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Everything posted by Kudalyn

  1. I was reading over this.... I'm a bit iffy about her hunting past, but if she's become a reformed pony and wishes to use herbs for good (which I think is a great idea) then I say go for it.
  2. I didn't even know you had a cold-based character ^^; I just had an idea one day and rolled with it! And this guy is different from yours - he loves cold weather, but his talents like in making cold treats, not dealing with weather. I think it was a cool coincidence I'm not so sure about cousins, but they could be good friends maybe! Perhaps one day Icy visited the snowflake factory in Cloudsdale and met Frostbite there
  3. ((Hey peeps! We still continuing this one or what?))
  4. [ Pony Related Character ] Name: Icy Delight Sex: Male Age: Stallion Species: Unicorn Pelt Color: Light ice blue Mane/Tail Color & Style: Mane is cut shaggy at the front, but kept longer and smoother at the back. His tail is short, cleanly cut at the end. His mane and tail is mostly white, with a light orange streak down the middle of both. Eye Color: Light sea-green. Cutie Mark: A creamsicle, surrounded by 5 small silver stars and numerous little snowflakes. Physique: Tall and thin, a little bit lanky. Taller than most stallions his age. Residence: Canterlot Occupation: Icy treats maker and vendor. Motivation: To make icy treats for ponies of all ages to enjoy. Likes: Winter, snow, cold days, ice skating, cloudy days, cold treats, selling cold treats Dislikes: Hot days, melting snow/ice, super windy days, no clouds, brain freeze Character Summary: Icy is a kind, friendly stallion who loves selling and sharing his frozen delights with customers. Ever since Icy was a colt, he loved the winter. LOVED it. His favorite things to do were to lick the icicles that hung from the trees during the winters... even if his tongue often got stuck to them. He even liked to make tables, chairs, and pretend meals out of snow! His only problem was that snow and icicles tasted so bland... they were only frozen water after all. One day, he had an idea when he saw a pony spill their groceries onto the snow. As the juice that dribbled from the container stained the snow, it hit him. Why not flavor the snow, with juice?! Or take juice, freeze it, and eat it?! That's the day his cutie mark came about, when he realized he could make icy treats not only he could enjoy, but other ponies could too. His parents, who are scholars at the Canterlot Royal Library, were a bit wary of their young sons choice of career - but when they saw how happy he was making other ponies happy, they decided to allow him free reign. Their only rule is no ice cream in the library! His magic works best for cold situations and sculpting cold objects - never ask him to heat your coffee. He'd just as likely freeze it in it's mug! He's a bit taller than most other ponies his age. His long legs sometimes get in the way, but they help him walk through the deepest snow with ease. He is NOT a fan of hot days, and avoids hotter regions like the plague. That's why Canterlot is his ideal city - it's up high in the mountains so the colder atmosphere suits him perfectly. He owns his own little cart that he pushes around Canterlot, complete with little bells! It has a little umbrella strapped to the side for when he sets up at a popular spot for the day, and the back has a little scooter attachment he uses for when he needs to get places fast, or for longer trips across Canterlot. Inside it he has everything needed for a proper ice-cream cart - ice cream, cones, cups, popcicles, slush and flavoring for slushies and sno-cones, even sprinkles and nuts and fruit for ice cream sundaes! It's amazing how much he can cram into that little cart, but he manages wonderfully.
  5. Wow! Really nice design! Love this character. Glad to see a nice Hippocamp character that's gonna be swimming around the boards! Hope you can check out my hippocamp character, Aqua Drop! Can't wait to see you RP her!
  6. Hey hey! I know this application was approved, but since then we've revised the allowed species board a little bit. Please refer to this post I made on the Hippocamp thread: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1686&start=15#p23037 Seeing as how your character got approved before this came about, I'm not sure if you want to change it. BUT, the only difference between hippocamps and kelpies on this board is the name and diet - everything else remains the same, for ease for the members So, since you created this guy before the change, it's up to you if you want to change his species title.
  7. Yes, those were from before Artax updated the way to use youtube tags. I haven't updated them because I have links to all the songs on the front post, so if you wanted the songs, just go from there. That way you aren't hunting through all the pages of the thread for songs.
  8. Could you tell me which ones are broken? I just checked a bunch of them and they all work fine for me.
  9. WHEW! Just added a new category of songs to the list - background music rips, right from the show! Found a bunch! This is one of my personal favourites: Pinkie in Wonderland anyone?
