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Everything posted by tyler008bon

  1. Where is the tea tray D:<
  2. Phew. Fluttershy thought as she heard Twilight and Applejack's reassuring voices. It was good to know that her friends were still safe. She had almost made it to the basement when she met the gaze of Her. Nightmare Moon was in Fluttershy's basement. Her sanctuary from all that was dark and scary was now being defiled by one of the most evil creatures alive. Granted, she did look like Luna, but what if it was just one of her illusion spells to trick the others? Fluttershy did the only thing she could do. She hid. "Go away!" She yelled from under the pile of food remains in the deepest voice she could muster, "Fluttershy is... um... Sick! No one is allowed inside!"
  3. ((This would be a day and a half after Wilden and Draco met the Pegasi)) Longclaw and his brothers led the small army to the outskirts of Manhattan, far enough away to be hidden from the (few) sentries, but close enough to see the city. Even in the beginning of the night, the city was filled with noise, being loud enough for some wolves to shift uncomfortably in reaction. Though it was a challenge, nearly every wolf was as still as stone; no passing citizens or soldiers would look twice at them, which was extremely useful considering the number of travelers on the road. When the moon was at its highest, they charged in silence. The only howl heard was the first, the signal to attack. Longclaw was to lead a small group through the sewers and into the city to open the gates. He was down there for almost four seconds before wanting to chuck up the rabbit he caught earlier. Luckily the dumping site they entered from was extremely close to the city walls, so their trip through a very smelly hell was short. Covered with feces and other disgusting things leeching onto his fur, Longclaw opened the gate, allowing the wolves inside. He didn't need to get his paws covered in pony blood, the few soldiers that remained at their posts after the army was spotted were cut apart immediately by the wolves that went with Longclaw through the sewer. The inner gates had been sealed, it seemed, but the largest part of the city belonged to the wolves.
  4. What chapter? And angie, what triggers the motion sickness?
  5. A toaster with a keyboard and mouse could handle it on low settings, mine can.
  6. Left for dead, a gory game about a zombie infection, can't possibly make anyone sick
  7. ((Well, the two battled involve me and cress or Dunder and cress, and it'll still be a little while before I get home.))
  8. Hello little pegly! Who here has pc Left 4 dead?
  9. Judging from several users, it looks like (if there is a limit at all) the limit is a fairly high number. You do have a limited number of unfinished apps, though.
  10. Never play binding. Heard it was difficult. Last difficult game i played was Dark Souls... Also, who is currently on a non-permanent school break?
  11. Can Valve please just reveal a near finished Half Life 3?
  12. ((Crescent, I won't be near a computer until late tommorow, so feel free to post the part I messaged to you if you want the story to continue))
  13. Because ponies and The song at the front page needed to be mixed together.
  14. So after a while I decided to write this and ask for reactions. Feel free ignore it if you don't want to read.
  15. Actually, I now hope that Lyra and Bon-Bon make it to the end together.
  16. Fools! Lyra shall win! Also, where the buck is Cheerilee?
  17. *Grins* Did I not tell you? This is a happy tale!
  18. Once upon a time...Darkness covered the earth.
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