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Doc Hoof MD

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Status Updates posted by Doc Hoof MD

  1. Am I missing something today? There's hardly anyone out and about.

    1. Ciraxis


      I would blame Legacy of the Void and Fallout for that.

    2. Doc Hoof MD

      Doc Hoof MD

      That's right, those are both out today. There goes my productivity for the week.

  2. It's nice to see this place still running strong. Summer is right around the corner!

  3. Been a brony for 2 years now. Oh what a fun run it's been.

  4. What a fantastic game!

  5. The Ravens are gonna fly!!!!!! AFC Championship, here they come!

  6. Got knocked on my flank by a cold. What a way to begin the new year.

    1. StarStorm


      So sorry to hear that Doc!!

  7. Christmas shopping is done! Now I still have to bake cookies..... *Sigh*

  8. All my work paid off! I got free tickets to a Chargers home game!

  9. So Uncle Doc gets to babysit kids in a small apartment for a few days. What can go wrong? *hides expensive fragile stuff*

  10. My "To do" list is completely empty. I don't like this.

  11. 50 bananas later...... What am I going to do with all this bread?

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      So you like mmmm bananas?

  12. The Chargers did it again!

  13. It should be set to “W” for wumbo.

  14. Comic-Con was great. Can't wait for next year.

  15. Preview night was fun. Going to buy Derpy tomorrow. I saw it on display and it looks pretty good. Shame the massive Pinkie statue isn't for sale XD

  16. I miss this board. I hope I can be active again soon.

  17. And so begins another summer without any new episodes. I still don't know how I managed to survive last time. =D

  18. So I finally decided to give Minecraft a go. Where have the last 4 days gone?

  19. Finally, more time for ponies!

  20. Been a member for a whole year now. No time was wasted ;D

    1. AppleNitrox


      Nice :D soon I will be too member for a whole year! :D

  21. 1 week left after this! Then I get 3 months of sweet freedom!

    1. tyler008bon


      Lucky, I have six weeks!

  22. Go, Squirtle, go! Win IPL4!

  23. I have been a brony for a year now. It has been a wild ride.

  24. I am back and I am ready to RP!

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