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Everything posted by flutterscotch

  1. Ok, so you are talking about basically a HUGE hole in the continuity between the Princess Promenade and FiM (or are you talking about the g1 princesses)?...and Firefly is only aging outside of the Equestria timeline, but if she has stayed in Equestria she would have been dead for millennia . Basically all the ponies prior to the FiM ponies are a lost civilization type thing? *snark about 3.5*Probably because they eventually just lived on pure SUGAR? */snark*
  2. Also, if you want to use a whole lot of American culture as your reference point, it seems to me that the generation 3 and 3.5 shows might take place AFTER FiM, seeing as though the ponies are vapid and empty and don't seem to be doing any work, and living off processed food (yes, this is a direct shot at the cast of Jersey Shore ) What is sounds like if you need to make Celestia's appearance an arbitrary date, and use the banishment of Luna as your basis. Based on your timeline above, this would make Luna's return, and the current events of the show the year they started reckoning the time, and THAT us what is throwing you off. So, maybe reckon time this way, for the sake of the Math, using Luna's Banishment as year 0, since we are POSITIVE that that was 1000 years ago. Later, if you decide you want the dates to be less convenient, just add the same number of years to each date. Equestria is created: Unknown, and lost of the mists of time like our own Luna is Banished: year 0 Dream Castle is built (this can be arbitrary based on how old you want it to be in the story) Events of original My Little Pony show (Including specials and movie) 919 - 1984-1987 on Earth Megan is born (she is 10 in the show, I think) 889 in Equestria / 1976 on Earth Megan enters Ponyland: Year 919 in Equestria / 1984 on Earth (27 years) Events of Friendship Gardens 1997-2003 on Earth Events of Generation 3 2006-2010 on Earth Luna returns: year 1000 in Equestria / 2011 on Earth OK! Here's a google doc timeline, equating the actual Earth dates with Equestria Milestones throughout all the series, based off the banishment of Luna. I also included a column for an arbitrary "date" that just flows better in a work of fiction, based on just adding 766 (which I just picked, it can be changed to any number at all). I wasn't sure how you were planning on handling the 3 earth years = 12 pony years for the entire continuity of the original MLP series, so I just put the events there and you can do with them what you will. If you are focusing on this being a story about Firefly, her time in "Ponyland" and her reappearance in Equestria, based on actual dates in human history, based on show airing date and assuming a constant continuity even when we are not watching. https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AuXqNfTJgGrzdEJBcHR6QV9ObWl3UUlsSTZIb1plb1E&hl=en&authkey=CMrSpe4H
  3. Draw it out. Seriously. Get some graph paper, use ever increment as 3 pony years, and draw it out.
  4. This one: http://d.facdn.net/art/shadarack/1305496044.shadarack_pony_generator_mark2.swf And then edited in Paint. Because my photoshop is brokeified.
  5. Yep! And he is still WIP. I had another idea for him a few days ago while I was driving (he and Trillium were both inspired by a lengthy drive, at the same time), and I am trying to get it back into my head. it just keeps slipping away. So, if I can't figure it out by Wednesday, I'll call him complete As for his cutie mark, sort of. Working on that as well. I'm leaning towards more of a large raindrop formed by smaller ones.
  6. Yes, it's on the map, it's the foothills around Canterlot. viewtopic.php?f=44&t=232 Trillium might be the only pony from there thus far! Poor thing, she needs friends. She doesn't exactly verbally communicate them, about as much as a person can train smarter insects like bees in real life (not necessarily ants, but it stands to reason that every kind of life is just a tad bit smarter in Equestria since all animals seem to be bumped up a notch on the ol' smartness scale) . She more like takes care of their nests and tries to sprinkle sugar/train them where she wants them to go and tries to WILL...and beg and plead with them to spread the seeds (which is not going to get her far). She'll put up walls and other obstructions (sticky stuff, etc) or tries to herd them, which annoys the ants, and they just do what they're going to do. She's successful about half the time in getting them to put the seeds where she wants them though these methods. It would probably be easier for her to just do it herself It's about the same kind of battle that an organic gardener would have with any beneficial insects, you kind of anthropomorphize (Equinomorphize? Is that even a word???) them to the point that you get annoyed with them, because they are living things and you do depend on them, but they are not always dependable in the way you need them to be. This part of her personality/backstory is actually based on personal experience, both mine and my mom's, just replace "ants" with "ladybugs or praying mantises", and my grandfather's constant battle with Japanese Beetles. Let me know how you think that this could be reworded so that it's clear that she has talents in taking care of certain insects that help her plants grow and has some very rudimentary methods of coercing them to be where she wants them to be, but they're not chit-chatting about the weather I'll maintain that the "communication" is to this almost-our-world level of mostly one-sided on the Pony's part until we're shown otherwise on the show (i.e. insects show a higher intelligence). Then she'll discover she was simply taking a wrong approach in RP. main app edited 5/18 to include her family.
