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Posts posted by SteelEagle



    -Apple Bloom- http://www.canterlot...m-tier-1-final/

    *Earth Pony* *Female* *Filly* *Ponyville* *TIER 1*

    Active in-

    Cutie Mark Crusader Treasure Hunters, GO!- Apple Bloom and friends go adventurin'!http://www.canterlot...ure-hunters-go/

    100 Country Kisses- Can Abby help AJ accomplish a serious goal? http://www.canterlot...sses-remaining/

    Adventures in Foalsitting- Apple Bloom has fun with the best foalsitter ever! http://www.canterlot...sitting-closed/

    Class is in Session- A normal day at school. http://www.canterlot...lies-and-colts/

    Weekend with the Apples- Apple Bloom has fun with the Fields family on a camping trip. http://www.canterlot...-apples-closed/

    ...The More Zap Apples Stay the Same- Zap Apple Harvest time, yay! http://www.canterlot...family-welcome/

    The Friendship Salespitch- Apple Bloom deals with some business related and unrelated shenanigans.

    Under Her Hat- Apple Bloom loses Applejack's hat in the great Everfree!

    Painting the Farm Orange- Apple Bloom helps teach Presteza everything there is to know 'bout Apples.

    Awards Banquet: Day 2- Apple Bloom goes to an awards ceremony for her heroics during the Nightmare Night attack.


    Scooting Through the Park- Apple Bloom has fun at the park. http://www.canterlot...ll-foalsponies/

    Apple Bloom's Big Day!- Apple Bloom is growing up, one year at a time! http://www.canterlot...blooms-big-day/

    School Daze- Apple Bloom catches somepony sneakin' around the clubhouse. http://www.canterlot...ore-class-open/

    Winter Wrap-Up: Plant Team- Can Apple Bloom and Apple Bumpkin work together to make this the best Winter Wrap-Up ever? The answer was yes, and despite their plow breaking, they had a great time. http://www.canterlot...265-plant-team/

    Winter Wrap-Up: Plant/Weather Team- Can Apple Bloom help Midnight Orchid and their joint team make this the best Winter Wrap-Up ever? http://www.canterlot...her-plant-team/

    Sweet Meets Pinkie- Apple Bloom needs help with Granny- can Sweet and Pinkie help? http://www.canterlot...-pinkie-pieopen

    A Good Influence- Abby and her family help a colt find himself! http://www.canterlot...lime-riverhippo

    Apple Family Reunion- http://www.canterlot...ase-pm-to-join/

    Relaxation, the Apple Family Way!- Abby and AJ spend quality time together! http://www.canterlot...y-way-applejack

    Mixed Fruits and Vegetables- Can Apple Bloom make it up to her sister during a meet and greet with the neighbors? http://www.canterlot...veggies-closed/

    Famous Visitors- Abby, despite being sick, is determined to meet the wonderbolts! http://www.canterlot...en/page__st__80

    Majestic Intent- Abby has fun with Luna. http://www.canterlot...nt-tales-eagle/

    A Change of Heart- A walk in the woods turns into so much more when Abby finds a lost filly. http://www.canterlot...oom-private-rp/

    A Country Field Trip- The Apple family shines during a school field trip to TAV. http://www.canterlot...-pm-for-invite/




    *Unicorn* *Male* *Stallion* *Canterlot* *Tier 3

    Constellations and Their Relation to Dishes, or Crescent's Guide to Marriage- Crescent loves his homelife. http://www.canterlot...losed-rosewind/

    Parental Guidance- Crescent attempts to visit his daughter. Attempts, not succeeds. http://www.canterlot...tationinterest/



    -BON BON-http://www.canterlot...-bon-bon-final/

    *Earth Pony* *Female* *Mare* *Ponyville* *TIER 3*

    Active In-

    Mad Love, Madder Chocolates- Bon Bon perfects her chocolates, but at what cost??? Probably nothing.

