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Everything posted by Tam

  1. Warning, your cutie mark ref isn't found at Photobucket! :C Other than that, looks nice! Approved.
  2. That's a really great chart - I've never seen the early concepts. Thank you!
  3. Your first post and it's an original wallpaper? It's very good! Thank you for sharing!
  4. Oh wow, that looks very nice! I love how you designed the background and land marks!
  5. With it being so late in the first season, I completely understand why they're shifting focus a bit. It fills out the world, provides backstory... but they'll probably bring things abck to the main cast just as soon as the Crusaders get their marks. Also, MLPtales, I would think the marks will be some sort of variation. Look at Rainbow Dash and how they updated hers... but I guess we'll have to wait, to find out.
  6. Tam


    Soooooooooorry. :C
  7. I'm a little on the fence about the cutie mark, it's a cute reference and it does fit enough. She probably could have a flaw that she won't take anything seriously, everything was a joke and can upset people sometimes which frustrates her, "I'm just joking!!!" Just open thoughts, not necessarily needing to change. Just being careful about a not-so-pony like marking. Other than that, I approve.
  8. Nah, it's pretty cute! C: Very nice picture!
  9. Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around! We're pretty open minded here! So be sure to hop in lots of discussions if you're such an open book!
  10. Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around! And don't worry, we may be an English-Only board but we will be happy to help you out when you're having trouble understanding something or the like. <3
  11. Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around! My face is not a face at all. gasp.
  12. Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around!
  13. Very nice, I like the Residence idea and name. You should pipe into the map making area for sure! Approved.
  14. I thought of a character I do hate as a bg pony. Trixie. I hate trixie so much. Specially when I saw "trixie fans" I just grit my teeth, just ahhhg what an annoying character I hope she never comes back. >:C NOTHING REDEEMABLE ABOUT HER.
  15. Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around! No restrictions, as long as it's not gore or porn you're fine!
  16. Tam


    RP also known as "Role Playing" is where people get together and write stories together. Usually in posts, parts. I post a paragraph about my character doing something, then you would post about your character doing/replying to mine. And eventually it turns into this big story. C:
  17. Main six or not, just characters from the show. Of the main 6 I have to say Fluttershy is my least fav. I just don't enjoy the crippling-shy factor in characters. xD They bore me. Not of the six... uhmm... Not really sure. I was sure one of the CMC would get a dislike from me. But I love appleblooms eyes/colors, I dig scootaloo's moves, and I adore sweetie belle's songs when she's not trying to be a rock 'n roll star. I do sort of dislike them as that whiny "RIGHT NOW" group of kids though. lol
  18. MAKE THEM JOIN PLZ. Omg that picture is soooo cute.
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