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Everything posted by StarletDawn

  1. Today's a half day at school :3 Strange how when the week goes by, it seems like forever. And I barely remember anything from this week... hmm...

  2. A new profile pic just to celebrate valentines. Now if you excuse me *goes off to draw more Valentine's Pictures*

  3. StarletDawn

    Secret Admirer

    Actually, she doesn't really know who it is (and also, I haven't really made up a stallion OC that's original to go with my mare OC..... yet)
  4. It's rock bucking season! :3
  5. StarletDawn

    Secret Admirer

    So, by love, does secret admiration count? Well, if it does, here it is. Starlet gets a little something from somepony... I wonder who it is?

    © Starlet Dawn

  6. Yesterday I went to an art competition... I didn't get top, but at least I learned a little about art :)

  7. OP#3: Valentines Day Hello, and welcome to a special Occasional Pondering. Today we're going to ponder what Valentines Day is. But first.... why do people hate it so much!? I will love and tolerate you just the same if you don't like it though :3. Well, the research shows that Valentine's Day is... over-commercialized. Special sales, people going out for dinner, ect, ect, insert reason here. I like it a lot, but I'm sort of 50-50 on this one. For one thing, I'm single, so I'm never going to get chocolate or roses from some boy. And I'm not that pretty either, so I don't expect it... but I've always wanted a boy to give me a rose on Valentine's day. I don't care what kind of boy he is, just as long as he's a boy. OK, enough about me. The only reason I like V day? CHOCOLATE! The chocolate that's sold. I don't want worlds finest, I roll old school with Hershey's. If giving a girl chocolates is a sign of love though, how would they fare if you gave them gummie worms? Or maybe peanut butter cups? Or bubble gum? I think just giving the girl candy will make her happy (I prefer milk chocolate anyway) Anyway, I think that's all the time we have. Tune in next time (if there is a next time) Happy Valentine's Day (Or Un-Happy Valentine's Day... whatever, just give me chocolate [jk])
  8. Happy! I got new glasses today and I am super pumped :3

  9. Yeah. It was this translation by John Ciarrti or something. It was for English though and I donated my book XD And I devoured Hunger Games too... I'll have to look at the other two in the series as well
  10. Did you read? XD Sorry, you said it was ironic so...
  11. Well, I did better on that History test than I thought. But I still need one more point on that re-test to get the grade :3

  12. Well.... this episode... WAS SO COOL!!! I loved the Daring Do sequences, they seemed so Indiana Jones like. And overall, it does seem like Rainbow Dash would think that she would be an egghead if she reads a book. But I can bet you there are athletes that read books too, like Rainbow Dash. You know, this whole reading episode makes me wonder what would happen if Rainbow Dash got her hands on "The Hunger Games". ....WHAT?!?! It's actually a good book. It really sucks you in. Literally, I really felt the scars and burns and the sickness 8/
  13. Well... either Pinkie or Fluttershy. It would be fun to join into Pinkies antics for a day, but I would probably want to spend a quiet day with Fluttershy depending on how I'm feeling :\
  14. OP#2: Fun (and ways it can be done) Everyone views fun in ways several different ways. For some people, its just running around the room, getting all crazy. For others, it's a good book. How is fun really expressed though? And did fun exist way back when? How do others view other peoples fun? Ponies (if your looking My Little Pony) view fun in gardening, trying on outfits and parties. But to some people, that's not really fun. To some, it may make them thing "They like doing THAT? How immature." Some people can learn to tolerate a persons views on fun, but others can't seem to get it. Lets look at one of the new Disney Channel shows, Austin and Ally. In one episode, Austin and Ally take turns trying to find out about each other to write a song. As the episode goes on, they begin to realize that some of the things that Austin or Ally did was kind of the same. And even though they viewed things different ways, they still were great partners. So what is fun to everyone? Just simply doing something you love and if you love it, than you have fun with it. To go back to if fun existed way back when, I'm pretty sure cavemen and the early humans found ways to have fun when they weren't working. I mean, how else would we come up with the Olympic Games, writing, sports and other fun activities we love? But how did people have fun back before all those things? Sorry for referencing a lame Disney show in this blog, but it was the only to get my point through XD Hope you all have a good day and see you later ~Starlet
  15. I feel like I did better on that history test than I thought... but I still feel like I did a horrible job D':

