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Everything posted by Thebluemage

  1. Ah! A gamer! I love a good RTS myself!As for the Zeda series, I never got to play any of the newer Zelda stuff, I have only played the first Zelda! Also, from what site do you order Plusies from? They sound awesome and I want one! Welcome to Canterlot! I hope you like it here, cause you shall be here FOREVER!
  2. Welcome to Canterlot! I always wanted a talking hat for my collection...... And I just want to let you know, Hat Cupcakes are fantastic!
  4. Thebluemage


    Welcome to Canterlot, so you like traines,eh? http://youtu.be/hHkKJfcBXcw
  5. Welcome to Canterlot my friend! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  6. I, the mage of blue, welcome you to the glorious place of CANTERLOT! A whole lot of Parkour ponies nowadays,eh? Might have to give it a try.
  7. Well,good to see my idea was half-decent! The reason I wanted them shaped like brains is because the owner of the building is named Grey-Matter, C wut I did thar?
  8. First, you have to Panic, then you must step on it repeatedly while screaming at the top of your lungs. Finally you must find a flame thrower and set the remains of the muffin alight while you continue screaming.
  9. Dear Nightmare Nebula: Folowing your fantastic advice, I have sent out my many dopplegangers to eliminate every trace of Dreamnotes they could find, soon the Sleepy Tea factory shall be rubble and the fun shall be doubled! Forever Evil and Sarcastic Thebluemage P.S. I found some flowers on my porch the other day, do you know anything about that? P.S.S Who the heck is Princess Celestia? I keep finding letters addresed to her while looking through my neighbur's mail.
  10. Heal: Applejack +1 Rarity +4 Hurt:Princess Celestia -1{No offense, but she is going sooner or later and it might as well be sooner.} Hex Pinkie Pie x2
  11. Okay, I was thinking magic, brain shaped, crystal balls that would be the equivalent of security cameras today! They could be covered in Runes of Watching,and all the footage can be sent to a sort of master Crystal ball in the security room, that way you can "see" what any other Crystal Balls are seeing by looking into it and requesting the footage. Example: A guard wants to see everything that happened in the lobby from 12 to 12:30pm. So he could go into the security room, walk up to the master ball, and say something like "Show me Ball L's footage of everything from 12:00 PM to 12:30PM. {I hope this makes sense, I might have to think about this a bit more. But when you said Security system, this and a watch owl were the first things I thought of.}
  12. Sneak winced a bit as he heard a saddeningly familier voice coming from nearby,all he could do was sigh,"Here we go again, well. Might as well use this rather loud distraction to my advantage." Not wanting to become Uncloaked at a bad time, Sneak Levitated his trusty Ciggerate Holder/Disguise Kit in front of him and searched throught the available disguises. "Let us see, shall I be the Scout? Or perhaps the Heavy? So many choices... I am feeling humorous today, so I shall disguise myself as their spy! They shall never suspect a thing!" With that, Sneak's disguise kit produced a mask with a Unicorn mare's masked face on it, the strange part was that a long, spiral purple mane stuck out off the top of the mask. Shrugging, Sneak straped it on and began retracing his steps to the back door. As long as nopony saw through his fantastic disguise, he would be fine!
  13. "Well thank you kindly ma'am, I would love to bleach this confoundable blood off ma coat!" Quantum thanked with a smile, not only was the blood scary, but it felt extremely uncomfortable as it stiffened his fur. In short, he needed to get clean and washing was doing a less-then-effective job. When he heard her next question,Quantum was at a bit of a loss.He had never had a luxury such as tea before and was used to Cider or water when the time came for a drink, so he was confused as to what to ask for, but it was rude to refuse somepony's hospitality. "Well thank you Ma'am, Ah will just take whatever you think Ah would like." He said as he looked around for a broom, it was remarkable that nopony had stepped on any glass yet.
  14. Strife jumped a bit when he heard a loud crash nearby," AW COME ON! What is it now? Some sort of Anti-Discord special forces team? I bet they have one!" The chaotic pony said to himself, he had enough problems to deal with. Deciding he needed a plan, Strife looked around the Pastry Shop for anything he could use,"Okay, I'll take some Cup-Cakes for the road, I need something to dry myself off and so I can cast magic, and if I want to keep dry outside I will need an umbrella!" Finding the cupcakes would be easy enough, he was in Sugar-Cube Corner after all, and there was most likely a rag in the kitchen he could use to dry off, but where would he find an Umbrella? "Oh, well that was rather convenient...."Strife mumbled dumbly as he saw there was a rack full of different colored umbrellas next to the door. He quickly trotted over and noticed that one of them was a eye-bleed-inducing shade of pink, this one was obviously Pinkie-Pie's! "Well, as a servant of Discord, it is my duty to hinder the Elements of Harmony in any way possible...." The malevolent prankster grined as he swipped the umbrella with some good'ol fashioned yet-slightly-weakend-by-the-chaos-rain magic. With that, Strife preceded to "borrow" some Cream-Cheese Cupcakes and dry himself off with a towel he found in the disgustingly non-chaotic kitchen. Opening the door to the still-raining outside world and holding his now-open Umbrella above his mohawked head, Strife was ready to get chaotic! Running outside to the middle of the cobble road,Strife announced his challenge to the residents of Ponyville,"Okay Ponyville, if you thought Discord was bad, wait till you taste the full might of Strife the Amazing!"
  15. I am always up for killing some sentry sappen spys! Welcome to Canterlot! Sure are alot of TF2 fans converting to Broniesim these days,eh?
  16. A wild artist appears! Bluemage use's welcome to Canterlot! It's super effective! Welcome to Canterlot! You shall fit in just fine here! Like the puzzle piece that is always in the box but you don't see it because you arn't at that part of the puzzle yet, but when you do get to that part you CAN'T FIND IT. But then you realise that it was in your hand, then you finish the puzzle, and everything gets better!
  17. Thebluemage


