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Everything posted by Chonico

  1. Why only Fluttershy and not Fluttershy AND Rainbow Dash. Poor Fluttershy'll get lonely.
  2. Number 34, Klondike, stood on the path looking at something with an all too focused expression across his muzzle, his tongue sticking out in thought. After pouring a great amount of stamina into his gallop through the previous leg of the race, he had managed to emerge out of the Whitetail Woods visibly alone. There had been no pony in front of, or behind him as far as he could tell. Whether he had somehow managed to gallop past every pony or fallen horribly behind the rest of the herd was also something he was uncertain of. The only thing he was certain of was that he had to make a decision. “Hmm…” He throat-ed as he stared at the object in front of him. It was a sign post. A wooden post with a plank of wood and an arrow drawn on it, all held together by a single rusted out nail. The painted arrow pointed down at the ground. Klondike gingerly, but effortless, moved the plank of wood and moved it so the arrow pointed left, turning his gaze in the direction it pointed. He could see trees and the tip of a few mountains in the distance. He took his hoof off the wooden plank and it swilled back down, the arrow once again pointing to the ground. He repeated the process but made the arrow point right this time. In the distance he could see nothing but trees as the path seemed to wine through them. He let go of the wooden plank and it once again swiveled to point to the ground. “Well, that’s just shoddy craftsponyship right there. What pony builds something and only uses one nail to hold it all together?” He looked left and right again as he weighed his options, and then stared back at the sign as a slight breeze caused the wooden plank to swivel a bit. “If I had my satchel with me, I could fix this but…” He looked at his bare back with a longing expression across his muzzle. He missed his tools, his jingling satchel. An orchestra to metallic sounds that announced his approach and accompanied him everywhere he went. He was starting to realize that without the constant jingling companionship of his tools, he felt naked. Well, he felt more naked that he already was, considering ponies hardly wore clothing on a daily basis. He had left his tool filled satchel back at the starting line, as he assumed every pony had with their own belongings. “Maybe I can still fix this. Just have to figure out which way is the correct way so no ponies get lost and injured as a result. But…” He looked left and right again as he continued to weigh his options. His thoughts quickly turned into a stream of debates. “Both paths have trees but one leads towards the mountain… But, the other one could too and just be a longer route than the other one… Or, both could just run near the mountain and skirt its base... But this part of the leg is called Mountain Pass… Does that mean it runs through the mountains or near it?” Klondike began to look pleadingly at the sign, as if expecting it to tell him the correct answer. When the sign didn’t answer though, he simply let out a heavy sigh as his right ear twitched. An idea was forming. Gingerly picking up his hoof again, he placed it on the wooden plank with the painted arrow and closed his eyes as he held his breath. He gave the sign a furious spin and let it spin a few times before slamming his hoof against it to stop it. Klondike opened his eyes, glistening with hope. The arrow was now pointing to the sky above. “Well, that was a dud…*SIGH*” He let go of the sign again so it could swivel back and point to the ground again. He would have to make a decision soon. “Celestia forgive me… but the leg is called Mountain Pass and I see mountains to the left…” He trotted off to the side and picked up a stick in his mouth and brought it over to the sign. He moved the arrow so that it pointed to the left and towards the mountains and positioned the stick under it so that it propped it in that position. “There, I don’t need my tools when I’m this skilled!” Klondike began to trot away from the sign and towards the mountain. His right ear twitching the entire time as he began to hum. He suddenly stopped, turned around, and walked towards the sign before kicking the stick from under it. The sign swiveled and pointed to the ground once more. “If I’m wrong, then I’ll be responsible for somepony loosing the race, or worst, getting hurt. This way, it’s only me I’m responsible for and no pony else. Plus, if I don't find anymore signs, I can just turn back...” His right ear still kept twitching as he began trotting up the left path and into his gallop, a smile formed on his face as he began to hum and sing something he had learned earlier that day. Oh when I leave for the briny deep, At the early morning bell! I'll give a kiss to my lovely's cheek, And I'll kiss her sister as well! “Hehe, courtesy of Miss Droll.” He called out through the trees. Klondike disappeared up the path, uncertain if he had chosen right or wrong, or if somepony else would follow him. Only time would tell.
