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Everything posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. Update. Six Roses An MLP Fanfiction By SirShadowdeath I can't say that I've had a good life. But, at the same time I can't say it's been that bad either. My whole life I've wondered what my purpose was. I haven't found it. I don't think I ever will. I lay awake at night in my bed thinking about what life is truly about. For some reason, I can't get the thought of death out of my head. What is it? What is death? It scares me to think about death. Yet, it still manages to creep into my mind at night. I'll wake up sweating, crying, and sometimes screaming when I think too much. I always felt that death would just be a peaceful end to life. But now, as I get older, it starts to scare me more and more. I can tell that others are picking up on my emotions. I walked to work yesterday with tears still coming down my eyes. My friends say that I should get help, but a therapist will do me no good in my own opinion. I continue to have nightmares every night. I dream of hatred and blood. Last night, I had a dream that I had been married. It was a good dream. I enjoyed it. I loved it. I didn't want to wake up. But then my "wife" died. The rest of the dream was me crying in sorrow and pain. I awoke, tears pouring out of my eyes. I really do need help. It's getting worse. My fears have become own shadow. Everywhere I look I start to think of death. I can't leave my house anymore. For three days in a row, I've called in sick to work. I'm scared. I'm so scared. I found a light today. I found a light for my darkness. There's this kid's show called My Little Pony: Friendship which has a giant fan following on the internet. I tried to watch it today. It's so light hearted and cute. It's an escape from the hell of everyday life. I watched more of the show today. Everything appears to be becoming better in my life. For some reason, I'm becoming obsessed with the show. Not in a bad way, though. I find the show so...relaxing. So...fun. It's a true escape from the horrors of the world which I'm doomed to live in. I think I've seen every aired episode by now. I've rewatched each episode at least ten times as well. I love it. It's my obsession. I stay awake at night watching it, reading about it, writing about it. I wish it was real. I wish I could just escape reality and live there. I want to escape death...I want My Little Pony to become a reality. My friends are beginning to worry about me again. I've been insomatic lately. For hours and hours, I've stayed awake at night. All I can think about is Ponies. I can't bring myself to obsess over anything else. As much as I would like to feel shame for watching a kid's show, I can't. I awoke this morning with the biggest headache I've ever had. As I walked downstairs, I realized my telephone was on, and was thrown out on the kitchen table. I heard faint noises coming from jt, and I immediately ran over to see who was talking on the other end. It was static. Just the repition of stack. What had I done last night? Who had I called? I jogged my memory for answers, but I found none. Then, I remebered one simple word. "Pony." I've been trying to stay away from ponies lately. The more I stay away, the more the thoughts of reality creep into my mind and haunt me. In all honesty, I'm afraid of reality. I'm afraid of the future. I'm afraid of the unknown. I'm going insane...I'm really losing it. All hope is lost for me....I can't take it anymore...Why is reality so scary? Why must I live it? I want to escape! I want to live a new life! I don't want to face...the truth. I haven't eaten for a day now. I'm starving, but I refuse to eat. I haven't gone to work for days now. I can't stop thinking about ponies. The thought of it kills me. My light has become my darkness. I'm losing a ton of weight day by day. I've barely eaten within the last week. I quit my job. I sit at home in the shadows all day. I can't cope with my fear anymore. I can't cope with reality anymore. I need an escape...I need an escape...I need an escape.....
