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Everything posted by SonicRainboomGirl

  1. Thanks, everypony. At very least there's a sketch drawn for every request that has been scanned. That's very good news!
  2. I thought it was interesting how Rainbow Dash hated reading, but once she started she started writing her own novel. It became a passion. Isn't that weird?
  3. Alrighty, I've been working so hard on these requests and hopefully a few should be posted soon. I'm not opening the shop back up until I have all the requests done, though. If you'd like to make a request be patient! It wont be long.
  4. I can't wait to see this app approved, hopefully soon!
  5. Split Pins rolled lazily out of bed. He didn't want to get up...so he went back to sleep. Then he didn't really feel like sleeping. So, he got up and grabbed a snack. At least, he would have if there was anything to eat in his house. The stallion hadn't been out grocery shopping in a while. He hadn't felt like it, and why do anything you don't feel like doing? The stallion threw on a comfortable shawl that protected from Las Pegasus's harsh sunshine. He shook out his tangled mane a bit and sneezed, wiping his nose with a hoof. He felt like bowling, as usual, so he set off for the local bowling alley. He hadn't made it three feet out of his doorway when he went back inside to go to the bathroom. He always seemed to forget that kind of stuff. He then walked out the door again and started towards the bowling alley. He arrived soon enough, picked out a pair of bowling shoes, and picked out a light ball. He'd never want to strain his back, of course. He wanted some teammates to play with and decided to wait around for someone. Anyone, really. "Nobody's going to wanna bowl with you anymore, Splitty," said the manager of the alley, who was closeby anyways. Split Pins hadn't even noticed him there before. Then again, Split hardly noticed much. [colour=#008080]"Why not?" [/colour]Split asked, confused. "You always fall asleep!" responded the manager, laughing. Split rolled his eyes. [colour=#008080]"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man,"[/colour] Split responded, smoothly. He sat down. He loved sitting down. Then he simply waited patiently for his teammates to arrive. After all, he had all the time in the world to wait.
  6. Bebe observed another stallion enter, also quite good looking. She felt like an attraction at a zoo or something, she was being sought out by three stallions now. She smiled and continued conversation with this new stallion, who hadn't yet stated his name. How mysterious! She liked that, being quite mysterious herself. He was being awfully polite, which was sweet of him. However, she could see his eyes checking her out all over. This didn't particularily bother her, she was a model. It certainly was expected, after all. [colour=#000000]"I live here,"[/colour] She explained, wondering if Canterlot was his main residence as well. That would have been splendid. [colour=#000000]"Oh, and I'm Bebe. Bebe LeStrange. I was doing a shoot nearby and I just stopped in for a spot of coffee. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who likes it just black and straight. I think it's even tastier without any sugar or cream, personally, but I really have to watch my diet. I'd rather die than get fat."[/colour] Bebe chuckled at her own silly statement, hoping it would lead to compliments from the stallion. She loved compliments. Her comment wasn't a lie, however. Bebe was guilty of quite a few of the deadly sins; lust and pride were her primary motives, however, and it made her feel even more intriguing instead of guilty. She smiled at the stallion once more and took another sip of coffee, trying to imagine herself getting fat. She shuddered physically. She could give up sweets and laziness if only she didn't gain any weight. Bebe reminded herself that she still looked beautiful, and clearly this stallion agreed. She purred and sipped her coffee again. She was an extrovert, indeed, but that didn't stop her from thinking deeply and often.
  7. I would, but I have another app that's already final, so this has to stay WiP for a bit.
  8. Eeyup! I'll get started work on this thread soon too! Sorry for the delay, everypony.
  9. Cranky's ears perked up suddenly at the sound of a violent shriek. Pinkie Pie was probably just overreacting and had probably convinced herself that the basement was haunted all on her own. But still, it caught Cranky of-guard and startled him. He felt a chill and shook his head violently. He supposed it was probably a good idea to go check on Pinkie Pie and make sure that she wasn't legitimately hurt. [colour=#696969]"Pinkie? Are you alright?"[/colour] The donkey called, walking surely towards the cellar door.
