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Blog Entries posted by PonyHooves

  1. PonyHooves
    Do you ever think how lucky you are for having running water at any time of the day? Do you ever feel lucky that when you've been to the toilet, you can flush it? Do you ever feel lucky that you can have a shower or a bath in the morning?
    I took water for granted. It was always there. All I had to do was turn on a tap, the shower or flush the toilet. But then it all changed...
    On Tuesday one of the pipes began to leak. To prevent the house from flooding, the water had to be turned off at the mains. We had to live off rationed water. We had two pans of water and that was it. Every last drop had to be used wisely. I couldn't have a shower. I couldn't flush the toilet. It I wanted to wash, I had to boil a tiny amount of water in the kettle and that was all I could have. I had never missed having water so much until then.
    It wasn't until today that the pipe was repaired. I went four days without running water. Those four days were the most horrid days of my life so far. As soon as the pipe was fixed I was the first person to take a shower. That shower felt so good and I have never felt so lucky that I could shower again.
    So next time you leave the tap running while your brushing your teeth, you might want to think twice about saving water. You never know... One day it could happen to you like it did to me.
  2. PonyHooves
    It's been a while since I made my last blog post. So, I thought I'd make one we can all laugh about. I laugh at my self all of the time because being accident prone means I have some funny accidents! I want you to be able to laugh at them to.
    - Running in the house in my socks = slipping and falling on my butt.
    - Walking into walls - Number of times = 27
    - Walking into doors - Number of times = 10
    - Walking into poles/lamp posts = 32
    - I've tripped over my own shoe laces and landed on my knees on a concrete floor.
    - Fallen down the stairs once
    - Fallen up the stairs eight times
    - Fallen into a bog and got stuck three times
    - Banged my head on a table five times.
    - Stabbed myself with a shavings fork once (very sharp).
    - Fallen on a bus once
    - Tripped over the dog four times
    - fallen over the door step seven times
    - Banged my knee on the chair thirteen times
    - Number of times gone to A&E = None!
    I'm accident prone... But I'm not that bad. I can laugh at my self because I know that's just me. How about laughing at your self once in a while. It's much better than regretting the mistakes you've made.
  3. PonyHooves
    We often forget how lucky to have the things we do... We take what we have for granted without noticing over half of the time. I know I've done it so many, many times. Haven't you ever taken what you have for granted?
    But a few moments of thought... Sure I can say that there are those better off from me because both mother and father care about them, unlike me. My mother is out of the picture and she doesn't want to know my existance. I live in a broken family. But there is another side that I often look to when I feel depressed or lonely.
    - I have a father who loves me with all of his heart.
    - I have an older brother who helps to show me the way when I've gone off course in my journey through college life.
    - I have grandparents who both love and cherish me. My grandma even calls me, the little girl she never had.
    - I have a roof to sleep under. It has clean water, electricity and warmth.
    - I have all of my loving pets who help to fulfill my life by just being there.
    - I have the clothes that I wear.
    - I have television, a wii, Nintendo 3DS, access to my dad's computer and a notebook.
    The list is endless if I go into more details... But you can see that I'll always be forever greatful for everything that I have.
  4. PonyHooves
    While shopping with my dad I saw a Snoopy T-shirt. My dad picked up the biggest one which was in the age range of thirteen to fourteen years. It's a little bit on the long side on me and I'll have to grow into it... So yeah, that's an eye opener. I'm a midget. They say I'll 'grow' into it... But I haven't grown in a long time. I'm five foot one! I'm the smallest person in my home, the smallest girl in my college and people often mistake me for a twelve year old. I've heard it all. Words ranging from 'cute' to 'child'. But I am not a child. I'm going to be eighteen next year in June. This year I'm going to be seventeen.
    Enough of the down side to being small. I've always found being small and looking so childlike to have many advantages... But I discovered one of those when I used to go to high school. Although that advantage made all of the boys in my year call me a phsycopath. Which I am not. I show my feelings. Just not all of the time... Basically, what happened was, I was sat next to a boy in my English class who kept on poking me in the back. At first I ignored him, but then it irritated me too much. So, when he put his hand on the table I sank my finger nails into the back of his hand. The teacher allowed me to do it because she also disliked him. So that was the first advantage. I could get away with pretty much anything when I was in school. Now that I am in college I have more advantages. Such as my friends swear down to protect me because they worry that I may be helpless. If I ask anyone of them will happily plait my hair and they always off to help me with things.
    So, I am small... And... I wouldn't want to be any different! I like my tiny size!
