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Status Updates posted by WhiteSlash

  1. Looking for recent pictures to throw on Brony Behind the Computer, none I like XD

  2. Bettlejuice XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CatCakey


      Almost forgot, "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!"

    3. WhiteSlash


      Ha! It's so awesome! It was on Sky Anytime there XD I looked up some stuff and there's talk of a sequel O:

    4. CatCakey


      Really?! If there is, then I'll watch TV a bit more and see if there's an advert sooner or later

  3. Tah mah duh hwoon dahn! Gorram!

  4. Lost my love, lost my land, Lost the last place I could stand, There's no place I can be, Since I've found Serenity(8)

  5. Argh! D:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WhiteSlash


      Raggle fraggle...Billy and Mandy? O_O

    3. MyLittlePonyTales
    4. WhiteSlash


      Oh Fraggle Rock! Never saw it, well I sort of did. Me and a friend were messing with some software and experienced and episode backwards with some psychedelic filter on it XD

  6. (8)See me ride out of the sunset! On your, coloured TV screen. After all that I can get! If you know what I mean!(8)

  7. My mind...My creativity...It's back...TO THE RP'S!

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. WhiteSlash


      I realize that I keep saying this but it's actually true this time XD

  8. Oh Doom theme, you so awesome.

  9. Plans for next month? Piercings and a mohawk. Because yeah.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WhiteSlash


      Hmm I'm not sure because I can never remember the names of them D: Umm a lot of work on my ear, various rings, studs and a bar. 2 or 3 eyebrow barbells. Nose ring uhm...I really don't know :L My mohawk will hopefully have blue tips on my natural dark brown XD

    3. CatCakey


      Nice :) If you don't mind me asking, are you a punk?

    4. WhiteSlash


      Indeed I am XD And proud!

  10. Oh psychology homwork. How you affect my calm.

    1. Tenkan


      But psychology rocks!

    2. WhiteSlash


      But I thought Geology rocks!?

    3. shyshy


      psychology :3 you so funny

  11. Well this certainly is a first O_o

    1. DreamySunday


      are you sure its not your third?

    2. CatCakey
    3. WhiteSlash


      Just a random idea for a short story that came to me XD Completely different from the normal action packed ideas I get :)

  12. Odd dream but I loved it XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CatCakey


      What was it about?

    3. WhiteSlash


      Well I guess it wasn't really odd but like I was inside the head of my OC playing a gig O_o It was a first but very enjoyable XD

    4. MyLittlePonyTales
  13. Grrr part time work :L

  14. Not as active here as I used to be :/ I should change that! (side note, my song of the day isn't something I normally listen to but it's too dang catchy XD)

  15. Listening to epic orchestral scores whilst writing fanfics XD

    1. Tenkan


      Classiest way to do it.

  16. No more dental work! Well...braces or no braces?

    1. weesh


      Yay! Now celebrate with some taffy!

  17. Putting this here instead of the leaving thread. Anyone involved in RP's with me or wondering why I haven't posted lately the answer is simple. School has really picked up and so has life and as an offshoot all of my creative-uhm-ness has just been sapped. I'kk be back up and running soon though :)

  18. Well ****, I'm feeling patriotic!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WhiteSlash


      Scotland my friend! Bonnie Scotland!

    3. shyshy


      oh pretty place :3

    4. StarStorm


      Hooray for patriotism!!

  19. Well ****, I'm feeling patriotic!

  20. I find myself listening to a lot of Bad Religion lately!

    1. CatCakey


      There's this song called "New Religion" It's a great song!

  21. (8)You and me have disease! You affect me! You Infect me! I'm afflicted! You're addicted!(8)

  22. "I hope ya brought butter! Cos you're about to get fried!" - Oh UNSC marine. You the man.

    1. CatCakey


      What's that from?

    2. WhiteSlash


      I was playing through Halo 1 again and one of the marines on the mounted gun just shouted it out XD

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