    Bon Bon's Bonbons: Open for Business(and bonbons)!- Bon Bon sells bonbons. http://www.canterlot...open-ponyville/

    The Lost Library: Sinister Sweetness- Sinister chocolates never felt better than the time she endlessly flirted with a magician. http://www.canterlot...ster-sweetness/


    Big News- Bon Bon and Lyra visit Lyra's parents. http://www.canterlot...s-knight-diego/

  2. Of all the different types of ponies, Pegasi were the ones without a valid excuse to be late to any social function. They could fly fast, they could fly for long periods of time, and by Celestia, they could go over obstacles. Rarely was there a good excuse to be late and yet again, Pathfinder was late for another function. While the destination wasn't exactly romantic, it was a town that Pathfinder was very well acquainted with. It stood at the edge of Painted Pinyo, which Pathfinder had spent entirely too long traversing. Nice, simple town with the sort of activities that got her heart racing. And Pathfinder hoped that her heart would continue racing when she met this mare that she had been hooked up with by that matchmaking service- they said she was cute and by golly, that would be just fine by Pathfinder.

    Pathfinder would never have guessed she'd be racing across the barren town to meet a businessmare, of all ponies. Was she gonna slow Pathfinder down? Only a few ponies could keep up with her, and that was a fact! Her last five friends had all said she was just too much Pathfinder for them. But then again, these matchmaking services had to try and match ponies up, and since they were so obviously different it had to be something that made the matchmaker go, "Huh, I GUESS THIS WORKS!". She must be cool then.

    Pathfinder continued gliding all the way to the obstacle course, rope trailing off of her back left hoof. She tried to shake it off to no avail, it being tightly wound and knotted. She'd have to worry about that at a later time, it wasn't that big of a deal, truth be told. She snapped her head back in front of her and saw the landing of the course and- why, hellooooooooo beautiful!

    Pathfinder landed somewhat swiftly after a fierce dive, a somewhat audible clash of hoof and pavement and she steadied herself near whom she believed was her date. You could tell the rich from the poor in a few subtle ways. The way the back was stiff and regal, the coat clean and tidy, and the way that the eyes analyzed rather than absorbed. As an adventurer, it was important to realize these small details, as they could be the difference between being taken advantage of by someone rich who had something worth adventurin' against beyond revenge and the poor who would do it to get by and made you feel bad when you had to take it back. Either way Pathfinder was too trusting to not, well, trust, but it at least helped gauge how awesome of an adventure getting her stuff back for free.

    "Hey there! I'm Pathfinder! Are you Snowfall? I'm sorry for being late and all, I got...tied up." She said, shaking her back hoof and laughing. Oh Celestia, maybe she could quit adventuring and become an awesome comedian! Or maybe it was her way of just introducing herself as smoothly as she could. She wasn't noted for her grace, at least. Heck, she had stuffed the flier for this service in her saddlebag and, lacking things to do when caught up in a giant spider web, filled it out. That was likely not what the matchmaker had intended, which was a rather perfect start to this entire deal- none of it was what anypony had in mind, and that made it that much more fun.

  3. Valen walked into the dentist's office, his body for the first time that day having time to back down. Only now was it hitting home how much he had done that day, from the overnight train ride to being viciously assaulted by chickens, being choked, drowned, stampeded and crushed, and then being taunted by delicious soup, it had been a tiring day for the foal and it wasn't even dinner yet. Lazily, Valen crawled on a chair and slumped over the hoof rest and allowed his body to take huge, gasping breaths as his back straightened out. He could hear a crack somewhere and couldn't decide if someone had popped in or out of place.

    What he wouldn't have given to be home at that exact moment, in a nice, warm bath. He had the perfect bath robe for such rough days, it probably cost more than what some of these ponies made in a month. That made him feel awful, though- he had just experienced how hard they worked and they had so much less than he. Quelle insulte! But maybe that was the point. His parents wanted him to see how hard they worked, and know that his cousins on orange farms did the same. What better leader than the one who had the knowledge of what the tiniest cogs in the machine?

