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Everything posted by CloudShimmers

  1. "Okay, then." Cloud sighed, "It looks like this is too big for any ONE of us to handle, but if we work together, then I'm sure we can get to the bottom of this. Right?" He smiled warmly at Nightshade.
  2. "Don't worry so much." Cloud nuzzled Marshie. "I've got you, and so does Sour." He smiled and spread his wings.
  3. Cloud smiled, "Not as much as I like but I try and visit her whenever I can."
  4. Cloud rubbed his head, "You're right, I've been all over and I've never even heard of this guy." Cloud's expression turned serious, "How can something as surprising as a 'new' form of magic escape the eyes and ears of Equestria?" He flew a little closer, "Look, I think we should stick together. I mean, we're the only ones who can see how weird this is, and I don't think either of us would be too safe on our own."
  5. Cloud head the words being spoken by the alicorn, he had a bad feeling about this 'new magic'. He looked around in the sky and saw and saw a mare looking around, the only one besides him who wasn't rushing to see this 'amazing act'. He flew up to her. "Excuse me," He said politely, "My name's Cloud and I was just wondering; d-do you get a bad vibe from all of this?"
  6. "My Sister lives in Canterlot," Cloud smiled at Marshie, "She's all I have left really, our parents died when we were really young and I took care of her when we were kids."
  7. I would very much like to be the element of Loyalty! I'll be playing as my normal OC Cloud. and if its not to much trouble; could I have a sniper rifle? :3
  8. "Uh, sorry." Cloud finished spacing out at Derpy, "I'm Cloud, and I guess you could say I'm an adventurer."
  9. "Easily," Cloud smiled, "I once had to carry two ponies from a second story window, I'm sure you'll be no problem." He rubbed the back of his head.
  10. "Hiya Thyme!" Cloud said and then laughed stupidly, "This party is soooo awesome!" He tried to fly around the room but fell instead, "Who put the ground here?"
  11. (Thank you) Cloud smiled, "You know, with us being pegasi we could fly there, I would be happy to carry you." He smiled at Marshie.
  12. Cloud dropped the cup of drink on the ground, it was now bone dry. "Y-you know," He slurred, "People tell me I have NOOO tolerance for drinking, and and, I just can't shee it." He laughed.
  13. Cloud smiles, "I've found it haven't I?" He looked at the Doctor, "And I've found you too." He starts hopping around in excitement, "Ever since I picked up a history book, I've been looking for the blue box and the colt who owns it." He stopped, "But more importantly," He looks at Derpy, "I've been looking for you, in the books it always mentioned his companions and now I'm meeting you!"
  14. Cloud went over and got something to drink, "Might as well have some fun." He rejoined the others.
  15. ((hey, you're back)) Cloud walks up to the filly, "there's a huge party about to start. its for all tenants and employees and being DJ'd by the one and only Vinyl Scratch. You should probably wait in line if you want to gush over how awesome she is." Cloud laughed.
  16. "Apparently I'm the only one who can hold there own against the powers of a celebrity." Cloud rolled his eyes.
  17. As far as I can tell, we're all pretty young to be working at a high class establishment. Young ponies have tendencies to do stupid things
  18. "I never said anything about the 'worst', I'm sure you've experienced plenty of 'worsts'. "Cloud smiled as he went over to Thyme, "Hey Thyme, What's up with you?" He asked with a smile.
  19. I have to warn you all: Cloud has 0% alcohol tolerance... so that may be a problem as the night continues
  20. Cloud was starstruck when the DJ entered, and after seeing Clear freak out at her he approached her cautiously, "H-hey Vinyl, wow I can't believe you're DJing our party. Anyway, I'll let you get back to Clear's... fangasm."
  21. Cloud walked in, "I heard the word 'drinks' and figured the rest out." He stood by his friends, "Thanks boss!"
  22. Cloud shook his head, "I sort of don't 'live' anywhere. I travel all over, its hard sometimes but I get too meet a lot of different ponies." Cloud smiled, "I actually write about all of things I see, sort of a travellers guide that I hope to get published. If I ever need quills, or sofas, I'll come see you write away."
  23. I can only draw ponies in an anime style
  24. nope, the site went down for me too
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