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Everything posted by CloudShimmers

  1. Cloud followed Mackell into the kitchen, and smiled. "She'll be okay in a little." He wrapped his arms around Mackell. "How are you doing?"
  2. Cloud walked in and sat next to Rhapsody, "come one Rhapsody, you can tell us..." He pulled he pulled her into a hug, "Why don't you want to let us know?
  3. Cloud was in fact surprised happily, "Does pasta sound good to you?" He called up the stairs before reverting his attention to Mackell. "Hiya sweetie, how are you?" He nuzzled the top of his head.
  4. its up you guys!!! http://www.canterlot.com/topic/12091-a-canterlot-neighborhood-apply-in-ooc/
  5. You've Just moved into a new home in this Canterlot Neighborhood. Sure it seems lovely on the outside... but there are gossips, cheaters and other roughians around every corner: So who will you be? Cloud Mackell and Rhapsody's house:(use this to tell us where you are!) Cloud finished unpacking the last box, after wiping a little sweat from his forehead, he went into the living room. "Rhapsody, Mackell? Where are you two?" He called out. He looked into the backyard which was occupied by a pool as well as a hottub, like most of the surrounding houses. It was big alright, it had enough rooms for them, as well as a few extra rooms. One of the rooms was filled with a tv and a few game systems. It had three large recliners in it, so the three of them could all enjoy some time together. Of course, there was enoguh room for the other two to have there own rooms in addition to the bedrooms. "Hey, let's talk about dinner, I'm starving." He called out again
  6. Name: Cloud Shimmers Gender: I am a boy! Race: Wings FTW Brief History: Cloud grew up a bit of a troubled kid. He was always a little depressed and never truly happy with his girlfriends. But then he met Mackell, the first "boy" to ever peak his interests. He's been in love with Mackell since (lets assume) High School and he hopes Mackell is happy with him. His hapiness grew when his sister wanted to help them pay for a house in Canterlot, and move in with them! Looks: Normal weight, kinda strong, two cute cobalt blue wings, and my adorable ears that "someone" likes to play with. I'm 6'2. My hair is blonde and usually messy, and my eyes are Viridian! I have kinda pale skin, I guess I should stop sleeping so late Cutie Mark: A neon blue Lightning bolt emerging from a dark cloud. Like most pegasi, Cloud loves to fly; but it represents more than that. His cutie mark, to him, represents his bravery. He flew out into a storm to save a filly, and in the process was struck by lightning. When he awoke a few days later, he had his cutie mark! Personality: Cloud always tries to be kind, and usually is. He's very loyal, and will always do his best to help his friends. He loves his sister and his boyfriend and will always put there needs in front of his own. Likes and dislikes: Cloud's favorite food (as a human) is FishFingers and lemon custard. He loves hugs and they will always cheer him up. He doesn't like people who judge eachother before getting to know them. Honesty is the best policy. Character flaws: I want to please everybody, plain and simple, and I hate asking for help... Family: My super cute boyfriend and my wonderful sister are living with me<3 (my App occupies the hidden tenth space!)
  7. Deadpool: I really just don't see this happening right now, sorry. Dashie: Approved, welcome Rainbow Danger Dash
  8. Deadpool; well I'm not sure how I feel about that app, it wasn't straight foreward.... For now I'm going to say no, because I want to keep the neigborhood a c4 free zone. Rhapsody: I'm glad to have you here sis! Approved Fermatta; you get to live your dream! Approved
  9. I was planning o.starting with 3 so I'll have it up today! Hmm I don't see a problem with it, Nova! However I'd only like one app per person...