  10. Roleplay Type: World Of Equestria (Mane RP) Name: Honey Crisp Sex: Female Age: Filly Species: Earth Pony Eye colour: Bright green. Coat: a pale yellow. Mane/Tail: a rich dark brown, usually just brushed and kept loose. Physique: Athletic, muscular, tall and thin. Residence: Appleoosa Occupation: Student/farmer Cutie Mark: She hasn't got one yet! History: Honey Crisp was born on a charming, rustic family farm outside of Canterlot. This farm moved its HQ to charming Appleoosa when Honey's parents were bored of the big city. Honey Crisp spent her foal-time cooking and is currently spending her fillyhood apple-b#cking daily. There are lots of chores to do around the farm, and she goes to school. Honey Crisp is very smart, so school is pretty much a breeze for her. As much as Honey Crisp loves the farm, she doesn't want to live there forever. The young filly adores her big sister Apple Cinnamon (Lux) and misses her dearly while AC travels. Honey Crisp wants to travel and play music with her big sister badly. Honey Crisp has a host of hobbies. She loves singing, and is very good at playing guitar. She loves to play music with her big sister because of the fun, quality time it provides. She also likes to knit, play with makeup, and dance. She badly wants to discover her special talent, but is too well rounded to seek it out specifically. She'd rather let things play out on their own. Character Summary: Honey Crisp cares only for the present and doesn't like thinking about the future too much. She sees planning as pretty unnecessary and loves to go with the flow. A lucky filly, things always seem to work out on their own for her. Honey Crisp is bursting with energy and loves to run, jump, bounce and talk ponies' ears off. Honey Crisp has strong family morals and loves the many members of the apple family with her whole heart. She LIVES for Apple Family Reunions and enjoys any activities with her cousins immensely. She loves to play with everyone and goof off. Honey Crisp craves attention from her family and often doesn't get it, which can be very disheartening. Because of her talents, she'd like to be recognized. Apple Cinnamon gives Honey Crisp a lot of credit, but her family doesn't pay much attention to her. Honey Crisp is often lonely because of this. Honey Crisp adores her parents as well, and gives them all her love. She has a real close friendship with both parents and relies on them constantly. Sometimes Honey Crisp can be clumsy, too energetic, or a real attention hog. She can really overwhelm people with her energy, and although she always has good intentions she can make things awfully frustrating for others. She has a lot of problems with regular conventions, like knowing when it's her turn to speak. Many misinterpret her behavior is rude if they don't know her well, and may avoid her. Honey Crisp has a lot of common sense and is smart as a whip. She can use numbers well and knows a lot about different professions. While she has very little time to read books, she definitely enjoys them on occassion. She's sweet, kind, and adorable. This OC is intended to be the little sister of Lux's character, Apple Cinnamon. I have permission from Lux and we would like to RP together.
  11. I wont delay, though! As soon as I get on my home computer I have some business to care for! I've actually got a rehearsal with my band and a few courses today, though, including tests. So it may not happen until tomorrow.
  13. Hi there. I've been trying to get an app for a character since November. When I checked back for progress today I couldn't find the application anywhere. Has it been deleted? The application name would be (FiM cast) Split Pins [FINAL].
  14. Sounds perfect I'll post soon, guys, sorry for the delay. I still need to make a banner for Heidi. It shouldn't take long, but I've been swamped with **** lately.
  15. There's always room for more requests, just remember that they wont be done right away. AN UPDATE TO EVERYONE: I'm working on your requests currently. Life has been pretty busy lately and making time for QUALITY can be difficult. But hey, that's what I guarantee. Quality. Your requests will be finished, and I'm putting my heart and soul into them!
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zSTDLc-tvo The karaoke for Depeche Mode's "Just Can't Get Enough". My boyfriend and I were singing together for fun
  17. I'm still working, I'm sorry. Life is a bit crazy right now, but it's getting better. I'm working hard on it, don't worry!
  18. I can just see the trailer now... GET READY, BECAUSE THIS MOVIE IS GOING TO MAKE YOU... *pan screen to CGI ponies playing in generic human's apartment* A LITTLE HOARSE. *Shot of generic male lead standing with his arms crossed. A roll of toilet paper flies across the screen. Rainbow Dash makes a bad joke* *WAY TOO CLOSE shot of Rainbow Dash's face. She makes the Dreamworks face* "It's 20% cooler!" BUT CAN THESE PONIES... *Mane 6 posing* HELP THEIR FRIEND *generic brony* FIND LOVE? *generic blonde actress.* *Ponies running across new york* *Nightmare Moon's cutie mark shown on the moon* *Applejack applebucks a tree in central park* *Fluttershy interracting with rodents around the city* *Rarity screaming at some hobo for being a fashion atrocity* *mane six running across NYC* MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MOVIE
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