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Everything posted by AlisonRose

  1. Apple Bumpkin found herself also tearing up every time that Mr. Waddles told the story about his wife. It was very sad to hear that he had loved her so much and took such great lengths to keep her the only one in his heart. Apple Bumpkin wiped the tears away with her hoof and then looked around to make sure that everypony was still accounted for, nothing that Mr. Waddles and Felicity were in fact still there she let out a sigh and then checked her seed bag. "Yup, 'Ah think 'Ah do. Would ya'll like to come to the farm and help me plant them? 'Ah'm sure it'd be easy an t'all but having good company out at the farm is very hard to come by so 'Ah take any 'Ah can get." She said with a wink and a smile to both Mr. Waddles and Felicity as she stretched to crack her back and then fiddled with her hoofkerchief so that she had something to do while passing the time, she wanted to talk more with Felicity about all the rare flowers that Solstice Heights had to offer but there was no way that she could get away with that at the moment and still keep Mr. Waddles interested in the topic at hand.
  2. Fiddlesticks stopped and stared a bit at the Unicorn who looked to be very efficient at her job. She then remembered that she in fact did have some things to get mailed and with a giggle she opened her saddlebag and produced three pieces of mail. "Hello Misty Magic, I am Fiddlesticks. I am new in town and aside from getting these things mailed have nothing to do for a while and was wondering if there was anyway I could convince you to maybe take me on a tour so I can become more familiar with the town." Fiddlesticks spoke with her very confident and elegant voice, making sure to speak as slowly and clearly as was needed for the situation. She wanted to make sure that this pony had heard everything correctly and needed no clarification on any of the points. She opened her bit pouch and got out the bits to pay for the postage and set them down next to the items that were needed to be mailed. She brushed her mane with her hoof and then swished her tail a touch just to make sure there was no kinks in it, she had to look presentable all the time if she was going to be the world famous violin player she hoped to be.
  3. Trottingham, what a mysterious town this was. Fiddlesticks took her first steps into the town and was taken aback by how calm it seemed to be even so early in the morning, a smile on her face as she held her head high and trotted slowly and gracefully into the town. Not know where anything was in the city became a problem real quick when as soon as she entered within the town limits she was lost. Knowing only that she was to stay here for two weeks and play a concert on the weekends at some music hall she had never heard of she was a bit frustrated that the client forgot to give her a map. In a frantic whirl of motion she made sure that her violin case and her saddlebags were still attached to her as well as her silver bow tie that she wore trying to copy her sister even closer when it came to the more elegant side of their music lives. Finding that her equipment was right where she had left it she let out a large sigh and then returned to her elegant and thought out trot into the city. I do have some things I should mail while I am here, I wonder if the post office is open at this time of day. She thought to herself as she remembered that she needed to get the post cards sent out before the deadline or she wouldn't receive any fame for even playing in this event. She hoped very much so that she could meet a few ponies around the two who would help her better understand the city and help ease the fright that she has of a new town and no friends within it. But only time would tell, and time Fiddlesticks had plenty of at this point.
  4. As the pony fainted HeartBeat let out a defining roar that was halfway between a scream and a growl. She had snapped and was in a very bad mood now that her patient was passed out. She used her magic to hoist him up onto her back and then began to plunge horn first into the crowd, anypony who didn't move was about to feel her horn in their sides. "Get, out, of, my ,way!" She roared again an expression of pure anger on her face now as she broke in to a full on sprint towards her house. She was not going to let this pony suffer any more then he already had. Reaching her apartment building she bucked the door open and then climbed the stairs as fast as she could using her magic to keep the stallion on her back. Once she made it into her house she let him down gently onto her bed and tucked him in as best she could. With a deep sigh she seemed to return to her normal nurse self and began to calculate what to do, she got a glass of lemon water from the fridge and forced him to drink it all the while saying, "Drink this, come on, if you don't drink it you are going to drown. Stay with me, please do not die on me or I will bring you back to life just to yell at you." She said as tears began to drip down her face, she had tried her best to keep this pony conscious and now that he was not her situation became even more dire. She got her medical bag out of her closet and put it on and then stood next to the stallion. She remembered that she had left the door and windows open so surely there was going to be a bunch of on lookers now. She quickly ran and shut all of the windows and the door to her house, locking them all and putting towels down at the seals to make the house as sound proof as she could get it. "I sure hope that he wakes up from this fine and doesn't hate me for bringing him to the city." HeartBeat spoke, shaking and still crying a bit not sure what exactly to do now.