  3. Number 34, Klondike, was still trying to guess what the plant was called. By this point he had let out a whole stream of different combinations of possible names for the plant but none seem to stir his memory. He had become so caught up in the activity that he had slowly become lost in his thoughts. A slight draw back from his improvement over the race, but given current events it was an acceptable one. “Poison Joke?... No, I’m pretty sure that’s not it either. Maybe it was Poison Stooge, that seems more probable than-“ Klondike’s right ear suddenly began to twitch as it caught the sound of more ponies running by on their way to finish the race. It twitched a few times before it finally pulled him out of his head. “I wonder why no ponyelse is stopping unless… of course, these are hallucinations!” He turned around to look at the two ponies, the earth pony with the gray coat and the tiny one with the Stetson. “Yup, definitely hallucinations. Tricky hallucinations, trying to make me think I lost my marbles…" He paused as he lifted a hoof to look at it, a sudden thought coming to mind and vanishing just as quick. "Thumbs... Well, best get back to the race.” Finally making up his mind and choosing to follow his original gut instinct that the impact against the tree had scrambled his thoughts more than usual, he began to trot away from the weird scene and slowly his gait turned into a gallop. “Bye bye hallucinations! Don’t stay out too late!” He called out as he pulled further ahead of them. “Now, I can’t help think I’ve been way too lazy this time around and oh hey look, the leaves are still falling and NO focus Klondike! Keep a steady head. You’re on a mission! A mission to knock down as many leaves as possible AND win this race.” Klondike had added a new goal to today’s activities. He wanted to win now. He wanted to prove to himself that he could remain focused on what went around him no matter how many trees he ran into. He was ready and willing to pour all his energy into the event. Increasing the speed of his galloping gait, Klondike’s hooves thundered across the path as made sure to add a little bit of extra force to each hoof fall. If he had his way, every tree would be made bare as he finally crossed the finished line. Klondike made his way to the next leg of the race.
  4. Number 34, Klondike, with his two pieces of paper adorning his flank as they were securely duct taped right beneath his two bold spots from an earlier incident, had finally galloped his way more or less to where he had been before, the middle of the herd. He had managed to achieve a sort of balance between focusing on the beautiful scenery and focusing on the coarse ahead. Admittedly he had had a few close calls such as a tumble and a trip there, but nothing had been enough to damper his spirits and his determination. He had come to the race hoping to rid himself of his absentmindedness and to help him focus on things other than his work. The realization that he was indeed keeping with the spirit of the event, while remaining somewhat focused on it, had been enough to refuel his spirits whenever anything went screwy. To Klondike, it seemed that little by little, his plan was working. Nothing could cause him to falter. Nothing that is, with the exception of one slightly small thing... "Faith and begorrah!" Klondike slowed down to look at a pony who had suddenly stopped on the path. "H.. How? how did ye gie loch 'at!? Whit ur ye daein' in th' path; yoo’re gonnae gie rin ower!!" “What the hay did that pony just say?” He wondered to himself as he walked towards him, avoiding the ponies that were running by. "Climb up oan me before somethin' happens tae ye!" Klondike finally saw what was the cause of this particular pony’s decision to stop. “SWEET CELESTIA THE SMALL MISS APPLEJACK HALLUCINATION IS BACK!!” He looked at the gray pelt and curly haired earth pony, an expression of disbelief plastered on his face. “You CAN see it too!?” He looked back and forth between the tiny Applejack and Carrot Fields, a sudden but slow expression of understanding overtaking his expression. “But, if you can… and I can… then… but how!?... The tree! I must have a concussion and now I'm seeing more that one hallucination! A small one and a fully grown up one!... No wait, that's just silly but... ” He lowered his head to take a closer look at the tiny pony, trying his hardest not to breathe too heavily on her. “Wait…Wait a minute... A customer of mine from when I first opened my shop, a Miss Zacora, said something about a band of ponies that broke into her house and made a mess. She said one of them was tiny but that they apologized for their behavior and she helped them in turn.” He looked at Applejack and then back at the earth pony with the strange accent, as if trying to ask for clarification to what he had just said. “She said they were affected by something called, um, what was it?... Poison Stooge?... Poison Mook?... Larry Curly Moe?... Poison Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk?...” It looked like he could go on for a while if somepony didn’t say something.
