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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. Jessy felt the happiness radiating off the stallion and could tell he was smiling even though she couldn't see it. "I was surprised to be invited also." she answered as she remembered when she first got the ticket and the letter she didn't know what it was and asked somepony to read it to her. At first she thought they were trying to pull a fast one but everypony she asked said the same thing, Jessy was happy that she was invited even more so now that she met a new friend. "I'm grateful as well as well to be here and meet new ponies"
  2. Melody looked over at the new pony who looked as if he was trying to get by unnoticed she gave a warm friendly smile so the stallion wouldn't feel to nervous "Hello there, come on over we don't bite" she said in a soothing tone and then drew her attention to Clay as he said a quick goodbye when he wanted to see his friend. Pouting slightly that the interesting stallion was leaving she sighed as he walked away and spoke quiet and quick words to the new arrival. 'Ah well at least it was fun while it lasted' thinking to herself in a disappoint way. When the stallion came back after seeming to have forgotten something Melody immediately perked up and practically turned red when the Clay took her hoof and pecked it. She batted her eyes at the friendly stallion "You're quite welcome it's always my pleasure to help a pony in need." trying hard to keep a calm head and a cool tone so he couldn't tell she was about to burst with excitement at his dance proposal "I would be more than honoured to join you for a dance in the ballroom or a quick bite to eat. I'll see you later then, Mister Clay." she gave him a wink. After Melody's exchange with Clay she gave her attention back to the nervous stallion and Princess Luna waiting for one of them to speak.
  3. Omg I used that for a few of my pony drawings. It really helps but you know I sorta just suck at drawing XD
  4. "I'm glad to hear that you're re-adjusting to society well." trying to slow down her speech not wanting to overwhelm the Princess with her constant chatter. PaintedWings took a couple of calming breathes so she can calm down and speak like a normal pony and not a pony who has no home training. "I've been enjoying the Gala it's a lot more crowded than I expected and a whole bunch of ponies I never dreamed to see in person are here s-such as yourself" she blushed slightly Painted really liked the Princess and hoped to make friends with her so she can do a proper portrait one day and have the Princess's praise instead of her own imaginative ones. "The ballroom is wonderful and I hope to explore of the palace a bit actually. Maybe explore the gorgeous gardens I've heard so much about."
  5. Merry thought about the question for a while after a few heartbeats she answered "My special talent is mail delivery" hoping it didn't sound stupid to her new friend she continued "It's a long story as to why I love to delivery mail and packages and such and I'm a mail courier and because of that I like to move around all over Equestria so I can do all sorts of mailing to all ponies." she sighed as she thought about her love of mail delivery. It probably sounded weird to the Colt but she didn't care it's what she loved "If you ever need a delivery pony I'm you Mare" she exclaimed rather automatically. Saying that was always her catch phrase for when she advertise her job.
  6. How come your pony has wings?((I ask because of the photo)) Is she a unicorn or a Pegasus? She can't be both because Alicorns/Unisus are against RP rules. I believe.
  7. BlindJester


    My name is Painted and I approve this message
  8. CookieSweets was enjoying the gala so far, it was everything she heard it would be and more so before decided to walk outside she wanted to eat something at the buffet to settle her sweet tooth. She noticed not to far down the like a lime green Pegasus with a blue mane that had a white streak going through it. 'Hmmmm he seems interesting' she thought to herself slightly amused at his rather bored expression here in the most extravagant parties ever held. "I wonder if he'll give me a time of day though" speaking her thoughts aloud as she grabbed cookies, cupcakes, a slice of cake and other tasty sweets onto her plate first. After getting out of the buffet line she looked around for that Pegasus she caught a glimpse of before. 'He couldn't of gone far with that plate of his' thinking calmly to herself hoping she didn't lose her potential friend. After a few minutes she spotted him alone at a table taking the chance she hurried over to the table "Mind if I join you?" she asked politely as she set her plate down then sitting down herself "I noticed you in the buffet line and saw that you were quite bored so I had to find out why you're so bored at one of the most wondrous parties ever thrown." curiosity now taking over her tendency of shyness.
