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Everything posted by DannyMirage

  1. I play guitar, electric and acoustic, piano, and recently I've been getting into FL studio, Massive, and stuff like that.
  2. what are you using to make this? try ymVST, it has a more crisp 8 bit sound http://woolyss.com/chipmusic.php
  3. Thought I should change this.

  4. I can make a pretty sick beat, and some pretty good synth, bass is my only downfall. you should hit me up.
  5. Pretty awesome! It's nice to meet you Tuesday!
  6. I think this should be me and my friend's senior trip.
  7. Noo!! at least you already signed it, I'm glad they're making progress. when I signed it their goal was 150,000 now it's 2 mill i think
  8. whoops, I knew I'd do something stupid today. I fixed it though.
  9. Sleep, it's time we get reacquainted.

  10. Nobody Takes me seriously lol If I were to tell someone it was from MLP they would probably laugh, pat me on the head, and say something along the lines of "Oh, you and your silly stories!"
  11. http://www.avaaz.org/en/eu_save_the_internet_spread/?copy Seriously, Sign this if you haven't already. :!: The link has info about what ACTA is. Sorry if this has already been posted. Also, I'm drinking Chocolate milk.
  12. I haven't heard that song in so long!
  13. Texas ponies... ASSEMBLE!! lol
  14. Haha! that's just like my theater class! Anyways, welcome to Canterlot dude!
  15. I live right next to some small town ranchers and there's some more people like that throughout town so they're pretty much just taking their horses for a walk. It's kind of funny though, my yard is like a normal yard and over the fence... Ranch.
  16. Becoming a brony has actually helped me more than (and I hate to say it) going to youth on Wednesdays. In youth groups, if you don't fit in, then nobody talks to you. (except for the hyperactive fakers and maybe the pastor if he even notices you) Through the show I actually became happy with myself and learned that no matter how weird you are, a friend will stick with you through thick and thin. I'm a little curious to hear other's stories. btw not stereotyping against church goers, but from my experience a lot of "Christians" don't know how to treat other people, especially new people.
  17. Thanks! I'm glad to associate with such awesome people! XD (still trying to figure out the faces haha) Thanks man! btw I checked out your youtube, pretty awesome! I had a feeling you'd mention the wonderbolts in that video:)
  18. haha yeah, I don't have much of an Texas accent either (unless I'm making for of it) It's nice to meet you too!
  19. Ooooh!! ooooh!! Pick me! I'm waiting on a script writer to write a script out for me so I have no projects right now.
  20. What's up, Frosty? welcome to Canterlot. (I'm new at this too) What kind of music do you like?
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