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Everything posted by Chocoswirl

  1. Finished up Character Summary! Nearly ready to be finalized! I just have to wait until my other app is moved! Maybe some feedback would help out until it's marked ready to be assessed?
  2. Thanks for the correction! Heh, I couldn't tell because of all the Le's and La's on the Internet.
  3. Everytime I wake up from sleeping, I wake up facedown on the bed. I even slept on the couch and ground a few times and I always wake up with my face pushed against something. XD Once, my sister (We share a room) told me that I was calling out to her in my sleep, and I kept saying that I couldn't find her. It was pretty weird when I heard the story. Guess I'm a sleeptalker. XD
  4. Roleplay Type: Crossover Name: Madame LaFlour Sex: Female Age: Adult Species: Sack of Flour Bleached? If yes, what with?: Yes. Benzoyl Peroxide Color: She is colored a grayish tan color [#D2C8A0]. LaFlour is filled with pure snow white colored enriched maida flour. Enriched?: Yes. Physique: Madame LaFlour is a bit plump, due to the amount of flour she holds. Type of Flour: Maida Origin/Residence: In the cupboard of Sugarcube Corner. Her flour originated in Fillydelphia. Occupation: Kitchen Socialite Motivation: To share her love of baked goodies with the world, and to meet new kitchen appliances and ingredients. She also wants to make sure her friends make the right descisions by giving them advice. Likes: Flour, other kitchen supplies, baked goods, her friends, and the kitchen. Dislikes: Wasted flour, uncleanliness, despicableness, unkind ponies, rudeness. Character Summary: Harvested from the long and wide plains of Fillydelphia, Madame LaFlour's flour's origin was in a wheat field that belonged to a family of farmers. They soon harvested and milled the wheat, finishing half of what she is today. The flour was then sold, where it was sent off to a factory, where they loaded and shipped out sacks of flour to many baking supply retailers across Equestria. Madame LaFlour's flour was made of a light yellow maida flour, and she was then bleached with benzoyl peroxide, giving her the snow white color of flour she has today. Soon, the final step was taken and the white maida flour was loaded into a sack, making the Madame LaFlour we all know today. She was then shipped out to a market in a town calle Ponyville. LaFlour soon found herself in the cupboards of Sugarcube Corner, where she had been purchased to use for their baking needs. Madame LaFlour was more than happy to be of service, but she also wanted to have another job. One that would affect her social life more. LaFlour was a very social sack of flour, and liked to make new friends when she had the time to, although she kept this a secret from the ponies. Madame LaFlour didn't have a family when she first arrived at the sweets shop, so she didn't really have anyone to turn to. However, it wasn't too long before she started chatting up all of the other kitchen ingredients and supplies. It was very easy to get along with these other fellows, as most of them shared common interests with each other. They were all quite nice, friendly, and shared a love for cooking and baking, to which LaFlour was absolutely delighted to hear. She soon became rather popular in the kitchen, and welcomed many newcomers. She was often the one that kitchen appliances and ingredients went to for advice, or just to have a lovely chat with. One day, LaFlour awoke to the opening of her cupboard, and found a rather depressed looking Pinkie Pie staring right at her. Madame LaFlour did not like the sight of this at all, but was rather surprised when she had been told that she was invited to a party by Pinkie. She knew that Pinkie was a party lover, but never expected to be invited to a party by her. She was a sack of flour after all. Soon, LaFlour was sat atop a wooden stool, and bore a pink and yellow striped party hat on her head. She was introduced to two new friends, to her delight, at the party. There, she met Sir Lints a Lot and Rocky. A familiar face from the kitchen, Mr. Turnips, was there too. Pinkie had brought a delicious looking cake as well to the party, and Madame couldn't help but have a few helpings. Pinkie always made the best cakes, especially this one, since LaFlour helped to make it herself! LaFlour noticed even more how Pinkie seemed sad and depressed. She listened quite intently as Pinkie explained the story of how her friends didn't want to be her friends anymore, and how she was glad to have LaFlour and the others there to be with her. This story