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Status Updates posted by DarkStar

  1. Oh joy... getting these staples removed tomorrow. ^^

  2. One month left until we claim a new home. :)

  3. Ouran Highschool Host Club... 'Nuff said ^^

  4. Pokemon has gotten very addicting. :P

    1. AtDawnTheySquee


      I've been playing Pokemon since I was 8.

    2. DarkStar


      O rly br0? Haha, I kid. But I started at age 16. Turning 17 this year... How's that for inexperience? :P

  5. R.I.P. to all those lost in Connecticut. v.v

  6. Raise this barn! Raise this barn! One, two, three, four - together we can raise this barn! :D

  7. Second week is almost over... the days feel short, but somehow the school year feels like it will last a lifetime...

  8. So... many... heartless... >.<

  9. Stupid computer... Keeps crashing. -.-

  10. Such long absences these days...

  11. Take a newbie ice-skating, and what do you get? A few dozen falls, a lump on the left elbow, and a ton of experience. ^^

    1. StarStorm


      Hehe, that's how I would be if I was ice skating!!

  12. That awkward moment when you realize your newer friends are better than your old friends. o.o

    1. Tenkan


      I wouldn't call it awkward. More like awesome moment. :P

    2. DarkStar


      Well, it's awkward because your old friends are supposed to be awesome too... then you realize that they're nothing compared to the ones you've recently gained, and you can come to know that through observation of both, and compare the two. Just imagine how that might make my old friends feel, though. :/

  13. That....was....AMAZING!!!!!! <---- My reaction to season 3, episode 2. Lotsa asplosions. ^^

    1. DarkStar


      Scratch that... the asplosions part I'm almost certain is inaccurate. >.>

  14. The very first Legend of Zelda game is very difficult. o.o

  15. The Werewolf deck has improved! :3

    1. ShadowWalking18


      Werewolf deck? Do you play magic the gathering?

    2. DarkStar


      I do! However, I can't get any real cards, so I use computer software instead... I'm using LackeyCCG to play. Maybe you can set it up with your computer as well and we can play! :D

  16. Transmuting oxygen into nitrogen through the use of alpha particles from radioactive elements like uranium... now imagine what we could discover from just that small basis. :)

  17. Two days away from school just bothers me... >.>

  18. Using the TV as a computer monitor... IS AWESOME! :D

  19. Very relaxed right now...

  20. We've been approved, and now... it's only a matter of time before we get the keys, and that house will be ours! :D

  21. Well, hopefully today goes better than yesterday. ^^

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Well, tomorrow is another day, and the sun'll come out tomorrow.

  22. Well, my father, like many other elders, seems to really enjoy Wii Sports. ^^

    1. Tenkan


      Hahaha! xD

      My Dad hates video games, but loved Wii Boxing. :P

  23. Well, tonight has been a good night! It's good to be back. :)

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