  2. I've ponified absolutely nothing that I own.
  3. Here's a peak of what I'm working on. Also, this is not a human in equestria or pony in reality fic. The beginning is about a human, but it'll work its way into equestria. I guarentree it. Six Roses An MLP Fanfiction By SirShadowdeath I can't say that I've had a good life. But, at the same time I can't say it's been that bad either. My whole life I've wondered what my purpose was. I haven't found it. I don't think I ever will. I lay awake at night in my bed thinking about what life is truly about. For some reason, I can't get the thought of death out of my head. What is it? What is death? It scares me to think about death. Yet, it still manages to creep into my mind at night. I'll wake up sweating, crying, and sometimes screaming when I think too much. I always felt that death would just be a peaceful end to life. But now, as I get older, it starts to scare me more and more. I can tell that others are picking up on my emotions. I walked to work yesterday with tears still coming down my eyes. My friends say that I should get help, but a therapist will do me no good in my own opinion. I continue to have nightmares every night. I dream of hatred and blood. Last night, I had a dream that I had been married. It was a good dream. I enjoyed it. I loved it. I didn't want to wake up. But then my "wife" died. The rest of the dream was me crying in sorrow and pain. I awoke, tears pouring out of my eyes. I really do need help. It's getting worse. My fears have become own shadow. Everywhere I look I start to think of death. I can't leave my house anymore. For three days in a row, I've called in sick to work. I'm scared. I'm so scared. I found a light today. I found a light for my darkness. There's this kid's show called My Little Pony: Friendship which has a giant fan following on the internet. I tried to watch it today. It's so light hearted and cute. It's an escape from the hell of everyday life. I watched more of the show today. Everything appears to be becoming better in my life. For some reason, I'm becoming obsessed with the show. Not in a bad way, though. I find the show so...relaxing. So...fun. It's a true escape from the horrors of the world which I'm doomed to live in.
  4. I would, but that would give away too much. If you know what's coming, it's hard to still think something is sad.
  5. I won't spoil anything, but the main character dies. In the beginning. It's going to be one heck of a fic.
  6. It's a fairly original concept that I plan to use. Well, kind of. Anyway, it's called Six Roses.
  7. I now live in New Ponyville, by myself in a quiet house carved into a mountain.
  8. I've decided that I shall write the saddest, most depressing MLP fanfiction ever. Before anyone comments, the only main reason I am doing this is because many are saying how My Little Dashie is soooo sad and what not. To prove that was nothing, I'm going to write somthing that is actually sad and cute at the same time. Wish me luck fellow bronies.
  9. I lol'd. Anyway, a cupcake made out of death. Just pure death.
  10. They all had series finales, excluding Dexter's lab. Besides this, parents became more protective and subject matters of cartoons changed. I mean really, what parent now would let an 8 year old watch shows like Ren and Stimpy and Rocko's Modern Life? (It's Nickelodeon, but same applied concept)
  11. Sorry, Miss (Mrs)? Anyway, I do agree that MLP has a surpringly diverse fanbase.
  12. Sir, I'm a gothic poet and writer who is obsessed with death and suffers from depression and anxiety.If I like it, anyone can.
  13. Grammar error. It should be "Who ARE Dinky and Sparkler." Sorry, had to say that.
  14. I can understand this, but I feel no shame for watching children's shows. It's my damn life and I intend to do whatever I want with it. Even if that includes watching a Kid's show that happens to be good.
  15. Saw The Adventures of Tin Tin today. Great movie, but IT IS NOT FOR KIDS. (Alcohal, blood, violence, sexual referances) HOW WAS IT PG!?
  16. It'll die down from fandom over time. It's like a kid's interest over time. In elementary school, it's pokemon and yu-gi-oh. Then that dies down and video games take over. It'll be the same, but I'm pretty sure fans will remain.
  17. I really must be a heartless monster. I had no reaction of sadness.
  18. There's an MC downgrader on the MCForums just to let everyone know.
  19. More Fluttershy? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOO *Shivers*
  20. Cupcakes made from the rotting organs of those who died in a post-nuclear apocalyptic war whose bodies have been left there to become zombies and rot in their graves. Topped with vanilla ice cream and sprinkles. (Did I go too far? Too soon?)
  21. Google SirShadowdeath. You'll get a hell load of results for tons of sites U've signed up on. You'll also get my avatar and somr pictures I've posted over the years. 0.o
  22. Oh okay... I actually don't have an account on Tumblr, and I've never used it. I only suggested this off of the knowledge of other forums which I have seen.
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