touched the depths of flour within LaFlour, and she demanded that this kind of behavior from Pinkie's friends was downright despicable! Those ponies should have known better than to treat Pinkie like that! Madame LaFlour was ready to be by Pinkie's side until the end, along with the rest of the party. Madame LaFlour is a kind and caring sack of flour. She is very open towards others and is always willing to make new friends. By the time you've entered the cupboard, should already know of LaFlour, since she is a very well known sack of flour with an elite status in the kitchen. Thus giving her the title of a socialite. She usually gives good advice, acting in a motherly sort of way towards friends. She speaks with a high pitched French accent, and speaks in a soft tone. Even when she yells, is sounds like a soft squeak. Despite all of her kindness, Madame LaFlour isn't afraid to speak her mind when giving others advice. Sometimes, she may get a bit aggressive over the problem, maybe even to the point of yelling to get her point across. Although she doesn't want to come off as mean, she can get a bit emotional at times. She is rather intolerant of despicableness, and she wants to make sure that her peers make the right choices. Madame LaFlour has a love for baking, and is always ready to help! Her love for baked goodies is strong, and she wants everyone to share her love for it, although never trying to force it upon others. Overall, Madame LaFlour is a very friendly sack of flour, with good intentions of helping others, although she may get a bit aggressive at times when action is needed. "Pretty rude?! It was down right- deespiicible!"
  5. I shall be in charge of Madame Laflour!
  6. I don't see no Gourmet Race. ಠ_ಠ And a remix for fun. :3
  7. If this is allowed, I'm definitely apping for Madame LeFlour.
  8. Agreed. The use of the other instruments besides the harp, especially the violins make this the best version of Fairy Fountain! X3 Now, have some Minecraft music. The Piano and Calm themes are my favorite, 'cause they make the game so peaceful and serene. Tis be a shame that they removed some of these songs. The last one was the first song I ever heard while playing the game.
  9. Yay! This'll work out smoothly once Pound Cake is moved. I was thinking that once he was moved, we could start the RP, and once the RPer for Cup Cake has been chosen, Mrs. Cake could just jump right in! :3
  10. Both of you can still join in even if one of you gets her. You could play as a character being served at Sugarcube Corner, or something like that!
  11. This application is beyond tremendous. No words can be used to describe it. Truly a work of art. Tom will be done justice with you as his RPer. He'll get all the mares in every RP. I just know it.
  12. Hiya! I'm thinking that my Pound Cake application should be moved sometime soon, and I was thinking of an idea for an RP to start for him once he's moved. The setting could take place at Sugarcube Corner. I was thinking it could involve Pound Cake (Me), Carrot Cake (MuffinTop), Pinkie Pie (Rosewind), Pumpkin Cake (Rosewind), and Cup Cake. (The applications have yet to be judged. The RPer for Cup Cake can join in when they are all set to RP her.) Also, anypony else could join in as well. What could happen is that the twins are taking a nap upstairs while Cup Cake, Carrot Cake, and Pinkie Pie are running the shop downstairs. The two twins are awakened, and start causing havoc in the shop below, while customers are eating and being served. I know, it's a cliche setting for the twins, but I think it could turn out to be quite interesting. Sooo....whaddya think? :3 Also, I'll need to look for another RP to have him join in too, so suggestions would be appreciated! The RP can be found here!
  13. I'm insulted that no one has posted any Zelda yet! XD Every single Zelda song known to man. Or, at least every song that Koji Kondo composed for Mario and Zelda. These ones make me want to cry: And this may not be in the games, but I must have it in this list.
  14. Holy Fudge! That McKayla girl on Team USA for gymnastics is awesome!! I can't even do a handstand. ;-;

  15. They danced...for America! XDXDXD My favorite comment on this YT video: "In West America, born and raised On the playground spending most of my days, Comboin out, punching, button-smashin all cool and all shootin' sonic booms outside of the school When a couple of family men who were up to no good Started flash kicking in my neighborhood I got in one little fight and Bison got scared and said, "You're moving with your Auntie and Uncle in Bel-Air".
