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Everything posted by Candlemare

  1. ^ Great choice! After I posted I actually thought "Oh shoot! Totally should've included Mulan!"
  2. Besides MLP I'm hoping folks enjoy a vast array of other animation as well. Please share some awesome musical numbers you've encountered as well as some total stinkers. I have tons, but I'll start out with a few at first just in case this thread doesn't really take off. Some of the best: The soundtrack version is ever better. It's like something out of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. In the case of this one, movie version is best. The soundtrack is censored! "There were bikinis and buns there were wienies" is changed to "There were bikinis, hotdogs, and wienies": This is waaay too catchy: Robin Hood some really great ones, but this is my favorite: The worst: OK, they're all bad in Rover Dangerfield, but this one takes the cake: I refuse to subject myself to the pain of seeing anything from that movie again, but totally anything from A Troll Center Park. ...I think I've repressed the bad ones. Huh. I've got to brainstorm so I can share more flops.
  3. Sweet! Looked through the videos (that were embedded, anyway), so I think I've got some really good ones that haven't bee shared yet! Please tell me you folks have seen the Scary Snowman: A Ukrainian Polka band sings Hot n Cold: I've seen this guy IRL. I went to college in this town: Don't prank this teacher: Poor kitty... Best cartoon ever: Why I love Andy Levy: Herbert the Pervert prank call:
  4. I wouldn't say I'm terribly active on the internet, but I did once encounter what you're describing. When I was in my mid teens I drew a stupid little picture of Jervis Tetch (Batman's Mad Hatter) and threw in a female March Hare for the heck of it and posted it on my former DA account. All was well until this looney in her twenties found it. Turns out she was beyond obsessed with the Mad Hatter to the point she considered herself to really be her own OC and had journal entries as well as fanfictions detailing their life together. She even made a journal entry about me, claiming I was a slut who couldn't keep my legs together because I liked the same freaking cartoon character as her. This was my first experience with being attacked on the internet, much less with a psychopath, so I was quite scared. I can understand being a die hard fan, but that was just way too far.
  5. ;_; I'm a lady! Also... Sorry to hear that you're dealing with those issues, but I really am starting to realize that MLP does indeed reach a very diverse crowd.
  6. See, it's the kind that I see aimed at super young kids that for some reason gets to me. I'm total cartoon junky in that it's basically all I watch (I'm a total fantard over the Brave Little Toaster). MLP is the most cutesiest, kid friendly cartoon out of all of them I've ever been a fan of and for some reason I just kind of have the impulse to keep it quiet. I'll admit I like Jem and the Holograms any day, but MLP... I can't really explain it. I guess I just sort of needed something that's always bright and happy?
  7. I'm worse than you are. Folks might get a little mad at me for saying this, but I honestly cannot stand any of the songs; I find them so annoying and obnoxious that I tend to change the channel. It's only when they come on that it really hits me that I'm watching a show intended for children and the shame kicks in.
  8. As much as I'd love that talent, I cannot draw. The best I can do is ceramics. What I do is pour a mold, clean the seams, fire it, paint it, antique it, and then maybe chalk. Thought I'd share and maybe post a few more if anypony likes these.
  9. There's a nendoroid of him coming out soon, but the problem is that he may be an exclusive: http://myfigurecollection.net/item/59190_shin_megami_tensei_shin_megami_tensei_persona_jack Wow! Good for you! I'm afraid I have to admit I used a player's guide to get the True Demon Ending. That darn puzzle was what killed me, plus I didn't quite get the hang of the game right away. I was stupid and got attached to my demons when I needed to fuse for more powerful ones xD I think I ended up logging 90+ for that playthrough alone.
  10. That was my first as well! I got it when I was 15, but the difficulty was the likes that I'd never seen, so it was way later that I beat it. Good times, though! Argh. I want to get back to playing Strange Journey as well. I even forgot what popped up that made me have to put it down. I'm currently pretty happy because I snagged myself a vinyl Jack Frost figure. He's so cute!