  5. If I may put in my two cents, I kind of and kind of not agree with Otsdarva. Reason being, I am not completely sure I fully understand the situation. If he wants some ponies (And honestly what Brony doesn't) maybe he could forgo the asking his mom part and just maybe mow some neighbor's grass to earn a few bucks? Kids still do that right? I may be dating myself here, but that would just seem like the logical thing to me. If you really want something, then you work for it to earn it and in the end feels oh so much more satisfying. That is assuming I understood the mother's position. Is she simply refusing to purchase him some ponies or did she out right forbade the purchase of ponies? If its the first reason, then you are probably okay just giving him whatever you think he'll like. If its the second reason though, then you'd strike me as treading in some murky swamp with hidden alligators ready to lunge at you, in which case I'd suggest you just by him the basic Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy and feign ignorance. He'll probably love you for it, but the mother will maybe give you a few pieces of her mind, if you catch my drift. Still, best of luck Brony!
  6. More than five minutes had pass since number 34, Klondike, had barreled into a tree and found himself in a bush taking a rest. Admittedly, the impact had left him more winded than he would have cared to admit and he could already tell that the following day he would not only be severely sore from the running, but from hitting the tree as well. “Well, now’s not the time to be laying around.” He chuckled at his own jokes from within the bush. “Besides, I think I got most of my breath back and I’m pretty sure I saw a few ponies run past me… I should hurry up and catch up.” And with his mind made up, he began to right himself up and pushed his way out of the bush. Once freed of the bush, twigs and debris still clinging to him, Klondike stepped onto the race path and began to stretch a bit. Like at the starting line, it was a plethora of cracks and snaps as he tried to loosen himself up after taking a long break, and more importantly, after hitting the tree. Looking back at the tree he had hit, he noticed that all the leaves had been knocked off when he slammed into it. “Hmm, I think I just invented a new method to know down the leaves from the trees…” He began to trot away from the path, slowing picking up his gait. “Don’t think many ponies would be too eager to participate in the “Slamming of the Trees” as opposed to the “Running of the Leaves” though.” Klondike let out a chuckle as he began to pick up more speed, his body feeling somewhat pained but eager to compete. As he overtook the first of many ponies that had run past him, his galloping gait was almost back to the speed it was to right before he hit the tree. More ponies were coming into view and approaching fast as he twisted and turned along with the racing path and began to overtake these ponies as well. Klondike’s galloping gait was still increasing in speed as he ran through the ponies in front of him, quickly leaving them behind as he ran past them still covered with a few twigs and debris from the bush. Nostrils flaring and heart pounding in his chest, Klondike was trying his best to balance his focus between the race and the beautiful display over head as the leaves fell from the trees. He did not want to repeat the previous event. “Focus Klondike focus Klondike focus Klondike oh hey look obstacle course…” Klondike was mumbling to himself as he noticed a black and white unicorn on the ground tangled with… was that Survey?! “MR. SURVEY!?” He called out as he approached them at an alarming speed. “Come along Mr. Survey! Don’t know when you got in front of me…” He announced as he ran past right next to them, a huge smile on his face. “But now’s not the time to be laying about with your fillyfriend!” He called out once more as he pulled ahead and continued running. “Wow, he did kind of strike me as quiet and shy but I guess looks can be deceiving. Good for him! She’s a cutie!” Klondike told himself as he let out a hearty laugh and barreled down the race path overtaking more ponies and leaving them behind looking at him oddly. Klondike couldn’t help but laugh out-loud , part of his mind was still enjoying the scenery while the rest of him tried to focus on the race. His right ear kept twitching, trying to help him balance the thoughts, if not steer them towards the race unless he wanted a repeat of the previous event. (OCC - Off to another full day of work. Have fun Bronies! I'll try to reply to any interactions when I return.)
  7. If I may be so bold as to point out, the leader boards seem to be off by 3 rows. At least on my screen they are. According to it, 3rd place is CHARACTER # OWNER.