  16. History test tomorrow... I'm so going to fail.... WAAAAAH!!! D':

  17. Sometimes, when you grow up, you have so much pride that you get that "my way or the highway" feeling. But the kids in my town aren't like that, that's for sure. I mean, you should see this kid on the bus that knows more swears than a thirteen year old will ever know in his lifetime!!! OK, lets just push him to the side and ignore him. Sometimes we find it hard to tolerate because we have too much pride. We think that because we're older means we have to be less tolerant of things and "what you say is final cause I'm me and your ways are stupid" (BTW, that's how cliques in high school are formed. So annoying -_-). There's a problem with that concerning My Little Pony. Lets go to the anti-bronies. They can't tolerate that a lot of grown men watch it because they think it "an insult to manlihood" and "real men watch wrestling" stereotypes. And than they hate because they have too much pride in their manlihood and think that trolling us is gonna preserve that when they can just ignore us or try the show out for their selves and if they don't like it, than they can just leave us alone and go back to their life of watching wrestling and monster trucks. Kids (especially little kids) are often influenced by toleration because they know their gonna get a reward after. Teenagers and adults will never get an award for that toleration. Just the feeling of knowing they have a new friend. If only life were like that, but in the crazy house that's my town, toleration amongst kids is never gonna happen. For your two roommates.... better to stay in the middle than to side with them. The grass is never greener on either side, no matter how much look at it. And don't stoop to their level either. And I have to agree with Rosewind: Couldn't of said it better myself somehow, I have a feeling that what I said up there has nothing to do with what you were looking for
  18. I'm a milk addict. Just ask my dad. I was playing Minecraft, but it kept crashing on me I don't know what to do now *looks at Beat Hazard hopefully*

    1. StarletDawn


      Milk and Chocolate :P

    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      "She won't even let me drink milk if I want to. Innocent, pure milk. Got milk? Not Jakey!"

  19. OP (Occasional Pondering) #1: Welcome? Well... what does Welcome mean anyway? It's a way we greet people all over the world. In Pig Latin we say elcome-wa. Welcome to my blog, where I will occasionally ponder (hopefully, without offending anyone, but I have a feeling I will ) Maybe we could create a new language and it will be awesome! It will be called... Brony Latin! XD Yeah. What would you do with Brony Latin though? We could speak it all the time, but how would it work? What are the rules? Than it makes me wonder how ancient civilazations were able to create not only an alphabet, but a language to go with it. It must of taken years to do and some of the languages aren't even spoken today (i.e.: Latin, unless you're in college) Yeah... that's it for now... Good-bye! P.S.: Why do we say Good-bye? WHY?!
  20. I could tell you what's on my mind, but than you'd be freaked out... but since you asked... Sebastian Michealis.... and how awesome he is XD

    1. StarletDawn


      And Ponies... and butlers... and more ponies.... wait, that was last night O_o

  21. What's on your mind? My mind is a complex system of nerves and endings that help process thought. In other words... nothin :P

  22. I'm trying to find a good college too. Not as easy as it looks (even though I'm a sophomore ) WELCOME TO CANTERLOT!! I can tell from your post you've read the rules, but take time to review... and review... and review that review... and review that review that you reviewed.... XD
  23. You'd better not get any ideas. WELCOME TO CANTERLOT! Call me Starlet, Dawn, Star or... yeah, maybe one of those. Take time to read the rules if you haven't yet :3
  24. So far, I have a Fluttershy Cutie Mark Wallpaper and one of the gadgets on my side bar (I have Vista) is scrolling wallpapers of the ponies, but I'm planning on ponifying my mp3 so it plays pony songs XD But that's about it so far
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