonic Dissonance

    Sex: Female

    Age: Young Mare

    Species: Earth Pony

    Eye colour: Dull gold

    Coat: Her coat is a pale shade of concord grape purple, with a brighter shade of purple, around her hooves.

    Mane/Tail: Her mane and tail are messy similar to the day she messed it up at the concert hall. They are a red wine shade of red.

    Physique: Lithe, and considerably taller than most ponies. She has long legs, which make it easier to play the piano with great speed and accuracy.

    Residence: Dynamic, but has an apartment in Baltimare, not too far from where she grew up with her parents. She chooses to move about playing wherever she can, doing what she loves. She returns to her family home on occasion. She often claims to “follow the music” and that the music can not lead her astray.

    Occupation: Jazz pianist and free lance composer

    Cutie Mark: A Treble Clef superimposed on figure eight, with one half a piano keyboard and the other half a music staff with notes on it.


    Quite contrary to reason, Harmonic didn't get her cutie mark through jazz.

    Her teacher wanted to perform a piece with her. Harmonic was on flute, which at the time was her most proficient instrument, her teacher would accompany her on piano. They went to the concert hall stage which was a rare occurrence, usually only preceded by a performance with the youth orchestra. However today was different. The school which held the private lessons had just received a brand new piano, one unlike any Harmonic had ever seen. It was a large classic grand piano. She instantly fell in love with the looks of it. When they started playing, she fell in love with the sound. She then noticed that the sound in the studio piano simply sounded flat and lifeless, which initially turned her off to the piano, though she had already learned the basics. The sound just turned her off, thinking all pianos sounded that way.

    The next day she went into the studio for the first time unattended and found next to the small studio piano a tuning hammer.

    She began work on the piano, trying to get it to sound as closely to the sound she heard from the perfectly tuned and brand new grand piano in the concert hall. Hitting every note tweaking every key for hours she worked tuning this old piano. Finally she was satisfied how each note sounded.

    Harmonic got up and started playing the basic key progressions she had learned, being more pleased with the sound than she remembered when she was younger. Then she tried the consonant chord progressions. She was discovering that the piano wasn’t the lifeless instrument she had thought but an instrument of limitless possibility and grace. She continued for nearly the whole day like that reacquainting herself with what she once considered her old enemy when she was once forced to play it, now returning as if they were long lost friends.

    Harmonic played through the night. She had told her parents she would be home late, but when she didn’t return they got worried. They collected her teacher and went to the studio where she said she would be. Harmonic was still up somehow, still playing the piano. However by this point she was exhausted. She no longer knew what she was playing, as she was hitting the chords that just came to mind. The result was an entrancing set of dissonant chords, much like her name. Her parents and teacher alike were enamored by the unique style of playing and the inherently different music than what most expected. The filly used chords and syncopation that should have resulted in torture to the ears, but the odd combinations somehow worked and somehow created an almost magical trance inducing sound that could only be described as organized chaos. She continued to play like this until she passed out at the keyboard.

    Hours later when her parents and teacher woke her, she found that she had gained her cutie mark.

    History: Her parents, being who they were, started Harmonic in music classes from a young age. She was started on the basics of music theory and the history of music before picking up her first instrument, of which there were many. She was good enough at most, being able to play basic songs in many of the instruments shown to her. At this point she really didn’t mind, it was a direction for a directionless youth. Harmonic was just following what her parents wanted. She had some instruction on the piano, but the sound never struck her as other instruments like the violin and the flute did. She focused mainly on those for the beginning of her musical career, learning how to read music, as well as the art of composition and notation.

    Like her parents had hoped, she was naturally gifted, and with that she was pushed into performing from a young age. Her education was guided very closely by her parents. She was given private lessons along with music specialty schools. She met many ponies during this time whom she at the time considered to be her friends. They would often compete for first chair in the youth orchestra. They pushed each other to new heights and even better skill level. They really wouldn’t interact much outside of school and rehearsals though. She really enjoyed music though, and being able to live her life through music. It was all perfect for her! She didn’t mind following in her parent’s footsteps in the least.