  10. First off, This will be Humanized! That means: Humans with Ears, wings, and horns! http://www.canterlot.com/topic/12091-a-canterlot-neighborhood-apply-in-ooc/ here it is!!! Foreward: "Welcome to your new home!" A real estate pony said to you one afternoon. THe house was perfect and it felt so homey! So now, a few weeks later you're all moved in to this lovely Canterlot Neighborhood. In this lovely RP, you'll be playing you're character in a Neighborhhood trifiled with Gosspis, Cheaters, and whatever you want yours to be! Now, there are a few rules, so listen up; 1. If you play as a foal you must have parents. 2. Romance; I'm fairly carefree when it comes to this, but no "Graphic scenes". Kissing is permitted but what happens in a bedroom, stays in the bedroom. (unless your a cheeky gossip, but use innuendos). Filly Fooling and Colt cuddling are totally acceptable! 3. If you and a friend (or significant other) have OC's who are a couple, then feel free to be a couple here! Move in with your love, have little squables (or big fights), raise a family even! 4. Have FUN! However you want to have fun, (as long as it doesnt hurt the rules) go for it! Create Drama, start a Feud with a neighbor, steal a neighbors filly/coltfriend, (But plan it out with those people first) Applications! Courtesy of the lovely StarStorm; Name: (..You HAVE a name, don't you?!) Gender: (In those oh so famous words spoken by Professor Oak... Are you a boy or a girl?) Race:(Wings? Horn?) Brief History: (Where are you from? Have you had a good life so far?... What happened to your character for him/her to get to where they are today?) Looks: (Whatcha look like?) Cutie Mark: (If any.. Also a story of how your character got it would be rocking =D) Personality: (How do you act? Are you a passive little bugger who wouldn't speak out much if they didn't like how things were going, or do you have a rebellious little soul who would spark the fires in others hearts, along with a burning need to take down the current pony in authority?) Likes and dislikes: (What does your pony like or not like to do, eat, throw, strum, whatever! Is he the kind who would build shelter? Could she handle hunting with *dun dun dun* SHARPENED STICKS?! Does your character have a heart for adventure and exploring the giant, scary cave not far from his shelter?) Character flaws: (They can be interesting! Every single pony in the mane six has them!) Family: (Do you have any other player or non player characters living in your house? Are you somebody's jobless second cousin who's just bumming off of them until you can find a job? Are you living with you bbbff?) Random fact: (Did you once wrestle a bear? Can you make 10 minute brownies in only 8 minutes? This stuff is important!) I'm only taking nine apps at first!!!!! 6/9 reserved
  11. No problem, hope your doing well ^^

  12. Oh wow, I didn't expect to get people to want to do this, first off thank you both so much!!! Secondly I have some pictures of them http://cloudshimmers.tumblr.com/ They're both there, just the generic pony creation type. Um.... we have the same birthday.... this is GREAT! Anyway, thank you both so much, LM I was afraid to ask since I know how busy you are!
  13. Cloud, went over to the wheel,[colour=#008080] "then we set for the skies!" [/colour]He declared heroicly. He looked down at Harla, and could see she was upset. He quickly thought of something to cheer her up. Cloud went over to her and whispered, [colour=#008080]"Have you ever flown an airship before?"[/colour]
  14. This is a rather special request; My birthday is in the end of November, and for it I didn't ask for much. (honestly like three things) but something I would love is an avatar photo featuring my two OCs; Cloud Shimmers and Lightning Chaser. They both mean a lot to me; Cloud is the sadder half of my emotions, of course he gets happier from time to time, but never truly is. Lightning is my fun and goofy half, she's crazy and into some crazy stuff, she's also incredibly brave and has a short temper. What I would like, in a picture of them, is half of each ones face being separated by a Neon Blue lightning bolt. They actually both have the bolt on there Cutie marks. Cloud's being a dark cloud being struck by it, and Lightning's is the bolt emerging from a sword handle. If you would be so kind to do this then please PM me, and I'll be sure to give you a pic of them. Thank you so much!
  15. Well, I'm voting for Red Hoof Redemption, since I'm definately not you incredibly cool and handsome friend.
  16. [colour=#FF0000]"Oh, hello Captain Quinn,"[/colour] Lightning says gracefully. [colour=#FF0000]"And how long will you be staying with us this time?"[/colour] Cloud groggily awoke and stumbled outside, covering his eyes. Still half-asleep, he pulled Harla and Lightning into a hug. "Oh, we're a big happy family now." He teased. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and looked to his first mate, "Whatcha got for me today Lightning?" The first mate sighed, [colour=#FF0000]"While you two were exploring each other I managed to find a map to Captain Morgrain's (see what I did there?) treasure!"[/colour]
  17. The hustle and bustle of Cloud's crew in town would've struck any pony as odd. They had found a rumour that excited them Cloud's first mate, Lightning, was leading her foolhardy ship mates back to the storm. In all honesty she loved them like a family, and Cloud like a brother. She was the serving wench on the ship Cloud had mutinied. She hated how every stallion would try to get in her pants, but Cloud didn't. He had used manners and treated her as an equal. Lightning arrived back at the ship, the loud crew would wake anypony.
  18. Wait its happening today? OH MY GOSH congradulations! I hope you two have a wonderful life together (PS hugs help release your emotions in a calm way. So you should give everyone you see a hug )
  19. Just post game music that you've remembered time and time again! I'll start!
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