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Doc Hoof MD

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Everything posted by Doc Hoof MD

  1. Did not see a thread on this yet soo........ Title says it all. My name on there is Vindicus. code: 135. Always down to play
  2. Trixie may have the best color scheme in the show but Rarity is....well Rarity.
  3. That is a MASSIVE undertaking. Good luck to you! I think fast travel and an income based money system would be a neat idea.
  4. Spongebob's true purpose? I do not really care much about it. I just don't like when my fanfics get hate because I make her straight or how most of the pics of RD I see are about this topic. It is fine a long as people don't claim that it is cannon. Spongebobs true purpose... I will explain it as bluntly as possible. Spongebob and Patrick were originally designed to be gay. That really would not surprise me. Is that totally official? I have no problem with that. They are still 2 of my favorite chars of all time
  5. It may be super tryhard but I think the cities need longer descriptions. Even maybe maps of the individual cities. I have also noticed that OOC chatter seems underused. We shall see how things go as we get new members and once the gala ends. Great idea though.
  6. Spongebob's true purpose? I do not really care much about it. I just don't like when my fanfics get hate because I make her straight or how most of the pics of RD I see are about this topic. It is fine a long as people don't claim that it is cannon.
  7. I find Painted's lack of faith disturbing....... I loved airplane. The cover made it look just awful. I learned a lesson the day i watched it.
  8. This just made my afternoon that much better. Idk if this is weird enough but I got lost in a forest in northern Montana when i was 6. I was hiking with my parents, my brother and our cousins.They sped ahead and I wanted to be just as cool as them so I ran way ahead too.........in the wrong direction. I hit a river and just kinda sat there and watched the water flow by. Oddly enough I wasn't really scared. I was just fascinated by the silence and beauty. I heard my brother call out my name after about an hour and 45 mins of just sitting there. I loved that experience. Kinda the inspiration for my first OC pony. I was really sad that the fire burned through there a few months later. I took me a few years to find out how much danger I was really in.
  9. WUT That's ok we forgive you @Tales Have you been waiting to use that one or did you just find it on the spot?
  10. No love for Miss Rarity?!? It's ok though because she forgives you
  11. Hey there welcome aboard! Enjoy your stay
  12. Star Wars. When I was 3 my brother made me watch every episode of the original trilogy until I could name off every character. It took my forever to stop saying "Dark Vador". Disney movies did not really have the magic effect on me because of this. Lion King and Toy Story are still my favorite kids' movies. Land Before Time was pretty good too.
  13. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fun one! Yes do this.
  14. Hello there and welcome aboard! There are many fun times to be had here so enjoy your stay! There has to be more to you than that
  15. DL6 Cervantes is mine. All I have been playing lately is Mortal Kombat but I am willing to throw CoD or Halo in for the lolz. Just send me a message telling me who you are. I'm always up for a game! :ugeek:
  16. This board is full of some of the kindest souls on teh interwebz. Making friends here won't be too hard! If you need someone to talk to me and the others are here for yah! *brohoof*
  17. Hello and welcome aboard! There are many fun times to be had here so enjoy your stay!
  18. Hello there! Welcome aboard! There are many friends to be made here so enjoy your stay!
  19. I do plan on filling this out as soon as I can. This has been a very busy week for me because it is the second to last week of school. It should be filled out by Monday though. Thanks!
  20. Books: I do not have time to read much anymore. I do read game novels every now and then. Music: 3 Doors Down (most of my friends are into hardcore) TV: I still catch Avatar: The Last Airbender every now and then. Movies:Watchmen, Starship Troopers, LotR FiM is still a guilty pleasure for me. I have only told a couple friends at the risk of having all of my man cards taken away.
  21. Hello there. Welcome aboard! Enjoy your stay
  22. Dear Mr. A##hole I woke up a few days back to find out that you decided to run off with my bike and my 200$ custom made 25 gallon cage. My snake lived in that cage. I am sour about the bike but I am even more pissed off about the cage. I decide to clean it and let it air dry in the desert heat out here thinking that my own porch was nice and secure. Way to prove me wrong. Now my snake has to live in a plastic tub till I can afford a new cage. Why dude? Why? Why couldn't you just go next door and take my dick of a neighbor's radio and lawnmower? The worst part about it is that you probably live in the same gated complex. You are a real POS you know that? -The Doctor I can not stand people who steal. Especially from a yard or porch.
  23. Happy Birthday Skye! I hope you have/had a great one! Stay away from the cup cakes.
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