  5. HeartBeat had a strange look on her face, she was trying to understand this pony but it wasn't going too well for her. What is he so scared of? She thought to herself as she tightened the rope using her magic to pull him in closer to her and to try and make it easier for him to walk. "Look here love," She spoke calmly and soft to this pony again. "I don't care what you are afraid of or what you are running from, it pales in comparison to how much in danger you are if I don't get you fixed up and healthy. There is no need to be so worried or anything, I am here and I will make everything better. Nothing scares me and nothing ever will." They were now entering the town, people on the walkway moving out of HeartBeat's way since she was a nurse carrying a hurt pony. They all stared and whispered things to each other that were not able to be heard by HeartBeat since she was too focused on getting this pony to her house and get him healthy. She could deal with the remarks and allegations later. They were just inside the town now making their way towards HeartBeat's house but some ponies stopped moving out of the way when they noticed that she wasn't taking him to the hospital. "Excuse me, please clear a path. I am a nurse with the Manehatten Hospital, I need to get this patient safely to his destination." This time her voice was completely different she was loud and commanding, any who didn't get out of her way were surely going to be trampled by her.
  6. HeartBeat giggled as she used her hoof to pull the stallion's face up towards her so that he had no choice but to look her in the eyes. With a very soft and reassuring tone she spoke slowly and confidently. "It is ok love, just calm down. Nothing can hurt you while I am here, I wont let anything bad happen either. Take a deep breath and walk in step with me." She then released his head and started to walk slowly back towards Manehatten where her house was. If she could get him to her house she would have an easier time getting him to relax and be calm, there was no way she was taking him to the hospital in this sort of situation. "Come on love," She started to speak using the same voice as before, "we are almost to the city, stay with me if you can. If you have to pass out I can carry you, don't worry I can handle myself." She wasn't sure exactly how badly this stallion was in pain but she knew that she couldn't just carry him on her back as that might make wounds to his back she didn't know about worse. The gate to the city was coming up within view, surely they could make it there before the second round of the storm came through.
  7. Very cute! love her face!
  8. Love this! It looks great! Much better then anything I could do!
  9. HeartBeat helped the stallion to his hooves and then using her magic got out a rope from her saddlebag and tied him to her so that he could walk and not have to worry about his shaking legs. Her smile was nothing but pure joy at the moment, not that this stallion was hurt or anything, but that she was able to help him. "We are going to take this one step at a time ok?" She said as she used her magic to pull the umbrella off of its holster on her saddlebags and then opened it over this mysterious stallion. "When we get to my house I will take care of you nice and good!" She said giggling at the phrase 'Nice and good' as per it was an interesting way to say 'very well' and she liked interesting things like that. "Come on now, left hoof, then right hoof." She said in a commanding voice as she bent her head down and nudged his left hoof with her horn. "We have to walk in sync or we might fall over." HeartBeat said with a giggle and a wink to the stallion as she lead off on her right hoof to match him.
  10. Welcome welcome welcome a fine welcome to you!!!!! I hope you enjoy your stay here and if you need somepony to RP with just drop me a line!
  11. *dies* She is so cute and elegant in that pose!
  12. I love fiddles, and Fiddlesticks T_T <3333333
  13. HeartBeat was walking down the road as she made her way from Manehatten to go see some friends of hers when she saw a black stallion laying by a tree who seemed to be in pain or lost or both. "I sure hope everything is ok!" HeartBeat said before sprinting over to him and began to examine him without even asking, it was the nurse her that was taking over. As she looked she stopped at his front right hoof and squinted her eyes at it. "How long have you been running without a break. It is imperative that you tell me exactly how long." She said before her brain clicked and she had remembered that she hadn't even introduced herself yet and was already examining the poor stallion. "I'm very sorry." She said letting his hoof back down, "My name is HeartBeat and I am a nurse from Manehatten Hospital. I saw you laying here and had to make sure that you were ok." HeartBeat was soaking wet thanks to the lovely thunderstorm that had came. A soft rain was all that was left now, it wasn't at all as gloomy as it was before with the sun shining a little bit making the smile on HeartBeat's face seem to be even larger then it actually was. "Well before you answer any questions we need to get you inside. Luckily we are actually not that far from Manehatten where my house is." She bobbed her hoof in the direction that she had come from and then leaned over to help the stallion get up. If she was going to take care of him she needed to do it right.
  14. ((I'm sorry to say but I think that this RP has reached its last legs and I am going to have it closed, everypony has one last post before I ask for it to be closed. Thank you for understanding.))
  15. HeartBeat returned the gentle nuzzle to HighRoller with a slight blush on her face. "Don't let the kids see you being sweet on a filly now." HeartBeat said with a giggle a bit of cake on her lips still as she missed her mouth from when HighRoller interrupted her cake eating. She grabbed her napkin and cleaned her face as gracefully as it could happen and then took a sip of lemon water. "You don't need to close the store early, its not like I'm going anywhere." She said attempting to not giggle but failing miserably. "Just take your time, we still have all afternoon to do things." She said with a hoof bob and then she returned her focus to the more important thing at hand: Uneaten cake. Using her magic she gracefully used the fork to cut a piece of the cake and move it into her mouth and then gently rest the fork down on the plate so as to not make a mess. She then brought the cup of lemon water to her and after swallowing the cake she drank more of her beloved lemon water to wash the crumbs down. It was a tedious process but somepony had to do it.
  16. Well howdy do there Sketch! Welcome to Canterlot!~ If you need any help there are plenty of lovely people around that can lend a hoof or two, our four even! I know Mojo very well and can attest to the fact that any friend of his is a sure friend of mine!