  8. Number 34, Klondike, had at some point managed to pull ahead towards the front portion of the herd. He had run past many ponies, including Big Mac with his tiny Applyjack jockey hallucination, but could still see plenty more ponies in front of him. Klondike hadn’t expected so many ponies to be competing and was uncertain of what spot he held thus far in the race. However, as he entered the next leg of the race and ran through it, there was one thing that he was certain of, it was the most beautiful thing he had seen since moving to Ponyville. Being a repair pony, although it had its advantages of never having to worry about a runny fridge or squeaky floor boards and leaky pipes, it had the disadvantage of keeping him indoors for major parts of the day, if not the whole day. And for Klondike, given his habit of getting lost in his work, this could easily translate to being indoors for days on end at a time. He had never really taken the time to fully admire the nature that surrounded Ponyville, and now that he was running in it, it was simply breath taking. “Sweet Celestia…” Was all that he could say as he took his eyes off the road in front of him and looked at the scenery above him, eyes as big as saucers and filled with wonder and disbelief. Above him was a vibrant sea of reds, browns, oranges, and yellowish gold leaves. Not just hanging on the branches of the trees, but floating in the air itself. The thundering of the herd’s combined hooves could be felt well before the herd itself could be seen, and had been enough to begin shaking the leaves off of the trees well ahead of the leading pony. The leaves were raining down over the runners so thickly it was enough to momentarily block out the rays of the sun and cause them to shine through the leaves themselves, making the vibrant display of colors overhead the ever so more beautiful. Klondike was transfixed on the sight above, the race for all intended purposes appearing to have vanished from his thoughts. As far as he could tell, he was no longer running in a race, but through a sea of colors and lights. And, with a smile on face and wonderment in his eyes, he did the only thing that he could as it pop into his mind. “HAHAHAHA! WOOO HOOO! YEAH! THIS IS BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE IT OUT HERE! I’M NEVER GOING BACK INTO MY SHOP AGA-” *SMACK-THUD-RUSTLE* Not noticing a sudden turn in the path because of his sightseeing, poor Klondike ran straight into a tree, the force of the impact flinging him off to the side and into a bush. The poor tree suddenly lost all its leaves as well from the impact, while the equally poor bush now had a pair of hooves comically sticking out from it. The hooves were slightly twitching. “… ow… nature hurts… i think i will go back into my shop again… just going to lay here for a whiles and catch my breath… i’ll catch up to the other runners later…” It was all Klondike could muster as he lay on his back inside the bush. He was unhurt except for a few scrapes and a few bruises that would likely show up once he was home. If anything, Klondike was severely winded, so while laying inside the bush, he decided it was as best a time as any to take a 5 minute break. (OCC - I'm working all day so I figured I'd leave Klondike to his own devices for a while... Hmm, guess that was a bad idea."
  9. There's an obvious function to it? Edit: Yeah, guess there is. Why would I want to warn myself? Or alter warning level? Is this like those yellow and orange code things at the airport? Heck, I'm not a risk to others, only to myself Re-Edit: Ugh, I'm tempted to press the button thing that says "Alter Warning Level" but I don't know what it does
  10. Figured this would be easier and less space consuming and cluttering on the forum. -Chonico-
  11. Howdy! I just noticed this little link at the bottom of my picture and information on each post that's marked "Warn Status" and I don't recall it being there before. At least I don't think it was, my attention to detail is from time to time lacking. What's that for? <<< This thing, right here. Actually, I think I'm the only one that can see this. Can't spot it on any of the other member's post.
  12. Don't you mean Mr. Freeze-nator? You know, cause it was Arnold?... Okay, I'll stop with the bad jokes. But yeah, I'll concede to what Phil is saying. I guess in can be comical in a sort of B-Movie rating, like those with the horrible acting, plot, and special effects.
  13. So power finally began to come back up? That's great to hear :smile: Hope you Bronies didn't have to suffer too much without power.
  14. No offense to anyone for their personal tastes, but... At'a boy Kirby! You bring the bricks and I'll bring the stones. In my whole life, I have only fallen asleep to 5 movies while in the theater; The Spirit, Dr. Dolittle 2, Twilight (An ex dragged me to it. I thankfully passed out), A.I., AND Batman and Robin. That movie was and is the literal incarnation of the phrase "Beating a dead horse." I am glad they rebooted the whole series after that fiasco. Don't think I could have handled another one.
