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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Winter


    Hello, Gamerboy! Er, PonyGamer........ ... Yeah. Have a great time here at Canterlot!
  2. Winter could only watch in awe as the two pegasus formed a huge funnel, becoming nothing more than streaks of color in the massive cloud twister. He cheered as loud as he could, wondering if they could even hear him at such high speeds. He hoped they'd be so kind as to teach him how to do this. Maybe I could get them to practice with me some time... He couldn't help but feel a little outclassed by the skill of the two strangers performing such inspiring feats of speed and agility.
  3. Winter watched in amazement as the two took off, Streak leaving behind a trail of clouds and the other launching after him and quickly catching up. Oh, this is awesome! Fantastic! He watched them intently as they began gathering clouds, and his heart began to race in anticipation of the sure to be amazing stunt that was sure to occur.
  4. "Nice to meet you, Streak." Winter replied. "Nothing like seeing some good flying out there, whether it be pony, griffon, or... well, not much else, is there? Haha, still, you seemed pretty good out there." Winter stopped rambling for a second to shake hooves with the other pegasus, trying to think of what these two ponies did for work. Are these two explorers like me, or do they have normal jobs and Streak just happens to be a great flier... Maybe they work at the weather center here? That would make sense... Oh, what if they are both great flyers? The thought made him smile. Ah well, best not to pry. "Hey there! You wanna watch us perform this trick?" Winter was amazed. TWO ponies that were doing awesome stunts? This he had to see. "Of course! Go for it, awesome flying is awesome flying, right?" He couldn't manage to suppress the goofy grin that burst out of his previous smile. Oh, this is gonna be great!
  5. Winter was out for a stroll in Cloudsdale, something he rarely did. Normally it was going as fast as possible! Today, he decided he should lie back a little more and enjoy things before dashing past them. The sun felt good on his tan coat, and he was enjoying every second of the day. Suddenly, a blur of motion caught his eye and he turned in time to see a blue and gold streak go soaring past him. Whoa, he's fast... I bet I can catch him! Winter thought before chasing after the pegasus. Of course he couldn't keep up, but he tried. Finally, he caught site of the pegasus he was pursuing resting on the dome of the weather center. "Finally..." he panted, before calling out to the UFO, "Hey you! That was fast!" Winter flew up closer and landed on the dome, noticing the other pegasus nearby. "That was some awesome fast flying there... Anyways, I'm Winter Bolt, nice to meet you two!" He smiled warmly towards them and extended a hoof to them in greetings.
  6. Welcome to Canterlot! Yes, meeting new people here... That shouldn't be a problem! Have a great time here!
  7. Horror movies, Whovian, Aussie, reader, and writer... Celestia help me, what isn't to love? Welcome to Canterlot, and have a great time here! ^_^
  8. Making a new town? You sound like you need... (dramatic drum roll) a master craftsman! Er... craftsmare! Mrs. Storm Feather could help you build a place ^_^ It sounds like an awesome amazing idea, so keep me posted on what they moderators/RP leaders/other important people think about it!
  9. Hey! Welcome to Canterlot! Can I call you Tall Erin? Oh, and fun conversations are all over the place here, so have at them ^_^ Have a great time here!
  10. Haha, KrazyKolt, what an awesome name! Glad to know you know what you want, because that means you know you want to be my our friend Anyways, have a great time here on Canterlot ^_^
  11. Aw, it would have been awesome if you owned a cattle ranch! Oh well, you do guitar and video games, so you are still cool Have a great time here at Canterlot ^_^
  12. Nah, you are awesome too! I might not dream about roleplaying with you, but it would still be tons of fun!
  13. Could Winter Bolt happen to run into you two awesome wonderbolts practicing and be the "true friend that's not in it just to say 'I know a wonderbolt!'" then, please?
  14. Hey, welcome to Canterlot! Nice story, in my opinion Have a great time here ^_^
  15. RP with an Ashton character O.O Dreams do come true!!! Seriously, though, I'm here for you
  16. Welcome oh shy one, thank you for gracing us with your presence. Have a great time here at Canterlot! ^_^
  17. You know it! Also, nice tumblr! See you out there, then!
  18. I draw pictures, watch scary movies, play tons of video games, do rapier classes, shoot bows, play more video games, watch ponies, and, oh, did I mention I play video games? All that fun stuff. Now, if you don't mind... I believe a certain tumblr is in need of viewing!
  19. DA flooded with pony images... Yep, sounds about right Thunderstorms are nice to watch, imho... but anyways, did you just ask for education on being a brony? Well, you see, the great thing about being a brony is.... well... There isn't really a defined rule! Like ponies, be nice, and have fun, pretty much! Nice and easy Welcome to Canterlot, and have a great time here ^_^
  20. Oh, haha, that's nice! Well... If you don't mind... I'd like to see a place where you have posted your art... That is, if it is okay with you And it's great not to argue with people! Most people don't come here just to argue anyways, and if somepony does come here just to be rude and fight, its to the ! Anyways, do you have any other cool hobbies?
  21. Only here for roleplaying? Why not friends? :'( I wanted to be your friend... Anyways, welcome to Canterlot, have a great time, and I look forward to seeing you out there roleplaying like a boss! ^_^
  22. Hope to have lots of fun, eh? Well, there is one thing I have to tell you then... Something very important... Very, very, very important... It is easy to have fun here ^_^ Have a great time, and might I add, I am a great fan of your country's bacon!
  23. Alright, Latte, all you have to do now is wait for one of the big cheese people to give this it's final "Approved by Order of the Princess" stamps. Then, it will get sorted into the correct sub-folder and you will be added to the RP group and able to have fun out there!
  24. I confess that I had a Kiara plushy constantly with me for around half my life... My parents recently gave me a book they had written and published about it a few years ago So that is where my love of plushies comes from, haha! I still can't remember what happened to her, though... She was just gone someday :'(
  25. Winter


    Bananas Turtles Ponies <3 Filly cheese steaks..... I need a bigger heart emote O.O Having a great time and swimming are fun too XD Welcome to Canterlot, have a great time here ^_^
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