    This chair sure was comfy. Sunrise's office may have lacked all the niceties of the high-class Upper Crust dentist he had back home, but she didn't buy cheap chairs. Comfortable and warm, he could feel himself rolling gently back into them in relaxation. Only the throbbing pain in his tooth kept him from falling asleep.

  4. Ponies met ponies and before long, the small group had been properly introduced. There was still the matter of where the pegasus had been trying to get to when he passed out and who exactly had Valen's bits, but-

    -Merry Go-Round!

    "Yay!" Valen screeched, voice breaking with sincere overwhelming joy as he reared for a second before regaining himself. Valen gave a look to the ponies around him, somewhat embarassed at such an overt display of silliness. He coughed and regained his composure.

    "Y-yes, err, that merry go round sure looks...fun...we should go and have the...fun!" He said, trotting towards it gaily while he beckoned with Remington for the others to follow.

  5. Valen considered Sunrise's questions respectfully for more than a moment, not sure how to respond. Was she flying too carelessly? Probably not. He wasn't a pegasus, but he didn't think they were bucking up and down wildly. His feeling of not having any control likely was about her size- he was just used to bigger, was all. She flew confidently, swiftly, and with control- no, she was anything other than careless. He was just being a scaredy pony.

    They landed smoothly, his concerns momentarily put to ease. She let him off gently and was happy to have solid ground beneath him, though it did bring back to his mind the fact his bidy felt like a pile of wet jelly.

    "No, you thlew revy thell." He said through his chirped tooth, sounding like a newborn foal from Germaney outside her office.

  6. Name : Pathfinder

    Gender : Female

    Gender preference : Whatever, not important

    Location : Everywhere- I travel all the time, though I do have a 'home' in Cloudsdale.

    Age : Young Mare

    Species : Pegasus

    Species preference (Optional) : Whatever, not important

    Cutie-Mark (Optional) : Rope around a globe

    How would you describe yourself, physically?

    I'm extremely fit, a little on the smaller side, but very striking. Ever see Daring Do? Like her!

    How would you describe your personality?

    I love adventure and excitement. I'm nice, and I'm willing to try anything.

    What things in life are important to you?

    Drive! You have to have this inner fire that will never die, propelling you across the world both literally and figuratively.

    What's your idea of the ideal first date?

    I'm up for anything as long as it involves us doing something exciting.

    What are you looking for?

    Excitement! You've gotta be able to both keep up with me and be willing to take risks. Show me you love me by taking an arrow to the wing, just like I did for a friend!

    Anything else you think we should know?

    I am a full time adventure with a lot of hospital debt.

    I would write more, but I'm caught in the web of a giant spider.

  7. That offer for pie sent his tiny little heart racing a hundred miles an hour. He loved apple pie. Who didn't love apple pie? Whoever didn't love apple pie wasn't a friend of his, that was for sure. It was delicious and crackling with goodness, delicious moist goodness. He wondered if the-

    - he wondered no more about pie when Sunrise took the muzzle off. In that split second, he may as well have fallen in love with the dentist. For once today instead of being forced against his will to do something or feeling as though he was a rag doll, someone was releasing him from something. The sheer fact he could feel the blood running to his snout like a flood meant something was right. Between that and the thought of pie, his world was already looking up when he was tossed on Sunrise's back and she took off.

    He had experienced the joys of Pegasus provided flight several times, and each time was different. He was used to the strong, broad wings of the trained types, feeling as though he could lay across them and not fear for anything as they powered their way through the windy mannerisms of Manehattan. This was unlike those times, her body and wingspan no comparison nor as strong a flier. Yet, she still powered through the Ponyville air towards her clinic with ease, as befitting a Pegasus, though valen clutched her tighter than he had clutched no one else aside from his mother.

    Sunrise started laughing and having fun, the infectious manner of her chuckle easing into Valen as well, his body giving out a rather meek and nervous laugh. She was good with foals and it showed, her gentle, jovial attitude playing well against him. Valen was sure he'd have more fun if he was clinging to her, had a tooth that he didn't want to feel air against, and generally had any muscle control left. He felt like a wet dish cloth against the wind, a fact that didn't sit well with him. was air drying in the cold the best way to catch a cold, or just one of the best?

