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Everything posted by fireraven23

  1. "Type 1000 mega bomb?! Are you sure that crevice is big enough to hold that?" The way Wildfire described the bomb, it did sound the the megaspell, from a book he read when he was younger about Equestria in a nuclear fallout. Balance heard a noise come from the crevice, which then caved in. He nervously walked towards the castle, and Fluttershy eventually came out from her bush, following the group in fear.
  2. "A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-A BOMB?!" Balance yelled, starting to panic. Calm down! WE'RE ABOUT TO EXPLODE! HOW CAN I CALM DOWN! Pull the stupid bomb off, that's how. F-f-fine... Balance approached the bomb fearfully, and used his horn to pull it off. It beeped again, and he flinched, sending it flying down to the river they just crossed. "Okay, I think we're fine... We're fine, right? It's not a megaspell, right? Please say it's not..."
  3. Oh yeah, Bluemage made me have an idea for an RP. Not sure of a name, but basically, Gumbo and Mojo are returning to the Mareibean to help with some problem, and the rest of the residence decide to travel with him to see the place. There appears to be lots that we can do, since it's a dangerous area, with lots of creature, and tons of odd culture, so it could be interesting. What do you think?
  4. I just noticed, the section for OOC discussions is actually called OCC Discussion XD I don't know why I find that so funny.
  5. Everypony, rememer the Gabby Gums episode? You know, 'Great and Powerful Trixie: Secrets Revealed'? I'm pretty sure, with that, as well as her being in the background of a few shots, we can confirm that she is still in Ponyville at times, since I doubt any of the CMC would be allowed to travel to random areas to interview a magician. That probably means Ponyville has either forgotten, or doesn't care about the whole Trixie issue, and has forgiven her. A revenge episode makes more sense.
  6. WOOHOO! Trixie AND Octavia in season 3?! I know I shouldn't get my hopes up over some huge episode about them, but I'm SO EXCITED! Perhaps Twi and Trix will have an 'Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better' battle, like I thought would happen the first time. Once again, I won't get my hopes up over it. And an Octavia duet would be GOLD, I love Rarity's singing voice, and the cello is my favorite stringed instrument, so if it does happen, the song should be AWESOME! Moreso than the songs in the show are already.
  7. I can't wait for Black and White 2! Well, I guess I can wait, or the translation will suck. Wait, it's not out yet, right? 'Cause if it is, I dont know what I'm doing on the computer right now.
  8. Pawn stepped into the open test chamber, and was greeted with bullet almost hitting his hoof. He immediately stepped back. "May I borrow that for a minute?" He took the portal gun, and shot a blue one on the roof. He quickly ran out the door, and shot one under the turret, though a bullet did hit his hoof. "Okay... You'll have to help me across this time..." He tried to stand up, put couldn't put wait on the hoof that was injured.
  9. After crossing the bridge, Balance saw somepony fly to the castle. Not just a regular pegasus flight, it looked like when he first saw Nemesis. He wasn't sure to trust this. "Hey Wild, do you think that was Nemesis or that evil robot-pony thing from before?" He then thought he heard a beeping nearby. Fluttershy squealed and hid in a bush. "Wild, shut off your... Whatever that is."
  10. XD I remember us discussing that cult. I'm still the public representative!
  11. Welcome to Canterlot! Have lots of fun, and try the cupcakes, they're to die for
  12. "R-right." Balance responded to Wildfire, though still slightly worried about Amber. He marched along with Wild, trying to ignore his aching muscles, and eventually the castle came into view. "Oh thank Celestia!" Balance yelled. "Woops..." He realised he should be quieter, so the robot wouldn't know where they are. Fluttershy trotted with them, keeping aware of her surrounding, scared of every slight movements in the trees. She saw the large castle, towering over them. She remembered the old bridge that Rainbow Dash fixed, still slightly scared of it falling. She decided to fly above the ponies, in case it did fall.
  13. Balance stood up, stretching out his acheing muscles. "Okay, I'll go. Are we at least close to the castle?" He looked back. The pony didn't seem too close. He then remembered that Amber and Nemisis were also escorting different elements. "Did you sent people for Amber and Nemesis? I know Nemesis can take care of himself, and much more, but if Amber loses her new wand, she's dead."
  14. Balance was a good distance ahead, and no longer heard the sounds from the robot. He fell over from exhaustion, and dropped Fluttershy. Then, the new pony flew up to them. "Yes... I'd like to... Know who... You are..." He said between puffs of air. Fluttershy tried to help Balance, who she was beginning to trust. She wished she could do something to help him, but had nothing with her. She felt bad for leaving without bringing extra things. She was about to say something, when the pony who was fighting the robot flew up to them. She believed she could trust this pony, who was defending her. She asked her about Angel. She was surprised that the pony knew about Angel. She dug into the ground with one of her hooves. "A-Angels fine..." That was a lie, however, because Angel turned into a whole other strange creature, who ran off from Fluttershy's house, so she had no idea what was happening with Angel. The thought of Angel brung a tear to her eye.
  15. Balance raised an eyebrow at the situation. Not that he didn't trust the pony, she seemed very honest but... What's with the accent? We're not in New Braunfols. He ignored that for the moment, and ran off, still levitating a very scared Fluttershy, who didn't seem to notice the new pony. He found the trail again, and started galloping down the road towards the castle. I hope that pony is fine. She seems strong, that accent only makes me more confident of that. She's probably fine.
  16. Balance and Fluttershy both heard the voice. Please. How stupid does that robot think we are? "A-Applejack? Is that you?" No! You stupid pony! Shut up! Balance's thoughts, no matter how loud he thought them, could not reach Fluttershy, who came out from behind the tree. "You sound different Apple-" Fluttershy saw the robot, and gave off a scream, as she started frose in place. Balance came out from behind his tree, and tackled her into a bush. He grabbed her telekinetically, and started running, though he is slow, even without having to hold a pony with him.
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