    She always strove for perfection, and then the day came when she discovered her talent in writing and performing music with unique chord progressions and syncopation. Harmonic started practicing the piano endlessly, thinking of interesting ways to utilize the instrument. She would purposely detune pianos to get sounds that she wanted. She was especially fond of playing the grand piano in a rather unique way. She would place pins to change the sounds of notes during play, and even pluck the strings She worked hard with her teachers to hone this style. Eventually she progressed from just writing piano parts to doing entire orchestral arrangements. Harmonic was then given a great honour, to orchestrate the final performance of her and her “friends” in the youth orchestra. She worked hard for weeks on it, trying to make everything perfect. She discussed it whenever possible with her private teacher, and everyone she showed it to agreed it would be a performance worth remembering.

    After endless hours of practicing everypony felt that they were ready. The day had come to perform it. The concert hall was filled to the brim, and Harmonic had never seen it filled so much. Thoughts of failure started to run through her head. She started to think about the possible negative criticism, in her head she saw ponies booing and jeering at her, the failed composer. When she finally got up on stage with the other members of the orchestra the nervousness finally got to her. She rubbed her well groomed mane furiously and slammed down on the keyboard of the grand piano she loved so much and stormed out of the concert hall.

    Tears in her eyes, she didn’t know what to do for the first time in her life. She loved music but she couldn’t take the thought of failing everyone. Running around the city on her own with only the thoughts of how angry everypony would be with her. That is when in her panic she heard something, something that was entirely different. It was coming from the open door of a bar that said “Live Jazz.” She had heard of jazz but had never listened to it. She walked up to the bar and asked for the strongest thing that they had. The bartender poured her out a glass of whiskey as the next set started. She slowly sipped the whiskey as the trio started to play. She was enamored by the pianist, who played with such vigor and liveliness. She didn’t realize music could ever be played like this. It was washing away her troubles from earlier that evening.

    After the final set she approached the pianist and started talking to her. She bawled out her troubles to her, telling her about the trouble at the concert hall. The pianist was very sympathetic, feeling that way before every set. The pianist asked if Harmonic would show her what she had. She brought her to a smaller club that had an open stage. The jazz pianist told her to play, and just to have fun with the other two members. The drummer and bassist started playing. Harmonic closed her eyes and put her hooves to the keys. She started to play how she usually did, with off beat syncopation and dissonant chords, but as it progressed she started playing with more of a mix. The jazz pianist smiled as she saw the crowd start to get into Harmonic’s unique style. It wasn’t perfect but it was certainly different and full of possibilities. After the night was over she walked up to Harmonic and started a conversation.

    “So how did you dig playing jazz for the first time?”

    “Uh... dig? What?”

    “I mean, did you enjoy it? And more importantly would you like to continue?”

    Gobsmacked Harmonic just nodded her head. She had thoroughly enjoyed playing the way she did. It was different, yet entirely the same as she played the first time she played the piano on her own and got her cutie mark.

    “Great! Then it’s decided, we’ll go where the music takes us and I’ll take you under my wing. I can’t wait to see how you can swing this awesome talent for the piano for jazz”

    With that Harmonic wrote up a letter to her parents explaining what she was doing. She followed the pianist everywhere, and she taught Harmonic everything she knew about jazz and how to play jazz piano. Harmonic couldn’t just cast off years of classical training though, instead she took it into the jazz that she quickly fell in love with. For several years she continued this journey. Along the way she learned how to just relax and go with the flow. She still had a streak of perfectionist in her, but it no longer ruled her life. She came to love letting loose and going with the flow. She really didn’t keep in contact with her parents during this time, she became hopelessly lost in the life of a traveling musician.

    She eventually returned home to find her parents in tears when they embraced her. They never knew how to contact her and were extremely worried after she stormed out of the concert hall. Though she really expected them to be disappointed in her. She had, after all, let them down. But in the end, they felt that perhaps they pushed her too hard and fast, and impressed upon her their hopes and dreams. In the end they just wanted their little virtuoso back. She explained to her parents that she was rediscovering music with her mentor who was an awesome pianist.

    Her parents looked at each other. They nodded and said “We’re glad you’re back, did you at least find what you were looking for?” Harmonic replied with a simple word “Jazz.” She continued to explain what she experienced where she had gone and what she had learnt. To her amazement her parents were smiling with the pride she had once saw when she was preparing for that final performance. They simply wanted her to be happy with the music and to live her life to the fullest. They knew jazz, and respected jazz musicians. “They are the masters of improv” her parents explained, stating that they should have seen her talent for it when she was playing on the piano when she got her cutie mark.