  17. Trying her hardest to stop from stealing this young pony in front of her and trotting away back to her farm she put on a massive grin. "Well, 'Ah could spend some time with ya while yer sister is busy with Light, 'Ah don't mind." Apple Bumpkin said trying to convince Sweetie Belle to take some time aside to talk with her. "But in relation to mah accent, it is true 'Ah'm one of Apple Bloom's cousins. 'Ah live out near Fillydelphia on a farm called Tiny Apple Valley. Yer more than welcome ta stop by if ya and yer friends wanted to. There aint much to do but maybe a change in scenery would help ya?" She giggled a bit, still trying to contain her excitement over this absolutely cute pony. Apple Bumpkin let her mind slip for a few seconds and envisioned Sweetie Belle as a mare about her own age and then began to blush and had to shake her head around a few times to change the topic oh her thoughts. " 'Ah think that 'Ah can wait fer yer sister ta not be busy, or when the shop aint as busy as a whole since 'Ah don't have anywhere t'be anytime soon, Unless ya'll'd rather me leave." She smiled again at Sweetie Belle, in all truth she had come to strike a business deal with Rarity and planned on marketing a dress or two for her, but since meeting Sweetie Belle her plans have slightly changed.
  18. Wraglblargl she is so cute!! T_T
  19. So lovely T_T it makes my heart beat faster!
  20. Apple Bumpkin was too busy giggling at the name to think that it was actually safe to grab some of the seeds for her garden. She straightened up and returned to her very stoic pose and fiddled with her handkerchief and then opened her saddlebag and got out what seemed to be a small pouch. "This is just a Seed Pouch so that the seeds will get lost in mah bags." She showed the bag to Felicity so that she could confirm the fact that it wasn't anything malicious or deceitful. She then went over to the nearest flower and began to tap it to get a few of the seeds out of it into her Seed Pouch. After she had gotten about twelve seeds into the pouch she tied it off and put it back into her Saddlebags then proceeded to back up to Mr. Waddles and curtsy to Felicity. "Thank ya very much for lettin me get these seeds. As well as thank you Mr. Waddles for sharing your story with me about these lovely flowers. 'Ah hope that I can live up to your expectations and get some growing on mah farm soon." She had a very large grin on her face and then remembered that Mr. Waddles had yet to tell Felicity the story about him and his wife. "OH, before 'Ah forget Mr. Waddles you might want to tell Felicity that story you told me before, it was very touching." She almost shed a tear just thinking about it since she had a very vivid picture of Mr. Waddles and his wife frolicking in the field before settling down for a pick nick.
  21. oh my word... D; its so lovely I can't summon up the words to my thoughts DX
  22. Due to the fact that as RD stated: Only Pegasi can WALK on clouds. In translation they are the only kind of Equine that is able to move around on the clouds and as far as I'm aware they are also the only Equine that is allowed to even lay/stand on them with out magic, save for pinkie who breaks all the rules anyway. I hope this helps!
  23. Apple Bumpkin turned to Mr. Waddles. "Oh, he is just here to accompany me. He had the day off and saw me climbin the Heights by mahself and wanted to spend his day with a nice and pretty filly." She had a very large almost sarcastic grin on her face as she knew that the last part wasn't exactly true and that bragging about herself was no way to impress the other pony nor the Griphon friend she had just made. She leaned in towards Mr Waddles and gave a face that was both very lovely but also sort of scary with the way she was smiling and had her eyes really wide. She then returned to her very marelike pose and coughed a bit then sighed, being presentable at all times was hard on her and she often found herself having to remind herself that she wasn't going to get any business if she didn't look the part at all. ((OOC: Failure post is Failure =/ Had no idea how to carry on the conversation without Mr Waddles speaking so... Q.Q))
  24. Apple Bumpkin was staring at this young pony in front of her and could no longer hold back a very loud "SQUEEEEEEE!!!!" She then blushed and got down to SweetieBelle's level and began to blush and gasp. "Oh my word, ya are so cute!" She proclaimed not knowing what else to say, she then thought to herself Oh shoot, 'Ah bet everypony is lookin at me funny. She quickly straightened up and returned to a very Marelike pose, fiddling with her handkerchief some more and then letting out a very large sigh. She had just interrupted her conversation with the other customer and knew that wasn't a very marelike thing to do, so returning with her smile she spoke slowly. " 'Ah am very sorry there, Light, 'Ah think yer name was. Very sorry about interuptin yer converstain an all." She then backed up a bit to give the two of them some room to speak. She knew not of this Pip that Light was talking about, but she knew that if they were sweet on this little pony here they sure as all get out better meet with Rarity's approval. Apple Bumpkin coughed and then trotted around in a circle, for no particular reason and then sat down on the spot, a touch to the side of the door so that someponies could get in if they wanted. She sighed again, she had just made herself look like a huge fool in front of not only Rarity, but this little pony SweetieBelle as well.
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