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Everything posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. I want a triad trinket and a champ stamp so bad! But I have nothing to trade anyone for them atm, so I'm stuck.
  2. Worms. AAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKKK. Specifically any Segmented Worm. Those are the worst.
  3. These fandom terms still manage to confuse me. Thanks for the explanation, I think I get it now. Why can't we just use regular terms though? Is that just a part of the fandom or something? I can kind of understand why, but it seems a bit excessive, doesn't it?
  4. So can I ask a question here on something I've been confused about for awhile? How does this community use the words Colt, Stallion, Filly, and Mare? As far as I know, a Cot is a male child horse, a Stallion is an adult child horse, a Filly is a female child horse, and a Mare is a female adult horse. Now, how are these terms used exactly? Are they interchangeable per gender or what? Since I know bronies tend to use these on forums to identify gender instead of using Man/Woman/Child, I've been lead into some confusing situations. For instance, I assumed I would considered a Stallion (Adult Male), but when I was called a colt (Male Child?), I said I wasn't a colt. So they assumed I was a woman. Which is EXTREMELY odd due to the "Sir" in my name. So, Am I the only one who thinks these terms lead to commom miscommunications? Am I just not understanding this?
  5. It was overrated, and got more publicity than it honestly deserved. The scenario was crappy, the writing was fair, and it really had no great purpose in my opinion. I wrote a full review once...don't know if I can find it again.
  6. I've played this game! Btw, Slendy's one of my best friends. We go waaaaay back.
  7. Good animation I guess...but I'm going to be honest here. It appeals to me in no way.
  8. I'm going to go see that Total Recall remake, and then in the fall I'm most likely going to see Wreck-It Ralph.
  9. Ready for the great ruslting of our time? Pinkie, Twilight, Fluttershy
  10. Most likely going to be inactive on here for quite awhile.
  11. This is one of the reasons I quit the fandom. I have like four more reasons, at least. Not worth the trouble in my opinion..so I personally can't help. I wish you the best of luck.
  12. Switch lives with Twilight. Not really interested, anyone want to trade? lol
  13. I'll have to tell MissShadowDeath there's competition on the internet. lol
  14. But that's a modified version of a quote from Monty Python. Anyway, what region is the swellow from?
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