    Another victom of the "Squeezies", Oh dear.... Welcome! Twilight Sparkle is a fantastic Adorkable pony, is she not?
  18. Oh crud-monkeys! I am gone for most of the day and I miss all the good stuff! Well, time to get back on the saddle... Edit:Never mind, thought I messed more then I actually did.
  19. Quantum smiled lightly as he heard Cloud's apology, despite the fact he was starting to lose a worrisome amount of blood.... Getting straight to work, Quantum reached over and grabbed the roll of bandages, quickly thanking Persnickety for the essential threads, and lightly grabbed the wounded colt's wing. Working gently to ensure that he did not feel any more pain then necessary, Quantum wrapped the wounded wing up in bandages. "There ya go partner. Now your going to have to rewrap those every day to ensure the wound doesn't get infected or some other nasty thing." Quantum said cheerfully, it felt good to help somepony in need, even more so to stop blood from getting everywhere. Looking towards the bucket of hot water, Quantum decided it was time to clean up a bit, it seemed that his pristine white coat had been dyed an unsettleling crimson in some areas, and you just can't have that! "Now, I reckon that problem is solved. I say now is a swell time to clean up this here mess." The Scientist suggested offhoofedly, how hard could it be to remove a bloodstain?
  20. Catholos: Yes, it makes sense in the future! Lux: A muffion is a baby cake, thus it is a small lie that will eventually grow into a MASSIVE LIE THAT WILL TRY TO DESTROY ALL THAT IS GOOD! You have been warned!
  21. Dear Nightmare Nebula. Oh Nightmare Nebula! How could something made from my glorious genes go out with....with...with a DREAMNOTES DOPPLEGANGER! I shall erash this stain from my honor with a fire spell! It will be fun! Your handsome and totally-not-evil Spy Thebluemage
  22. Convincing arugument. IF YOU WERN'T LIEING! I shall reveal to the world your hatred of the two true best ponies!
  23. I hearby announce Dreamnotes is an enemy to all followers of the Apple and Fasion path's. He must be eliminated! Heal Applejack +3 Hurt Pinkie Pie -3 Power up Applejack x2.
  24. They are the worst! They pretend to be nice and cool then BAM! Right in the kisser!
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