  7. I believe that TV Tropes has firmly covered that Rainbow Dash is the Lancer, with some of the lancer slack picked up by Applejack. The Han Solo to Twilight Sparkle's Luke Skywalker.
  8. I love that idea! Maybe a "?!". I think that's called an irony mark. I dunno. As for why they dubbed him "Kirby": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Kirby http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirby_Dots A little playful joke on the part of the owner of Alternate Realities. I now add more personality traits. Edited to have more notes! He could totally have a small Kirby dot Explosion as his cutie mark
  9. Totally not a spoiler, but Kirby, did you catch the Hawkeye reference? The Shield Agent with the crossbow? They called him either Clint or Barton, I forget which, but he's DEFINITELY Hawkeye, whether they're calling him first or last name.
  10. Saw it last night, thought it was good... and I have never particularly liked the character because he's an arrogant jerkface in the comics. Which was handled nicely, and very hilariously. It was nice to be able to reconcile with him being a hero and having good qualities. One huge complaint, though. This would have been the PERFECT opportunity to roll out Kiss' God of Thunder, and they missed it. Oh and Natalie Portman, who just annoys me.
  11. Updated to not quite be Galaxy anymore, although if the admins approve, I would love to switch her back!
  12. Yeah, it kind of bothers me as well. When I was younger, people always assumed the same thing of me because I was rambunctious and thought romance novels and 90210 were stupid, and so were most boys (what can I say, I went to a REALLY rough grade school where kids were talking about very mature topics before 3rd grade. There was much worse going on at my school, I assure you, and I don't know what the hell was wrong with these kid's parents, but they knew about ALL kinds of stuff that you wouldn't expect 9 year olds to, and were completely willing to accuse their outcast classmates of a variety of things that you'd be shocked that a college girl was doing). This went on well until I was in high school (to the level of bullying that would bring about criminal charges in this day and age), and it always perplexed me that people thought that apparently ONLY girls who were into other girls could be tomboys. And vice versa. If anything, it just made me feel horrible for other girls who WERE attracted to other girls....if I got this much grief for just being a tomboy. But rainbows were just "totally '80's" back then.
  13. Can we finish our holiday cheer?
  14. More "holy **** why are my friends so stupid?" ranting. Last night, at about 1 AM when I was merrily chatting away on the Equestria Casual, an old high school friend of mine (we'll call him Jake) messaged me on Facebook to tell me that a mutual friend of ours (let's call him Marcus) had been killed in a car crash, but he didn't have the details yet. All he knew its that it happened in Virginia, while our friend was on tour. By "no details" "Jake" really should have said "completely unsubstantiated rumors that maybe I shouldn't be passing on". Since I know that "Jake" and "Marcus" are pretty good friends and see each other often, and that they had recently been discussing the tour schedule (and have shared band members, which is I think how this rumor started, drunk band member), I had no reason to doubt his story, because he was very adamant, jumped off the chat (probably making everyone there think I was insane, except Dio who got to see the aftermath), started bawling my eyes out, and looking for news, somewhere, anywhere that either verified or disproved this story. So, Of course I finally look at Marcus's Facebook posts, put two and two together with his band's touring schedule, and there is no way in HELL that he was in Virginia, or anywhere NEAR Virginia, and that a guy with the same name WAS killed in a car crash there, but not our Marcus. It literally took 5 minutes to figure this out. And in that time I did NOT pass the rumor around to our other mutual friends. My friend from high school have a history of passing on information before they stop and think about whether it is true or not. And it's kind of getting old. This morning, Marcus posts this: The rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated. I got some phone calls and text messages tonight asking if I died in a car crash. Either to your joy or chagrin I am very much still alive."
  15. Thanks! I accept your pony hug on behalf of my poor hands that were in wet mohair and being stuck with needles all night to make this happen. Now I have to paint her other eye.
  16. I am pretty sure she said those exact words in an interview.
  17. I don't need to read the rest of this thread. Just this one. Because of Hardee's. I don't have one in NY. But my inlaws have them EVERYWHERE in IA. I covet. I covet hard. Only had it thrice during visits. WATCH ME COVET! Now, see, when I was in college the only place open 24 hours a day that wasn't 20 miles away was Hardee's. Now it makes me ill.