    “I just came back to find my roots, I intend to follow the music again soon though.”

    “Of course, we did the same in our youth as well and is in fact how we met. You need to find your own voice through music, we’ll always be here for you. So please, don’t forget to write and visit. You’ll always have a place with us.”

    A few weeks later, she played her first gig in Baltimare, with her parents watching. Afterwards, she told her parents that she was leaving the next day. All three in tears Harmonic set off on her own path through jazz.

    Character Summary: Harmonic, unlike in her youth, became very laid back. While traveling with her mentor, she learned that the only person she needed to please was herself. She still has the heart of a perfectionist though, always striving for technical perfection even in jazz. She loathes missing a note or a transition. It is something that even if the crowd doesn’t notice, she’ll be disappointed with herself at the end of the performance. She would often drink with her bandmates and apologize when they were drinking post show, and they would all laugh about how she would blow a small error out of proportion. Sometimes they would even tell her that imperfections make jazz better and more memorable. No matter what she did though, she was always a pony about technique and precision on the piano.

    Despite her love of perfection, she never does play the same exact song more than once. She is a true showmare. She integrated her more inventive ways like modifying the sound of the pianos with pins and nails and physically plucking the strings into her jazz. She loves improvising most of all, considering it the core of jazz. In fact, if she ever does miss a note, she covers up by improvising the next section of the song to make it seem intentional. This doesn't change her aversion to actually missing a note.

    Though she is hard on herself, she is a real breeze to work with, and is always willing to laugh at herself over her misgivings. She is a go with the flow kind of pony and always takes compliments graciously, though she is more humble, often replying to compliments with a mere thank you. She isn't shy and always love meeting new ponies and especially new musicians. If anyone mentions a jam session to her, it doesn't matter the time, she can and will play like a pony possessed by the spirit of jazz itself.

    Sometimes she still composes the music she grew up with for some extra bits. Friends that she grew up with would sometimes send her letters and ask for her assistance. Though she wasn't there for it, apparently the show that she composed for was a great hit and she was well remembered in musical circles of Baltimare. She didn’t particularly mind it either, she felt that returning to her roots allowed her to see the future more clearly and come up with new interesting ideas that she could use in her performances.


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  4. Hey there. I'm back, but this time as RPH! It looks like you took care of most things that SteelEagle pointed out. There are still a few small things left though!

    Books do interest him, though he would rather experience things up and close. Such as a book about evil monsters devouring a village in one fowl swoop.

    There are two small problems with this sentence. First is grammatical and rather simple. It shouldn't be two sentences. Just switching the period with a comma and lower-casing "such" should be enough to fix that! The second is "one fowl swoop" is incorrect, the proper is "one fell swoop."

    Do note though, he does not own this Air-ship, he is employed by a travel company that ships mainly from the Griffon kingdom to Equestria, he manages to keep his little "Discounts" [colour=#ff0000]nu-noticed[/colour] by selling the interesting things that he finds along his travels and paying for the interesting individual that he has transported.

    This does exactly what Steel wanted. I would be curious though, do all their employees live in airships? Also, how does he adventure if his company operates mainly between Aquellia and Equestria? Surely they'd have a regular check in procedure and flight manifests.

    What I highlighted is a simple spelling error. It should be "unnoticed."

  5. Hey there! I see you have indeed made some extensive changes to this app from the last time Rosie gave you feedback! However there are still some issues! Like Rosie I'll highlight the areas in what she calls "[colour=#ff0000]Robi Red[/colour]"

    [colour=#ff0000]Gender: Mare[/colour]

    This is simple. Gender should be "Female" and Age should be "Mare"!

    The Story: Pyper was born in Canterlot to a somewhat wealthy family. Her sire and dam were very strict about social etiquite; something Pyper did not do very well with. She has a dear love of storytelling and singing since she was foal, and pursued things in both in search of her cutie mark, but it never appeared on her flank. When she was a filly she went to the Gala with her friends and, wanting to impress everypony, sang an opera on the history of Equestria. [colour=#ff0000]While she sang, whispers broke out across the hall and Pyper paused in her epic to see that snow was falling in the middle of summer, her songs had called up winter![/colour] Her flank itched as a snowflake cutie mark appeared and she decided then to become a bard, to travel and entertain anypony while bringing winter in behind her.