  15. With pieces of paper in his mouth, and the silvery duct tape looking somewhat like a pair of dark blue eyebrows adorning the papers, Klondike tried his best to hold back a tear as the stinging sensation from having just peeled a few strips of hair off of his own coat slowly subsided. Now more than anything, he just wanted to sink into the cool river water and take a minute or two to refresh himself, and let his two fresh bold spots soak for a bit. "Oh my! That had to hurt!" His right ear twitched as a familiar voice reached it and he turned around to see Shanna making her way through the river. “More dan you dhink Miss Skymight.” Waddling into the river, he called out after her in slightly muffled tone as he did his best not to drop the papers into the water. He was determined not to let a single drop touch them. Not after what he just endured. Once he made it to the middle of the river, he found that the water in the particular area he was in barely reached half way up his chest. Deciding this was as good as refreshing place as any, he contently closed his eyes and sat on his haunches as he let the river water wash away all the sweat from the race. The slight ripples through his coat, and the refreshing coolness on his bold spots, felt like heaven to him. Suddenly, as a shadow flew over him, he opened his eyes just in time to see a griffon flying over head and making her way to the other bank. “HEY! I haw dhad grijjin ad dhe sdarding lime! She’s suhhosed to be running, nod flying!” He called out in surprise through a paper filled muzzle. “MOO! MOO! CHEAHER! YOU’RE SUHOSED TO-OH HEY look Miss Skymight already made id do dhe odher hide of dhe hank… Hmm, I should ged going doo.” (OOC - He was trying to say BOO) He lazily stood back up and took one step before… "HORNETS!" "HORNETS!! BACK INTO THE WATER!!" “Horneds?...” Klondike immediately caught sight of Shanna and a painted coated pony barreling into the river. “Whad dhe hay’s godden indo dhose GHAH!” He suddenly saw the black cloud of insects heading for the river, half of the swarm breaking off after the griffon. “Oh honyheaders… Well, I wanded do soak anyways” With one seeming-less swift motion, Klondike kicked his own hooves from under him and he rolled into the water. Floating just under the surface on his back, the only thing visible as the cloud of hornets flew over head was a dark blue muzzle holding the two pieces of paper with the number 34 and their comically duct taped dark blue hair eyebrows. A single hornet though, found them too amusing and landed on one of the papers. “HA! Silly little hornets. I’m well hidden under the water. Come on, just ignore the pieces of paper and fly away and I’m sure… I’m sure… I’m floating away?” Surely enough, the slight current was slowly drifting him at a snail’s pace down the river, but luckily, towards the opposite bank. After a minute or two, he finally came to stop a few feet away from where the rest of the ponies were coming out of the river. Still laying on his back with his hooves, muzzle, and half his face sticking out of the water, he watched as the little hornet finally lost interest and flew off to rejoin the rest of it brethren. *SIGH* “Well, at least the numbers a dry and no pony can say I’m not one to just “flow” with things.” Klondike thought to himself as he just lay there as he was, trying to enjoy a last few minutes of relaxation before continuing the race.
  16. Howdy! I just got a call from my relatives near the Arizona/California border telling me that the power in parts of California, Baja California Mexico, and part of Arizona just died. Does any Brony in those parts know what's going on? I checked the internet but so far I can't find anything specific. Besides, I'd rather hear it from the horse's mouth, no pun intended. So, Bronies, anypony know what's going on over there? You Bronies okay?