  16. Official: Silver Spoon Fan-Named: Berry Punch/Bon Bon
  17. Respect my authoritah!

  18. Electric Vibe looked up at the starting line, the pressure of losing pounding in her ears. She had been training up her body for this for days, and she felt ready to run. Looking ahead of her, she could nearly see the flag which marked the 100 yard spot, and she narrowed her eyes in determination. Electric sighed, attempting to push all of the thoughts of failing out of her head. “I can do this! I just need to pace myself, keep myself on my feet, and try my best!” she whispered to herself. Electric then turned her attention to the heavy sack of potatoes strapped tightly and firmly to her back. Surely, this would be a difficult task to perform not only by itself, but with a heavy sack of potatoes to carry as well. A small drop of sweat rolled down her cheek in pressure, as she knew that some of the ponies who were taking part in the race were much more experienced than her, and were more likely to win. However, she had to give it her all! If she tried her best, she knew she would at least be liked for her hard work. After watching some of the other contestants take their turns at the contest, Electric couldn’t help but wince at the heat of the competition. All of these ponies seemed to do very well, and even if some didn’t, she feared for how she would be able to do it. Taking a deep breath, the pegasus lined up at the dreaded starting line. She looked ahead, and dared not to look back. “It’s my time to shine,” she spoke steadily, calming her nerves down as she looked ahead. She slowly stretched out her back, the sack of potatoes rolling slightly down her back and she heaved up her rump. Getting into a ready stance, she counted every moment, which seemed like hours to her as she awaited the blow of the whistle. Her wings strapped to her body along with the sack, she closed her eyes, and blocked out all sound from her ears. Listening only for the sound that would begin her quest to become to best. 1…2…3…WRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!! The whistle sounded loudly, and she took off, her hooves moving steadily, pounding against the ground as she trotted off towards the flag. When she had been training up for the event, she knew that pacing was one thing almost everypony knew to do, that way, they wouldn’t use up all their energy. Not yet, at least. Once she would turn back after going around the flag, she would pick up her pace and sprint to the finish. Grinning slightly, she knew that everything would go according to plan if she panned this out right, and she continued to steadily make her way toward the flag, which seemed to be nearing her closer and closer with every step she took. Electric breathed at a steady pace as she began to near the flag. The sack of potatoes seemed to be making at least a slight dent in everypony’s attempt at running the 200 yards, and it was working especially for her. The heat of the hot and bright day caused a downpour of sweat roll down her cheeks, as if the sweatdrops themselves were trying to outrace each other to fall down her cheeks. Electric felt quite jealous of them, as they didn’t have to carry the intense burden of a sack of 120 potatoes on their backs. As she neared the flag, she hissed in pain as her hoof knocked against a stray rock in the field, and huffed as she continued on, the ringing pain beginning to subside as she took her mind off of it. Soon enough, Electric was at the flag of 100 yards, and using a tactic she came up with herself, she stomped her left hoof onto the ground behind the flag, and she twirled her body around, skidding, as she was now faced toward the way she started. The impact of her hoof slamming into the ground, and the friction of the skid, caused a large dust cloud to form, and she quickly made her way back, trying to avoid the dust cloud from entering her eyes. Now that she was on her way towards the finish, she would need to definitely pick up the pace, but the only problem that hindered her plan was the force of the potatoes. They had certainly taken a toll on her speed, and she soon started to feel the pain burn in her legs. The strain of the potato sack was starting to get on her nerves, but luckily, Electric didn’t carry a lot of weight. She didn’t have too much muscle either, so they lightened her up a bit from the other ponies who took this challenge. She soon gritted her teeth in determination, and urged herself to run faster. She could almost see the finish line, and despite the heavy weight that weighed her down, she let out a battle cry, and began to work her hooves at a fast beat. She imagined one of her electrical songs playing in her head, which started