    I talked it over with the other RPHS. And that line doesn't really work for how we have seen weather work. Climate change, as would occur with "calling up winter," isn't so simple that it can be achieved by just one pony! It would probably take the whole weather team to perform such an act. Overall that ability seems over powered. Keep in mind, cutie marks can be metaphorical as well as literal. Perhaps her tale was so chilling that it made the room feel colder with the air of being somber.

    History: Since gaining her cutie mark, Pyper has traveled across Equestria seeking to entertain anypony who'll listen. She loves social gatherings, from the Gala to apple kicking out with hind-legs season, and keeps one ear raised to the wind in search of new events. The only family she has kept in touch with is her grandsire, who lives in Stalliongrad. When she was a young mare she fell in love with a unicorn when she was visiting Fillydelphia, and soon after had her son, Silt Treble. When he was a foal he traveled with her around Northern Equestria, but ended up staying for seasons at a time with her Grandsire in Stalliongrad after a close encounter in wolves. Occasionally, she returns and takes Silt with her on her travels.

    Alright, so I'm not highlighting because there isn't much wrong with it, so much as it being short. The cutie mark story and this section are somewhat intertwined. Which is understandable since the cutie mark story is often a culmination of how the pony was raised and their total life experiences. However, history allows you to be more detailed! Did she tell stories and poems to her friends, family? How did they react? Were they bored the first time? Did she need to acquire any skills? Improve her abilities? Did she do anything else for fun? What was her childhood like? Don't be afraid to be detailed!

    Last but not least Character Summary...

    Character Summary: Pyper travels alone, but she meets many ponies on her travels that she can call friend. Even so, she worries that her choice to be a bard will cause friends to grow distant, but the friends she makes know she will be loyal despite the distance and that time apart does nothing to damper the friendship. Her independence has taught her basic herbal medicine and how to travel by the stars, as well as how to scavenge in the wilds. Pyper is very kind, especially to foals, and loves to entertain. While entertaining, she is very outspoken and chrismatic, and loves to listen to anypony's stories as they give her ideas for her own. However, outside any social situation she becomes quiet and tends to ponder her own thoughts and surroundings. Even though she frequents big events such as the Gala, she hates being restricted by social etiquette and acts how she pleases. Pyper is a bard, so naturally she is very skilled at storytelling and singing. She specializes in opera, and wishes to display her skill to anypony who asks. Even though she sings for free, and never asks for payment, she loves it when ponies give her gifts. [colour=#ff0000]Pyper hates fighting and will flee rather than stand her ground, unless she is protecting Silt or another foal.[/colour]

    While overall the character summary is quite good, that last line is a bit out of place. That is a general attribute of most ponies. They are more peace loving and tolerating than violent and ready to attack. In a word, they are non-confrontational. While I understand the sentiment of what you are trying to say, it comes off as unnecessary. And we don't like to encourage the idea of violence in the RP. I'd recommend removing the idea of violence or rewording it so that it doesn't seem as confrontational!

    You certainly have come a long way though! This app just needs a bit more before it is approvable!

  6. [colour=#CCCC99]"In that case, you can make yourselves comfortable. Considering how things turned out as they did, we'll be here for four hours at most until I can calm them down to the point where they won't maul you at the first opportunity. And even then..."[/colour]

    [colour=#CCCC99]"Well, let's solve this one step at a time. So long as you keep your voices down, you may feel free to converse. We will be here for awhile after all. And if your barrier doesn't prevent food stuffs from passing, then you are welcome to some of my groceries as well. I already have Pinkie Pie putting on some coffee for us"[/colour]

    Buzz replied to Trekker what he wanted her to do. Trekker wasn't showing her emotions, it wasn't that she was closed off or cold, but rather she didn't like seeming weak. Instead Trekker elected to give the impression that she was calm and collected despite not only being worried about the well being of herself but the others whom were caught in this precarious situation with her. After all, panicking at this point would do no one good.