  9. Turning around to the general direction of the deep voice and heard his welcome "Hello Valoren, my name is BlindJester" she said as she bowed before him not seeing that he stuck his hoof out towards her. "How can I help you sir? Although I'm not sure how much help I'd be but I can try." continuing with her ramblings "I mean unless you want to talk to me and that's fine too I could always use new friends" Jessy was feeling a little bit anxious about this mysterious pony since she can't see what he like she'll just have to base judgement off of voice and how he acts.
  10. The cheesy compliment and the compliment before that came from the stallion earned a smile and blush from MelodySpark and a small giggle. Seeing that the Princess was probably waiting for her to say their hellos Melody told them why she came "I came here to hear the lovely music that the Gala always have" she started "Then I decided to come out to hear the natural music from the garden." even as she spoke she could hear the gardens music in nature in the swaying tree branches, the ponds gentle lapping of the sandy shore after her moment of music. MelodySpark shifted her gaze to Clay "But I guess I found more than what I asked for" she blushed She shifted her gaze back to the Princess of the Moon, Melody was still astonished that she met her here of all places practically alone. Doing another bow to Princess Luna "I was quite shocked to see your dark elegant figure come our way" say said in awe at the beautiful princess "Please tell us why you decided to join us"
  11. Jessy heard the other pony talking turning in the voices direction "Who's there?" she asked searching from left to right her cloudy eyes clearly searching for what she can't see. "Well whoever you are I agree it is a wonderful night from what I can feel." nodding slowly as the wind caressed her muzzle and again blew her hair in it's direction. At this moment BlindJester wished she could see the lovely moon and stars that has been described to her so many times.
  12. BlindJester


    "Good morning Angels" |: "Good morning Charlie" ;D Lucy Liu is still badass.
  13. "Great! I'd be thrilled to learn all the tricks from a master of the game" bouncing with each step now excited that she's making a good impression on a future friend 'Finally I'm making friends and possibly more this was the best idea I've had in a while!' she thought "Of course I'll meet you at Sugarcube corner although I'm not a local. I live far away from here I'm just here for the gala and a vacation" explaining the situation to him.
  14. "I haven't eaten in a while either" trotting a bit faster as she smelled the food 'smells delicious' thinking to herself for a moment and heard that he was staying in Ponyville for a while 'Great! Now I don't have to rush to get to know him better' relief flooding through her happy she isn't pressed for time. "I'll be sure to stop by your shop only if you promise to teach me how to play" she giggled "So you're staying in Ponyville after the Gala huh? Do you think we can meet up again? Maybe do something together and get to know one another better" throwing out suggestions in hope one of them would strike his fancy.
  15. "Ah Forests and Fillies huh? I've heard of that game but I've never actually played it myself." she admitted slightly embarrassed for some reason "Maybe you can teach me sometime" trotting a head Merry tried to decide where to go and headed in the direction of the buffet "Fillydelphia is a wonderful city I used to live there before I moved to Applelosa" sighing heavily as she missed all the places she stayed at 'Maybe I should visit Fillydelphia again sometime and the other places I've lived.' she looked over at her date 'I have plenty of reason to visit Fillydelphia now' blushing at the thought.
  16. As soon as Painted heard that the Princess would spend some time with her she jumped into the air and did a flip in the air. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Painted seemed to be glowing by this point happy that the royalty will actually spend time with /HER/ a peasant she just met today. "You really are kind your Majesty" pretty much singing her words at this point "I really hope to be your friend so we can spend more time together. I'm sure since you returned from your ummmm" she paused trying to figure out what to call Luna's banishment "Your um 'trip' to the moon that you haven't had much time to make many friends being busy with royal business and such" 'Real smooth Painted' thinking to herself 'a trip? Is that really the best I can come up with?' she hoped the Princess wasn't offended by her comment and lose the chance to make friends with her favorite princess forever.