  18. [ Pony Related Character ] Name: Cloudburst Sex:Male Age:Young Stallion Species: Pegasus Pelt Color:Lemon yellow Mane/Tail Color & Style: Short, chopped shades of green, with a blue streak Eye Color: brilliant blue Cutie Mark: blue raindrops in a pattern forming a larger raindrop. Physique: rangy and thin Residence: a cloud above Appleoosa Occupation: freelance rainmaker Motivation: laziness, a quick bit here and there, to get out of being a full weather pony, which is (sadly for him) where his talents lay. He'll eventually grow up and realize his parents were right, and that he IS a brilliant weather pegasus. Likes:making money, napping, basking in the sun, being an eternal child, carrot cake, "the fillies" Dislikes:work, people making decisions for him, feeling obligated to do things, being a responsible adult Character Summary: When Cloudburst was a foal, everyone said he had heaps of potential as a weather pony. He has no great and profound cutie mark story, he just was always groomed to be on a weather team. It came as little or no surprise to anypony that his cutie mark appeared while he was taking his required Junior Weather team test, which he aced. He did his best to try to please his parents and to live up to their expectations, but as he got older he got sulky, blaming them for outlining his entire life without considering his feelings. He struck out on his own, determined to make his way in the world, without an actual plan on how to accomplish anything, just the incredible sense of world weariness and presumed "having it all figured out" that tends to come with late adolescence in many ponies AND people. He flew to all the corners of Equestria, doing odd jobs for ponies without wings, until one day he flew just a little too close to Talonopolis. He mouthed off to and was attacked by a young griffin and just barely made it out of there alive. Missing several important pin feathers he flew on, but finally collapsed on the outskirts of Appleoosa. Some kind farm ponies nursed Cloudburst back to health with their scant rations during the longest, hottest drought anyone could remember. Once his wings were back in action he repaid the favor by helping the family and the town by whipping up some clouds from the Neighples Marsh and slowly guided them towards the parched town and surrounding farm plots regularly for several weeks in a row. Cloudburst's parents had always told him it was a Pegasus' duty to bring rain to any ponies of Equestria who needed it, and to not expect payment. However the practical and stubborn ponies of Appleoosa insist that a day's work always equals a day's pay , threw their bits at him and wouldn't take no for an answer. He took this as an opportunity to only do work when he wanted to, or needed money, so he decided to stay in Appleoosa. He formed a cozy cloud for himself just above the rooftops of the town, and if you throw a few bits up to him, you get rain. 2 bits an acre. He's quite an expert at making sure that enough water is used, and any leftover water is recycled back into his cloud, not out of any great concern for the environment, but rather so he doesn't have to exert himself to get more. And when the cloud needs recharging, he just heads to the marsh. So he is, in effect a weather Pegasus because it's what he knows, but he feels a little bit better knowing it's on his terms. Cloudburst is a bit of a rogue and a scoundrel, but he has a heart and puts up a great front. He feels a little guilty, sometimes, taking the money off the folks of Appleoosa, especially the poor and nice ones (the jerks, he really doesn't have a problem taking money from them, and bandits... he will in fact extort even more money from bandits). For the nice folks who can't actually afford his services he will contrive a way, unless he is starving that week, to return the money to them. Generally he buries it in their garden for them to discover the next time they are weeding. Of course the kind farm ponies who helped him when he was injured never even have to ask. Their farm has been very prosperous ever since, and they only suspect that Cloudburst waters their crops at night since the ground is always wet in the mornings, but haven't caught him in the act. But the carrot cake and apple pie they leave out on their roof is always mysteriously gone as well. He loves attention, but doesn't want people to begin to rely on him to do good deeds, because then they would EXPECT things of him. He's a bit sulky and stand-offish, except when he is around older fillies and younger mares, when he magically transforms into his impression of a debonair cosmopolitan heartbreaker, which almost NEVER impresses the ladies. Cloudburst's mouth also has a tendency to write checks his flanks can't cash, especially towards stallions smuch bigger than him (and even moreso when a lady is involved). Lucky for him he's a Pegasus in a town of mostly earth ponies, so he can just high-tail it to a cloud until tempers blow over. He doesn't have many hobbies, but then again he is a very young stallion who hasn't quite figured out who he is. He's also quite a bit entitled, and really needs to learn that the world doesn't revolve around him or his problems. Perhaps this will come with age. Every once in a great while, when he is feeling appropriately grateful for living among such a great town of ponies who put up with him (some, younger colts, even respecting him, most thinking he's a lazy jerk who should do more of a part in the community, though), he'll scatter his cloud for a little while and create a rainbow over the town. At least until he needs to coalesce his cloud back together so he can take a nap. Generator-made:
  19. [ Pony Related Character ] Name: Trillium Sex: Female Age: mare Species: Pony Pelt Color: very pale greenish-grey, almost white. Mane/Tail Color & Style: light spring yellow-green with highlights of a darker green here and there, and one thin pure white, and one thin maroon-colored streak near her forelock. Sometimes she puts flower clips or ribbons in her mane to keep it out of her eyes when she is working, but usually her mane and tail are loose. Eye Color: plum Cutie Mark: a painted Trillium, with green leaves. Physique:a tiny bit overweight Residence: Solstice Heights Foothills Occupation: Spring flower nurturer (presumably a government-subsidized position)on the official Spring Plants Team of the Solstice Heights Foothills (basically takes flowers in the part of the Whitetail Woods closest to Canterlot). Wants to open a flower stand. Motivation: Trillium the oldest of a long line of ponies whose job is taking care of the early-spring bulb and rhizome plants in the Whitetail Woods. As a foal she hoped and hoped and hoped that her cutie mark would reflect her name, as well as her favorite flower. While her talent was definitely taking care of the plants that her family has for generations, she focused extra hard as a filly on this one flower with three white petals. When she finally convinced her parents to take her on a specimen collecting trip in other parts of Equestria, she found a pink and white trillium that she had never seen before, and now its likeness graces her flank! Likes: Spring, flowers, prancing in puddles, blowing the fluff off dandelions, flying kites, spontaneous walks in the woods, making new friends, Dislikes: ponies who pick flowers that can't grow back, the ants; sometimes, ponies who take things for granted, Character Summary: Trillium is a relatively quiet and happy mare who loves her family, friends and job. Like many other sensitive, nurturing ponies, Trillium can be rather introspective and at times it is taken for granted that she never gets angry. Many ponies assume that because of her pastel colors and her gentle nature that she is afraid of mud and bugs, but that is not the case. In fact, part of her job it to help take care of colonies of insects that some of the plants depend on to spread their seeds (for those plants that she and the Spring Plants Team do not have to manually separate bulbs for in the fall). This leads to conflicts with the ants, who spread the Trillium seeds in an arbitrary fashion only too often (Trillium would prefer them to grow like lovely snowy drifts), but since they can't fully understand each other this is a constant conflict and headache in Trillium's life. About the only other trouble she has in life is her unrequited crush on a stallion named River Birch who is also on the Spring Plants Team with her, and is somewhat a friend of hers. She finds herself doing extra work, or aimlessly trotting through the forest trying to look her prettiest in hopes he will be there and so struck by her beauty that he declares his undying love for her. She may or may not read too many romance novels (during the winter) where this happens. Trillium is a hopeless romantic. Since her job is a flurry of near constant activity in the spring for a month or so, followed by a briefer workload in the fall as the ponies are prepping for the growing season (separating bulbs, collecting seeds, etc), she has a lot of free time in the summer that she fills with working in her garden plot, experimenting on hybrids, raising blue pollinating bees (that she brings to farms to help supplement her income; these are orchard mason bees, not honeybees, so don't go asking her for honey), longing after River Birch and traveling to other parts of Equestria. She has also, in the past few seasons, developed a strong "nesting instinct" so she is constantly trying to make her cottage pretty. She has always had a bit of an artistic flair, making sure that the flowers that she manages grow in groupings that don't look unnatural, but are yet pleasing to the eye, and this aesthetic carries over to her home decorating. Eclectic mixes of cast-off furniture and housewares from her various relatives, given fresh spring colors, fill her house in a tasteful, but not very sophisticated way. She loves foals, fillies and colts and often helps them find trees in the woods to serve as the best bases for clubhouses, or plays games with them on the hills. A lot of the other ponies who live in the loose collection of homes that is not quite a village surrounding Canterlot ask her to babysit. She would like to have a few foals of her own some day. She is definitely ready to settle down and build a family, and is financially established and old enough to do so. Her extended family is all nearby and would love this as well, since Trillium is the oldest of the current generation. This doesn't help with her longing for River Birch. She also loves making new friends, and would absolutely adore visiting you, especially if you could take her on a tour of the gardens and woodlands in your town! Family Her extended family lives all about the edges of Whitetail Woods. While they are not the first and only family to be responsible for the spring flowers there, they are definitely a multi-generational legacy: Trillium's immediate family includes: Mom (Mayapple), Dad (Jack-in-the-Pulpit), Brother (Johnny Jump-Up) and Sister (Bleeding Heart). All are named after early spring plants or flowers, and all basically have stylized representations of the flower they are named after as cutie marks. They're a fairly solid and predictable bunch. This is the flower that forms her cutie mark This is as close as I am gonna get her with Paint and a pony generator.
  20. Yes, I loved Aaahh!!! Real Monsters a whole lot. Rugrats was good, but I was a little too old for it when it came out.
  21. I just realized you are from Hungary! Do you like Kockásfülű nyúl?? They used to show it in the United States on a TV show called Pinwheel in the 80's and I loved it SO MUCH, and recently became re-acquainted with it.
  22. Probably not a spoiler if you're read Avengers for more than 2 decades
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