  10. Thanks for the new song! Songs songs, always adding songs! Changing name of thread to Pony Remix Songs - Master List
  11. Aqua Drop Aqua Drop facehoofed at Klondike getting all mixed up - she'd heard her species' name getting mixed up before, but she'd never been called a 'hypocrite' before! "Whoa, hold your hooves there, buddy. Like Tempest said, I am Aqua Drop, and it's pronounced 'Hippo-camp'. A half pony, half fish thing." She said, nudging Tempest to get her attention. She noticed her friend was a bit irritated at Klondike's mistake. "Hey, relax Temp. It's a easy mistake, and he's obviously just as nervous as we are." She whispered to her, but Rose's comment to Tempest about her dress cheered her up right away, so Aqua sighed in relief. As nervous and frayed as she was, it was no good letting yourself get worked into a froth over something as silly as a name. "Why thank you! Yeah, this dress was tailor made for me - it's perpetually damp so my pelt doesn't dry out, and I can stay on land for as long as I want! And yes, I didn't catch your name either."
  12. Strawberry Fields Strawberry started, blinking at the sudden kind offer. "O-oh! Well, I-I don't mean to make you go out of you way but... a extra set of hooves would take a load off my mind..." She said, looking back woefully at the rest of the farm. As much as she loved her new farm, it was going to take ALOT of work. "Well, why don't you come this way? I-I just cleared the pathway a bit as you can see..." She said, looking sheepishly at the mess of creepers on the path that she had just torn down. She turned around, hiding her blush as she trotted daintly down the path. Strawberry felt awful silly. She was always so shy when it came to meeting new ponies. No matter how hard she tried, she always became so timid and apologetic around newcomers. Once she warmed up to them she was fine... but it made selling produce very difficult. ((urgh sorry - got caught up with some stuff and wasn't able to get around to me RPs!))
  13. I don't mean to be rude, but why is a post count number important? I think it should be quality over quantity, specially in forums.
  14. I really like the whole story you have on her there, but I don't think it really describes well enough about 'who' she is. It tells about her injuries, but not how she got her cutie mark, and what she wants to do with her life. Everything else is great
  15. Is this a WIP or a full application? It's not bad, but it just feels like something is... missing. From her character summary. To me it feels like her 'story' isn't filled out enough, I can't get a feel for her personality. I think she needs a bit more history behind her - like more about what she did as a fawn, and what happened to her while she was a slave. Also what her personality is like NOW after all of this bad stuff has happened to her. Hope I'm not too vague ^^;
  16. Spike "Well, it doesn't help that we're barely as tall as their shoulder. Someponys can't seem to use their necks properly, and actually turn their heads!" He chuckled, finally slowing down as they got to the entrance of the Marketplace, where things were a little less crowded and much more organized. "Well, if you're hungry I'm sure I can find something you'd find tasty here. Despite being such a small town, this place seems to have everything! I mean, we even have a store here dedicated to Quills and Couches! And just those two items! Weird huh? " He said, letting Truffle fall into pace with him as the walked down the cobblestone streets, dodging the occasional pony and cart. ((OMFG I'm so sorry I forgot about this RP! Hope you don't mind me picking it up again ^^)
  17. Aqua Drop "Form? Oh yeah! You said I could probably fill that river-cleaner job thing. I'll go fill it out.... aaaas soon as I find something to write with." She laughed, taking the papers from Tempest and placing them on her back. She'd pick them up before she started walking so they wouldn't fall off her back. Suddenly, a very hurried Granola came rushing at her out of the corner of her eye, a determined look on her face. As she hurtled towards Aqua with something heavy-looking in her mouth, Aqua instinctively flinched, closing her eyes tight. She was startled by the one drop of water that dripped out onto her head, her eyes fluttering open. "Wh-wha?" She said, but before she could say anything else, Granola threw the pot onto the ground angrily shattering it at Aqua's hooves. Granola galloped off once again with Inkwell desperately trying to explain to her the situation... but Granola was already long gone, a brown and green blur. "Oh for kelp's sake. That mare...." She said, shaking her head at the frantic pony. "Oh, and Inky? My pelt doesn't do... what I think you think it does. It just gets really dry and flaky, and can be hurt easily. It doesn't crack like dried mud, and I don't shrivel up like kelp on low tide. I just get really dry and thirsty. Relax." She said, laughing. She shifted a little, getting herself a little more comfortable on her hooves. Her tail was getting a -little- tired, but nothing she couldn't handle. She still had more to explore!
  18. I've always wanted to make these... Some are for my ponies with profiles, some are still in wip. [Life Preserver] Be saved by Aqua Drop while drowning in a body of water. [it was this big!!!] Accidentally fish Aqua Drop out of her lake while fishing. [Cleanliness is next to Godliness] Manage NOT to get coated in candy-making supplies while assisting Apple Mallow. [This will NEVER come out...] Manage TO get coated in candy-making supplies while assisting Apple Mallow. [Record Time] Manage to keep up with Strawberry Orange on a delivery round. [Not bad, kid... not bad.] Get Strawberry Orange's praise after 3 successful delivery rounds with her. [spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace] Assist Moon Brook one night during her scheduled moongazing. [but Pluto's not a planet...] Notice something new in the night sky before Moon Brook does. [Put my two bits in] Buy from Strawberry Field's stall in the Ponyville Marketplace. [Dorothy, it's a twister!] Manage to catch Strawberry Field's hat after it blows off and give it back to her. [Avast Feathermay's Hiney!] Manage to embarrass Feathermay and NOT walk the plank. [birds of a Feather] Successfully cure and heal 5 birds that are under Feathermay's care. [Turn it up to 11] Be a groupie for Side Swept's band for 3 concerts. [Where's my Hair Gel?!] Successfully bring Side Swept a new jar of hair gel before he loses it (mentally). [Tag! You're it!] Manage to play a 'game of tag' with the Program Guards with Circuit Dash and get away. [Motherboard] Help Circuit Dash free the controlled Programs and escape the base undetected.
