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Everything posted by BaconofChaos

  1. Hmm, so Carrot Top is talking to a pony called Ditzy. But we don't know for sure if that will be our beloved, wall-eyed angel yet. But considering how often those two are together in the fandom... could we have the official name for her...? Hmm... I wonder what voice they'll use for Carrot Top. So far she's had kinda whiny ("we couldn't fit it all in!" from Swarm of the Century) and haughty (I forget the exact line, but it was in Boast Busters, when Rarity complained about green hair).
  2. Cool! I hope you don't mind, but I've put you down for a pic.
  3. These are looking pretty nice! Are you going to shrink them down or is this the actual size? Because they seem a little big compared to the others you posted. Not complaining, just wondering.
  4. OH. MY. GOSH. You lucky devil you! EDIT: I just saw this on your page: Is- Is that canon?
  5. I spend almost all of my free time here XD I am also making a crazy big flash video. It's coming along nicely, if slowly. I hope to have it done by the time season 2 arrives.
  6. Welcome to Canterlot! Just had a quick glance at your gallery. Very good stuff! I'll have to browse it fully later.
  7. Welcome aboard! Glad to have another game-maker here! Not that I've worked on my game for ages. Too busy
  8. Welcome to Canterlot! Yes, frequently. You should check out the Favourite Fanfics thread then! Might I recommend Misted Stage? Oh my, I'm looking forward to this
  9. Guess who I chose for the "Create-a-foal" competition? And I'm probably not the only one so you may well get your wish
  10. Oooooh! I love this idea! We could have so much fun with this! But I'm conflicted. I want to enter, but I'm not really interested in MLP merch. I wouldn't go outside with a tote bag and IarblHaFDafs£%Dhg56^dsg7&^*547yhyfdMYnfn...... Sorry about that, I saw the cellphone charms and had to wipe the drool from my keyboard. So the question is now who to ship. Uh, Celestia is my favourite pony this week, so I could do Twilight/Celestia. Nah, too obvious. Maybe something outlandish like... Zecora/Celestia, or Photo Finish/Celestia, or Scootaloo/Celestia or... What? No, that's ridiculous. Hmm, do they have to be ponies? Cos then I could totally do Spike/Cheif Thunderhooves No, that's too horrible even for me. But Gilda/someone maybe? (Note that this is all me being silly. I've already chosen my pairing ^^)
  11. So, I apped Lyra a while back. In my first draft I ran with the fandom interpretation that she was stalking Twilight Sparkle. Ultimately I ditched the idea for something a little less creepy. I'm so glad I did, because this is how it could've turned out. Warning: Lots of obscure references. I wouldn't really class this as a favourite fic, but it's still an... interesting read.
  12. Alright, quick RP question here. We know that we have pony-pulled trains in Equestria. But how common are these and where do they go? We see the mane cast on a train to Appleoosa which they presumably boarded in Ponyville (though there's been no sign of a train station there), but how widespread would you say that trains are in this world? Do they go to all the major towns and cities, or is the Ponyville-Appleoosa the first of it's kind?
  13. Wow, I only just got around to watching this. That's brilliant Quoted for truth.
  14. The die is cast and the first description has been sent! Let's rock!
  15. Just to expand a little on what I said in PM, I don't think this idea is inherantly bad per-se, but it's more a case of it potentially being rather uncomfortable for other players, plus it may well go against the general mood and tone that this RP was intended for. That's something flutterscotch could perhaps answer. I think it's a fascinating idea, but probably something that might work better as a fic than an RP. But that's my two bits.
  16. Interesting. Maybe I'll try and track down some of the show on Youtube. Can't really confirm interest in the RP until I've done so.
  17. So very true. XD I watched the whole of Gundam Wing (the only Gundam we ever got in the UK) when it was on. To this day I'm not entirely sure why. Oh wait yeah, same reason I watched NGE. Giant robots. Megas XLR was awesome. I miss that show. On a random note, since I haven't seen it mentioned yet, anyone watched Martian Successor Nadesco?
  18. Excellent! I know you draw Cheese (since you did that kick-ass pic of Creepy) so I'm dropping you in the draw slot if that's okay?
  19. Sunny Skies All Day Long. Celestia takes a day off and goes to Ponyville in disguise. Simple, but fun episode style fic. I may just read that. As I said, I usually ignore regular shipping but... RariDash? I just don't see it happening. I'm fascinated to know how that happened XD
  20. Sonic Rainboom, Green Isn't Your Colour and Over a Barrel. Green Isn't Your Colour has Rarity, Fluttershy AND Pinkie in top form, plus wacky awkward Twilight. No contest. Sonic Rainboom because Sonic Rainboom. The last spot was tricky. A Dog and Pony Show had Macho Spike, but Over a Barrel had Braeburn AND Showgirl Pinkie AND Fluttertree. CMC, eh. I liked it, I just don't think it was as good as everyone else seems to. Owl episode was just okay.
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