  17. Number 34, Klondike, had finally managed to catch up to what he assumed was the main part of the herd. Whether he was at the head, middle, or the rear, he could not really tell. He had run past a bunch of ponies while galloping furiously to catch up, and, no matter how many he passed, he could still see haunches with numbers in front of him. The only thing he could tell though, and if his heaving chest was any indication, was that he was sweating profusely. And, as the herd of ponies in front of him began to crowd tightly together, it only made him more aware of just how hot and sweaty he had become. “WOW, I really shouldn’t *huff puff* make a habit of *huff* falling *puff* behind like that…” Klondike thought to himself as more ponies began to crowd tightly around him, his mind seeming to be as out of breath as he was. “Still, that was a nice *huff puff* break. Glad I *huff* drank that *puff* apple juice. Sweet Celestia! Why is every pony crowding in so tightly!?” With a twitching right ear, Klondike shot his head up trying to see above the rest of the ponies’ heads. Not being able to see well above the rest of the ponies, he immediately began to look around to try and find a vantage point… And an excuse to get out of the hot crowd. Spotting a rock a little bit off to the side, he began to politely push his way through the tightly knit crowd of ponies and gingerly climbed on top of the rock so that he could see what was up ahead. What he saw did little to raise his spirits. “A bridge!?” He exclaimed loudly in a tired voice. “Oh ponyfeathers, it’ll take till sundown for everypony to get across that narrow bridge. Plus, it doesn’t look all that safe… HEY, maybe I could talk to the mayor and convince her to let me come out here and do some repairs on it. That way more ponies could-“ His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as his right ear began to twitch again as the subtle splashing of water reached it. Turning his gaze towards the source, he immediately spotted the river and the ponies that were crossing it. “Hmm, I suppose that ain’t cheating. Not like there are any trees on the bridge, so why would it matter if we crossed the river instead. Beside, the important thing is that we knock down the leaves of the trees on the other side of the river, right?” He had already hoped off the rock and was making his way down to the river before he had even finished convincing himself it wasn’t cheating. When he finally reached the bank of the river, he could not help but let out a sigh of relief. The water looked so inviting that he could barely fight off the urge to just jump in. Instead, he approached the edge of the river and took a few long sips of its cool water. A few other ponies were doing the same. After a seconds of having his muzzle buried in the river’s water, a now fully quenched Klondike suddenly brought his head back up, muzzle still dripping water, and announced his plan while startling some ponies and causing a few to look at him oddly. “ALRIGHTY! First, get into the river. Then, wash some of this sweat off. And lastly, reach the other bank and continue running!” The confident expression with which he said this only lasted a second as he then immediately looked at his flank and the two pieces of paper that adorned it. The ones he had stuck on with duct tape at the beginning of the race. “Hmm, actually, I don’t want those to get wet and soggy. I should take them off first and then put them back on once I’m on the other bank.” He commented more to himself then to the group of ponies gathered at the river’s bank. Without so much as a second thought, he reached over and took the first piece of paper and duct tape in his mouth. “Okay, just like a band-aid… just like a *SHHHHRRRRIIPPPP* SWEET CELESTIA OH HO HO-NGGH OKAY HERE COME THE OTHER *SSHHHHHRRRRII—RRRRIIIIPP* NGGGHHH MERCIFUL LUNA WHY DID I USE DUCT TAPE!?” Holding the two pieces of paper with the number 34 in his mouth, Klondike left two rectangular bold spots on his flank and a bunch of confused, if not shocked, ponies looking at him.
  18. Wow, I can't believe Klondike is 15th in the race. Those dice rolls, they be brutal. Still, its been really fun so far. Ponies 1st - 14th place, keep up the effort. Don't make it too easy for the rest of use to catch up cause then its no fun. Ponies 16th - 37th place, woohoo! Come on ponies, lets give the leading ponies a run for their money.
  19. Hmm, found it hard to choose. It would have to be one of these two right here. OR
  20. Number 34, Klondike, was satisfied with the reply. He understood that perhaps now wasn’t the best of times to discuss such things, but he couldn’t help throwing the idea out there. Plus, she did say they might talk about it later. Even if that may or may not happen, it was better than a “no” as far as Klondike was concerned “No opportunity wasted, nothing lost. See you at the finish line Miss Applejack” He chimed with a smile as he picked up his two bottles and headed over to the tree were Dotty Droll had stood to wait. He waved a hoof as he got closer and once he was under that shade, he set one bottle of apple juice down in front of her and quickly emptied his with resounding satisfaction. "*gulp gulp* AH~ That hit the spot.” He laid the bottle next to the tree making a mental note to come back and dispose of it properly. Then, politely waiting for Dotty to finish her drink, he smiled at her as they made small chatter before turning to face the remainder of the course ahead. He too had noticed that the amount of ponies running by was thinning. If he still planned to finish this race, let alone have a chance of at least finishing towards the front of the herd, he would have to make haste. “That drink was a thank you for teaching me that sailor song, Miss Droll.” Klondike said with a smile on his face as he turned his head away from the road to look at Dotty Droll. Even though he had only heard the song once, he was certain he could recite it again. Klondike was not rude by nature, but having rested, chatted, and enjoyed a pleasant drink he could feel the spirit of competition taking over him. And, with one final wave of the hoof and a smile, he addressed Dotty Droll one last time. “Maybe if we run into each other again during the race, you can teach me another sailor song. Or even better yet, if we meet at the finish line, maybe you could grace me with your company once again and teach me a whole boat full of sailor songs.” With that and a smile, Klondike was off in a flash down the road, pouring as much stamina into his galloping gait as he could to catch up to the rest of the herd for the second time that day. He was uncertain of whether or not he would win, but he was certain of only one thing… The race was doing wonders for his absentmindedness. So, with a clear head, right ear twitching, nostrils flaring, and a broad smile on his muzzle, he poured newly found speed into his gallop. He was eager and ready for the next leg of the race.