  11. Eeeee! Indeed it is! I'm very happy to meet you! I'm sure we'll get along great! Out of all the games, I like Devil Summoner the most. They're all so good it was pretty hard to pick a favorite.
  12. Ah. I see. Apollo Justice is just sort of a whole different thing then the Phoenix Wright games; if I had played Apollo first I may have a different opinion, but I really don't respond to change well. The character designs were different, the cases not as enthralling (to me, anyway), and there's just one thing that drives me crazy that I won't outright say because it's a major spoiler. I gotta see this MLP take on it. *begins searching*
  13. Ehehe... Yes, I plan to spirit as many ponies away as I can! Yay for Phoenix Wright! I'm really glad you're enjoying it! I got really sucked into the story and I remember being like "MOAR MOAR MOAR!" once I'd completed the first one. I can't say that I liked Apollo Justice, but the Miles Edgeworth spin off was hilarious. Nothing makes me sadder that Capcom isn't going to release the sequel in US; I felt like I'd been kicked in the teeth. I'm so addicted to those darn games I'm craving for my fix xD
  14. Eeee! Look at all the fuzz heads! I currently have a sweet little guinea pig I got last March. At work there was a flier advertising a free guinea pig with a cage. He was darn cute, and I'd been wanting one, so I jumped on it! I was really upset when I first met him, though, because he was so skinny and his nails were overgrown. On top of that, once I got him home, I saw he was super itchy and his fur was falling out in clumps. Turned out the poor little sweetie had lice and I really wonder for how long until I got him shampooed. I ended up re-naming him Scuzzy. The Reboot box set had just come out, I was falling in love with the show all over again, and Hexadecimal was totally my favorite. She had a pet named Scuzzy, so there you go! He learned his name very fast and will respond with a chirp if you say it. He loves to cuddle with me and to beg for celery. He's a lazy, fat, and very happy piggy now. He's also 20% cooler than most guinea pigs.
  15. Count me in for spiders as well. I once fell down a flight of stairs when one suddenly swung down in front of me. I don't do very well with blood. I work at a hospital and one time, as I was stepping out of the elevator, I saw a trail of blood down the hallway. I nearly passed out. Too many people get to me as well. I always think people are judging me or someone's going to do something cruel. I had very bad experiences throughout my school life that effected me. My vision sucks, so I'm terrified of something happening to my glasses. Awww... Really? They're my favorite animal. They're so cute and their wings are just fascinating. I wish I could have one for a pet. Anyone remember silly things that scared them as kids? I always think that's funny to talk about. It's actually one of my favorite movies ever now, but that darn magnet from The Brave Little Toaster absolutely terrified me; for months I was afraid it would swoop down and get me whenever I left the house.
  16. Thanks to everyone for the warm welcomes! Aaaand with that I believe I'm allowed to start wreaking havoc on the other sections!
  17. LOL! You sound like a lot of fun! Yes... I kind of have a thing for Candlejack, so I just had to xD
  18. About myself.: I am a shut in that enjoys expanding my collections and playing video games. How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Searched for Brony communities How did you became a fan of FiM?: Everyone wouldn't shut up about it, so I tried it myself, and... Enoyed it! My one favourite main cast pony?: Fluttershy Bwhahahah! Hello, everypony! I can't tell you how excited I am to be joining the herd and I hope I make a good addition. I've never RPed before, so I'm a bit too nervous to get in on that, but I do look forward to chatting about the show and just general things. I'm also always eager to talk about things like the Tintin comics, Shin Megami Tensei series, Phoenix Wright, and other quirky stuff. Oh! And you guys thing Angel Bunny is bad? I have a little guinea pig named Scuzzy whom I'm in an even bigger abusive relationship with. Little guy just loves to wake me up at the crack of dawn for his celery or cuddles.
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