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Everything posted by GreyMatter

  1. Do they change themes often? If so, then this is my first, clearly...
  2. How did I know it was going to be blue...
  3. Really? I've been on my phone all day. What's it look like?
  4. Less than 25 away from that number one spot! Can you believe it?! And the fact that this thread exists makes it all the better, that we don't have out of character statements inflating that number!
  5. Yeah...I wasn't trying to be mean, just letting you know.
  6. Um dude, this is the OOC. You start a seperate thread for the RP.
  7. Grey begins to hoist up the other four beds. "Now, how to make the pillows? Any thoughts?"
  8. After Snowy lay in the bed, Grey, having already hoisted the head, prepares to hoist the tail. "You let me know if you feel unsafe." He says, then hoists the bed. "You alright? It seems safe...is it comfortable?"
  9. As Snowy went out for the leaves, Grey limped out to a nearby tree, noting pain in his back-left, though it didn't seem broken, to grab some of the vines with his mouth. When he returned, he began to string up a bed, but not yet hanging it, for safety testing reasons. "Do you want to get in while I hoist it up? Or do you think you can hoist it, so if it falls, I will be the one to fall?" He said to Snowy.
  10. "Hey, whatever your name is," said Grey to the light blue pegasus, "could you do me a favor? The tree I fell from has some big leaves. Like, huge. Could you pick some for me? They are big enough to sleep in."
  11. "Well, I suppose we need a leader...right? How about you, Echo? You up for it? You seem to have good leadership qualities. You seem smart, and by your own words you are strong, right? What do you say? And, operating under the assumption that you do step into that role, I'm assuming beds are what we want first?" Said Grey.
  12. Grey spoke up, "Not to sound cocky, but I can be pretty clever. If we just assume we will be here for a while, I can make up something for us. Beds, some sort of alarm system, a trap if anything tries to.come in the cave, and what have you. Just tell me and I can try to make one. The one thing I cant make is a way back, especially since I don't even know where 'back' is."
  13. I think any RP using those characters belongs in the 18+ RP...
  14. His name...I don't know yet, but for now, I'm going with Hot Head. He is a unicorn, who is a jock. His magic is mostly limited to throwing and catching things. He is arrogant, and has an inferiority complex. If anypony calls his talents into question, he loses his cool. He will fight or try to prove them wrong.
  15. I'm in. I've been dieing to test out a new character.
  16. "At any rate, I really must repay you for helping me...just, when you find your voice, tell me what I can do." Said Grey, backing away. "Yeah, we probably are gonna be stuck here awhile..."
  17. GreyMatter


    Diabeetus? Time to steal my father's insulin!
  18. "So, please, you have captured my intrigue. Would you mind telling me...something...about you? Anything. I just want a word from you. Even a 'Hello' would do." Said Grey to Snowy.
  19. "I guess this just goes to show, Earth Ponies shouldn't be in trees. We should leave that to the pegasi."
  20. Grey approached this...Snowy, and tried to speak to her. He knew not why, but he was drawn to her. "So, uh, do you...remember, anything? Even your own name, or how to talk?"
  21. "Does...does ANYPONY know why we are here?" Said Grey, not knowing if he was injured further than initially thought.
  22. "That would be nice, thank you. I have pretty much of my lab in here, so I can still totally run Grey Steel. If you want, I can teach you, mock up some plans for your own. Just to use when you yourself can't leave. Or, when I have the coding figured out, make another friend like Nemesis. I mean, if you want?" Said Grey, trying to find a way to thank Sketch.
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