    Valen counted his blessings. Sunrise was probably a good dentist and she seemed awfully kind. Applejack, for all of her ignorance, was kind. Granny Smith was nice. Apple pie was waiting. He had a beautiful, comfortable comforter and some stunning clothing, and Ponyville's air was fresh. Smile grew wide, though covered in Sunrise's coat.

    As they flew in close to the clinic, his frazzled nerves collected around the belief that, yes, there was something to be salvaged from this day.

  8. There were so many specks on the wall, such a veritable army that she had lost count, started counting again, and then lost count. Her imagination had given them names and rank and they did battle with the overwhelming forces of the white wall around them. It was far less exciting that she could make it, even with her amazingly creative mind.

    Of course, it was all busywork. Not only to keep her sane in the hospital, but to take time off from counting the seconds to the new Daring Do book. Two days, all that was left, two days. Two days. Two days to high adventure! Two days to excitement and danger! The Mystery of the Manehattan Minute had been a stunning success and while it was true this new book was not staring Daring Do- rather, it starred Bravado, Daring Do's hunky rival and love interest- it was such an important read and thepreviewwassogoodohmycelestiawhyisn'titherenow-

    - darnit! She had been doing so well! She bit her lip, wanting to pass out until the day it was released- but first, she would need to get out, and that meant...something. Could she just walk out? Naw! Of course not. Not only was that too simple, but the doctors would probably demand she rest and heal. What good was the body if the soul would never heal from the wound of not being there the day of rel-

    "Hey, Pathfinder. My uncle dropped a Daring Do book into my box. Not sure if it is new or not. You interested?” Rain Leaf asked kindly, tossing the work over to Pathfinder. She had a mini-heart attack before she looked at the cover.

    "'Daring-Do and the Synergy of the Saxon Staff'? Not new, but definitely one of the more unusual books! And freshly printed? Ooooh, this must be the THIRD printing! I have a signed first edition, a signed first edition paperback, and a pristine second edition as well! I wonder if my third edition copy is waiting for me at home?" Pathfinder starts excitedly, sniffing the book.

    "New book smell! You can always tell a new print, because the heat of the print is still somewhat present. See how the pages are still warm? So cool! I love new books, d you? Daring Do has a new book coming out in just two days and I'm dying to get it! this is cool too, thanks Leafy!" She squeeled with joy, plopping back into her cot to read it. Yeah, she knew it back to front and even had an older copy with her, but a hardcover new printing was deliciously different from her older, signed first edition paperback.

    She read aloud, talking about the mystery of the Saxon Staff and all of its various myhtholigical references, using a blend of some historical fact and weaving a complex fiction. She squealed when it was revealed that it was not a narrator, but a somewhat aging Daring Do in an auditorium, holding it in hand.

    "'And this,' Daring Do said with a smile, twirling the priceless staff effortlessly, white-stricken administrators covering their faces in horror as the greatest of disasters flashed before their eyes, "'is how I retrieved it and saved Equestria.'"

    She gave another squeal. It was such a fun adventure, though it had unusual parts in it and at least a few questionable canon flaws, but nonetheless, it was a high-octane adventure.

    Pathfinder continued reading, the story flowing partially from memory. It started, and ended, with the Iris of Immortality, an ancient ruin, and a Staff with ill-repute...

  9. I'm afraid I'm not entirely sure where Rainbow Dash is supposed to fit into this thread. You've mentioned a few very vague comments, but they don't seem to fit into where this thread is... could you fill me in a bit more on details?

    Rainbow Dash is the person who stole the book that has gotten pathfinder into such a tizzy. (Though stole is perhaps the wrong word, more like breaking and entering in a bookstore and borrowing a copy so she could be the first to read it and then try to return it before anyone notices, though obviously she failed) That was the basic idea with Dusky Wings, anyway.

  10. "Fleet Paw. Sorry about crashing in to you."

