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Everything posted by MrMeep

  1. She's playing games at the moment But as far as I know she does commissions.. I remember a few people paying £3 for these a while back ^^
  2. (Nah, they're awesome =D )
  3. Unfortunately, my experiences are based off many furmeets and online experiences, and only two cons (with one being fairly small). Although I was to call my post biased, I would say that the only area I may be biased on, is that my experiences are drawn from the British side of the fandom. The British furries and well, American furries to draw a comparison seem to partake in the fandom differently. The small natrue of Britain means that furries in the UK seem to partake in more ... non-internet activities, mainly because the meets are statistically held closer to the person as the country is smaller. In America, you could have a person's nearest furmeet be literally further away than the length of the UK This nature of the fandom means people tend to know each other more than American furries know each other for example. Maybe this has something to do with the incredibly high amount of drama that the UK fandom endures and creates. I'm sorry if my depiction isn't to your liking, I can appreciate that ^^ I did however intend to write it as honestly as possible, and the honest truth to me after about 4 years of participation, is the post I created. I will however correct some bias points for you... - My experience is particularly.. bad I'd say. If anyone was to give them a go, you wouldn't have as bad of an experience Some furries are very nice. - I still believe the majority of the fandom is sexually orientated, however you can find groups/people that want nothing to do with it, although they are rarer than those who enjoy the sexual nature. Also yeah I've seen the "Are bronies == furries" debate. I concluded that I didn't think it mattered, and that people can label themselves whatever they want, however it would appear that the fandoms are different yet share a lot of similarities. There seem to be a few fandoms which have strong links with each other, for instance, both fandoms have a LOT of gaming aspects, and a lot of art aspects, but nobody says "Bronies or Furries == Gaming or Art". I guess it's because people who join fandoms tend to be the people who spend a LOT of time on the internet, and thus, these people tend to share the same hobbies
  4. "A problem solved.. is a problem caused." ... from here
  5. I was part of the Furry fandom with Laydee Kaze about half a year ago, and can conclude in saying that I strongly recommend not joining it. Bronies have common ground, and the fandom is founded on a show which teaches morals and standards. Furries are not, they are a selection of people which.. for the majority.. use the fandom as a means of getting laid or finding 'cheap' partners as they are too socially awkward to do so in real life. Now you may think 'Oh well I'm trolling', or 'I've just had bad experiences'. I've had bad experiences yes, but I'm not trolling. I have a very level headed opinion of the fandom which I have concluded from viewing many different aspects of it. Over here in the UK, I was on Tv describing what Furries were to a (pretty crappy) ITV2 show. I was asked by the studio to go down, as every single other person they asked on the biggest Furry forum had turned down the opportunity, as they were scared they'd be made out as being bad people. I worked with the producers, organised a group of friends and headed to London and recorded what was a very good piece of publicity for the fandom. Uncle Kage (one of the most famous and well respected Furs) met me at a convention to say it was the best piece of media he'd ever seen portraying the fandom. All fun and games? Not really.. practically EVERY single Furry on the forum that they'd scowered hated me. I received death threats, abuse, insults, everything. I got nothing but **** from it before they'd seen it, people saying they were going to find me and kill me for accepting. Then after seeing it, no apologies or anything.. in fact.. some people still hate me for it, even though they like the publicity. That's one experience, the others, are extremely similar in nature. I have lost count of the times I have attended meets and have been inappropriately touched, groped, flirted on, spanked or something else of the sort. Almost every single furmeet, and numerous times. I have been asked to go to peoples house, very bluntly, for dirty business. There have been furmeets where people sit in corners and grope each other, there have been furmeets where people have literally masturbated in the corners of venues. It is disgusting. But this is what the fandom IS. The fandom prides itself on being something which everyone can get enjoyment out of in the way they see fit, and prides itself on being open and accepting of almost all things. This openly accepting environment has allowed a LOT of its members to openly, and inappropriately display a highly intrusive sexual manner, which has become the standard. In the few times i had complained about these public sexual acts (which let's remember, are illegal), I had been labelled as a troll, and homophobic. This is a terrible fandom, there are a few nice people in it.. but the nice people I've met are either 1 or 2% of the people who visit furmeets, or the extremely popular furs on FurAffinity, which are hard to get in contact with. Stick with Bronies.. trust me.
  6. Hello I'm looking to improve my voice acting a bit by helping people out with it where I can I've invested about $250 in a recording booth that I use to record my stuff with ^^. I'm not the best, but I'm trying to improve and I'll only do that through work ^^ so ~ But anyway, here's a little welcome thing I made to show a view voices. I can do a couple more but can't sing xD https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5856084/Voices/Canterlot/Intro.mp3 I also did the voices for this a few month back. Again I don't think they're that good, but it's something. (I also have NO idea how it has 1.7 million views o.o)
  7. Left: Prism, an OC of a friend of ours. Right: Kaze, the artist's OC ^^
  8. Certainly is! Aww thank you! *currently nomming on some take out and watching Bridle Gossip together :3*
  9. Thanks for the friend add dude :D ~

  10. MrMeep


    Awww hehe That's awesome
  11. MrMeep


    *likes your post* HUZZAH! THE LIKES HAVE BEEN DOUBLED!
  12. Reporting in as TF2 player ^^ Also have a Strange Quick Fix if anyone wants to trade for it http://steamcommunity.com/id/mrmeep/inventory/
  13. Aww hehe, thank you! ^^ ~ Yeah without being biased I agree that the UK has some good actors, although America has its fair share too Aww thank you! ^^ ~ I love your profile picture XD Pinkie Pie looks rather dashing :3 ~
  14. I completely agree... There are so many pretentious and lazy adverts out there that you can't help but think, "How much money have they wasted on that?" There are a couple of diamonds in the sewage of adverts though I guess half the time it must be companies going to some media company saying "WE WANT ADVERTZ IN LIEK 3 DAYS PLZ". Well that's how it seems anyway.. But yeah, agreed
  15. Sorry! I should add that LaydeeKaze (above me) drew them, but thank you!
  16. MrMeep


    Hello.. hurr :B
  17. Hehe ^^ I laughed a lil at your "How I became a fan" Welcome I guess, although I can't really welcome you, being new and all D:
  18. Hello every pony! I'm looking to talk with/to some awesome people here =D as the forum looks mighty fun! Hope there are many brohoofs to be had! I'm always up for talking with people ^^ so feel free to message me or something =D Whether it be about ponies or any of my/your hobbies I love to hear what other people are up to! Expanding on the above, I love being creative.. which is making Videos, Art from time to time, Websites or Voice Acting :3 I'm always willing to lend a hoof to ponies who want it too! So if anyone needs help with website coding, or want some voice acting work then just let me know! ^^ I also enjoy football (SAWKER) and have always been a fan of aviation, (planes/flying etc). I'm starting University in September doing a course in Media Production. This involves making TV shows/Radio shows, and I plan to host a Brony based radio show in the UK as part of my course :3 (Will be online too through web radio). Anyway I'll stop rambling! Thank you for reading! Here's my OC (Mr Meep) with my girlfriend's OC (Kaze)... (Both drawn by her)
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