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Everything posted by Sparkleheart

  1. Huh, I got Luna too. Which I guess ain't a bad fit. Though Derpy would also be an equally good match, I think.
  2. As of 1.3, this is apparently going to include the official client itself. I'm sure there'll be some server option for enabling or disabling individual cheats. Also, currency/trading system with NPCs! Though they don't sell any ores or ingots. Boo.
  3. *Videogames (currently TF2, Diablo 3, Civ 5) *Reading (currently Discworld and The Noble Dead) *Writing *Programming *Miscellaneous creative experiments in Garry's Mod and Illustrator and so on
  4. That's my tactic for playing Wizard starting on Normal. My Luna, that class is squishy.
  5. Sounds like somebody needs a tunnel! Or a flying mod. One or the other. Edit: In reference to Nightfall.
  6. Take pictures and possibly video (depending) and then donate the body TO SCIENCE. Since I'm pretty sure those bags don't have air holes. If it was somehow still alive, nurse it back to health and try to make it as comfortable as possible, then consult with it about what to do next. Since, you know, I figure a being of human-like intelligence should get a say in that.
  7. I think the general idea is that you find a single server (or set of servers) you like and hang out on those. I know there are a few brony servers out there, but I don't really know the names or addresses off the top of my head.
  8. The Halloween items are also active on all servers during a full moon, if I recall correctly.
  9. Does it have a working flying mod too? Since Mine Little Pony is the ONLY mod I can seem to get working consistently.
  10. Let's see... I think I'd actually rather miss meat. Though maybe I could eventually get used to it if the vegetarian stuff is good, which I'd imagine it would *have* to be for a society of herbivores. (But then... Don't they eat hay? Eep.) The lack of human women (or men) wouldn't be an issue for me. I'm generally pretty asexual anyway, and if a relationship *did* happen to come up, I doubt I'd have much problem with them being a pony. Especially if I was myself turned into a pony upon moving to Equestria. Speaking of which, yeah, I imagine things like clothes and furniture and architecture would be an issue if I was still a human. I sure as hell don't have the handyman skills to make everything for myself, and I doubt few ponies would really have a good idea of how to build stuff for me. And if I recall correctly, someone figured out that the female ponies are under 4 feet tall. So yeah, it would pretty much be like squeezing into a Hobbit's house. I think the lack of computers would kinda get to me too. Having all your music and pictures and documents and everything in one spot is way too convenient, plus the ability to do research and contact someone from virtually anywhere. AND I'm a huge videogame geek, AND programming is actually a hobby of mine. Though at the very least, I'd still be able to write, and I could probably rope a few other ponies into campaigns in a DnD clone. One other thing that'd concern me? Cleanliness. Like, the ponies seem to do pretty much everything with their mouths. (Watch the Baby Cakes episode very carefully. Eww.) Are germs something you need to worry about in Equestria? And I'd be worried about tracking stuff all over the carpet if you don't have shoes you can take off when you go inside.
  11. Random thought: Maybe someone who has the Mine Little Pony and some kind of fly mod working, could email folks their minecraft.jar? Mine would be sparkleheartpony@gmail.com by the way. Being an earth pony has certain disadvantages.
  12. Yeah, I deleted that. No idea what else I'd be missing. >.<
  13. Currently reading "Maskerade" by Terry Pratchett. Oh, how I have missed the Discworld series! And (somewhat) recently finished "How To Eat Fried Furries." Which I wouldn't recommend because it reads more like a weekend-long brainstorming session than a finished book, but makes me kinda eager to see what the author does next.
  14. Installed FlyMod (1.2.4 version) by itself, only works in singleplayer. Installed the entire Zombe Mod Pack and enabled only the flying part. Let me toggle flying on and off in singleplayer, but I couldn't raise or lower my elevation no matter what I entered for the keys in the config file. Yeah, I think I'm screwing something up here.
  15. What makes a furry? If you're talking about members of the fandom, the general rule seems to be that if the presence of anthro animals makes you like something at least a *tiny* bit more than you otherwise would, you're probably a furry. If you're talking about anthro characters, basically anything with some level of anthropomorphization (feral body up to the anime-human-with-animal-ears) can be considered furry. Are all furries real animals or creatures from ancient mythology? Nope. Do they ever come up'with their own species? Yep. The most common example being sergals. (Just a little warning: doing a Google image search will get you sergal porn on the first page.) What's so special about their fursona? It's supposed to be more or less a furry version of oneself, I think. You know how some bronies have "ponysonas"? Same idea.
  16. Got a question here. I've installed FlyMod, but it only seems to be working in survival single-player. I can't fly on the server. What all do I need to get it working?
  17. And seriously, make sure we have someone checking on SilverSwirl. Especially if he's onto something with telling changelings apart from real ponies.
  18. Star1228 seems to me to be the one trying to stir up the most paranoia here... Vote: Star1228
  19. Everypony's suspecting EVERYPONY here. ANYWAY, I'm thinking we should have someone checking on SilverSwirl regularly just to be sure he's still there. As for everypony else, we should probably make sure nopony's left completely alone at any point.
  20. I don't think I've ever seen a pony remix that made me *angry* or anything. (Though I'm kinda wondering *why* we need a Pony kart...) And I can't imagine any remixes that would do so. I mean, it's just stuff being ponified. So what?
  21. Yeah, I don't think we really have enough evidence of anything right now... Vote: No vote.
  22. I think Silver just explained. The more freaked out we are, the harder it'll be for us all to look at things rationally and figure out what's going on. Now. Does anypony know of any *reliable* tests to separate changelings from normal ponies?
  23. EVERYPONY CHILL THE BUCK OUT! Frenzied paranoia isn't going to help right now. We need some sort of plan here.
  24. Could also be that it would make more sense for Celestia's niece to also be an alicorn. *shrug*
  25. I've used "Oh dear Luna!" and the like on occasion. It really seems to be the only one that fits in anything outside of a pony site.
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