    It figured that the Cynogriff would have such a name. Valen had met very few of them, but was aware of them enough to know that they were entirely too likely to have slightly militaristic names. He wasn't going to hold that against him, nor the crash; he seemed nice enough, and he was entirely correct about needing everyone to get acquanted with one another. But first, the pegasus. He had both crashed and was snoring, which led Valen to believe he had fallen asleep while flying. That wasn't right, not at all, and Valen wasted no time as he approached the colt and gently nudged him. That oughta do the trick- not wake up during a crash, wake up when nudged.

    "Pegasus...err, wake up, please?" He asked kindly, more befuddled than anything. He half-turned to the others.

    "The name is Valen Orange, pleasure to meet you all."


    Chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chooo choooooooo!

    It was a fairly accurate term to use for the train as it rolled on by the group, decorated as it was in many of the fair's great colors, the traveling troupe within ready to burst forth and entertain all the foals and fillies, colts and the stallions with the hearts and imagination of colts they could find. It slowed down and down until, with one thunderous cathunk, it was at a dead stop.

  11. Apple Bloom shook herself, water flying off of her in near comical amounts as she started bopping her head with a hoof to the side. She gave a nervous smile as she looked back at Applejack.

    "Well ya see sis, I was takin' the chickin' to their coop like ya said, t'en ah noticed that one of the little chicks missin'. I followed the smallest little tracks ya ever did see and found this here chick was al' wanderin' about all lost like." She says with a sense of pride, the tiny little chick poking its out from Apple Bloom's drenched mane.

    "I knew i'was ours, so I started leadin' her back home and decided ta call 'er Marebeline, like that make-up that Sweetie Belle got from Rarity, on account of her little dots under 'er eyes. Anywho, ah was takin' her back but she didn't wanna come back just yet and was jumpin' and leapin' away. I decided ta follow her and see if chickin' escortin' was mah special talent, but it isn't. It started rainin' and we were near tha river and all, and ah thought that maybe ah could try rafting. That wasn't mah special talent neither! We swam back to shore and walked home. It was tons of fun!" Apple Bloom finished as she cantered up to the table for supper, still wet. Marebeline chirped in her hair, and Apple Bloom beamed.

    "I'm gonna let 'er sleep in mah room tonight!"

  12. Name: Apple Bloom

    Sex: Female

    Age: Filly

    Species: Earth Pony

    Pelt Color: Light, almost pale yellow.

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: A bright, apple-shined red mane paired off with her extra-long and striking mane held out of her face by a large

    pink bow that ties it down atop her mane.

    Eye Color: Luminous, vivid amber eyes.

    Cutie Mark: None, which is the cause of the greatest(and perhaps cutest) wailing this side of Equestria.

    Physique: Extremely fit and healthy for her age owing to a near lifetime of labor at Sweet Apple Acres accentuated by the Apple Family's large, but healthy meals.

    Residence: Sweet Apple Acres

    Occupation: Student, though that is secondary in her mind to the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

    Motivation: The search for her Cutie Mark is perhaps the single most overwhelming motivation, but it is likely truly secondary to helping her family and friends.

    Likes: Crusadin', Kung-Fu, Fixing stuff, the farm, her family, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, most ponies she ever meets, Cutie Marks, Apples, Discussions about Crusading, Cutie Mark Crusader Sleepovers, her hoof-built by Applejack clubhouse, Planning Crusades for the Cutie Mark Crusaders in after discussions about crusading in the Cutie Mark Crusader Clubhouse.

    Dislikes: Being made to feel like she ain't a big pony when she very clearly is a big pony, mean well-to-do ponies, not finding her cutie mark, repairing damage after a crusade has failed, getting in trouble after a crusade has failed, getting in trouble for starting a new crusader before repairing the damage from her previous failed crusade.


    Apple Bloom's birth was marked by great elation, another filly added to a loving fold. Born in the season of spring where all things are as beautiful as the little filly would turn out to be in both body and spirit, her name came about as her mother looked out over the vastness of the orchard and saw both tree and flower in bloom.