    Trekker nodded at Buzz. "[colour=#339933]Four hours? I think I can do that. Just to be safe I'll reinforce it to six.[/colour]" With that Trekker focused on her magic and reinforced the barrier. With a glimmer that seemed to make the barrier pulsate, it seemed to become more dense. "[colour=#339933]Well that should take care of that. The barrier is only set to repel insects, so inanimate objects and any mammals can pass through it freely.[/colour]" Trekker explained the parameters of her barrier. "[colour=#339933]So coming in and out to give us food and refreshment should be no problem. However I am fine with my emergency provisions. I'm quite used to them, and truth be told, they are quite good, however...[/colour]"

    Trekker paused for a moment.

    "[colour=#339933]I do have a question. Would the insects have marked my fox as well? While my provisions are good for me, pony food doesn't quite work for him. I would hope that he could go hunt for himself and come back when he's had his fill. I would hate for him to have to suffer on my account you see.[/colour]" Trekker inquired, worried about the well being of her best friend and lifelong companion.

    "I[colour=#339933]f only there was some way to convey to the insects that Chrome and I mean them, and you, no harm, and I'm sure that other unicorn over there is the same way[/colour]" Trekker started "[colour=#339933]Perhaps then we could resolve this situation quicker, but that seems unlikely.[/colour]" Trekker stated quite plainly. At this point she didn't know what to do. Four hours was a long time, but she couldn't risk provoking them further. Which a failed calming spell would surely do. A barrier reversal would work, especially if she sealed it, but that wouldn't play much favour to their host, as much as he seemed to have disdain for them, Trekker would hope to change his view of her before the day was out.

    Pocket Change, flustered, turned to Trekker and started talking, almost rambling at times.

    [colour=#282828]"I'm still very curious why there are so many bugs about. This isn't natural!", the very flustered unicorn added as he glanced past the force-field with a look of both fear and desperation on his face. "And why do you keep calling Mister Buzz a 'bug-colt'? Is that to imply that these bugs are actually his?", his face turned a slight shade of green to match his eyes as he pondered this. "Guess it would make sense. There are a lot of different insects about. Is this stallion some sort of bug-hoarder? I remember enjoying a great big book about bugs when I was a little colt and thinking how cool it would have been to see many of those insects in person, but this is ridiculous." with the idea of having lunch now floating in his head, the unicorn started to dig through his saddlebags, "At this moment, we're just as stuck as Sticky the Stick-bug when he got stuck in a sticky-bun."


    "[colour=#339933]Buzz? That's the colt's name? Apologies, we were never introduced. I was calling him bugcolt because he is a colt, and his house is full of arthropods and arthropod related items, Bugcolt seemed to fit as a temporary name.[/colour]" Trekker explained. "[colour=#339933]As for the insects, this is just a very bad swarm. More than I've ever dealt with, but a swarm all the same. I'm sure I could make it to a stream in the woods to throw the insects off, but that doesn't seem right given the current situation.[/colour]" Trekker stopped there, not really quite sure how to react to Pocket Change's humor. "[colour=#339933]Speaking of names, I don't think I got your name. If I may be so bold to ask...[/colour]"

    Pocket Change offered her some food. Trekker appreciated the gesture, but she didn't want to take the food of another if she had provisions for herself. "[colour=#339933]I must decline your offer.[/colour]" Trekker levitated a portable ration from her bag. "[colour=#339933]I have plenty of these which should be plenty for me.[/colour]"

    And then he started rambling about some legendary ponies, including the much exalted Twilight Sparkle, whom she had only heard of in Celestia's School as a filly. And apparently other friends whom were legendary. Trekker had heard of them, and always wanted to meet them, especially Twilight whom probably could teach her a few spells. Either way they would be interesting ponies to meet!

    [colour=#282828]Pocket Changed glanced at Trekker,"I do apologize for rambling on like this. Just wish there was something I could do to be of a use.", his ears flattened tightly against his skull as he tried to figure out how to get out of this particular predicament.

