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Everything posted by Dunder

  1. I know I will pray for her. I don't know her, now is my first time hearing about her. Thanks for posting. I wouldn't have known otherwise.
  2. Thanks, Phil. I fixed it. XD
  3. I was thinking they were going to go explore some ruins in the badlands and run into some trouble. I personally think Mirage would fit better. It's up to you, though. She seems like she would fit just fine. As I said, (In this post, so don't worry about it XD) It's going to be in the badlands. Probably in the mountainy part of it. I agree. He could make a fine addition to the team.
  4. Dunder Blust had received an invitation to the Not-Quite-as-Grand Galloping Gala. He couldn't imagine why, though. He had received one in the mail, perhaps everypony was getting one and he was just another pony in the crowd, but he didn't mind. It was formal, so there probably were going to be hay, rice, or beans like he was used to eating and instead there would be tables full of disgustingly large amounts of fancy treats. He hoped there would at least be the drink he hated he needed to moderate drinking: soda. Dunder had manage to procrastinate getting a new suit until the day before when he realized his old suit was too small for him. His new black pinstripe suit with red shirt and red tie was packed neatly into his saddlebag. Of course, he had left his rapier at home. Dunder was bolting through the sky in hopes he would be early and get in quickly. He was also a pegasus and wanted to keep his record of never going on the train. When he landed in the streets of Canterlot, a few blocks from the venue. He decided that he shouldn't go into a public restroom to get dressed, so he put on his suit inside of a hotel bathroom. The suit fit pretty well and it was comfortable for the price and materials were well made too. He had been staining in line for a while now. His invitation was starting to fall from his mouth's grip when he finally turned in his invitation to get in. He was surprised to see that many ponies in the party. He thought less ponies would want to go to the Gala's little sister, but he guessed that a party was still a party. He knew that a party was still a party, and a party had food and drinks that needed consumption. Near Ice and Starburst's tables, he began to cover a plate with a small amount of apple tarts. He caught a glimpse of a familiar pony. The hair style, color, and coat color could only mean one pony. He took a deep breath, a little shy for still being dressed in such foreign articles of clothing. He would greet her after he was done getting his food.
  5. I'll take your word that you have a good fitting pony. So I'll reserve you a slot.
  6. Andifferous and I are making an adventure RP. It's going to be probably pretty basic since this is my first time running an adventure RP. But it doesn't hurt to try XD Ponies involved: 1. Dunder Blust 2. Dusty 3. Midnight Brand 4. Invicta 5. Winter Pretty much, each pony was hired by Dunder because he was hired to do some exploring and he is hiring some extra hooves to help out. It's going to be in the mountains of the badlands. They're going to go explore for some Ruins.
  7. As you wish.... But I'd love to RP with you in main. So keep an eye out if it has a free slot when Giza gets accepted. Another time, if not now, we can RP.
  8. We were going to run it in main. We can still switch it, though. And we could wait for Giza to get Accepted.
  9. Maybe we should post a new one in the OOC discussion for the main XD
  10. Bio major? I WANT TO MAJOR IN BIO TOO! welcome to the forums, man!!!
  11. Dunder watched Inkblot jump inside a hole of a tree. Dunder just watched as Storm and Ink exchanged a few remarks. He stood up and wandered off a bit, looking for a better place to stay.
  12. "So, are we going to make this thing out of sticks and leaves on the ground? Or are we just going to sleep in the clouds?" Dunder asked. He sat down with a very confused look on his face. "Of course, I will support whatever you two choose. I'm just here to...help." He said then smiled.
  13. [That mare needs therapy.] Dunder saw them walk outside as he was spinning his helmet on his hooves. He saw that the zebra, the store keeper, and another mare were walking outside to check something. He deiced it couldn't hurt to join them. He put on his helmet again and guided his ears through the holes at the top. He grunted as he stood and followed them outside.
  14. Dunder


    Welcome to the forums, man
  15. Heeyyyy!!! WELCOME TO THE FORUMS, MAN Any question, eh? Who is better pony? Paco or Tom?
  16. Dunder noticed that Inkblot didn't want Dunder to be there, making Dunder feel all the more like he shouldn't be there. He followed them to a clearing when Ink asked what they should use to set up a camp. "We're going to sleep on the ground? I thought we were going to sleep on a cloud." Dunder said as he looked up at the skies, "But I can still help make a ground level camp, if you guys want." Dunder said, looking away. He didn't want to start telling them what to do, he already felt like intruding.
  17. Dunder Blust was coming off of patrols again around the mines. Fortunately, there was nothing that needed to be reporting. Unfortnately, he was still full of energy and didn't want to go home just to be bored. He was flying along when he saw a familiar zebra trot into a store followed by Ironhooves. Dunder landed in front of the store Enchantment? I wonder what they have inside. He thought as he trotted inside. There were a lot of ponies inside, so he supposed that it was a pretty useful or popular store. He sat down in the back and took off his leather militia helmet. He set the helmet down and rubbed his eyes and temple with his hoof as he let out a sigh.
  18. Dunder facehoofed when she said that Red was nearly indestructible now. He didn't say anything though, because he knew that keeping the peace by calming him down was better than keeping the peace by taking away the armor and hurting Red.
  19. We should take this to PM, discuss it, and make it a PM to join adventure RP.
  20. EYYYY!!! You like Taiko and the military? Taiko is pretty cool, but I know more about military stuff. XD Anyway, welcome to the forums, man.
  21. Hmmm... your character and mine seem to share something in common. The wish to explore new things and meet new ponies. I'd be more than happy to RP with you. C:
  22. Dunder Blust walked back in and stood next to Black "The green mare is outside...." He said, then shifted his gaze to the armor, "Dragon armor? Are you serious?"
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