  21. Jack Nicholson did a brilliant joker in his own right. I too was torn apart between choosing Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger. Jack Nicholson's joker was unpredictable and treated everything as a joke. He was almost campy in the way he executed all his plans. It was deviously enjoyable to watch him as the Joker. Heath Ledger's Joker on the other hand was just psychotic and deliciously brilliant in his plans. Overall though, I felt Heath Ledger's joker stuck more to the original joker. A deranged sociopath without a back story that just appeared out of nowhere and was not in it for the money, but for the sheer mayhem he caused. I voted for Heath Ledger. I'm pretty sure this movie has Bane and Catwoman in it. Also, I just noticed I accidentally voted for Halle Berry as the best catwoman when I meant to vote for Michelle Pfeiffer. Corrected it already.
  22. Klondike simply looked at the stallion and then looked over at the twin mare near Zacora and Wind Mist. He kept looking back and forth between the twins as his expression was slowly changed from one of confusion to one of surprise. He suddenly began to laugh as he kept looking at Shanna. “Hahaha, well that just ain’t fair!” He turned his attention over to Hoss as he leisurely walked out to the foyer from behind the counter and took a minute to look Hoss over as he had done to Zacora. He then walked over to Shanna and did the same and simply exclaimed, “Ha, I knew it! My eyesight is still as good as new!” as he once again made his way back towards the other side of the counter and stopped in front of Hoss. He reached over the counter and placed one of his hoofs on Hoss’ withers. “What ya know, you ARE twins!” He announced with a smile before quickly leaning in towards Hoss. Now that his confidence in being able to tell them apart was set, he was ready to get back to business as usual. “No offence but she got the better portion of the looks in your family.” He announced just loud enough for Shanna to hear. He felt a little light hearted pay back was due. “So, which of you would like to fill out the form, hmm? Whatever you need fixing, please place it in this here wooden box.” He informed Hoss as he disappeared beneath the counter once again and sprang back up with a wooden box in his mouth before placing it on the counter.
  23. Klondike’s attention was suddenly pulled away by his still twitching right ear as it caught somepony greeting him. Turning around he spotted one of the Skybright twins. “Ah! It’s been a while umm…” He paused for a second as he looked the pony over from head to hoof, not wanting to repeat the same mistake as when they first stopped by his repair shop. “Miss Skybright!” He finally said with a smile as he observed Shanna make her way to Applejack. “Glad to hear the repairs were to your liking.” He could not help but grin a bit knowing that his reputation was spreading. After her transaction was done, he nodded politely at Shanna before taking his turn at the applejuice stand. “If you ever need anything else fixed, please stop by again. I’ll be more than glad to help you and your brother out again. Speaking of which, is he running too? Just want to make sure that if I spot him in the race I know its him and not you, unless it is you and not him.” Making small talk as he waited for his turn at the stand, he could not help but blush at bit at just how awkward that must have sounded. But, being Klondike, he simply shrugged it off and continued waiting. Once his turn finally came, he looked at the proprietor with a toothy grin on his face as he began his order again. “Ah, Miss… Applejack, is it?" He had heard the other ponies address her as such. "I’d like two of your apple juices please.” He politely asked as he picked up the pencil and began to write his name down on the piece of paper. As soon as he had written down his name, his eyebrows shot up in surprise as a small proposition came to mind. “Say, Miss Applejack? The red coated stallion I spoke with earlier mentioned your farm needs a few repairs every now and then. I just so happen to be a repair pony and own a shop in Ponyville.” He kept on smiling as his tone changed to a more business like one. “I am more than willing to pay for these drinks once the race is over. But, if you are willing to do a trade, business pony to repair pony, I’d be more than glad to do a free repair on your farm in exchange for the drinks. How does that sound?” Klondike was an honest pony, so he was good for the bits, but he knew that offering to do a repair for what was relatively such a small fee was a perfect way to show off his work and get his business some new clients. He eagerly waited for her reply as he spotted Dotty Droll near a tree. Soon he would take the drinks over there and rest a bit before returning to the race again.