to pump her up. She moved her hooves at the fast and upbeat rhythm of the song, and hissed in fatigue as she rushed, sprinting quickly to the finish. The pain of fatigue rang in her head, threatening her to slow down. To stop, to collapse, to give up. No! I won't give up! I've finally gotten my chance to do my best at this competition! I won't let up! Not till the finish line is behind me, I'll keep going! Sweat coated her coat, dripping from her body. The potato sack slid back and forth on her back, still strapped tightly to her body. She kept her teeth clenched tightly, running headfirst to the finish. The sweat became cold as the wind pounded against her, giving her a slight boost. She had to try to win this! Even as the pain of the sack and her legs began to ache, her mind pushed her on. Keep running and don't stop yet! She even surprised herself as her legs moved like a train, not missing a single step as sprinted as fast as she could to the finish. She was about 20 yards away, and she kept encouraging herself in her head. You can do it, Electric! You can do it! Only a little more to go! With one last heave, she pushed herself across the ground with the force of her hooves and rushed across the finish, coming to an immediate halt, causing her skid once she had crossed the line, the sack pulling her backwards a bit. "Ahh,,,,,! I-I...I made it across!" she sighed in relief, sitting soundly onto the grass. Well, at least she tried to sit soundly, the but weight of the sack caused her smack onto the ground with great force She breathed heavily, but with pride. However, she tensed up as she looked back at the fatigue-filled field with her eyes narrowed. All I need to do is see how I did... I really hope I didn't screw this up... She soon wriggled off her sack, and spread her wings wide, which were drenched in perspiration. She needed to stretch and air them out after all that, and consider the largely shaped style of her wings, she needed to air them out as much as she could, and lugged herself away to get a huge drink of water. It was a tough run, but she did her best, and that was what mattered the most, right? Catching her breath, she smiled as she left the scene, watching as more ponies lined up to take the challenge. They'll need as much luck as they can get.
  19. My first blog post! X3 I'll try to actively add entries, but if you know me IRL, you'll know that I'm the Master of Procrastination. XD So, I recently got picked to be Pound Cake's RPer! Yay! I'm coming up with a plan for an RP I want to make. Recommendations for which RP I should have him join once he's moved are welcome! :3 Also, I just recently got a Buy 2 Get a 3rd Free deal on the first three volumes of Fullmetal Alchemist! YAAY! I watched the anime for Brotherhood, and the books would just be the start of my FMA/Manga collection. :3
  20. That agonizing pain when you step on a LEGO brick...

  21. Yuppers. Loyalty is awesome. Mando and Acoustic worked pretty hard on that, not to mention Jimmy's guitar solo was pure epicness. I also loved the song Lunar Nocturnality and Celestial Diurnality on Acoustic's page, as theme songs for Luna and Celestia. Plus, Crepuscularity as Twilight's theme. Daniel Ingram even liked Crepuscularity!
  22. "Just right!" She spoke, smiling, and she used her wing and picked up a larger brush. Taking a glance over at the unicorn, she then turned her attention to the blank canvas, and swiftly began to paint the basic structure and outline of his face lightly, using some of the acrylic paints she had at her disposal. After every few strokes, she would take another glance at him, to see if she was on the right track. She wasn't necessarily looking for absolute perfection, but she also wanted to be sure that there wasn't anything that could mess up the painting or seem odd. Electric worked carefully,, but she also worked at her own pace, observing her progress every few moments to be sure everything was fine. Most artists knew that to be able to make your paintings, or rather, any kind of art the best it could be, it took a bit of time. However, the outcome will be worth it. Soon enough, most of the basic outline was about halfway finished, and nothing seemed wrong from what she saw. It wasn't much yet, but as soon as she got started on the details, she would be ready to put as much effort as she could into portraying Polaris in this painting. She quickly turned her mind back to painting, and began to focus quite hard on trying to get the structure set accordingly, letting her wing move carefully with the paintbrush. While her left wing was painting, her right wing was starting to prepare the oil paints.
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