    "[colour=#339933]I feel the same way at this point. Sure the barrier is keeping us safe, but I feel like I can't do anything else. I don't want to harm anypony or anything. Everything I could do from here on out runs the risk of doing harm to something or someone. Just try to stay calm, that is probably the best thing to do.[/colour]" Trekker said with a level head, seemingly emotionless, with not even a quiver to her voice. "[colour=#339933]I'm sure Buzz can handle the insects. Perhaps it can take less than four hours! He seems to know these insects pretty well.[/colour] [colour=#339933]For now we can talk I suppose.[/colour]"

    Trekker was just as unsure as Pocket Change, but was better at hiding her insecurities. She has never been in a situation like this. She could get out of it, but that would leave others in the same nasty situation. She liked the feeling of helping others, also helping other ponies might benefit her in the future.

  7. You mean his above average voice from that first song? Because the whole movie he was flat or off key. The first song was just particularly appalling. He was talk-singing.

    The rest of the cast wasn't perfect either, but they were loads better than Crowe...In fact... perhaps Crowe actually saved the movie... his flat singing balanced out the sharp singing of almost everyone else... Huh... never thought of it like that before.

    BTW, yes I did enjoy it. Seeing it on Broadway was still best, but this was one of the best film adaptations I have seen IMHO.

  8. Trekker was still kneeling, really unsure of what to do other than wait. The bugs around the barrier were still agitated with no signs of calming down. The bugcolt addressed Trekker again.

    [colour=#CCCC99]"My most sincere apologies about that miss. "If you would tell me once more, how long can you sustain this barrier?"[/colour]

    "[colour=#339933]As I said earlier, this current one has a time limit of about an hour.[/colour]" Trekker started, it was a fair question and the with the stress the bug colt was under, she didn't blame him for repeating it. "[colour=#339933]Considering all the running around everyone has been doing I'd guess there are about 30 minutes left until it dissipates. If this is not enough time, please let me know and I'll refortify it. I should be able to make it last for any amount of time you need. I even have some food rations and drinks to last for a bit, which I could share with the others in here.[/colour]" Trekker said in a disinterested monotone voice, just loud enough for the bugcolt to hear. It wasn't that she wasn't looking forward to talking with the bugcolt, or the hyperactive pink pony, or the grey stallion. Everypony had their own way of making the world interesting, as did the creatures. Learning about those things and the experiences connected with them was what gave Trekker her drive to travel and adventure. She would probably end up looking back on this fondly, and hopefully gain some experiences. However, currently this wasn't an ideal situation for her. The stallion then turned to her and started talking, clearly worried about the situation.

    [colour=#282828]"Er, Miss Trekker. Do you have any plans on how we can contain the situation? I don't really know any useful offensive spells, nor could I even wrap my hooves around a good force-field spell like you can. I would normally just flee into the direction with the least amount of insects, but there doesn't seem to be any section of this area that's not covered with some form of bug. And even if I were able to get away, I would not only be abandoning you and the others, the insects would probably follow me back to Ponyville. And I doubt the citizens there would appreciate that. I heard what happened when they were infested with parasprites. I do know a calming spell, but I doubt it would work against this way insects, if it worked against their type or not."[/colour]

    Trekker looked over "[colour=#339933]Me? Plans?[/colour]" Trekker sighed "[colour=#339933]To be perfectly honest, I do, but I'd rather not.[/colour]" Trekker had formulated at least two plans, with a third that she wasn't fond of at all. "[colour=#339933]My first plan, is really to see what bugcolt over there can do. He seems to know the insects pretty well, and I'd rather not do anything more brash than I already have. However, if it makes you feel any better, I do have two other plans with a third...sort of. The first is the same to one of yours, a calming spell. However I've only read about it and never cast it before. The second is barrier reversal, however that might not be wise if there are more bugs elsewhere, as they might feel their friends are in danger. The last one... is well... a plan of last resort. I hope it won't come to that.[/colour]" Trekker said calmly to the stallion.

    Trekker was prepared for the long haul. She had enough portable emergency rations to last her several days, or two ponies and a filly for at least 3. "[colour=#339933]If either of you two are hungry I have some portable rations we can munch on. They are hayseed oat honey bars that I hoofmade in case I got stuck anywhere. They are actually quite good, if just a bit chewy.[/colour]" Trekker offered her trapped compatriots. Looking over at Buzz "[colour=#339933]Bugcolt, I hope you don't mind if we talk calmly amongst ourselves and I share some food with them. If you need any help from me, including prolonging the barrier, please, let me know.[/colour]" Trekker said with a smile, hoping for the quickest and easiest outcome.

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