  24. Number 34, Klondike, kept a steady pace alongside Dotty Droll as he kept on smiling at her. “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you too Miss Droll. That sailor’s song you were singing was rather catchy and fun. Shame you didn’t catch the name though.” He paused for a second as he noticed a somewhat blank expression on Dotty’s face. Realizing what it was, he could not help but wonder if that’s how he looked when lost in his own little mind. As soon as she snapped back out though, he simply kept on smiling content that for once he wasn’t the one spacing out. It was refreshing to say the least. “Well I fix anything and everything. I’m a pony of all trades when it comes to fixing stuff. I’ve had to work real hard to be able to brag about that too. If I don’t know how, I learn how and take notes on everything I learn. Why, just last week I was fixing a…” For the second time that day, the unimaginable happened. Klondike paid attention, again, to his twitching right ear as the sound of something that suddenly made his throat dry reached it. "Get yer refreshin' apple juice right here! Mighty fresh and mighty sweet!" Looking a ways up ahead, he spotted the source of the sound. Some ponies were already there and he couldn’t help but imagine exactly just how refreshing it would feel to drink something. With a quick glance at Dotty Droll and then back towards the approaching stand, his eyebrows suddenly sprang up as he got an idea. “Say Miss Droll? Care for a drink? I’ll go fetch us some!” And with that, he quickly broke off from the herd and headed towards the apple juice stand, bag still around his neck and a smile on his face as he approached the Stetson hat wearing pony. He slowed his gait to a leisurely trot as he got closer, but the closer he got, the more his expression changed to one of surprise as he recognize the mare selling the drinks. “HI! You’re from Sweet Apple Acres, aren’t you?” He called out as he came to a stop among the other ponies in front of the stand. “I’ve seen you at the market with your apple cart a few times. Great apples by the way!” He was still smiling at the hat wearing pony before his expression turned into one of confusion. “Actually, why does it feel like if had this conversation befo-Oh! That’s right, I spoke with your, err, cousin, brother, a little whiles back. Big red coated pony with a harness. Don’t think I caught his name though.” As the smile returned to his face, he began to look at the drinks on the stand. The slight condensation clinging to the surface of the bottles only made them the much more appealing. “I’d like to purchase two of your…” He suddenly stopped as his right ear began to twitch and he started looking at himself, turning this way and that as he analyzed every inch of his own coat as if searching for something. Figuring it was a race, Klondike had left his bit purse behind. His smile faded as his expression went from mirth to disappointment. That wouldn’t last long though as the twitching from his right ear intensified and his gaze fell on the bag around his neck and then on the lime colored unicorn with the gray mane. “AH HA! YOU!” Klondike suddenly called with a raised accusing hoof pointed at the unicorn. He quickly approached him with narrowed eyes and a devilish grin across his muzzle. “I finally FOUND you!” He raised another accusing hoof at the lime colored unicorn, and quickly lowered it as he brought his muzzle close to that of the unicorn’s. His expression suddenly changed to one of pleasant shock and surprise. “Here’s your bag!” He suddenly announced as he gave the unicorn a warm smile and lowered his neck to let the bag slide off and onto the ground in front of the unicorn’s hoofs.
  25. I usually find out its close to fall when I start catching a cold. And, seeing as I'm under the weather, I suppose fall is just around the corner... Yay!
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