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Everything posted by Kryptchild

  1. The first one that comes to mind would be this thread title actually! XD "Wait, what?...Ooooh!" As for in the show, hmmm. I think the first 'duh' moment would be in Boast Busters when Trixie is telling her story. I SWEAR I thought she said 'Huffington' for like, months. Then I noticed all the pony city names and went back and realized she said "Hoofington" instead. I laughed at my sillyness.
  2. Oh god I'm so late to the thread I'm sorry! It's GREAT to have another serviceman with us here in Canterlot! That's some pretty heavy stuff, and I love how despite all the hard times people go through... the show ACTUALLY does help! It really turned me around, though my issues were more internal and less serious than yours. And roleplaying online at age 10? Granted it WAS neopets that's still pretty impressive! I hope you have a lot of fun here in Canterlot! I've never actually gone to the roleplay section myself, I tend to hang out in the chit chat and creativity sections. I may see you there someday though!
  3. Hes showing some late stage symptoms pretty earily in the infection though! Joining a Role Play forum usually isn't until at LEAST stage four. Has he started drawing ponies or made a Tumblr yet? How many Megabites of pony music does he have?
  4. >_> it's not a shadow, it's spray paint. The shadow is the poorly drawn dark stuff under and behind Kryptfoal. 'Tagging' is a graffiti term for putting your signature along with art on a wall.
  5. The budget issue is the big issue. Though honestly if they make a movie, I hope they stick to their guns and gear it towards the kids like they have so far. The references and visual gags are fine and dandy, but it's not what started the massive following and kept it strong. Keep it pure, keep it positive and whimsical, and aim for the target demographic. I honestly think they'd LOSE bronies if they started overtly aiming for them. Shoutouts are nice, but it's not the cake. We didn't see the Power Puff Girls movie until PPG had been on TV for about 4 years. Granted movies are easier to make now, and there's a new following behind MLP. It's a tricky subject, and one that I'm POSITIVE has been bouncing around the board of directors over at Hasbro for quite some time. There's no way they wouldn't talk about this!
  6. OMG this actually happened to me once! I was with my friend from class and we had just taken our pathology final. We were having lunch and we noticed a girl at another table was looking pale/yellow and her eyes were yellowish. So my friend slipped into the booth across from her and said. "Hey I just met you, and this is crazy. But your livers failing, call a doctor maybe?" Based on what my friend told me a few days later, the girls liver was shot due to pesticide exposure or something.
  7. Does this fire do damage? I can see that really messing with scouts and spies.
  8. I still don't quite understand the mechanic behind the Heatmaker. Is it a heavy flamethrower? Does it shoot incindiary rounds? Or does it have a PBAOE (point blank area of effect) fire effect? Also tots added.
  9. H.P. Lovecraft will forever by my literature soul mate. The case of Charles Dexter Ward is and always will be my favorite story.
  10. Thanks! I wish I could be as cool as Kryptfoal sometimes :< I'm such a dork.
  11. The way I see it, it de-upgrades buidlings, and eventually deconstructs them. It's a VERY trolly weapon if you ask me... I might have to start playing Spy more
  12. Welcome! Wait, Rose has a hitpony? FFFFFFFF-abulous! I have a sudden mysterious urge to draw all of Rose's characters.
  13. From the album: OC/Avatars

    They hatin' I made a desktop background version without foreground Kryptfoal. You can find it on my mod blog if anyone wants it.
  14. Kryptchild


    This is a thread for Phobias! We post our own, sympathize with folks with similar fears, offer support for folks who suffer some of the really debilitating phobias, discuss our thoughts on why we have certain fears, and maybe even come up with ideas to help each other deal with those fears! My two phobias are Mascots and Dolls. Thankfully it's not a debilitating fear so long as I avoid Disney world or antique malls. I might also be afraid of riding in cars, but it doesn't stop me.
  15. Powerpuff Girls and Sailor moon dominated my childhood. I threw a fit when I had to miss an episode of Sailor Moon, and when toonami stopped airing it I went complete ape$#!%. I wish I had the free time to just sit down and re-watch Sailor Moon. I can hardly remember anything from that show now!
  16. Welcome to Canterlot! To make yourself an album, go up to your user name at the top right of the screen and click the tiny triangle. A little drop down window should come up. Go to 'My Gallery' at the bottom left of the menue. From there you should it says 'ShadowScreen's albums' towards the right. Their SHOULD be a button to make a new album there. If you still need help, drop me a PM or visit the Questions & Suggestions page!
  17. I'll be considerably less butthurt over this, though I'm still not touching it until it's officially released.
  18. I think that best describes it. It also explains the terms 'Coltcuddler' and 'Fillyfooler' The terms Colt and Filly aren't always age related, though it's more common for an older pony to call a younger one colt/filly rather than mare/stallion.
  19. Well put Star. (didn't want to quite the entire text wall, but it all hits home for me)
  20. The best thing you can do when you're out of ideas is take OC requests, find your favorite tumblr blogs and draw fanart for them, or ponify people you know. Draw all the OCs!
  21. Okay yeah, I might be taking it too personally. I'm not saying what's wrong or what's right, I'm saying what I feel in my heart. I feel for them because I'm an artist too. And I'm putting myself in their shoes. If I was working on a massive project for months, and shared the progress with a close nit circle of friends and told them 'do not distribute this yet, it's not ready' and they went and did it anyway? I'd feel betrayed, hurt, and offended. And every time someone posted or commented about it, I'd know they're looking at part of an unfinished work that I was not ready to present to them yet. It wouldn't stop me from finishing, and getting publicly upset about it would be both unbecoming and a waste of energy... but I'd always have that in the back of my head knowing people are looking at something that wasn't ready. Something that was still a work in progress. It would break my heart. I'm not touching anything relating to Fighting is Magic that hasn't been officially released by the dev team or with their prior approval. If that means I have to leave this thread to avoid spoiler content, so be it.
  22. ALL of my yes! This is a heck of a shout out to us bronies. Let the fanfics come forth!
  23. From the album: Cast

    Submission for the EQD ARG day 2: A pony in motion. I really liked this one, and I seriously derped on the day 1 piece. I’ve always thought pinkie would be the 1 frootlooper (Skater jargon for roller blader) among the skaters of ponyville (Scoot, AJ, and a few background characters I may draw later). I was the frootlooper for my group of skater friends through highschool, so while I couldn’t do nearly as many tricks, I could go so much faster then all of them! The freedom of movement is really liberating. Special thanks to an artist over on Tumblr for some seriously helpful tips with coloring and shading while he was doing a stream last night. I won't say his name cause his work is of a questionable nature, but hes super sweet and super helpful!
  24. Do you guys have OCs/ponysonas? I totally wana draw you two trying to play magic on a table covered in kittens.
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