  19. Strawberry Fields Strawberry jumped and eeped as a calm voice spoke up from behind her, dropping her mouthful of creepers. "Oh! O-oh my! You startled me! I-I didn't even hear you trot up..." She stammered embarassedly, looking around herself. She had only just gotten started on the cleanup of her farm - there were weeds everywhere, the paths were overgrown, and she probably looked like she rolled around in a dustpile somewhere. "I'm so sorry the farm looks like this - Oh my... You see, I just moved here today, and noone has lived here for quite a few years.. see, it was my Grandpappy's many years ago, and now I own it and... I'm so sorry!" She stammered out, bowing in apology to the serene and wise looking stallion who stood before her. His mane and tail was done up in braids much like hers, but much tighter and longer. He was robed in odd clothes, so me must have been traveling from very far away.
  20. *applauds Manestream* I really can't believe how much you two, you and Artax, are doing with the site! It's like, 120% cooler with all the great stuff you've packed in here, and you want to do even MORE?! I'm not sure if the boards can take much more awesome! Plus, thank you so much for approaching me to be a member of the 'crew'! I've been on this site the day it started (I'm pretty sure the day it started.) and I've loved every bit of it. I've always wanted to put a hoof in to help, but past experiences have shown me I'm not the complete most reliable.... so I always withheld my offer. Then out of the blue, Manestream comes along (after trying to track me down for 5 days, sorry) and offers me a job as RP Helpstaff. And then when Artax sticks up the Galleries, I get to be one of the Gallery Police Duo, alongside Brian! It's completely awesome. And even more, as you guys may remember, my previous username was AquaDrop. I asked Manestream if she could possibly change my username to something a bit more personal - and she does it! It's still awesome. And referring to my previous apprehensions - I've been chatting with the crew over Skype, and they are all so friendly and fun! I know with them at my side, I can do this job, and do it well and responsibly. So, thank you to all for inviting me to be a helper with the site! I promise to do the best I can! :heart:
  21. Awesome! Also, you ended up giving me like 3 songs from this one, for the other two versions too XD Thanks! Edit: WOO found another, 4 great songs added to the list! Can't get enough! :heart:
  22. Songs songs! Always looking for more songs!!
  23. Strawberry Fields A peach-coated pony opened a dusty window, coughing as a pile of dust cascaded from the shutters right on top of her. She shook her mane out, dust and cobwebs flying everywhere. She looked around her new house as the sunlight filtered in through the grimy window, lighting up all the dust particles in the air. Strawberry Fields sighed, coughing again as she inhaled a bunch of dust. She trotted around, opening windows wherever she saw them, glad to get some nice spring air though the dusty, dingy old house. Strawberry had just moved into her new home: Shining Berry Fields. She inherited the berry farm from her grandfather who passed away when she was a foal, so the house had been inhabited for many years. Most of the old furniture was still here, it just needed some intense 'spring cleaning'. She walked out the front door, propping it open so that more air could blow the dust and damp from the old house. She looked around her new farm.... she certainly had alot of work to do. After years of neglect, most of the berry plants were either dead or growing wild. Weeds were everywhere, fences were broken, and don't even get her started on the barn! It looked like a tornado had hit it! She'd probably have to tear it down and get a whole new one set up if she wanted somewhere to store her supplies. "Well, no time like the present, I reckon." She said to herself, bracing herself for weeks of hard work. She knew she could do it though - even though her father's farm was a hay farm, she still did lots of hard work there growing up. She knew how to handle a farm. She trotted down the main path, kicking rocks out of the way as she walked to the main gate. It was completely overgrown with creepers. She got up on her hind legs and kicked and pulled at them, finally managing to clear a opening through them. She pulled down as much as she could, kicking the clumps onto the path so they would wither and die. Pulling them down, she revealed a little fence archway, with a worn-down sign posted at the top. From what she could make out, it was a big strawberry with a few leaves surrounding it, with a big sun backdrop. Strawberry smiled. "Shining Berry Fields. Grandpappy gave it the right name!"
  24. Woo! The site suddenly got fancy! Gotta relearn where everything goes again XD Really like how it's turning out guys! Great job to all, specially Artax!
  25. Gallery, Gallery! Would looove to see a gallery! Would make it much easier for the Drawfriends here on the forums, like me, to have all their art in one place, instead of all over their art threads :3
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