  17. As Merry trotted alongside Re-Roll she had a few more questions for him so she can get to know him better "Hey Re-roll?" she started "What do you do? I mean what's your special talent" Merry refused to walk in awkward silence and wanted to break the ice somehow. Looking at the Colt he did seem cute but he probably wasn't her type so she shrugged 'Can't judge everypony just by there look Merry you know that' scolding herself silently. "Also what do you do for a living?"
  18. BlindJester had began to wonder why she came here, even though this was the biggest party ever thrown it's not like she could SEE it just hear the music in one direction, plenty of conversation in another, and little animals making noises. She decided to get out to fresh air stretching out her wings and using her nose to help her find the closes exit politely saying 'excuse me' when her wings brushed up against a pony. After a moment she found herself in a less noisey area with a wonderful gentle breeze blowing her hair away from her eyes, she continued to walk in the direction of the breeze hearing her hooves 'click clack' against the cobblestone walkway. "Even if I can't see the world everything still feels beautiful and calm" she took a deep breathe "Hopefully I'll make some new friends here at the Gala somepony who doesn't mind the fact that I'm blind and won't treat me like a foal" keeping her optimism up she continued down the path.
  19. "Great! I'm happy you accepted" smiling back at Re-Roll she stood beside him and folded her wings back "Shall we?" Merry asked excitement gleaming in her midnight blue eyes.
  20. For some reason Painted's wings would not fly her away from this embarrassingly awkward moment looking away from Princess Luna she took a deep breath 'I won't get another opportunity like this again' she thought to herself determined 'I am NOT going to let it slip away.' Taking a deep breathe and putting on another smiled she turned back around as if she wasn't hurt at all "I want to get to know you as a better friend is what I mean!" she gushed "I mean I'd really really liked to make friends with you your majesty" bowing again she hoped the Princess would accept her offer.
  21. Looking down at the stallion who held her hoof she smiled at his gentleness "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well Mister.... Clay was it?" she sounded calm and smooth when on the inside she was frantic with the fact that she met Princess Luna and a handsome stallion was to much good luck for her to handle. 'Gotta keep it cool Melody. . . .' she thought to herself trying to slow her rapid heart beat. Even though Clay never answered her question she assumed he wanted the bow-tie back on, levitating it around his neck she tied a perfect bow with enough neck room to breathe and sit comfortably. "Now hopefully you won't mess this up and get BOTH your hooves tied in it." giggling again slightly "Well it's a good thing for you I know how to tie bows pretty well." backing up to see both Princess Luna and Clay also giving her enough room to actually take in what's going on she asked "So what are you two doing out here?"
  22. Thinking about it for a moment Melody said "Even though the party has barely begun I'm still having fun I mean I get to meet the lovely queen of the moon and untie this fine gentlestallion from his tie" she smiled at both parties. "I don't think I've formally introduced myself" she bowed before the Princess "My name is MelodySpark and I enjoy to sing out into your glorious nighttime sky."
  23. Melody giggled at his pun about his trouble she got closer to the stallion and inspected the bow quite carefully "Oh a matter that is easily fixed" she was blushing slightly at the handsome stallion while giggling at his play on words. Before she attended to the him she turned toward the dark figure soon seeing it was a Princess she bowed down and muttered an apology and then said "Good evening to you too. It's a wondrous night isn't it?" she asked the Princess as she untied the bow from the Stallion's neck freeing him from the awkward pose he was forced to take. "If you want this back on I'll just need you to stay still okay" she told him.
  24. Disappointment spread across PaintedWings' face and looked down at her hooves 'Of course a famous pony such as Princess Luna wouldn't have time for a peasant like myself' she thought painfully to herself and turned around her hair hanging over her eyes "Y-you're right I just thought we could get to know each other better but you're a busy pony so I'll just go now...." she was getting ready to walk off into the crowd when she looked back at Princess Luna with a faint twinkle in her eyes "I'm glad I got to meet you in person though."
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