    Growing up under the care of her siblings and grandmother worked out rather well for the filly. Hardworking farm ponies the whole lot of them, they instilled in her a sense of loyalty and dedication to getting the job done that few others could have. Of course, the hardest part is getting her to choose the same job they have since her excitable hooves are always itching to satisfy the rapid-fired commands of her amped up, excited, yearning-for-adventure filly soul. Just as often as this ends with her heading off to join her friends, this ends up with her not paying attention to her work and getting beaned in the face with an apple. She was homeschooled by Granny Smith for the earliest part of her schooling years, but eventually even Apple Bloom started to wonder why her lessons trailed off into apple harvesting discussions every time and she was enrolled in public school.

    Her hardworking demeanor, ability to listen, and earnestness resulted in excellent grades. She would gather a small cadre of friends and for a while everything was turning up apples. However, as her friends started to get their cutie marks and drift away, she became somewhat isolated and more focused on her on blank flank, her schoolwork suffering as a result. This came to a head when her last close friend in class, Twist, received her cutie mark, leaving her alone amongst her classmates. While she had learned this was common for members of fine Apple stock, it did little to help her. After several failed attempts to get her mark, she made the decision not to attend Diamond Tiara's party, only to walk in to it anyway. (She isn't very good with directions, truth be told)

    While she expected the party to be a disaster, it instead turned into a pivot for her life. She met Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, two other blank flanks, and they would form the Cutie mark Crusaders. After this meeting, the trio would become nigh inseparable, and it became apparent to everypony in town that they were not just partners in an adventure, but truly best friends. Their search for their cutie marks has come to define them, but that tells little of who they are.

    Apple Bloom can be blunt and would dearly like to emulate her older sister in the realm of honesty, but her earnest desire to do good and make ponies happy will see her lie through her teeth if she thinks it will be for the best. More often than not, this results in a lie to cover up a lie until the lies become crossed and she finds it impossible to go further. She is in many ways more street smart than her friends, but this comes right up against her own curious, excitable nature that will see her discard warnings almost as quickly as she receives them. She works hard and sees no reason to sit still when you could be cantering about trying to find your cutie mark, but will often direct that work into some sort of sillyness that doesn't do much to aid her.

    She has great skill with tools, being able to build props and repair things with the adeptness of a tradesman many years her elder. However, she doesn't find much about it exciting, and considers it just another facet of work. This creates no end of consternation to those around her, who want to beat her over the head and tell her exactly what her cutie mark is. She has a brave and outgoing nature, but feels as though she has never truly faced something frightening alone. She wants to test herself someday and see if she really is a big pony like her bother and sister, or if she's just some little filly.

    She gets along well with Zecora, being the first pony to toss out her hoof in friendship. She is obviously dearly devoted to her family, wishing to emulate her sister in all the ways that don't conflict with the need to see that everypony is happy all the time. In other words that whole honesty bit is a little hard to emulate.

    She has started rebounding in school, her natural desire to root out answers, hardworking demeanor, and ability to listen to her teacher giving her the natural ability to excel. If she were to apply herself fully to her classwork instead of having her mind bounce around questions regarding the cutie mark crusaders and the apple harvest, she may very well become an exceptional student. Tragic that there is finite space in the mind of a filly, and Apple Bloom has yet to devote the space and effort needed to establish herself as one of Ponyville's best and brightest. Instead, her farm mannerisms and at times disappointing grades reflect poorly on the nature of Apple Bloom's intelligence. It doesn't help that her curious and excitable personality can result in foolish and impulsive actions.

    She is the de-facto leader of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, though she would never say so and they are about as democratic an institution as possible. From the clubhouse on Sweet Apple Acres, she helps plan and plot not only the crusades that are their namesake, but any manner of tomfillery suited for them. To describe her day as busy would be a gross understatement: From dawn until dusk, she is at school, completing chores, and around her Cutie Mark Crusader friends. Some wonder how one little filly can do so much.

    Apple Bloom wonders why others do so little!


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