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Kirby Krackle

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Everything posted by Kirby Krackle

  1. Hold on a tick. What's wrong with incest shipping?
  2. I don't know what Horseland is. Now I wish to.
  3. Saw this. I want to rewrite Marvel's Secret Invasion story, but with ponies.
  4. Saw this. Saved it. It did not deaden my imagination but rather, expanded it. Dear God, I want to see the story that could expand from this one picture!
  5. Yeah. I suppose I'm blank too. Which is sad because I'm almost 30. You'd think the art college would have earned me a cutie mark by now.
  6. This is rotten. My thoughts and prayers go out to her and the family.
  7. The Changelings, at least from a Tabletop RPG perspective, I think have wings and a magic horn mainly to be able to pass as any kind of pony. Oh, they have magic to be sure, but only to, again, better pass as a Unicorn if need be. I would even go as far as to say the average Changeling can only perform cantrips. Low level magic akin to Snips and Snails. They're Equine-shaped, but that's because Equine is the default shape of intelligent life in this universe (thank you, Dr. Whooves). On the other hoof, Skrulls are human shaped and shape shifters but they are definitely not human. Some can even copy powers to better infiltrate! Case in point: I'm suddenly thinking about the Spy's Disguise Kit in Team Fortress 2. He can mimic the shape of any other class and even copy some of their attributes: Their voices, changing and reloading faux-weapons, even walking slower to better copy the Soldier and Heavy who are not at all fleet footed. It's definitely not a perfect copy, as he cannot move as fast as the classes faster than he, i.e. Scout and Medic. He also cannot use their taunts. But its enough to get by, especially when other players/ponies aren't looking at you. My analysis: Changelings are not alicorns. In fact, Changelings are not even ponies! But worst of all, they could be any one of us! They could be in this very thread! They could be you! They could be me! They could be right behind you...
  8. Medieval? Heck no. The Ponies & Dragons RP!
  9. Welcome aboard! I'm glad to do your homework for you!
  10. I think I have to make a PMV now.
  11. I always assumed all ponies hear "Alicorn" in the same way people in Metropolis hear "Superman".
  12. There isn't a bit of this story I don't like.
  13. Here's some updates. Momma cat is in the same room as kittens. She's very tired and full of wire stitches, which means we don't trust the kittens to nurse too much. Some of the nipples are in a safe and furry area, others not so much. We pull kittens away if we think they'll poke an eye out. But she's very attentive despite the fact that she feels like crap. She has in fact, plucked kittens out of their sleepy box to lie with her. She's groomed and lied back to nurse, which is back to problem 1. Better than expected. Also, here are some things that I do. Separate the kittens into two piles: Black and tuxedo. Select and feed a batch not fed. Put the fed batch into an empty 12 can box of Mountain Dew, hereby referred to as the "Inbox". Take the Inbox to the bathroom sink and make the kittens potty one by one, placing finished kittens into an empty 12 can box of Pepsi, hereby referred to as the "Outbox". Deposit contents of Outbox into Sleepy Box. Repeat steps 2 through 5.
  14. Three of the best things in the world.
  15. Approx. every 3 hours. My wife and I are fixing it so at least one of us is home when the "timer" goes off. She works from home in the morning, heading into the office around 2. I usually get in at around 6, so it works out. Also, wow. "Queen". One of the technical terms. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feline_immunodeficiency_virus Huh. My vets said "FAIDS" wasn't a thing. Weird. Also, thanks for remembering me.
  16. Pretty much the same for HIV. They won't be able to fend off infection very well, so in the long term, they'll need more medication if they get ill. It's definitely not a death sentence though and can live a normal lifespan with proper care and nutrition and lovinz. My wife says it cannot turn into AIDS, which is weird to me? As far as her kittens are concerned, so many "experts" give me different answers but the emergency vet we went to last night apparently researched this all to heck and back with HIV kitties of her own. The kittens can get it maybe, usually right at birth when blood things happen. Because nursing also gives the baby antibodies, they'll test falsely positive up to six months. Also, thanks much for all the warm wishes. I had no idea I had fans.
  17. She made it through the surgery and we can pick her up today!
  18. To those who wish to skip ahead to the bottom of this post, there are pictures. To those who wish some context, here I go. About two weeks ago, I found a cat on the street. She was pregnant, so I picked her up, planning to raise the youngin's and find them good homes. As is our routine when picking up kitties, we get her tested for Feline Leukemia and FIV. The bad news is this is the first time ever we have found a cat that tested positive for FIV. To those who don't know, it's just like HIV except in a kitty-sized formula. The rescue group we associate with says put her and the unborns down. No questions, no remorse, just dead cats. But that's not how my moral compass points. So off we go, keeping her in the best shape we can. Sweet kid, too. About two nights ago, she delivered. Nine kittens total, only six survived. The poor three were barely developed and are wrapped up and in the freezer until the weather is nice enough for me to give them a proper burial. The other six are scrawny but healthy, as far as we can tell. The mother on the other hand has been leaking... fluid those two nights. It stinks in my bedroom right now. Not normal. We take her to an emergency vet for XRays and Ultrasounds. There are growths inside her. Strange things that the doctors think were at some point kittens, but are now necrotic blobs of... stuff that need to come out ASAP. So she's in surgery today. Hopefully she'll make it. In the meantime, we've been hand feeding the kittens. Barely. It's hard to keep them still, to open their mouths, to actually get formula from the bottle to their bellies. My wife can work from home, but I had to take a personal day. And that's just today. I'm tired.
  19. Solely based on this picture, I can now only hear "It's the secret word of the day!" in Pinkie's voice. I hope you're happy with yourself!
  20. I played Magic the Gathering.
  21. My last pony? Pepperdance. She's my new best friend.
  22. There's more of that perspective you're good at. The angles in this are... just damn. Her eyes are a copy of those in the show, and that's a good thing. Stunning cartooning, man.
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