  5. PonyHooves
    It seems as though today was one for me. I had everything in place for college today. But I put on the wrong coat. It was a problem for me because my bus pass was in my other coat and not the one I was wearing. I knew without the pass I wouldn't be allowed on the bus, so I ran back home to get the bus pass. By the time I got to the bus station, my bus had left without me. Its a contracted bus company, so it only picks up students from my town at one specific time. No one in my family can drive either and my college is far away from where I live. So I emailed college and told them I couldn't make it in. My dad yelled in my ear over the phone and my grandma went on about how I don't use my brain. I get it already! I know it's my fault. But it's an easy mistake when both coats are the same colour. So yeah... That's why I am having a bad day.
  6. PonyHooves
    What is sleep? Sleep is the enemy of the insomniac... For anyone who wonders what an insomniac is, I am an example of one. An insomniac has abnormal sleep patterns. They either not sleep at all for days on end or they wake up in the middle of the night, unable to get back to sleep. I don’t sleep. Granted, that I’ll close my eyes... But I can hear every word said that goes on around me. I can hear the sound of the rain outside, beating down on the window. I can hear my brother’s TV when it is on a low volume. I hear it all and tighten my closed eye lids. If you locked me in a sound proof room, I’d be rocking from one side to the next while blankly staring at a wall. Without the comforting sounds of the world around me, I’d begin to think about the world around me. What’s going on tomorrow? I’ll have to let the day play its self out. I am unable to see the events in the distant future and yet, that is what I’m thinking of right now... Strange, isn’t it?
    Only one person can put me to sleep. It is due to a scent hormone that is released from her neck. The scent acts in the same way as chloroform. It knocks me out cold. She is one of only a few people who produce this scent and not all people will react to it or even pick it up... If only that scent could be bottled. I’d be asleep by now. But it were to be bottled, other insomniacs would crave the scent an my friend would become over worked with orders for her aroma to be sent to them. No... I wouldn't want her to have all of that pressure firmly resting on her shoulders. I'll let her hug me when I go back to college, so that her scent will put me to sleep. A refreshing little sleep. Oh, that sounds wonderful.
  7. PonyHooves
    Well, my package has finally arrived. If you were wondering what I even ordered, I have a confession to make... I love Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends. When they stopped airing it on Cartoon Network, I began to miss it. Until... I saw the complete first season on DVD on Ebay. That's what I was waiting for and the best part about it is, it's here. But I am not going to watch it until I get to the hotel... You'll find out more about the hotel, on Saturday morning. But you can't say I haven't warned you. My Saturday morning blog will appear very early.
  8. PonyHooves
    I am tired and I won't deny it. But I have my reasons. I am a light sleeper and last night the wind was howling at my bed room window. The rain was bouncing off the windows noisily and the whether seemed to make my animals restless. The guinea pigs in my room were sounding off with their petty power struggles, which they normally didn't do at night. Then when I changed direction all I could hear was the ticking of my clock. I picked up my alarm clock and pushed the screen so the light turned on. It was five past midnight. I tried closing my eyes and putting the pillow over my head. But that only made it harder to get comfortable and when the wind died down, I heard two people arguing out on the street. In the end, I only got about two hours of sleep... Perhaps tonight, the world will go to sleep so that I can sleep too.
  9. PonyHooves
    All of this week I have been getting up at seven in the morning. I am expecting a package to come through the post. Only, every time I order something I seem to keep missing the delivery man. Like the time I went to the toilet and then the door bell rang. By the time I got to the door he was gone! Then I missed a delivery man three times because he delivered the package when I was eating my lunch at my grandparents house (I am a walking health hazard in the kitchen. I nearly set fire to the toaster once when I put the setting too high). Then there was the time the man delivered it to the wrong house and a neighbour gave it to me later in the day. This time I am ready... But the only problem is now that I am ready for him, he's taking longer to deliver my precious package.
  10. PonyHooves
    Okay... I got up at four because I'm going away for the day with my family and I won't be back until tomorrow. I still don't like the idea of no internet. But it is only a day... Perhaps I'll have my photo taken. I'll be wearing my Snoopy t-shirt. Anyway I sure will miss the internet.
  11. PonyHooves
    You know those lazy days when your watching random youtube videos out of boredom. Well I had one of those days... I came across asdfmovie which is on TomSka's youtube channel. I watched the first one. Then I watched all of the asdfmovies that followed it. After that I watched the deleted scenes and marmite. But in my head I still kept thinking about what I had seen in asdfmovie2 and 3. The I like trains kid... Then I spotted something else. TomSka created a song all about the fictional I like trains kid who he had made up. I didn't just listen to it once. I listened to it ten times! Now I keep on blurting out I like trains, for fun. So yeah... I have a new obsession and I'm going to buy an I like trains t-shirt. Well, I do need some new clothes and it's a statement alright.
    Oh and...

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