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Everything posted by GreyMatter

  1. "Hmm? No, I'm part owner. They try to send my checks, but once every few months, I check in for a day to make sure things are up to par. Ironically, I don't get much time to read it these days, so busy with my business, and my fiance. Ah, but that is all part of the biography. Do you mind if I head down tomorrow to Equestria Daily? We can start on the biography the next day, but if I am to be here for a while, I should take a more complete look." Grey chuckled, "But. I suppose that should start with me actually taking the time to read the entire paper, eh?" ((OOC: I tried to reply 12 hours ago, but the site went down...))
  2. I mean, if you look at the roster, for Twilight Shine, her and her parents are played as though they are one person, hence the slashes. On the other hand, Clear skied and Watcher, as well as Snowy and Neon, are spereate, because they are treated as entirely different entities. Also, was I the only one for whom the site went down last night?
  3. Grey Matter was waiting at the train station, not using his full system, but just a computer on which enter commands. Still, he saw enough from Sceths, and had Grey Steel walk over. Grey Steel did not have any control over volume, so instead, he simply printed out a note to pass to Sketch. It read: "That isn't the pheremone causing you to act that way, is it? Did you know her before this happened?"
  4. Before I can edit the roster, are you playing Mojo and Gumbo as one pony, or as two? I just need to know if I need to list them seperately.
  5. ((OOC: Sorry it took me a while, my computer derped up... )) "Actually, Sketch, I would like a drink. It's about time to test the DES. That is, Digestional Energy System. It acts as a pony digestional tract would, and converts food into energy, only it is a bit more efficien with it, producing less waste. All well and good, considerring how much energy these SHOULD take, but I worked around that. Anyway, I'm headed over on the next train, but there are...some ponies that aren't quite happy with me. Kinda a long story. Short version, I will need to stay here and send out this thing." Grey Steel motioned at itself with it's hoof, "Instead of myself." All the while, Grey Steel had been scanning Insanity Dash, and produced a readout for Grey Matter: Name: Insanity Dash Affiliation: None Alignment: Seems to be good Talents: Runner, high ability of speed. Ailments: Permanant: Slightly insane Temporary: Love Pherenome Other: Possibly related to Rainbow Dash. Assessment: Strong Ally. Best to keep happy. "Oh...I forgot about that...Well, erm, Insanity, do you know how long this pheremone lasts? I happen to be in a relationship, so either it can go naturally, or I can have Grey Steel here disinfect you before I arrive. Up to you." ((EDIT: To avoid miscommunication, Grey did not read the readout out loud. That is exposition, Insanity does not know the details of the readout, so any corrections to the readout take place out of character.))
  6. "Thanks for handling that guys, but I see nothing in the books about robots being against the law...they should fix that before somepony else finds out fow to make these."
  7. Alright. That makes sense. And thanks for the heads up.
  8. And, again mage, pretty sure you didn't mean fecal position. I though you above poop jokes...
  9. No problem, it just caused a small cascade.
  10. Guys...Thyme is TOTALLY in the kitchen. Go back a page...
  11. Right. Erm, mage...please edit that last post. I don't know how to put this, but you meant fetal. Fetal is the position one takes when in the womb, curled up into a ball. Surely this is what you meant, seeing as a fecal position is, erm, to put it bluntly, the position one takes to expel waste...so, um...yeah. Sorry to seem demanding, but I don't care for somepony to notice that...
  12. Because I failed to realize that you could move it...I can be slow at times.
  13. Go right ahead! Just, how is the introduction, and I'm assuming it is a renter?
  14. It isn't about the destination, it is about the journey...
  15. They work from the bottom, so this isn't helping you.
  16. "Sorry, I was running measurements. I found the problem, and Nemesis, you can fix it. Your measurements will be more exact. Plate A2BR4 was mislaid, a millimeter closer to plate D34PL, causing the two to lock up. Could you re-set plate A2BR4 for me? I'm packing my bags to head down myself now.
  17. Going back to an older topic, you know what CN show I miss? Powerpuff Girls. My man card is ready for revocation...
  18. "If you don't mind me asking, did you just pull them apart, or fix why they locked up? Or was it a freak accident that could happen whenever? And let's just head to your place. Once I can save up all my programs onto some portable computer, I may uead down myself. And utilize that workshop."
  19. (Not to mention that is belongs in the OOC chat...)
  20. Grey Steel's ring popped off, so he could get down. "Well, time to test Grey Steel's legs. This model used panels instead of metal plates. It makes it look sleeker, and allows manipulation of the panels, so that Grey Steel can reform dynamically, in case it is hit, it can move a good panel. Sadly, all these moving parts means it can lock up when it tries to move. I didn't quite have a chance to test walking before." Grey Steel starts to walk, and is fine for a moment, with some sounds from the back right. After a few steps, two of the plates lock into each other, and the back right is totally immobile. "Darn. Nemesis, I can't see it very well. Can you fix it?"
  21. ((Please, if you quote me, color correct. I cant add colors when I post via phone, otherwise it would be blue)) I wouldn't call it dictation, per sé. I will tell you about myself, until you know me as a friend I knew my whole life would. Then, you write my life story. If I dictated it, it may as well be an autobiography. I don't want that. I want somepony else's take on the life I led. Otherwise, it may end up being a lot of bragging. And I suppose I will need to get a hotel. Typically I'm just up here overnight, and I plan months in advance, to pick up my check from Equestria Daily, and take a quick tour" (Also, my plan, and I ran this past ExtravagantEvil, is that Grey is a part owner of the newspaper, and occasionally comes by to pick up his check and see how things are. He has never stayed long enough to actually see what was wrong though, but that will change. Although Earth Writer knows none if this...)
  22. (Grey is my OC, as a result, he is my avatar. So, that is what he looks like.) "Yes, I am. Nice to finally meet you, Earth Writer. Do you mind if I stay with you for the time being? I hadn't really the time to arrange for lodgings here in Canterlot."
  23. A small ring popped out of Grey Steel, and attached onto a hook directly on Nemesis' wing. "I gave Grey Steel a lot of things he may not have needed, just in case he did..."
  24. "Well," Says Grey Steel, again projecting the voice of Grey Matter, "In case you didn't notice, I can't get back to Ponyville as quickly as I came. Those wings were one use only, they didn't have enough power for two. That's kind of why they popped off. So, I guess if Canterlot is closer, that is where we had best be headed."
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