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Everything posted by fireraven23

  1. You don't drink the chocolate milk, you eat the glass and throw away the milk. By the way, welcome! I have trouble with titles too XD
  2. It's not weird that Mortal Kombat taught me that, right? As in, the Raiden thing.
  3. Balance was trying to focus on ways to take down the android, or ways to distract him while the elements ran, but he kept thinking of the same thought over and over. Somepony being injured and needing help, or something like that. He wasn't sure what to do at the time, he couldn't really help him while he was trapped, and if he attempted any spell to get his attention, it would end in him being shot. He hoped the other ponies would remember this message after the android pony was defeated.
  4. fireraven23


    Perhaps it means she's skilled in magic. Either way, it's the best adult Dinky I've seen! Of course, I haven't seen that many adult Dinky's, but this is still the best!
  5. Congratulations! Thousands of brohooves to you! Hope it's worth it!
  6. Best female Big Mac. I'll call her Macaroni!
  7. Darn, foiled again! And in case you guys haven't noticed, it was moved to 18+.
  8. While Fireheart was distracting the android, Balance was slowly walking backwards towards the elements and Nemesis. Once he was close enough, he whispered to them. "Nemesis, take the elements and run. I'll hold him off as long as I can, just find a place to hide until this thing is taken care of."
  9. They don't seem to like anything, so I'll say no.
  10. "Okay, I won't be touching his books then." Balance told Wildfire with a slight amount of fear in it. "We were told not to move, sorry. I need to protect the elements, and that involves not moving so this pony won't shoot me." Balance stood in place, in slight fear of Fireheart destroying the pony. First he'll destroy him... Then he'll destroy me! OH CELESTIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Shut up.
  11. Yay! I dibs first post on it! In fact, I think I'll post on it now!
  12. I'll be Thyme with Sugar then! And 18+ will give us more freedom, but I have no clue how to move it there. And Grey, if you use Hotshot, I might bring in Pawn. I might even bring him into the original Grey Area, but I'll think about that on a different OOC.
  13. ? I have to keep a question mark on copy because my keyboard sucks, and my question mark doesn't work. My 'z' rarely works, and sometimes it will glitch out and fail, but I use a question mark most of the time, so that's why I keep it on copy.
  14. WOOHOO! Can't wait! Yeah, I imagined that it would start on the boat at the coastline.
  15. Yeah Grey, that picture was awesome!
  16. I decided to make Sugar at first like Fluttershy, being afraid of everything, but then turns into a mixture of Rarity and Opalescence, where she likes to keep things clean, and she judges the food that Thyme makes. If we make the Mareibean thing, then I plan on making Sugar able to detect poison, so she can have a good use.
  17. Then I suggest that Bluemage gets Easy to coax Chrysalis out of her room for a meal. Of course, I don't think he's on yet, so we'll wait 'till tomorrow. Or at least I will. Edit: Wait, was it Cloud that befriended Chrysalis? I don't remember.
  18. We need Brony artists, perhaps Mauroz, he is excellent, and a brony musician, maybe Living Tombstone, Saberspark sounds cool, though I honestly find Dusty Katt boring, but he could work well. No idea who Paleo Steno or Jax Blade is, and I know nothing of Seitheisto. I can't think of any other bronies, unfortunately, so you guys can argue about anything, but I say Mauroz, Living Tombstone, Saberspark and Dusty.
  19. You'll probably want to go to the dining area, so you can RP with everypony.
  20. Yeah, there's a thread called 'Party a the Grey Area'.
  21. Yeah, I think it would take place after Party at the Grey Area, where everypony is friends with Chrissy.
  22. Balance turned instantly as the android pony entered the room. He knew not to talk, but was looking around for anything to do, though found nothing very obvious to do. He hoped Wildfire had some crazy traps planted around that she could use. He made a quick look at Fluttershy, who was thankfully near Nemesis, so she could be protected. He knew to stay put and shut up, though prepared to jump out of the way at any moment.
  23. "Me? Oh, no, these books look, OUCH!" Balance yelled, suddenly grabbing his head. What was that for?! And how did you do that?! First, you'd look strange if you were looking at books like that, and said 'no those books look boring' and second, I'm in your brain, I can do what I want. "I mean, yes, I absoulutely..." I can't lie to her! She saved us! Then make an excuse! "I mean...I like good books." Balance said, finally settling on something. It wasn't a lie, he did like good books, but those books didn't look good. He backed away from the shelves, remembering Wildfire's suggestion.
  24. Balance and Fluttershy entered the portal. Balance was amazed by the large array of ancient looking books. Or at least, half of him was. Wow! You know how much history must be in these? I'm in heaven! Meh. They look pretty boring to me. Boring?! There is nothing boring about history! There is everything boring about history. I don't know how you can stand this. We WILL read, if we have free time. At least one book! Okay, fine, if it will shut you up. While Balance was looking at the shelves, Fluttershy saw Rarity, though didn't see the robot. She ran up quickly. "Rarity! I'm so sorry we missed our weekly get togethers! I was about to go, then some strange pony entered my house! I was so scared! Then I heard about Discord and-" She then saw the robot, and instantly shut her mouth. Oh, so she talks to her, but us? No, we're too big and scary to talk to her. She's worried about missing some weekly get together? She needs to sort out her priorities.
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